Trump: toilet moron

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Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Does Trump know how a toilet works?

Evidently, if there was insufficient water, Dumbass Donnie would keep flushing instead of waiting until the tank is full.

Trump's tirade into some water shortage situation was way pout there when we all know it is him attacking California's water situation.
Does Trump know how a toilet works?

Evidently, if there was insufficient water, Dumbass Donnie would keep flushing instead of waiting until the tank is full.

Trump's tirade into some water shortage situation was way pout there when we all know it is him attacking California's water situation.
I thought water pressure wasn't up to snuff in his morning shower.
The man has interesting toileting habits. 10 flushes? Maybe G.T. needs to sell him a bidet.
Does Trump know how a toilet works?

Evidently, if there was insufficient water, Dumbass Donnie would keep flushing instead of waiting until the tank is full.

Trump's tirade into some water shortage situation was way pout there when we all know it is him attacking California's water situation.

Yeah, the Orange Virus says dumb shit every day. That's the reality we live in.
I thought water pressure wasn't up to snuff in his morning shower.
The man has interesting toileting habits. 10 flushes? Maybe G.T. needs to sell him a bidet.

Ten flushes?

Well, He is full of shit you know.
Does Trump know how a toilet works?

Evidently, if there was insufficient water, Dumbass Donnie would keep flushing instead of waiting until the tank is full.

Trump's tirade into some water shortage situation was way pout there when we all know it is him attacking California's water situation.
Link? What are you complaining about now?
Does Trump know how a toilet works?

It is punkass bitch threads like this that prove Rush Limbaugh is correct:

Rush Limbaugh: Dems Motivated by 'Pure Raw Hatred'
Rush Limbaugh: Dems Motivated by 'Pure Raw Hatred'

Democrats have "abandoned any pretense" of caring about what the American people want, and their constant attacks on President Donald Trump will go on after he wins the 2020 race, conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said Friday.

"They have abandoned any pretense of any care or concern of what the American people want," Limbaugh told Fox News' "Fox and Friends." "After Trump wins 2020, they'll keep going like he's John Gotti. So people better get ready for this because this isn't going to end because the Democrats are nothing but pure raw hatred."

"Democrats are wandering aimlessly and being propelled by one thing, you guys," Limbaugh said. "You're watching it. You watched it with the three so-called expert witnesses. We are watching pure, raw, hatred. They hate the man and they hate the people who elected him. They hate him because he beat them. Trump, meanwhile, "keeps plugging away," said Limbaugh, as the "economy is roaring."

ME: I have said this already: The impeachment is based on hate and lies and nothing else. Democrats are sheer evil.
Does Trump know how a toilet works?

Evidently, if there was insufficient water, Dumbass Donnie would keep flushing instead of waiting until the tank is full.

Trump's tirade into some water shortage situation was way pout there when we all know it is him attacking California's water situation.
Link? What are you complaining about now?

Plus, Trump told his follower what water falling from the sky is called..I guess he assumed they did not know it was called rain.

Trump complains about light bulbs making him look orange and people flushing toilets 15 times in rambling monologue

Later in Mr Trump’s monologue, the president said his administration was looking “very strongly at sinks and showers” which supposedly do not produce enough water.

"You turn on the faucet; you don’t get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out. It’s dripping out - very quietly dripping out. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once," he said.

"You go into a new building or a new house or a new home, and they have standards, 'Oh, you don’t get water.'"

Mr Trump added: "For the most part, you have many states where they have so much water that it comes down - it’s called rain… they don’t know what to do with it."
Does Trump know how a toilet works?

It is punkass bitch threads like this that make people hate you leftist vermin, and why Trump will be re-elected handily.

If the President wasn't such a moron, then threads like this wouldn't be created.
Yeah, this idiotic comment, he talks about light bulbs too, is going to get trump re-elected.

What a dumb crew of followers.
Does Trump know how a toilet works?

It is punkass bitch threads like this that make people hate you leftist vermin, and why Trump will be re-elected handily.

If the President wasn't such a moron, then threads like this wouldn't be created.
Yeah, this idiotic comment, he talks about light bulbs too, is going to get trump re-elected.

What a dumb crew of followers.
Yeah, I have a feeling these will not be the comments that get him reelected.
Does Trump know how a toilet works?

Evidently, if there was insufficient water, Dumbass Donnie would keep flushing instead of waiting until the tank is full.

Trump's tirade into some water shortage situation was way pout there when we all know it is him attacking California's water situation.


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