Zone1 The 17 Points of the True Church of Jesus Christ

If you think this, then you haven't heard/comprehended/understood a single thing I said. Either that or you are saying at heart you are truly a Catholic, and are just pretending to be a member of the LDS faith.
No, you aren’t getting it. You are the pretender. The pretender church. Read what I posted, study on it. Pray with real intent without a double mind and you will find out. This, instead of repeating what the Pope makes you say and think.
Now you are getting it. When we say “Prophet” we mean the leader of the Lord’s true Church must be in communication with the Lord from heaven. Peter was the “small rock” of revelation. Jesus was saying you will lead when I’m gone by revelation as the Prophet or leader. The top person. Through Peter was given the keys (authority) of the Lord’s kingdom on earth. And, I stress in earth, not in heaven. Through him, the priesthood (authority) are all other priests given the authority to baptize.

As long as there is an Apostle (prophet) alive, there is communication for the entire church and world. Judas and others were replaced as long as there were righteous leaders to step up and step in who did not change and pollute the doctrines and ordinances through pride. But, Paul prophesied this was going to happen with a falling away. 100 years later, no more Apostles were called to the 12. No new revelation nor authority. No “Peter” anymore. Apostasy. No Prophet. Even Popes have said they are not a Prophet or Apostle. Instead, the now apostasiad members to keep their claim change the meaning of Prophet (Peter) and Apostle to every member. This means no Peter leadership.

Does this mean you can’t receive inspiration for yourself with the light of Christ or influence by the Holy Ghost? No, you can. Just as I did through my life that brought me to my testimony that the Lord restored his kingdom that did not end and that continued to exist in heaven during the apostasy on earth. He did so through a Prophet, one as imperfect as Peter was. The authority of the priesthood was again restored on earth to baptize.
Your focus seems wrong to me. Is attacking other churches the glue that binds LDS?
Your focus seems wrong to me. Is attacking other churches the glue that binds LDS?
Not really. Since the vision of 1820 that Joseph Smith had in which he communicated directly with the Father and the Son through the power of the Holy Ghost, he was told not to join any of the churches on the earth because they were all wrong with doctrine, commandments and authority. The latter the biggest because of a great apostasy that happened in which the RCC had control over most Christians during the middle ages and beyond. They still do. There are 3 main missions of the Church with respect to saving and exaltation:
1. Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ is again on the earth that will lead to exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom.
2. Perfect the Saints. Help members get on and stay on the covenant path to Exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom.
3. Redeem the Dead. Those in paradise and hell learn of the gospel and what they need to do while waiting for their ordinance work to be done for them by those who are living in the temples. All to lead to exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom.

Do other churches do good things? Absolutely! Do we share knowledge and assistance for other churches? Absolutely! Others have always come to check out our welfare system that we developed and copied much of what we do. On the other hand, we also acknowledge good work of other church including the RCC when it comes to their ability to disperse welfare goods to people in nations that restrict or have trouble with governments and terrorists getting the welfare to people. Catholic Social Services does a great job with this. Our message is pointed towards the fact there was a great apostasy in which the church(s) lost doctrines, direct communication with the Lord, ordinances and how to properly perform them and when, and much more. We attack the set up of the RCC, not the people. Not even the priests because most of them are zombies performing the work and told how to think.
(I haven't studied the Book of Mormon so I know little about it).
You know a "little" about the Holy Bible too. If God doesn't reveal Himself to you because of your closed mind, you will never understand the Scriptures. Understanding comes with REPENTANCE, and repentance is an ongoing process
Not really. Since the vision of 1820 that Joseph Smith had in which he communicated directly with the Father and the Son through the power of the Holy Ghost, he was told not to join any of the churches on the earth because they were all wrong with doctrine, commandments and authority. The latter the biggest because of a great apostasy that happened in which the RCC had control over most Christians during the middle ages and beyond. They still do. There are 3 main missions of the Church with respect to saving and exaltation:
1. Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ is again on the earth that will lead to exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom.
2. Perfect the Saints. Help members get on and stay on the covenant path to Exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom.
3. Redeem the Dead. Those in paradise and hell learn of the gospel and what they need to do while waiting for their ordinance work to be done for them by those who are living in the temples. All to lead to exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom.

Do other churches do good things? Absolutely! Do we share knowledge and assistance for other churches? Absolutely! Others have always come to check out our welfare system that we developed and copied much of what we do. On the other hand, we also acknowledge good work of other church including the RCC when it comes to their ability to disperse welfare goods to people in nations that restrict or have trouble with governments and terrorists getting the welfare to people. Catholic Social Services does a great job with this. Our message is pointed towards the fact there was a great apostasy in which the church(s) lost doctrines, direct communication with the Lord, ordinances and how to properly perform them and when, and much more. We attack the set up of the RCC, not the people. Not even the priests because most of them are zombies performing the work and told how to think.
Who said there was a "great apostasy"?
No, you aren’t getting it. You are the pretender. The pretender church. Read what I posted, study on it. Pray with real intent without a double mind and you will find out. This, instead of repeating what the Pope makes you say and think.


That as friendly as Mormons are, you have to grapple with the fact that the claim about The Great Apostasy is Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodoxy, Coptic Christianity, you name it. Every form of Christianity on earth between pretty much the death of the apostles and the time of Joseph Smith, all of them are evil and abominable.

Those early Christians being martyred by the Romans for being Christians, those guys were only pretending to be Christians. They only thought they were. They weren’t true Christians. That’s the heart of Joseph Smith’s claim.

Now, on the LDS website, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, they have a topics in questions section, which is very helpful. In their section on apostasy, they give the basic argument.

They say, we live in a time when the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. Excuse me. But unlike the church in times past, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will not be overcome by general apostasy. The scriptures teach that the church will never again be destroyed. Now, they point to two sources here. One of those is doctrines and covenants, which only they have.


That as friendly as Mormons are, you have to grapple with the fact that the claim about The Great Apostasy is Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodoxy, Coptic Christianity, you name it. Every form of Christianity on earth between pretty much the death of the apostles and the time of Joseph Smith, all of them are evil and abominable.

Those early Christians being martyred by the Romans for being Christians, those guys were only pretending to be Christians. They only thought they were. They weren’t true Christians. That’s the heart of Joseph Smith’s claim.

Now, on the LDS website, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, they have a topics in questions section, which is very helpful. In their section on apostasy, they give the basic argument.

They say, we live in a time when the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. Excuse me. But unlike the church in times past, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will not be overcome by general apostasy. The scriptures teach that the church will never again be destroyed. Now, they point to two sources here. One of those is doctrines and covenants, which only they have.
Your last paragraph is full of the example of taking what Daniel said out of context. Daniel wasn't talking about his time, Jesus on earth time or anytime soon time after the Apostles. He was specifically talking about the Church restored in the last or latter days that will not be destroyed.

There has been much written concerning "The Great and Abominable Church" mentioned in Lehi's Dream in the Book of Mormon. There have been writers who believe that his Abominable Church was specifically the Catholic Church due to the monster church buildings they have built. But, most Presidents of the Church, their counselors and the Quorum of the 12 Apostles say that any organization who directly attacks Christ's Church established in the latter days is apart of the great and abominable church of the devil. It's my opinion that the RCC has never attacked the LDS Church. But, there are many Protestant churches that have and even write anti-Mormon materials against the Church. The Church of God for instance, used to play the "God makers" film in their churches in order to try and stop their members from joining us. I would also say that those political parties that attack the Church and people's rights to live their religion free from persecution are also part of the great and abominable church as well.

It you want a full version of the great apostasy, read James E. Talmage books, especially Jesus The Christ.
You know a "little" about the Holy Bible too. If God doesn't reveal Himself to you because of your closed mind, you will never understand the Scriptures. Understanding comes with REPENTANCE, and repentance is an ongoing process
You are certainly welcome to your opinion but people have been 'repentant' for millennia and look how many Christian churches/theologies there are.
You are certainly welcome to your opinion but people have been 'repentant' for millennia and look how many Christian churches/theologies there are.
There were many Jesus type people parading around calling themselves the Messiah. That never ended and is still a reason for many churches and false doctrines. It's why a church of restoration was needed when the Godhead said it is time to do so. In 1820, they appeared to someone who was not a member of any of the churches to begin the process of restoring the Lord's Church to the world again in these the Latter-days. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Today, there are 40,000 different churches/sects of Christianity. But, only one Church that has been entrusted with the Godhead's authority, the Priesthood. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
There were many Jesus type people parading around calling themselves the Messiah. That never ended and is still a reason for many churches and false doctrines. It's why a church of restoration was needed when the Godhead said it is time to do so. In 1820, they appeared to someone who was not a member of any of the churches to begin the process of restoring the Lord's Church to the world again in these the Latter-days. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Today, there are 40,000 different churches/sects of Christianity. But, only one Church that has been entrusted with the Godhead's authority, the Priesthood. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I certainly can't argue theology with you but I wonder how many of the billion or so Christians would agree with you?
No, you aren’t getting it. You are the pretender. The pretender church. Read what I posted, study on it. Pray with real intent without a double mind and you will find out. This, instead of repeating what the Pope makes you say and think.
Try to understand. I have studied all sides, yes, including yours. And, no, this is not about studying popes, but studying histories from primary sources. I have prayed about the LDS faith and was told decades ago, it was not for me. That message has not changed an iota. I was laughing at your earlier post about sending LDS missionaries to me. The older Missionary always hustles the younger one away, and I've heard at least two advise the younger, "Don't pay any attention to what she said--especially about the Trinity."

If pushed, I will call Joseph Smith a con man, because that is historical fact. I also hold your baptism for the dead with greatest contempt because of your disregard for the faith of others. I believe in One Baptism, and I have been baptized. For anyone to deliberately do a pseudo baptism after I have died and cannot protest it ever happening is acting with the greatest contempt for me. For this alone I absolutely despise your Church, but look at your lack of respect for other faiths, other denominations. Now, if you feel you--or any member of the LDS faith--truly believes they are being guided by the Holy Spirit to be a member of this church, I respect that, just as I respect the Holy Spirit's work with Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Atheists, etc. If that is your path, I truly trust you are in the hands of a loving and merciful God.

I will continue to proclaim the Good News as Christ and the Apostles proclaimed, and early Christians lived. These are who I am closest to, and I do not need any LDS con man or "prophet" to come between me and God.

Again, proclaim the history and beliefs of your own church and leave those of every other denomination to proclaim the history and beliefs of theirs.
Try to understand. I have studied all sides, yes, including yours. And, no, this is not about studying popes, but studying histories from primary sources. I have prayed about the LDS faith and was told decades ago, it was not for me. That message has not changed an iota. I was laughing at your earlier post about sending LDS missionaries to me. The older Missionary always hustles the younger one away, and I've heard at least two advise the younger, "Don't pay any attention to what she said--especially about the Trinity."

If pushed, I will call Joseph Smith a con man, because that is historical fact. I also hold your baptism for the dead with greatest contempt because of your disregard for the faith of others. I believe in One Baptism, and I have been baptized. For anyone to deliberately do a pseudo baptism after I have died and cannot protest it ever happening is acting with the greatest contempt for me. For this alone I absolutely despise your Church, but look at your lack of respect for other faiths, other denominations. Now, if you feel you--or any member of the LDS faith--truly believes they are being guided by the Holy Spirit to be a member of this church, I respect that, just as I respect the Holy Spirit's work with Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Atheists, etc. If that is your path, I truly trust you are in the hands of a loving and merciful God.

I will continue to proclaim the Good News as Christ and the Apostles proclaimed, and early Christians lived. These are who I am closest to, and I do not need any LDS con man or "prophet" to come between me and God.

Again, proclaim the history and beliefs of your own church and leave those of every other denomination to proclaim the history and beliefs of theirs.
That's not what Jesus taught. He said take his gospel to the 4 corners of the earth. So, I'm doing the same thing today. You live in the past, why? Jesus is alive today and giving us more and more precepts, line upon line. Today, the good news is, Jesus speaks to us again through Prophets and Apostles. There is more that he has brought back to us. 1Corinthians 15:29, why are you not baptizing for the dead because they will again rise up at the resurrection. They deserve properly authorized baptisms. Nothing con about that. It's in your bible too!
You live in the past, why?
Really? Once again you tell me what I am doing? Try to understand. I live in the present. I study the past, and this past starts with Genesis, travels closely through the Old Testament, into the New Testament, into the histories of early churches right up to the present. History is an interest, but it is not where I live.

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