Trump took the Most Sensitive documents possible

Read up the Presidential Records Act, Mr. Classified document expert. BHAHAHAHAHAHA you are such a toadie, I had security clearances for my entire career you know NOTHING ZIP NADA.
The fact you had a security clearance doesn't mean fuck-all with respect to presidential records, dipshit. You aren't impressing anyone with your massive ignorance.

I had security clearances myself during my entire 20 year military career, and none of it had anything to do with the PRA.


Now, let's help you undo that bullshit your propagandists have been feeding you and actually take a look at the PRA.

§ 2202. Ownership of Presidential records

The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

You see that? The UNITED STATES owns presidential records. NOT the President.

Moving on:

From Section 2203:

(g)(1) Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President.

You see that? When a President leaves office, his records are turned over to the custody of the Archivist. The President does NOT get to take them to his bathroom at Mar-A-Largo.
The fact you had a security clearance doesn't mean fuck-all with respect to presidential records, dipshit. You aren't impressing anyone with your massive ignorance.

I had security clearances myself during my entire 20 year military career, and none of it had anything to do with the PRA.


Now, let's help you undo that bullshit your propagandists have been feeding you and actually take a look at the PRA.

§ 2202. Ownership of Presidential records

The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

You see that? The UNITED STATES owns presidential records. NOT the President.

Moving on:

From Section 2203:

(g)(1) Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President.

You see that? When a President leaves office, his records are turned over to the custody of the Archivist. The President does NOT get to take them to his bathroom at Mar-A-Largo.

44 U.S. Code § 2205 - Exceptions to restricted access


(3) the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President
The fact you had a security clearance doesn't mean fuck-all with respect to presidential records, dipshit. You aren't impressing anyone with your massive ignorance.

I had security clearances myself during my entire 20 year military career, and none of it had anything to do with the PRA.


Now, let's help you undo that bullshit your propagandists have been feeding you and actually take a look at the PRA.

§ 2202. Ownership of Presidential records

The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

You see that? The UNITED STATES owns presidential records. NOT the President.

Moving on:

From Section 2203:

(g)(1) Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President.

You see that? When a President leaves office, his records are turned over to the custody of the Archivist. The President does NOT get to take them to his bathroom at Mar-A-Largo.
Slam dunk !

The evidence against Trump is overwhelming
This 88 lb. puddle of piss and shit is one of their thought leaders.

In no universe are these groomers to be taken seriously. Laugh and point at them and then return to your happy lives with an appreciative, skyward nod.

hogg faggot 993.jpg
They only “characterized ” in the indictment asshole.

Not detailed
Oh, "characterized"....As in likely embellished or even made up out of whole fucking cloth, like Reuters is already infamous for doing....And you fucking saps lap it up like kittens at a saucer of cream.

Round and round and round we gooooooo.....

I did and it doesn't apply to the documents he stole after his presidency was over. Plus it doesn't cover these ultra top secret documents. Plus he admitted on tape they were classified and he wasn't supposed to have them.

The Presidential records fail is more Trump GOP lies, and it will blow up in court.
Really? Bill Clinton was exonerated for HIS possession of classified documents by a judge who cited The Presidential Records Act. Have you ever heard of legal precedent Mr. Classified document expert? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA FAIL.

Trump took the Most Sensitive documents possible​

So did Hillary.
- She placed them on an unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecure server that was stored in a BATHROOM of a company that did not have proper security clearance to have rhem.

So did Joe Biden.
- He abandoned them in an unauthorized, unsecured, unprotected office paid for and given to him by tbe CCP.

Trump cried election fraud, yet had no evidence at all and lost all court cases. Still to this day they have yet to present real and credible evidence.

The US government has rock solid, slam dunk, overwhelming evidence against Trump, and he is going to lose in court again, just like he did in all his fake election fraud cases.
All former Presidents took classified info with them.

Clinton has digital audio recordings in his sock drawer of conversations he had with world leaders, including sensitive matters. The court said he claimed them as his private records, and he didn't have to give them to the Archive.


Trump took the Most Sensitive documents possible​

So did Hillary.
- She placed them on an unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecure server that was stored in a BATHROOM of a company that did not have proper security clearance to have rhem.

So did Joe Biden.
- He abandoned them in an unauthorized, unsecured, unprotected office paid for and given to him by tbe CCP.

Hillary had meaningless nothing material, the lowest levels of classification.
Biden also had old and meaningless documents'

But Trump had the most serious and vicious documents possible.
44 U.S. Code § 2205 - Exceptions to restricted access


(3) the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President
And, as always, you deliberately neglect to mention they are records in the custody of the Archivist.

You are working very hard to establish a reputation as the most dishonest poster on this forum, and that is not easy!
Talk about sensitive documents, when one of them asked me " Does this dossier make me look fat", and I answered "well, I guess you could stand to lose a couple of pages", the whole thing burst into flames!
And, as always, you deliberately neglect to mention they are records in the custody of the Archivist.

You are working very hard to establish a reputation as the most dishonest poster on this forum, and that is not easy!

They are by right the Presidents, and all the Archive is just a storage facility.
There is some confusion as to how extremely classified the documents Trump stole, hid, moved, showed to people, and then repeatedly lied about.

Here is a great article explaining just how extremely high level, sensitive, and damaging the documents Trump stole really are.
He's fucked.

Here are some of the documents mentioned in the indictment:
- A document marked TOP SECRET//[redacted]/[redacted]//ORCON/NOFORN that the indictment says concerned "nuclear capabilities of a foreign country."
ORCON means that the material in the document cannot be disseminated outside the U.S. government department that originated it without prior approval.

- A document marked SECRET//FORMERLY RESTRICTED DATA that the indictment says concerned "nuclear weaponry of the United States."
According to a Department of Energy training guide, the Formerly Restricted Data, or FRD, classification is used for materials downgraded from a higher classification that relate "primarily to the military utilization of atomic weapons."
Examples of FRD provided by the guide includes quantities of nuclear weapons in the U.S. stockpile, warhead yields and their locations.

- A document marked TOP SECRET//SI//NOFORN//FISA that the indictment says concerned "military capabilities of a foreign country and the United States, with handwritten annotation in black marker."
NOFORN means the document cannot be shared with a foreign government. FISA refers to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and means the material is from intercepted communications.

- Six top-secret documents marked TK, standing for Talent Keyhole, a classification for materials related to U.S. spy satellites.
The indictment says these documents concerned the military capabilities of foreign countries.

Yes sorry but if libs need to hear the Biden criminal tapes then we need to see these supposed double top secret documents, because as has been show with the Russia hoax the FBI and justice department can't be trusted...once again you libs set the standard.
Hillary had meaningless nothing material, the lowest levels of classification.
Biden also had old and meaningless documents'

But Trump had the most serious and vicious documents possible.


Hillary was proven to have TS/SCI.
Comey testified to this before Congress!

'Intelligence officials have discovered sensitive national security information on Hillary Clinton’s server that goes beyond the “top secret” level'.

The classification level above TS is 'SCI'.

Take your lies and propaganda somewhere else.


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