Trump: The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. They have gone totally nuts

this is the biggest hoax in the history of the world!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

"they are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. They are a disgrace to our Nation

These are Angry People, including the highly conflicted Bob Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years. They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side. A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY!"

How do you know all this about the inside of the Mueller investigation? Keep in mind that the Mueller's mandate does not include investigation of any "bad acts and crimes on the other side." This is not adversarial. Incidentally, who/what is "the other side"?


Might want to take another look at the Whitewater investigation.

Caught In The Whitewater Net

I did not see Bill's name on that list. You mean to tell me that Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill's connection to White Water and found none!

I can only image at the time you were just up in arms at the terrible waste of money
Well, in all fairness, most of the pertinent players in that operation suicided themselves.

Yup. People in and around the Clinton's do tend to drop the fuck dead.
It has not been two years, and using the last special council (Ken Starr) as a base line, Mueller is doing better.

I agree that he did not collude with the Russians, but he is not an angel either and if a lying about a blow job can lead to impeachment...who knows what Trump might have hidden.

What we are seeing now was made possible by the Repub in the 90's

Time will tell.

I just wish Mueller would get off his ass and release his report.

It took Starr almost 6 years and 80 million dollars...where you whining back then?

You bet I was.

Well, you are in the minority then. Just about nobody on the "right" was complaining about it then.

I was whining because it took so long.

It took so long because there was nothing to find. Starr was determined to keep digging until he found something, anything, and he finally settled into bullying women to accuse Clinton of sexual wrongdoing. The latest interview shows that after meeting with Starr, Lewinsky contemplated suicide. Anita Broaddrick so was terrorized she withdrew her voluntariliy given Affidavit to the effect that Bill Clinton did not rape her, and has been claiming he did ever since. That's because Ken Starr told her if she didn't, he'd charge her with perjury and throw her in jail. All Paula Jones ever wanted was an apology from the journalist who defamed her. It was Starr and the Republican Party which talked her into filing a scurrulous sexual harassment law suit.

Mueller's investigation is moving at a lightning pace, filing real charges over real crimes. Over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas and/or convictions, and over $38 million dollars seized in the proceeds of crime, thus the investigation has paid for itself for a two year run, unlike the Starr investigation which cost the taxpayers over $100 million dollars.

With Mueller running the most airtight investigation in my lifetime, and the most efficient and effective Special Prosecutor's office in the history of the Republic, the ONLY reason that Republicans can have to fear about the Mueller Investigation is that it's doing too good a job and it's unhinging the President who is now publically obstructing justice in a way that makes it difficult NOT to impeach his sorry ass.

And why is that? We didn't see Bill Clinton behaving like a petulant child and fuming around the White House, raging at his subordinates and firing people because the Starr Investigation had him so rattled. Or Ronald Reagan calling the Iran-Contra Investigation a "witch hunt" even as associate after associate went to jail. The only President who's behaviour has matched Trump's as the investigation continued, was Richard Nixon. The guy who was guilty as hell.

The ONLY reason that right wingers are complaining about the Mueller Investigation at this point is because it's been too damn effective. And if Trump continues to behave in this unhinged and deranged manner, and continues to openly try to obstruct and force an end to the investigation, just like happened with Nixon, the Republican Party will have no choice to back his impeachment.
Time will tell.

I just wish Mueller would get off his ass and release his report.

It took Starr almost 6 years and 80 million dollars...where you whining back then?

You bet I was.

Well, you are in the minority then. Just about nobody on the "right" was complaining about it then.

I was whining because it took so long.

It took so long because there was nothing to find. Starr was determined to keep digging until he found something, anything, and he finally settled into bullying women to accuse Clinton of sexual wrongdoing. The latest interview shows that after meeting with Starr, Lewinsky contemplated suicide. Anita Broaddrick so was terrorized she withdrew her voluntariliy given to the effect that Bill Clinton did not rape her, and has been claiming he did ever since. That's because Ken Starr told her if she didn't, he'd charge her with perjury and throw her in jail.

Mueller's investigation is moving at a lightning pace. Over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas and/or convictions, and over $38 million dollars seized in the proceeds of crime, thus the investigation has paid for itself for a two year run, unlike the Starr investigation which cost the taxpayers over $100 million dollars.

With Mueller running the most airtight investigation in my lifetime, and the most efficient and effective Special Prosecutor's office in the history of the Republic, the ONLY reason that Republicans can have to fear about the Mueller Investigation is that it's doing too good a job and it's unhinging the President who is now publically obstructing justice in a way that makes it difficult NOT to impeach his sorry ass.

And why is that? We didn't see Bill Clinton behaving like a petulant child and fuming around the White House, raging at his subordinates and firing people because the Starr Investigation had him so rattled. Or Ronald Reagan calling the Iran-Contra Investigation a "witch hunt" even as associate after associate went to jail. The only President who's behaviour has matched Trump's as the investigation continued, was Richard Nixon. The guy who was guilty as hell.

The ONLY reason that right wingers are complaining about the Mueller Investigation at this point is because it's been too damn effective. And if Trump continues to behave in this unhinged and deranged manner, and continues to openly try to obstruct and force an end to the investigation, just like happened with Nixon, the Republican Party will have no choice to back his impeachment.

Oh there was plenty to find. They just couldn't prove it.

Mueller has nothing to find either.

Sucks to be you.
Republican Mueller ran the FBI for 8 years under GW Bush, stayed on for 4 more years under Obama, was confirmed by a 100% senate vote.
let him finish his job then decide, keep Russia out of our political business.

Might want to take another look at the Whitewater investigation.

Caught In The Whitewater Net

I did not see Bill's name on that list. You mean to tell me that Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill's connection to White Water and found none!

I can only image at the time you were just up in arms at the terrible waste of money
Well, in all fairness, most of the pertinent players in that operation suicided themselves.

Yup. People in and around the Clinton's do tend to drop the fuck dead.

Yes, and Ken Starr even investigated the Vince Foster suicide trying to claim the same thing, and what Starr found was that Foster had been depressed for some time, and that his family had been trying to find a counsellor to help him in the weeks leading up to his suicide. That there was absolutely NO EVIDENCE that it was anything but a suicide.

But thanks for showing what an unprincipled person you really are, by resorting to the lowest and most venal conspiracy theory being pushed by Republicans against the Clintons.

You assholes pushed 17 investigations into every aspect of the Clinton's public and private lives for nearly 30 years and you've got NOTHING to show for it, except the most toxic political climate in the nation since the Civil War. And you did it all with taxpayer's money, and a boatload of money from the Koch Brothers funding Judicial Watch, which exists to legally harass and harangue the Clintons.

Keep showing America who you are. Liars, cheats, and the most destrutive force in the world of politics the world has ever seen.

Might want to take another look at the Whitewater investigation.

Caught In The Whitewater Net

I did not see Bill's name on that list. You mean to tell me that Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill's connection to White Water and found none!

I can only image at the time you were just up in arms at the terrible waste of money
The Clinton’s are above the law
Is that your excuse de jure?

Might want to take another look at the Whitewater investigation.

Caught In The Whitewater Net

I did not see Bill's name on that list. You mean to tell me that Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill's connection to White Water and found none!

I can only image at the time you were just up in arms at the terrible waste of money
Well, in all fairness, most of the pertinent players in that operation suicided themselves.

Yup. People in and around the Clinton's do tend to drop the fuck dead.
You should get your affairs in order have publically spoken that which should not be spoken. You're next.
It took Starr almost 6 years and 80 million dollars...where you whining back then?

You bet I was.

Well, you are in the minority then. Just about nobody on the "right" was complaining about it then.

I was whining because it took so long.

It took so long because there was nothing to find. Starr was determined to keep digging until he found something, anything, and he finally settled into bullying women to accuse Clinton of sexual wrongdoing. The latest interview shows that after meeting with Starr, Lewinsky contemplated suicide. Anita Broaddrick so was terrorized she withdrew her voluntariliy given to the effect that Bill Clinton did not rape her, and has been claiming he did ever since. That's because Ken Starr told her if she didn't, he'd charge her with perjury and throw her in jail.

Mueller's investigation is moving at a lightning pace. Over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas and/or convictions, and over $38 million dollars seized in the proceeds of crime, thus the investigation has paid for itself for a two year run, unlike the Starr investigation which cost the taxpayers over $100 million dollars.

With Mueller running the most airtight investigation in my lifetime, and the most efficient and effective Special Prosecutor's office in the history of the Republic, the ONLY reason that Republicans can have to fear about the Mueller Investigation is that it's doing too good a job and it's unhinging the President who is now publically obstructing justice in a way that makes it difficult NOT to impeach his sorry ass.

And why is that? We didn't see Bill Clinton behaving like a petulant child and fuming around the White House, raging at his subordinates and firing people because the Starr Investigation had him so rattled. Or Ronald Reagan calling the Iran-Contra Investigation a "witch hunt" even as associate after associate went to jail. The only President who's behaviour has matched Trump's as the investigation continued, was Richard Nixon. The guy who was guilty as hell.

The ONLY reason that right wingers are complaining about the Mueller Investigation at this point is because it's been too damn effective. And if Trump continues to behave in this unhinged and deranged manner, and continues to openly try to obstruct and force an end to the investigation, just like happened with Nixon, the Republican Party will have no choice to back his impeachment.

Oh there was plenty to find. They just couldn't prove it.

Mueller has nothing to find either.

Sucks to be you.
And.....what was this "plenty to find"?
You bet I was.

Well, you are in the minority then. Just about nobody on the "right" was complaining about it then.

I was whining because it took so long.

It took so long because there was nothing to find. Starr was determined to keep digging until he found something, anything, and he finally settled into bullying women to accuse Clinton of sexual wrongdoing. The latest interview shows that after meeting with Starr, Lewinsky contemplated suicide. Anita Broaddrick so was terrorized she withdrew her voluntariliy given to the effect that Bill Clinton did not rape her, and has been claiming he did ever since. That's because Ken Starr told her if she didn't, he'd charge her with perjury and throw her in jail.

Mueller's investigation is moving at a lightning pace. Over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas and/or convictions, and over $38 million dollars seized in the proceeds of crime, thus the investigation has paid for itself for a two year run, unlike the Starr investigation which cost the taxpayers over $100 million dollars.

With Mueller running the most airtight investigation in my lifetime, and the most efficient and effective Special Prosecutor's office in the history of the Republic, the ONLY reason that Republicans can have to fear about the Mueller Investigation is that it's doing too good a job and it's unhinging the President who is now publically obstructing justice in a way that makes it difficult NOT to impeach his sorry ass.

And why is that? We didn't see Bill Clinton behaving like a petulant child and fuming around the White House, raging at his subordinates and firing people because the Starr Investigation had him so rattled. Or Ronald Reagan calling the Iran-Contra Investigation a "witch hunt" even as associate after associate went to jail. The only President who's behaviour has matched Trump's as the investigation continued, was Richard Nixon. The guy who was guilty as hell.

The ONLY reason that right wingers are complaining about the Mueller Investigation at this point is because it's been too damn effective. And if Trump continues to behave in this unhinged and deranged manner, and continues to openly try to obstruct and force an end to the investigation, just like happened with Nixon, the Republican Party will have no choice to back his impeachment.

Oh there was plenty to find. They just couldn't prove it.

Mueller has nothing to find either.

Sucks to be you.
And.....what was this "plenty to find"?

If you are that interested. Look it up.
this is the biggest hoax in the history of the world!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

"they are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. They are a disgrace to our Nation

These are Angry People, including the highly conflicted Bob Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years. They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side. A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY!"

Actually Trump just described himself. He is screaming and shouting at people. Trump has become unhinged since the mid-terms.

Might want to take another look at the Whitewater investigation.

Caught In The Whitewater Net

I did not see Bill's name on that list. You mean to tell me that Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill's connection to White Water and found none!

I can only image at the time you were just up in arms at the terrible waste of money
Well, in all fairness, most of the pertinent players in that operation suicided themselves.

Yup. People in and around the Clinton's do tend to drop the fuck dead.
You should get your affairs in order have publically spoken that which should not be spoken. You're next.

Oh I'm safe. I don't know anything about how the Clinton's did things. Many who did are no longer with us.

Might want to take another look at the Whitewater investigation.

Caught In The Whitewater Net

I did not see Bill's name on that list. You mean to tell me that Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill's connection to White Water and found none!

I can only image at the time you were just up in arms at the terrible waste of money
Well, in all fairness, most of the pertinent players in that operation suicided themselves.

Yup. People in and around the Clinton's do tend to drop the fuck dead.

Yes, and Ken Starr even investigated the Vince Foster suicide trying to claim the same thing, and what Starr found was that Foster had been depressed for some time, and that his family had been trying to find a counsellor to help him in the weeks leading up to his suicide. That there was absolutely NO EVIDENCE that it was anything but a suicide.

But thanks for showing what an unprincipled person you really are, by resorting to the lowest and most venal conspiracy theory being pushed by Republicans against the Clintons.

You assholes pushed 17 investigations into every aspect of the Clinton's public and private lives for nearly 30 years and you've got NOTHING to show for it, except the most toxic political climate in the nation since the Civil War. And you did it all with taxpayer's money, and a boatload of money from the Koch Brothers funding Judicial Watch, which exists to legally harass and harangue the Clintons.

Keep showing America who you are. Liars, cheats, and the most destrutive force in the world of politics the world has ever seen.
AnyThing that makes the Clintons lives absolutely fucking miserable... is worth it, because there are no more repugnant people on the planet than the Clintons...
Take your Clinton worship and shove it up your fucking ass....
You really can not be that clueless.

The so called 19 indictmets includes those that were indicted in Russia that told Mueller they were ready to go to trial and he said no.
Every conviction has had nothing to do with Russia.
A number of the guilty peas were for talking to Russians at some point and not telling the FBI. They had nothing to do with Russian interference in our elections.

Meanwhile Page the fellow that this whole FISA started over is still free, not under indictment.

You keep telling everyone how stupid Trump is yet for over a year they had Page under investigation and wiretap and by extension Trump and everyone working with Page. They have both been under investigation for over two years by Mueller. Yet neither one is under indictment.
Are you telling us that Page and Trump are so smart that they unwittingly are smarter then the FBI and Mueller, or are you saying that Mueller and the FBI are just that incompetent?

I suppose it's possible you could be absolutely right about all that, but I highly doubt it. We'll know as soon as Mueller releases his report though, won't we?
Why release a report? If you have a sweet gig why bring it to an end? Besides what would you do if not hold onto the hope that it will have your wet dreams come true?

Because that's what he is supposed to do. Just because unethical right wingers might play a scam like you suggest doesn't mean everybody would.
So you believe establishment douchbags always do what they are supposed to do?

How old are you, 12?
You really can not be that clueless.

The so called 19 indictmets includes those that were indicted in Russia that told Mueller they were ready to go to trial and he said no.
Every conviction has had nothing to do with Russia.
A number of the guilty peas were for talking to Russians at some point and not telling the FBI. They had nothing to do with Russian interference in our elections.

Meanwhile Page the fellow that this whole FISA started over is still free, not under indictment.

You keep telling everyone how stupid Trump is yet for over a year they had Page under investigation and wiretap and by extension Trump and everyone working with Page. They have both been under investigation for over two years by Mueller. Yet neither one is under indictment.
Are you telling us that Page and Trump are so smart that they unwittingly are smarter then the FBI and Mueller, or are you saying that Mueller and the FBI are just that incompetent?

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"Will the GOP keep dancing with autocracy? Members of the party need to start standing up to President Trump for the good of the country."
"Trump's latest attacks on Robert Mueller could be a sign that he received negative news from his legal team or that new indictments are coming down the pike"

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