Trump to Pompeo: Don't go to North Korea. Kim lied to me

Hey.......................does this mean that Trump isn't gonna get the Nobel Peace Prize? I mean, just a few months ago, his supporters were swearing up and down he was gonna get one for "denuclearizing" the Korean Peninsula.

So much for his denuclearization of N. Korea. I knew he was gonna get pwned.

Wow almost two years into Trump's term and no new wars, couldn't say the same for Obama.

It demonstrates what a neophyte Trump is on foreign policy

His lack of preparation and unwillingness to engage allies doomed him from the start. His giddy celebrations look foolish now
I and others who are familiar with the NK dog a pony Nuke Show KNEW there was nothing going down that hadn't been on display before.
You certainly have every reason to be skeptical, but youre not being honest if you say the progress Trump made with Kim is something weve seen before.
Hey.......................does this mean that Trump isn't gonna get the Nobel Peace Prize? I mean, just a few months ago, his supporters were swearing up and down he was gonna get one for "denuclearizing" the Korean Peninsula.

So much for his denuclearization of N. Korea. I knew he was gonna get pwned.

Wow almost two years into Trump's term and no new wars, couldn't say the same for Obama.

What new wars did Obama start in his first two years?
Hey.......................does this mean that Trump isn't gonna get the Nobel Peace Prize? I mean, just a few months ago, his supporters were swearing up and down he was gonna get one for "denuclearizing" the Korean Peninsula.

So much for his denuclearization of N. Korea. I knew he was gonna get pwned.
Were you under the impression that it would only take a couple months? How naive ARE you?

Trump came out of the summit acting like it was a done deal. He even said that Americans could sleep better at night because of his meeting with Un in a tweet. And, all his little followers were saying that Trump should get the Nobel for denuclearizing N. Korea.

Only problem is, anyone with half a brain would have known that Un was playing Trump for propaganda and recognition as a nuclear world leader. Un has no plans, ever, to get rid of his missiles and nuclear weapons. your opinion GooBoy, how long should it take? As long as Hillary was investigated for Benghazi (nothing came of that), or should it be as long as they investigated her for emails?

Trump is as successful with North Korea as Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama, so what is new?

Maybe President Pence will have a better chance?
I and others who are familiar with the NK dog a pony Nuke Show KNEW there was nothing going down that hadn't been on display before.
You certainly have every reason to be skeptical, but youre not being honest if you say the progress Trump made with Kim is something weve seen before.
You certainly have every reason to be skeptical, but youre not being honest if you say the progress Trump made with Kim is something weve seen before.
1992 - What about the Joint Declaration on the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula established that Daddy Kim backed reneged on after signing it?

1994 - The Clinton administration struck a "framework agreement" with Daddy Kim to freeze their nuke program! What became of that deal, lad????

2000 - Madeleine Albright visited KN on orders from Clinton to restart the stalled "framework agreement" but Daddy Kim simply dawdled and those attempts failed with Daddy Kim trying to string the US along.

2002 - The Agreed Framework totally broke down with Bush 43 charging CORRECTLY that NK had secretly started an uranium enrichment program and Daddy Kim claiming that the US was trying to back out of the framework agreement.

2006 - North Korea conducted its first nuclear test. I wonder where they got the enriched uranium!

2009 - The six-party talks about NK's nuke program collapsed over IAEA inspections, but NK permitted some placation of the matter by releasing two American journalists held in NK custody. Sound at all familiar?

2011 - Kim Jong Il dies and Little Kim continues the dynastic dreams of the Kim family.

2012 - Obama places strict sanctions on NK in an effort to force Little Kim to restart the talks but his power base hasn't been stabilized yet so soon after Daddy Kim's demise so little shit-cans the whole works. hnow it all starts over again while all the time NK continued to enrich uranium and develops their missile technology with help from Russia's old technology for tutorial guidance (Thanks Uncle Puttie).

2016 & 2017 - Chest pounding, fire and fury, we'll destry NK, ah, Kim's a nice guy...No, No really!

Fuck me to tears! Read the damn details yourself from any of dozens of historical accounts, fool! Daddy Kim, Little Kim and NK have pulled their delaying stunts for bloody decades. I know the damn history because I've been living that history since before the Korean Peninsula was partitioned at the 38th Parallel, and listened to the Korean War news on the radio in 1950 & '51 as a young boy before we got our first Admiral TV.

"...youre not being honest if you say the progress Trump made with Kim is something weve seen before."

To that comment of yours above, all I'll say at this point is you don't know Shit from Shinola, lad! Study some history or last long enough to have lived some of it before you go around making ill contrived pronouncements like the one highlighted immediately above!
Hey.......................does this mean that Trump isn't gonna get the Nobel Peace Prize? I mean, just a few months ago, his supporters were swearing up and down he was gonna get one for "denuclearizing" the Korean Peninsula.

So much for his denuclearization of N. Korea. I knew he was gonna get pwned.
Were you under the impression that it would only take a couple months? How naive ARE you?
Your call for patience didn't age well.
Hey.......................does this mean that Trump isn't gonna get the Nobel Peace Prize? I mean, just a few months ago, his supporters were swearing up and down he was gonna get one for "denuclearizing" the Korean Peninsula.

So much for his denuclearization of N. Korea. I knew he was gonna get pwned.
Were you under the impression that it would only take a couple months? How naive ARE you?
Your call for patience didn't age well.
I think the logic of my post still applies. Are you under the impression that negotiations have concluded? How naive ARE you?
Hey.......................does this mean that Trump isn't gonna get the Nobel Peace Prize? I mean, just a few months ago, his supporters were swearing up and down he was gonna get one for "denuclearizing" the Korean Peninsula.

So much for his denuclearization of N. Korea. I knew he was gonna get pwned.
Were you under the impression that it would only take a couple months? How naive ARE you?

Trump came out of the summit acting like it was a done deal. He even said that Americans could sleep better at night because of his meeting with Un in a tweet. And, all his little followers were saying that Trump should get the Nobel for denuclearizing N. Korea.

Only problem is, anyone with half a brain would have known that Un was playing Trump for propaganda and recognition as a nuclear world leader. Un has no plans, ever, to get rid of his missiles and nuclear weapons. your opinion GooBoy, how long should it take? As long as Hillary was investigated for Benghazi (nothing came of that), or should it be as long as they investigated her for emails?
They said from the beginning that it would take 2 years minimum. Quit being a naive child.

Yup and the loyal little sheeple obviously don't know anything about the art of the deal.

If you don't like what the other side says. Don't waste time. Walk away. There will be other meetings.

Most of these lefty loons can't think outside the box and have non existent long range thinking.

Such loyal non thinking little sheeple. The Dems love em.

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