Trump tweets, stop pickin on me, what about Hillary LOLOLOLOL


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
This orange man baby is becoming a fuckin joke.....he has just about every frickin intelligence agency ready to serve his orange ass on a silver platter and he's whining about Hillary Clinton???

I may be wrong, but I would bet my last effin dollar, not only does the congress and senate MISS THE OBAMA days of simplistic obstruction, they'd all give up their last breath, to have this man baby, this joke of a president's nuts in a pair of vice grips with his cell phone stuffed up his ass!!

Donald Trump please put this country first and resign!!

The bigger question is how many more moderates and independents decided to now back Trump with that OP?


Donald Trump stabs his Attorney General in the Back again !!!while attacking Hillary Clinton

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
So why aren't the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?

8:49 AM - 24 Jul 2017
All the presidents men will soon find themselves under attack if they don't bow to this man....and honestly, I am sooooo loving his style....these mf's rallied for Trump, lied for Trump, kept secrets for Trump and in a heart beat this man baby is slowly strippin these mindless fools of their livelihood, their dignity and their ability save face...what a bunch of fools.....
how many trumpers do you think you converted with that post tiger?....

Trumpers will never be converted. It's fun to laugh at them, or poke them with a stick though.
Dog, its not only fun, its getting to be down right heaven on earth for people like me.....everybody wanted this nut in the white house, they lied for him, covered up for him and now look at the payback they're getting.....humiliation 101..Trump style....I love it...and I especially love these gerrymandered politicians who are tied to this idiot for the remainder of his term...the bully is making these grown men look like idiots on a play ground, I love it!!
how many trumpers do you think you converted with that post tiger?....
Lets get something clear, just as supporters of Obama stuck with him to the very end, I expect the same with you nuts....the last people on the planet anybody can penetrate is southern white trash.....don't have the time, the energy nor the desire. Bottom line is this, he's your president, not mine and wish you morons the best with President TWUMP!!:dance:
how many trumpers do you think you converted with that post tiger?....

Trumpers will never be converted. It's fun to laugh at them, or poke them with a stick though.
Dog, its not only fun, its getting to be down right heaven on earth for people like me.....everybody wanted this nut in the white house, they lied for him, covered up for him and now look at the payback they're getting.....humiliation 101..Trump style....I love it...and I especially love these gerrymandered politicians who are tied to this idiot for the remainder of his term...the bully is making these grown men look like idiots on a play ground, I love it!!
.everybody wanted this nut in the white house
everybody? you wanted him there and now you are blubbering like an idiot about him being there?....
how many trumpers do you think you converted with that post tiger?....
Lets get something clear, just as supporters of Obama stuck with him to the very end, I expect the same with you nuts....the last people on the planet anybody can penetrate is southern white trash.....don't have the time, the energy nor the desire. Bottom line is this, he's your president, not mine and wish you morons the best with President TWUMP!!:dance:

except i was never for the guy....and i dont live in the south and whether you or me or anyone else likes the guy or not....he is everyones there is 3 things you are wrong about today.....add that too all the other things you have said that have been wrong over the past months,and you have an impressive total of how many times you have been wrong....
how many trumpers do you think you converted with that post tiger?....
Lets get something clear, just as supporters of Obama stuck with him to the very end, I expect the same with you nuts....the last people on the planet anybody can penetrate is southern white trash.....don't have the time, the energy nor the desire. Bottom line is this, he's your president, not mine and wish you morons the best with President TWUMP!!:dance:

except i was never for the guy....and i dont live in the south and whether you or me or anyone else likes the guy or not....he is everyones there is 3 things you are wrong about today.....add that too all the other things you have said that have been wrong over the past months,and you have an impressive total of how many times you have been wrong....
I challenge you to show me one post where I've called this moron President Trump? He's not my president, I will never accept him as a president and that's that. To date, this bitch has done nothing presidential but hold Klan rallies with HIS EXCLUSIVE NUT BASE-ONLY!!! and that's about it.
how many trumpers do you think you converted with that post tiger?....
Lets get something clear, just as supporters of Obama stuck with him to the very end, I expect the same with you nuts....the last people on the planet anybody can penetrate is southern white trash.....don't have the time, the energy nor the desire. Bottom line is this, he's your president, not mine and wish you morons the best with President TWUMP!!:dance:

except i was never for the guy....and i dont live in the south and whether you or me or anyone else likes the guy or not....he is everyones there is 3 things you are wrong about today.....add that too all the other things you have said that have been wrong over the past months,and you have an impressive total of how many times you have been wrong....
I challenge you to show me one post where I've called this moron President Trump? He's not my president, I will never accept him as a president and that's that. To date, this bitch has done nothing presidential but hold Klan rallies with HIS EXCLUSIVE NUT BASE-ONLY!!! and that's about it.
I challenge you to show me one post where I've called this moron President Trump?
i know you have a hard time with the English language,but i never said you did,i said something else.....

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