Trump Tells Rally Crowd ‘You Have Smart Ones’ And Black Congressman Byron Donalds Is One of Them

You won't catch me voting for plantations.

Only you dumbass leftards do that stupid shit.
Tell me when race hasn't played a role in this country? Please enlighten me.

Really? Race has been an issue in the country since..forever, but that doesn’t mean EVERY issue is about race.

Then you say that I’m making excuses about race by posting things out. Again, you lack context, so you just apply labels frivolously and without merit.
Goddamn you're dumb.

I will dumb this all the way down for your dumb ass.

Bill Clinton could have black people hanging from gallows in his front yard, and it would have no bearing on your orange mangod being a classic racist.

Now, if you can't understand that, do your dumbass self a favor and do some home brain surgery and stick a fork in an outlet.
What’s a “classic racist?”
Really? Race has been an issue in the country since..forever, but that doesn’t mean EVERY issue is about race.
Really? Which issues aren't?
Then you say that I’m making excuses about race by posting things out. Again, you lack context, so you just apply labels frivolously and without merit.
Oh that's what I am doing, why is it when Trump makes a racist statement Trump Humpers have to come and break it down and tell us what he really meant to say.

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