Zone1 sacraments are unbiblical

Okay Sparky. Now do Gideon in the Book of Judges who meets up with the Lord in the flesh. He is setting under an oak tree. He also has a staff and uses it.

Is that a metaphor too? :laughing0301:
It says "an angel of the Lord" met with Gideon. Are you hard of reading?

Angels and demons and every creature inbetween are metaphors for human archetypes..simple.

Just like the big bad wolf... Pinocchio, talking serpents, ghouls, or the three little pigs. Oinker.
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“It didn’t mean what it said! It was a mEtApHoR!”

It has to be a metaphor. God has no visible shape or material form. Do the math.

Did you never wrestle with the bullshit that you have swallowed hook, liner, and sinker? Never a doubt? Never a rational question about any of it like Jesus dying so you can sin with impunity?

If so.....

Apparently you lost.
^^ and there it is. Another TDS infected moron that has to make everything about Orange Man.

Well damn.

If you 'believe' that God became a man, you would be dumb enough to believe that Trump is going to save democracy from communism with fascism. Its a no brainer. And its not about trump who has never had any shade on his shit, that he is a conman, a narcissistic actor and lying fraud, who doesn't give a crap about anybody but himself and the bottom line like decent Christian folks

Its about you being a sucker, passed around like a chick in a biker bar, bending over and lifting your skirt for every lying son of a bitch, preachers politicians anyone. But if it makes you happy, :eusa_pray:

Bend away!

I heard that trump is making his own money. Better get while the getting is good, as nothing. And if you act now, for no extra charge, he will shit in your ears for hours every day for only $500. And he has red hats, t-shirts, coffee mugs, mugshots, sneakers, real GOLD ONES, for sale, Right NOW

What deal! *

* (offer void where prohibited by law. Hidden charges include but are not limited to, your dignity, your soul, your sanity, self respect, status,, and all of your children)
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Jacob wrestling with God is a metaphor for the struggles of faith and the transformational power of perseverance. The story was never about God in human form wrestling Jacob. Duh

Do you "believe" that the big bad wolf ate grandma because "it is written"? Damn.

And you dimwits want to rule the world? (for Jesus of course) You must be a trump supporter....


Aren't you sick and tired of being played for a sucker?
isnt there different struggles?
Hosea 12:4, wrestling with an angel of the Lord. This is the one pertinent to the name Israel?

then, Genesis 32:24-29, which represents a symbolic struggle with his inner self.
The NT was written by unknown Jewish authors who witness the fulfillment of the prophecies of Jesus in the destruction of Judea, the temple, their way of life, and the exile, enslavement, and brutal slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jewish men women and children.

A trinity diddled a virgin to become a froward Jewish man only to abolished his own laws, perform some magic tricks was derided, rejected, tortured, and crucified as a perfect human sacrifice so that 'believers' who celebrate his death and eat him in a deranged ritual can remain assholes and sin with impunity for life because he loved the Roman world so very much. Derp. What a sucker!

Seriously. Doesn't that sound like a crock of shit? It is. You fell for it. Thats what you have to face.

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to SMITE THE NATIONS.

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it; When they have drunk it THEY WILL VOMIT AND GO MAD; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink"


I would call it the first century equivalent of the nuclear option. THEY WILL VOMIT AND GO MAD
So conspiracy theory.

24,000 written manuscripts and the behaviors of the apostles and the early Christians sy otherwise, goofball.
Okay Sparky. Now do Gideon in the Book of Judges who meets up with the Lord in the flesh. He is setting under an oak tree. He also has a staff and uses it.

Is that a metaphor too? :laughing0301:
Hobelim believes Leviticus 18:22 is a metaphor for God condoning gay sex.
Hobelim believes Leviticus 18:22 is a metaphor for God condoning gay sex.
No, I said its a prohibition against men like hawk bending over and lifting his skirt for devils, men like trump or whatever preacher or preachers fucked his mind during bible study.... real good.

My God doesn't give a shit about what people eat, what they wear, or their sexual preferences.

This is your brain.

This is your brain hopped up on politics and religion..

And these fuckers weren't even high on drugs! Not LSD, not PCP, not cocaine, not pot, not heroin. Whats their excuse? They really really really truly and quite sincerely "believed" in lies? Damn.

A soul is a terrible thing to waste.

Any questions?
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It has to be a metaphor. God has no visible shape or material form. Do the math.

Did you never wrestle with the bullshit that you have swallowed hook, liner, and sinker? Never a doubt? Never a rational question about any of it like Jesus dying so you can sin with impunity?

If so.....

Apparently you lost.

So your god can’t take physical form. Got it.

That is why your god isn’t the one in the Bible. Your god is a self invented one by man, a false god.

God as described in the Bible can and has taken physical form, many times, starting in Genesis.

You, like the devil, cannot accept reality, and through your arrogant pride manufacture a false reality. A lie.
It says "an angel of the Lord" met with Gideon. Are you hard of reading?

Angels and demons and every creature inbetween are metaphors for human archetypes..simple.

Just like the big bad wolf... Pinocchio, talking serpents, ghouls, or the three little pigs. Oinker.
Yes, most angels are creations. This messenger of the Lord however is also addressed as Lord and has the power to forgive (only God can forgive sins). He is not a mere angel.
Hobelim believes Leviticus 18:22 is a metaphor for God condoning gay sex.
Usually these types of people reject God because they hate his laws. Especially ones they don’t want to believe because they are habitually breaking them.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if this dude is gay.
Yes, most angels are creations. This messenger of the Lord however is also addressed as Lord
All angels are creations. Even Jesus who said "God is the source of my being" is a creation. Simple logic dictates that any being whose source of existence is God cannot be God.

and has the power to forgive (only God can forgive sins). He is not a mere angel.

Right. Son of God is just a relational metaphor for a human being which indicates an intimacy with God and authority above that of angels "messengers" or prophets called "servants of God".
All angels are creations. Even Jesus who said "God is the source of my being" is a creation.

Simple logic dictates that any being whose source of existence is God cannot be God.

You don’t have any logic, you have demonstrated that.

You just admitted your god allows for pedos.
And by saying that you just admitted that you are insane. Good job!

You said, and I quote:

“My God doesn't give a shit about what people eat, what they wear, or their sexual preferences.”

You are the insane one who invents his own god, and I think we all know why.
You said, and I quote:

“My God doesn't give a shit about what people eat, what they wear, or their sexual preferences.
The sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds, asshole, as I say all the time.

You are the insane one who invents his own god, and I think we all know why.
How many of you are there?

And some people don't believe in demonic possession.

Imagine that!
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its from here, i'm not jewish. It says it was a symbolic struggle with his inner self.
Not that the link is any real authority, but it does not claim that Jacob never physically wrestled with God. It merely suggests there is also symbolic meaning added to it.

The nitwit called “hobelim” is claiming God does not ever take physical form. Nowhere in your link does it claim God didn’t actually take physical form.

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