Trump Throws A Long Ball In An Attempt To Wreck The FBI And DOJ Before The Midterms


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
We have been here before. This effort is the direct follow-on of the Republican Congressman Devin Nunes’ “release the memo” memo, and of earlier documents which Trump declassified in July. Those earlier releases were done over the objection of both the FBI and DOJ who warned that in releasing the information, Trump was threatening both sources and methods of the agencies and damaging an ongoing investigation. With this order, Trump has made it blindingly clear that the intent of his actions is just that: Damage the FBI, demean the DOJ, out sources, reveal methods, and attempt to cripple the Russia investigation … and, of course, any other investigation that gets in the way.

Trump throws a long ball in an attempt to wreck the FBI and DOJ before the midterms

This traitorous bastard has to be brought to justice for the good of the country.
We have been here before. This effort is the direct follow-on of the Republican Congressman Devin Nunes’ “release the memo” memo, and of earlier documents which Trump declassified in July. Those earlier releases were done over the objection of both the FBI and DOJ who warned that in releasing the information, Trump was threatening both sources and methods of the agencies and damaging an ongoing investigation. With this order, Trump has made it blindingly clear that the intent of his actions is just that: Damage the FBI, demean the DOJ, out sources, reveal methods, and attempt to cripple the Russia investigation … and, of course, any other investigation that gets in the way.

Trump throws a long ball in an attempt to wreck the FBI and DOJ before the midterms

This traitorous bastard has to be brought to justice for the good of the country.

Too bad exactly none of what you said is true. Typical.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

And, when you are a Liberal Cocksucker trying to keep what our Government has been up to SECRET---what it did during the corrupt Obama Administration...when Obama had corrupted the DOJ/FBI with Holder and Lynch...when your goal is to keep all that quiet...even in the face of the damning Strzok/Page Texts----then your goal is the same as the old Bolsheviks in the old Soviet Union. NO DIFFERENCE--TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT.

Everyone who advocates for keeping all this shit quiet and away from the American people is the equivalent of a Bolshevik.
We have been here before. This effort is the direct follow-on of the Republican Congressman Devin Nunes’ “release the memo” memo, and of earlier documents which Trump declassified in July. Those earlier releases were done over the objection of both the FBI and DOJ who warned that in releasing the information, Trump was threatening both sources and methods of the agencies and damaging an ongoing investigation. With this order, Trump has made it blindingly clear that the intent of his actions is just that: Damage the FBI, demean the DOJ, out sources, reveal methods, and attempt to cripple the Russia investigation … and, of course, any other investigation that gets in the way.

Trump throws a long ball in an attempt to wreck the FBI and DOJ before the midterms

This traitorous bastard has to be brought to justice for the good of the country.

Too bad exactly none of what you said is true. Typical.
Everything that said was true. Trump is putting his self above the nation. I have no doubt that Trump is trying to cripple our US intelligence agencies on orders from Vladimir Putin.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

And, when you are a Liberal Cocksucker trying to keep what our Government has been up to SECRET---what it did during the corrupt Obama Administration...when Obama had corrupted the DOJ/FBI with Holder and Lynch...when your goal is to keep all that quiet...even in the face of the damning Strzok/Page Texts----then your goal is the same as the old Bolsheviks in the old Soviet Union. NO DIFFERENCE--TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT.

Everyone who advocates for keeping all this shit quiet and away from the American people is the equivalent of a Bolshevik.
Exactly I totally agree. And this is why we need to see trumps tax returns. And find out if he was actually laundering Russian money. After all his sons both have said money has been pouring in from Russia. Don’t you wanna know why? Any American would.
I’m actually pretty happy that Trump is releasing these classified documents. He’s kind of a stupid person so he doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but think about it.

What he’s doing is creating lots of new leads for reporters to go out and look at what else he’s done criminal wise.
By putting all that information out there Donald Trump is passing on information to reporters that they didn’t know before. Now they’re going to go have to look everything up and find out what’s true and what isn’t.
Reporters are going to be thanking Trump for all the hundreds of new leads he’s created
Great! Can’t wait to learn what’s gonna really get the lefty pukes’ asses burning up with industrial-strength butthurt.

Supreme Burritos for every one of them on me!
We have been here before. This effort is the direct follow-on of the Republican Congressman Devin Nunes’ “release the memo” memo, and of earlier documents which Trump declassified in July. Those earlier releases were done over the objection of both the FBI and DOJ who warned that in releasing the information, Trump was threatening both sources and methods of the agencies and damaging an ongoing investigation. With this order, Trump has made it blindingly clear that the intent of his actions is just that: Damage the FBI, demean the DOJ, out sources, reveal methods, and attempt to cripple the Russia investigation … and, of course, any other investigation that gets in the way.

Trump throws a long ball in an attempt to wreck the FBI and DOJ before the midterms

This traitorous bastard has to be brought to justice for the good of the country.

Too bad exactly none of what you said is true. Typical.
Actually everything he said is not only true but self evident.
We have been here before. This effort is the direct follow-on of the Republican Congressman Devin Nunes’ “release the memo” memo, and of earlier documents which Trump declassified in July. Those earlier releases were done over the objection of both the FBI and DOJ who warned that in releasing the information, Trump was threatening both sources and methods of the agencies and damaging an ongoing investigation. With this order, Trump has made it blindingly clear that the intent of his actions is just that: Damage the FBI, demean the DOJ, out sources, reveal methods, and attempt to cripple the Russia investigation … and, of course, any other investigation that gets in the way.

Trump throws a long ball in an attempt to wreck the FBI and DOJ before the midterms

This traitorous bastard has to be brought to justice for the good of the country.

You are so full of excrement!

Declassifying the documents is just one step in making vita information available to the public. There is still a process to protect sources and ensure no active investigations or legal proceedings are at risk.

So, stuff it!
We have been here before. This effort is the direct follow-on of the Republican Congressman Devin Nunes’ “release the memo” memo, and of earlier documents which Trump declassified in July. Those earlier releases were done over the objection of both the FBI and DOJ who warned that in releasing the information, Trump was threatening both sources and methods of the agencies and damaging an ongoing investigation. With this order, Trump has made it blindingly clear that the intent of his actions is just that: Damage the FBI, demean the DOJ, out sources, reveal methods, and attempt to cripple the Russia investigation … and, of course, any other investigation that gets in the way.

Trump throws a long ball in an attempt to wreck the FBI and DOJ before the midterms

This traitorous bastard has to be brought to justice for the good of the country.

You are so full of excrement!

Declassifying the documents is just one step in making vita information available to the public. There is still a process to protect sources and ensure no active investigations or legal proceedings are at risk.

So, stuff it!
I have no problem with the release of these documents.......I also suspect that this is a move that's gonna turn around and bite this so-called administration in the butt.
With this order, Trump has made it blindingly clear that the intent of his actions is just that: Damage the FBI, demean the DOJ, out sources, reveal methods, and attempt to cripple the Russia investigation … and, of course, any other investigation that gets in the way.




'Transparency' is an extremely BAD Thing.
** It must be - after promising to run the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh' Obama SET A NEW PRESIDENTIAL RECORD FOR CRIMINAL NON-COMPLIANCE WITH FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUESTS.

The Democrat conspirators are going out of their minds right now, as NONE OF THEIR ACTIONS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE EXPOSED / REVEALED / COME TO LIGHT AFTER HILLARY CLINTON WON....BUT SHE LOST!

This is one of the most ridiculous, laughable attempts to spin and spread propaganda I have ever heard....not to mention FUNNY AS HELL!
This is an attempt to embarrass the FBI?

Uummm......according to the US IG the FBI already did that to themselves. According to the US IG the FBI...

'Usurped the power of the DOJ / US AG, violating the Separation of Powers' between criminal investigators and those whose responsibility it is to judge what was found and make the decision to indict or not.
** Horowitz sharply criticizes Comey for deviating from policy and procedure in his statements about the Clinton case - Horowitz singles out Comey for some tough criticism:
-- “In key moments, then Director Comey chose to deviate from the FBI’s and the Department’s established procedures and norms and instead engaged in his own subjective, ad hoc decision-making

-- “We found that Comey largely based his decisions on what he believed was in the FBI’s institutional interests and would enable him to continue to effectively lead the FBI as its Director
....In other words Comey placed his loyalty to the FBI and what was best for the FBI...and HIMSELF (believing Hillary would win and would 'remember who helped her and who did not' as Strzok stated in his text messages to Page)...above the law, above what was in the best interest of the NATION

Violated / ignored its own rules, processes, and procedures during the Clinton Server 'investigation', handling the case differently from any other investigation, citing specifically how the FBI refused / failed to record Hillary's interview, how they did not put her under oath prior to interviewing her, and protecting Clinton aides from indictment after they lied to the FBI yet indicted Flynn for the same exact crime (Despite Comey testifying that his agents believed Flynn never lied during his interview).
** 'Horowitz concluded that while Comey didn’t act out of political bias, he “usurped the authority of the Attorney General,” “chose to deviate” from established procedures, and engaged “in his own subjective, ad hoc decision-making.” He writes that the Clinton email case was indeed extremely unusual — but that established procedures “are most important to follow when the stakes are the highest.” Horowitz made clear Comey / the FBI did NOT follow those established procedures.

Altered witness testimony AFTER the interviews were complete, according to the US IG.
** 'Horowitz told the committees he has additional information suggesting that the witness reports were changed after-the-fact in both the Clinton and Russia probes'
--- Meadows: ‘Evidence’ FBI altered witness interviews in Clinton, Russia probes

Failed to investigate for weeks the crime of ALL of Hillary's e-mails and documents - to include the ones identified as 'classified' - being sent to / found on Huma Abedin's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured (all crimes) personal laptop she shared with her convicted criminal husband.
** Horowitz wrote, “We did not identify a consistent or persuasive explanation for the FBI’s failure to act for almost a month.

These findings cited by the US IG include:


- Intentional, willful manipulation / changing of witness testimony after-the-fact to make that testimony say what they wanted it to say instead of what was actually said ('Obstruction'. Falsifying Information'...)

- Failure To investigate potential crimes in a timely manner

- Preferential / Different treatment for some who lied to the FBI while not giving equal treatment to others......


4 key takeaways from the inspector general’s report on the FBI, Comey, and Clinton emails

Liberals who demanded government transparency, suddenly want zero transparency. Why, because it hurts their anti Trump narrative? Wait that's really not a question.
I’m actually pretty happy that Trump is releasing these classified documents. He’s kind of a stupid person so he doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but think about it.

What he’s doing is creating lots of new leads for reporters to go out and look at what else he’s done criminal wise.
By putting all that information out there Donald Trump is passing on information to reporters that they didn’t know before. Now they’re going to go have to look everything up and find out what’s true and what isn’t.
Reporters are going to be thanking Trump for all the hundreds of new leads he’s created

Did you not get the memo that people in the FBI and other intelligence services have been leaking information to the press about Trump for quite some time? Information that most of the time was based on lies that the Clinton campaign paid to have created?

Oh, that's're R-Derp! You're perpetually in the dark about most things...

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