Trump: 'There Used To Be Consequences' For Protesting

How ironic?

The progressive nutters at these Trump rallies are there to state that Trump is a fascist ( amongst other k00ky things ) and meanwhile, the #1 stunt of the fascist is to eliminate free speech!!

The pols all say we have a lot of problems facing out country. We have one problem.......the fascism of the modern progressive.

The right needs to be showing up at these protest rallies to laugh at these mental cases. I for one, as well as my 3 brothers will be in NYC very soon to confront these limpwristed hate America goofballs.........cant wait!!

What do they do in South Dakota btw? Do they scream at big stones to protest........or I guess nobody cares out there. State is irrelevant........
By the way..............for those who actually do live in Realville USA......if you are going to go into a public rally for the purpose of disrupting it, anything that happens to you is clearly your fault. Its called life.......this is not MSNBC. Dollar to a thousand stale donuts that we can look very the near future......of one of these mental cases having their lights turned off inside a nano-second and its gonna be on video and much laughter will ensue!! In the rally? Instigating? Tearing up a sign? That's assault by legal might end up losing an eye.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Yeah, there's that pesky little thing called the Constitution.

that's right, i am pretty good with Constitution, i can not find where it allows violent protests, peaceful.., yes, but violent.., NO WAY!! :up:
Wow Donald Trump got leftist thinking about the constitution. Miracles can happen!
How ironic?

The progressive nutters at these Trump rallies are there to state that Trump is a fascist ( amongst other k00ky things ) and meanwhile, the #1 stunt of the fascist is to eliminate free speech!!

The pols all say we have a lot of problems facing out country. We have one problem.......the fascism of the modern progressive.

The right needs to be showing up at these protest rallies to laugh at these mental cases. I for one, as well as my 3 brothers will be in NYC very soon to confront these limpwristed hate America goofballs.........cant wait!!

What do they do in South Dakota btw? Do they scream at big stones to protest........or I guess nobody cares out there. State is irrelevant........

What is wrong with you? The First Amendment is a restraint on government. It is not a restraint on a protester. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from dissent among your fellow citizens. Trump's hate-mongering is wrong! and people have a right to voice their disgust at him and his hate-filled followers ("fans"). If a protester engages in disorderly conduct, he is in violation of local laws. Let the police take him away. But no ... you and your bros are planning a trip to "confront" the protesters. You're salivating at the idea of beating the crap out of your fellow citizens. Again, what's wrong with you? And why do you call someone "limpwristed"? Do you hate gays? Who else do you hate? Who do you want to round up and put in concentration camps? You're motivated by hate and that's a problem.

Everything you enjoy in this country was brought to you through the hard work of progressives. Be careful what you wish for because you wouldn't want to live in a country run by fascists and white supremacists. What makes you think you're important to Trump? You're not. You'll be carted off to the concentration camp just as fast as that fellow you call "limpwristed". Is that your idea of making America "great" again?
Consequences for protesting?

Bloody Sunday – sometimes called the Bogside Massacre[1] – was an incident on 30 January 1972 in the Bogside area of Derry, Northern Ireland. British soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians during a protest march against internment. Fourteen people died: thirteen were killed outright, while the death of another man four months later was attributed to his injuries. Many of the victims were shot while fleeing from the soldiers and some were shot while trying to help the wounded. Other protesters were injured by rubber bullets or batons, and two were run down by army vehicles.[2][3]

Is that what Trump is advocating?
Consequences for protesting?

Bloody Sunday – sometimes called the Bogside Massacre[1] – was an incident on 30 January 1972 in the Bogside area of Derry, Northern Ireland. British soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians during a protest march against internment. Fourteen people died: thirteen were killed outright, while the death of another man four months later was attributed to his injuries. Many of the victims were shot while fleeing from the soldiers and some were shot while trying to help the wounded. Other protesters were injured by rubber bullets or batons, and two were run down by army vehicles.[2][3]

Is that what Trump is advocating?

Adolf Trump obviously wants the protesters to be hurt.
There are no consequences for protesters anymore in the United States, Donald Trump said Friday during a raucous rally in St. Louis where the interruptions were frequent and the candidate appeared more assertive than ever in denouncing them.

“Part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long [to kick them out] is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore,” Trump said during a speech at the Peabody Opera House — around 12 miles from Ferguson, Mo., the site of racially charged mass protests in 2014.

“There used to be consequences. There are none anymore,” Trump said. “These people are so bad for our country. You have no idea folks, you have no idea.”

For the better part of 10 minutes in the middle of Trump's speech, individuals shouted and interrupted.

“These people are so bad for our country, folks. You have no idea," Trump continued during a longer break in the action. "They contribute nothing. Nothing. And look at the police, they take their lives in their hands."

"We don't even win here, with protesters anymore" he complained. "The protesters end up taking over. And frankly, I mean, have to be honest: From my standpoint it makes it a little more exciting, and it gives me time to think about where I want to go next. It's beautiful. It's like intermission. And the guys that are near the event, they see some pretty good stuff."

More: Trump: 'There Used To Be Consequences' For Protesting

Yeah, there's that pesky little thing called the Constitution. I wonder what "consequences" Trump would like to see? Civil rights and Vietnam War protesters could tell him all about "consequences"...

What are they "protesting?" :lol:
There are no consequences for protesters anymore in the United States, Donald Trump said Friday during a raucous rally in St. Louis where the interruptions were frequent and the candidate appeared more assertive than ever in denouncing them.

“Part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long [to kick them out] is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore,” Trump said during a speech at the Peabody Opera House — around 12 miles from Ferguson, Mo., the site of racially charged mass protests in 2014.

“There used to be consequences. There are none anymore,” Trump said. “These people are so bad for our country. You have no idea folks, you have no idea.”

For the better part of 10 minutes in the middle of Trump's speech, individuals shouted and interrupted.

“These people are so bad for our country, folks. You have no idea," Trump continued during a longer break in the action. "They contribute nothing. Nothing. And look at the police, they take their lives in their hands."

"We don't even win here, with protesters anymore" he complained. "The protesters end up taking over. And frankly, I mean, have to be honest: From my standpoint it makes it a little more exciting, and it gives me time to think about where I want to go next. It's beautiful. It's like intermission. And the guys that are near the event, they see some pretty good stuff."

More: Trump: 'There Used To Be Consequences' For Protesting

Yeah, there's that pesky little thing called the Constitution. I wonder what "consequences" Trump would like to see? Civil rights and Vietnam War protesters could tell him all about "consequences"...
Trump and his Hitler Youth. The Dark Side of stupidity...
You have the right to free speech, you don't have the right to shut down someone else's speech.

What about when the speaker uses hateful inflammatory rhetoric to incite the crowd?
When violence occurs, consequences need to follow. When Obama told his followers to bring a gun if the other guy brings a knife, should he have been shut down?
DRUDGE saying this AM that Soros bringing in more disruptive assholes into future rallies........

Just to be show up to rally loud but peacefully OUTSIDE, God bless!! This is America!!:rock::rock:

You go inside and provoke and assault people ( the public are idiots and don't know the definition of "assault", ie grabbing a flag )......if you lose an eye or a left nut or worse, that's on you for being an asshole.:spinner: Because that's also how it works not only in America but everywhere. Don't get caught up in the ghey media spin and show up there, go inside and think you are protected. You get in somebodys comfy zone, you could well end up in a horsepistol.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
There are no consequences for protesters anymore in the United States, Donald Trump said Friday during a raucous rally in St. Louis where the interruptions were frequent and the candidate appeared more assertive than ever in denouncing them.

“Part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long [to kick them out] is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore,” Trump said during a speech at the Peabody Opera House — around 12 miles from Ferguson, Mo., the site of racially charged mass protests in 2014.

“There used to be consequences. There are none anymore,” Trump said. “These people are so bad for our country. You have no idea folks, you have no idea.”

For the better part of 10 minutes in the middle of Trump's speech, individuals shouted and interrupted.

“These people are so bad for our country, folks. You have no idea," Trump continued during a longer break in the action. "They contribute nothing. Nothing. And look at the police, they take their lives in their hands."

"We don't even win here, with protesters anymore" he complained. "The protesters end up taking over. And frankly, I mean, have to be honest: From my standpoint it makes it a little more exciting, and it gives me time to think about where I want to go next. It's beautiful. It's like intermission. And the guys that are near the event, they see some pretty good stuff."

More: Trump: 'There Used To Be Consequences' For Protesting

Yeah, there's that pesky little thing called the Constitution. I wonder what "consequences" Trump would like to see? Civil rights and Vietnam War protesters could tell him all about "consequences"...
Trump and his Hitler Youth. The Dark Side of stupidity...

Hmmm.........but most people in this country believe that facists are the asshole protestors showing up INSIDE the rally and assaulting peaceable attendee's s0n!!!:bye1:

You show up inside rally and grab a sign or a flag from somebody forcibly, THATS CALLED ASSAULT. You get slipped a left to the button, that's on you!!:coffee:

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