Zone1 The 17 Points of the True Church of Jesus Christ

Quote a couple of lines that you claim are apostasy and explain why they are apostasy.
Understand what deception is. The components of deception are part truth and part false. The false part is the interpretation and doctrines the Catholic Church follows. You have no prophets or apostles. Thus, apostasy and the church ended on earth while continuing in heaven until the restoration in 1830.
The components of deception are part truth and part false. the parts that are false. Apostle means messenger/missionary. The Catholic Church consists of messengers/missionaries as each baptized Catholic is priest, prophet, king, Thus, every baptized Catholic is both prophet and apostle.

My advice stands. Proclaim what is right with your Church/Faith, and stop spreading errors and falsifications about the Church(s) and Faith(s) of which you clearly know little.

A more clear 17 Points of the True Chruch with Bible verses for fact checking​

Seventeen points of the True Church
Christ organized the Church. Eph. 4:11-14
The true church must bear the name of Jesus Christ. Eph. 5:23
The true church must have a foundation of Apostles and Prophets. Eph. 4:11-14
The true church must have the same organization as Christ's Church. Eph. 4: 11-14
The true church must claim divine authority. Heb. 5: 4-10
The true church must have no paid ministry. lsa. 45: 13 and 1 Peter 5:2
The true church must baptize by immersion. Matt. 3:13-16
The true church must bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. Acts 8:14- 17
The true church must practice divine healing. Mark 3:14-15
The true church must teach that God and Jesus Christ are separate and distinct individuals. John 17:11 and John 20:17
The true church must teach that God and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and bone. Luke 24:36 - 39 and Acts 1:9-11
The officers must be called by God. Heb. 5:4, Exodus 28:1, Exodus 40: 13- 16
The true church must claim revelation from God. Amos 3:7
The true church must be a missionary church. Matt. 28:19-20
The true church must be a restored church. Acts 3:19- 20
The true church must practice baptism for the dead. 1 Cor. 15: 16 and 29
By their fruits ye shall know them. Matt 7: 20
Why are these things important? Hebrews 13:8
Matt 6:33--Keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his ( YHVH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)--this is what Jesus true religion does-FIRST .
God doesn't have a body of flesh and bone--talk about darkness-WOW the parts that are false. Apostle means messenger/missionary. The Catholic Church consists of messengers/missionaries as each baptized Catholic is priest, prophet, king, Thus, every baptized Catholic is both prophet and apostle.

My advice stands. Proclaim what is right with your Church/Faith, and stop spreading errors and falsifications about the Church(s) and Faith(s) of which you clearly know little.
Apostles and prophets. That’s what Paul said is the foundation. You don’t have any. Where is your 12 apostles? Where are your 70’s? That is what is the foundation of Christ’s church. Every church has ministers and missionaries. And, I guarantee that you are not Peter nor Paul nor Mary.
Apostles and prophets. That’s what Paul said is the foundation. You don’t have any. Where is your 12 apostles? Where are your 70’s? That is what is the foundation of Christ’s church. Every church has ministers and missionaries. And, I guarantee that you are not Peter nor Paul nor Mary.
Do you understand what Apostles and prophets are? They are messengers. They speak the word of God. Are you aware that in Hebrew the number 12 indicates oneness or completeness? In the Catholic faith, all the baptized are this oneness and this completeness in speaking the word of God. We are all Apostles. Are you saying the LDS faith limits the actual number of Apostles to 12? That the LDS counts the number of disciples as 70?

If so, it is not that way in the Catholic faith. In the Catholic faith we are all one, we are all complete in spreading the word of God, we are One Body of Christ, and as such, all are priest, prophet, and king.
Do you understand what Apostles and prophets are? They are messengers. They speak the word of God. Are you aware that in Hebrew the number 12 indicates oneness or completeness? In the Catholic faith, all the baptized are this oneness and this completeness in speaking the word of God. We are all Apostles. Are you saying the LDS faith limits the actual number of Apostles to 12? That the LDS counts the number of disciples as 70?

If so, it is not that way in the Catholic faith. In the Catholic faith we are all one, we are all complete in spreading the word of God, we are One Body of Christ, and as such, all are priest, prophet, and king.
Uggg…because you don’t have any in which Paul said must be the foundation, like Protestants, you have to change the meanings. Our Church is founded upon Apostles and Prophets in which Jesus Christ’s church must have. The Quorum of the 12 Apostles must exist as it did for years after Christ’s crucifixion. Once the apostasy was complete, no Apostles or Prophets remained. The 70 also disappeared.
Do you understand what Apostles and prophets are? They are messengers. They speak the word of God. Are you aware that in Hebrew the number 12 indicates oneness or completeness? In the Catholic faith, all the baptized are this oneness and this completeness in speaking the word of God. We are all Apostles. Are you saying the LDS faith limits the actual number of Apostles to 12? That the LDS counts the number of disciples as 70?

If so, it is not that way in the Catholic faith. In the Catholic faith we are all one, we are all complete in spreading the word of God, we are One Body of Christ, and as such, all are priest, prophet, and king.

LDS comes from a 14 year old boy .
Matt 6:33--Keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his ( YHVH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)--this is what Jesus true religion does-FIRST .
God doesn't have a body of flesh and bone--talk about darkness-WOW
Luke 24:39 says you are wrong…try reading.
Uggg…because you don’t have any in which Paul said must be the foundation, like Protestants, you have to change the meanings. Our Church is founded upon Apostles and Prophets in which Jesus Christ’s church must have. The Quorum of the 12 Apostles must exist as it did for years after Christ’s crucifixion. Once the apostasy was complete, no Apostles or Prophets remained. The 70 also disappeared.
Nice fantasy. When it comes to the Catholic faith you haven't a clue as to what you are speaking of, but I can see the need for the old switcheroo when trying to establish a new faith based on Joseph Smith's stories instead of Jesus Christ. Smith, of course, being a con man had no credibility, so he had to find a name with credibility--and then try to discredit the true line of Christianity. Foolish.

Protestants, of course, can trace their denomination, through the Catholic/Orthodox Church back to the Early Christians. LDS can trace theirs solely back to a con man. However, when Smith brought in Jesus to give credibility to his church, the Holy Spirit comes with Jesus. I have hope for you people yet, but give up trying to tear up the roots of the Catholic/Orthodox faith. First, it can't be done. Second, think about it. Killing the roots kills all the offshoots as well. If you feel you are such an offshoot, then you are shooting yourself in the foot.

Think about it. Does your Church want enemies or do you want brothers and sisters in Christ? You act like you prefer hostility to others, not outreach.
Nice fantasy. When it comes to the Catholic faith you haven't a clue as to what you are speaking of, but I can see the need for the old switcheroo when trying to establish a new faith based on Joseph Smith's stories instead of Jesus Christ. Smith, of course, being a con man had no credibility, so he had to find a name with credibility--and then try to discredit the true line of Christianity. Foolish.

Protestants, of course, can trace their denomination, through the Catholic/Orthodox Church back to the Early Christians. LDS can trace theirs solely back to a con man. However, when Smith brought in Jesus to give credibility to his church, the Holy Spirit comes with Jesus. I have hope for you people yet, but give up trying to tear up the roots of the Catholic/Orthodox faith. First, it can't be done. Second, think about it. Killing the roots kills all the offshoots as well. If you feel you are such an offshoot, then you are shooting yourself in the foot.

Think about it. Does your Church want enemies or do you want brothers and sisters in Christ? You act like you prefer hostility to others, not outreach.
So, you believe in Jesus Christ because of the stories Paul and the other prophets and apostles wrote about Jesus Christ. But, you deny that Joseph Smith wrote about his encounters with Jesus Christ and with the angels of Christ. Just because you were born a Catholic. Weird.

Funny about enemies of The Church of Jesus Christ when you and Protestants claim Joseph Smith was a con-man. You pretty much force that issue. Think about it.
I give every Pope and Priest if all levels since the apostasy and the formation of the RCC no credibility. And, with great reason.
Grin. Now you are parroting, which means you have nothing better or even original.

What is the Catholic Church/Faith doing to you now? Why the forlorn need to attack another Church/Faith? Can't your own Church/Faith stand on its own amidst others? Declaring the Nicene Creed (and other things) an apostasy with nothing to back that declaration says there is no strong way to lift up your own Church/Faith and so the only option is to try to tear down the others.

If the LDS Church brought you to Christ and into the embrace of God, that is what matters. Proclaim that; proclaim the history of your own Church/Faith and leave others to speak of theirs. If there is something you don't understand about the faith of others (i.e., the Nicene Creed), ask.
Then you are claiming that the Catholic Church does not have baptism. Both no prophets and no baptism are incorrect.
Go ahead ask the pope if God tells him revelations and talks to him about new stuff? Ask a priest if the Church has prophets.
Go ahead ask the pope if God tells him revelations and talks to him about new stuff? Ask a priest if the Church has prophets.
Every priest I have ever known (a bunch) insist we are all, through baptism, priests, prophets, and kings. In the Catholic Church, all the baptized are prophets. Our belief is that natural revelation is ongoing from God. We do distinguish from personal revelation (binding on only one) and public revelation of salvation as revealed by Christ and the original Twelve Apostles.

If the LDS faith believes they have additional information to reveal about salvation, those of the Catholic faith will go back to what Jesus and the original Twelve taught about salvation.

I truly doubt that the LDS faith gives much credence to natural or private revelation. For example, do you proclaim St. Juan Diego, St. Faustina and Jesus' heart of divine mercy, St. Bernadette (immaculate conception), three children of Fatima (secrets), Pope Paul (contraceptive pill), and on and on and on. I, too, have had the rare revelation, and many, many Catholics have.

Please--all of you of the LDS faith/church--stop declaring you know what the Catholic Church does and does not teach. It simply causes Catholics to roll their eyes. You are like toddlers showing their elders the wonders found in every backyard.
Then you are claiming that the Catholic Church does not have baptism. Both no prophets and no baptism are incorrect.
Now you are getting it. When we say “Prophet” we mean the leader of the Lord’s true Church must be in communication with the Lord from heaven. Peter was the “small rock” of revelation. Jesus was saying you will lead when I’m gone by revelation as the Prophet or leader. The top person. Through Peter was given the keys (authority) of the Lord’s kingdom on earth. And, I stress in earth, not in heaven. Through him, the priesthood (authority) are all other priests given the authority to baptize.

As long as there is an Apostle (prophet) alive, there is communication for the entire church and world. Judas and others were replaced as long as there were righteous leaders to step up and step in who did not change and pollute the doctrines and ordinances through pride. But, Paul prophesied this was going to happen with a falling away. 100 years later, no more Apostles were called to the 12. No new revelation nor authority. No “Peter” anymore. Apostasy. No Prophet. Even Popes have said they are not a Prophet or Apostle. Instead, the now apostasiad members to keep their claim change the meaning of Prophet (Peter) and Apostle to every member. This means no Peter leadership.

Does this mean you can’t receive inspiration for yourself with the light of Christ or influence by the Holy Ghost? No, you can. Just as I did through my life that brought me to my testimony that the Lord restored his kingdom that did not end and that continued to exist in heaven during the apostasy on earth. He did so through a Prophet, one as imperfect as Peter was. The authority of the priesthood was again restored on earth to baptize.
Every priest I have ever known (a bunch) insist we are all, through baptism, priests, prophets, and kings. In the Catholic Church, all the baptized are prophets. Our belief is that natural revelation is ongoing from God. We do distinguish from personal revelation (binding on only one) and public revelation of salvation as revealed by Christ and the original Twelve Apostles.

If the LDS faith believes they have additional information to reveal about salvation, those of the Catholic faith will go back to what Jesus and the original Twelve taught about salvation.

I truly doubt that the LDS faith gives much credence to natural or private revelation. For example, do you proclaim St. Juan Diego, St. Faustina and Jesus' heart of divine mercy, St. Bernadette (immaculate conception), three children of Fatima (secrets), Pope Paul (contraceptive pill), and on and on and on. I, too, have had the rare revelation, and many, many Catholics have.

Please--all of you of the LDS faith/church--stop declaring you know what the Catholic Church does and does not teach. It simply causes Catholics to roll their eyes. You are like toddlers showing their elders the wonders found in every backyard.
You are so wrong about what LDS understand with private revelation for ourselves and our families. That’s why we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost after baptism. And you going back to when there was authority priesthood proves you have none now. Thanks for finally getting this. Maybe now you might begin to study and pray about these things. Maybe even invite our missionaries to come and teach you.

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