Trump used sexist words. Hillary is married to a serial rapist

what i'd like to do is single one out just for a day, tell that person, okay, for the next 24 hours you're going to be continuously accused of racism, sexism, you name it. and everything you say will be twisted and distorted by spinning it into ''hate speech''. and maybe after the day is done, that hillary supporter will have an idea of what it's been like to be a conservative over the past decade, suffering the constant avalanche of insults and false accusations, and for what, because the conservative wants lower taxes and balanced budget, not really too much to ask for. so, at long last, people are sick of that treatment, it's time to ram the trump wall up somebody's ass until they scream in pain.
Sounds like you need a safe place to save you from the mean Libs.
The hypocrisy of the Hillary supporters is breathtaking.

How dare Trump use words??

Anyone noticing Bill is a serial sex predator is part of the "vast right wing conspiracy" and "Hillary didn't know" that her "husband" never slept with her because he was out committing sex crimes while Hillary was dyking off with a woman...

Your side criticized Bill Clinton over his lecherous behavior because the Conservative party represents Christian morality and family values. Bush said he was going to return honor and dignity to the Whitehouse.

So [wait for it] you're saying that you're okay with a woman-hating lecher because the other side had one?

The fact that you don't have higher moral standards than the evil liberals you criticize implies that you were lying all along when you morally bludgeoned us over Clinton's sexist behavior. It implies that you don't have higher moral standards, and that you were just playing politics.

This is why Trump has infected your party, because he has built a coalition out of poorly educated people who don't understand their hypocrisy.

By giving Trump a pass, you are siding with a political leader over Conservative Morality. You are the worst kind of partisan, which is why we can't take you seriously when you preach about the immorality of liberals.

This was the most winnable election for the Conservatives in my lifetime, but the non-college educated white voter took over the primaries and handed the Election and Supreme Court to the Left.

(Note to self: don't hand your nominating process to stupid people who are easily fooled by the strategically fabricated "outsider" talk of a pathological narcissist with zero policy knowledge or respect for conservative values.)

(The Left is not much better, but Trump proves your side lacks the intelligence and moral courage to defend core principles.)
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What kind of person makes accusations on social media without reporting to the police?

Typical - dodge the question... and change the subject....

Nobody can defend Hillary. They can only attack Trump and those who notice too much truth about Hillary...
What kind of person makes accusations on social media without reporting to the police?

Typical - dodge the question... and change the subject....

Nobody can defend Hillary. They can only attack Trump and those who notice too much truth about Hillary...

I supported Bernie and vowed never to vote for the Clinton's after NAFTA, Wall Street deregulation and the fact the he made the largest cuts to Welfare in the program's history (as a compromise with Newt).

But the Republican brand is based on conservative / family values. This is partly why you remind us every day about Bill's lecherous behavior.

So the FACT that conservatives like you are supporting Trump means we can't take you seriously when you criticize the Left for Clinton's sexism. It means that your so-called moral principles were and are bullshit.

Moral Principals are things you hold when it's not convenient - and right now, it's not convenient to hold Trump to conservative moral principals.

So you're abandoning principals for dear leader, which means nobody is going to take you seriously when you criticize the Left for Clinton or for not upholding family values, etc.

You've been unmasked as a pure partisan without principals. Game over.
So you're abandoning principals for dear leader, which means nobody is going to take you seriously when you criticize the Left for Clinton or for not upholding family values, etc.


Hell with family values. I like trump because he will stop the invasion of illegals. My gawd, we can't let the whole world dump their welfare trash on america. THINK
Everybody says carter was lousy but he was pretty good. He believed in states rights.

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