Trump visiting hurricane flood victims, where's kamala and joe?

Trump visiting hurricane flood victims, where's kamala and joe?​


Trump cares about Americans. kamala and joe hate Americans.

First you have to actually care, which disqualifies everyone in the Biden administration.

No doubt, despite the Biden administration ignoring the plight of the entire state, they will turn out in droves to vote Kamala anyway, at least, the ballot harvesting votes.
Here's a better story and link, its shocking and appalling how the fascist democrat animals defend this psychopaths evil, but they are the party of Satan, and all fascist democrats are Satan's children!

Its quite possible the death toll could quadruple that!
I'm sure it is much higher than the media will ever admit

Meanwhile, a terrorist from Hezbullah gets killed and the erroneous media claims 2000 children and women died along with him.


Remember, this was a red state which means screw'em!!!

In addition, we all know Biden is infirm and cannot walk and talk, but then you have Kamala being to busy trying to hide from the media because every time she appears and speaks her approval ratings go down because she is such an awful communicator.

There is an election to win after all.

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