Trump to sign new North Korea sanctions into law on Friday [Trump's Christmas gift]

Requires 6500 more troops to be stationed there.........from previous NDAA's..........

Why were they needed........LOL

Now South Korea is laughing their asses off about Trump's demand for more money...

So..................we are there for 2 reasons...........DETENTE.........and Strategic Position.

They need us more than we need them............Not that I dislike them..........they are our allies.......but Trump is trying to get others to pay for some of our expenses.......

Nothing wrong with that.......

So NOW you Cheer that the House Obstructed the Executive who was trying to make a better deal for America......


TDS has Trump living in your head..........did you try holding your nose and blowing real hard yet........might help.

So..................we are there for 2 reasons...........DETENTE.........and Strategic Position.

They need us more than we need them............Not that I dislike them..........they are our allies.......but Trump is trying to get others to pay for some of our expenses.......

Nothing wrong with that.......

So NOW you Cheer that the House Obstructed the Executive who was trying to make a better deal for America......


TDS has Trump living in your head..........did you try holding your nose and blowing real hard yet........might help.


Your reasons why we are there were correct, but you are wrong about them needing us more than we need them.

You Trump worshipers need to make up your Trump amazing for signing the bill or did he do it out of duress? You cannot have it both ways.

Did the House add the provision or did the Senate?
So..................we are there for 2 reasons...........DETENTE.........and Strategic Position.

They need us more than we need them............Not that I dislike them..........they are our allies.......but Trump is trying to get others to pay for some of our expenses.......

Nothing wrong with that.......

So NOW you Cheer that the House Obstructed the Executive who was trying to make a better deal for America......


TDS has Trump living in your head..........did you try holding your nose and blowing real hard yet........might help.


Your reasons why we are there were correct, but you are wrong about them needing us more than we need them.

You Trump worshipers need to make up your Trump amazing for signing the bill or did he do it out of duress? You cannot have it both ways.

Did the House add the provision or did the Senate?
I say we disagree on them needing us more than we need them............Any attack by N. Korea or China is an attack on the United States of America while we are there..........DETENTE.....

Worship............find a new line.......we don't worship him.........we like him and support him.....get a new I HATE TRUMP slogan........that one is getting old.

I don't know if it was forced or not........I really don't care.........but I do care that it hinders negotiation of the Executive for our advantage.........trying to get more money to pay for our forces being there.

Who added it.......I don't care.......I haven't looked into it.........It was part of a budget deal or we get the gov't shutdown BS it was added into the defense bill as they always do.......politics at it's best.
Hey moron, supporting your President is not worship. You got your ass handed to you on this in another thread. Yet any thread showing a Trump accomplishment, you show up and scream that he didn’t really do it and yell about “worshippers”. The very definition of TRIGGERED! Now STFU you lying leftist worshipper.

Signing a bill is not an accomplishment, especially when it is the NDAA...something no president has ever not signed.

This is why I call you people want to give the man credit for everything fucking thing that happens...yet blame for nothing.

When it is pointed out that Trump signed the bills that will add more than a trillion dollars to our debt between now and Sept 30 we are told that Trump had to sign those and he should not be held responsible...but somehow this is different.

Did anyone know that the sanctions against NK were in there before he signed it? Did he ask for them, did he talk about them ahead of time?

You are a flaming triggered idiot. YOU just whine and cry EVERY time Trump does anything. This why we call you (correctly) a triggered lying leftist worshipper. And you just keep proving me right. Triggering you is so easy.....
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