Trump Wants Revenge — That’s Why He’s the Man for 2024

Oh shut the fuck up. Who the hell do you think you are? Your Leftism was solely responsible for millions of deaths in Nazi Germany, the USSR, the Eastern Bloc, China, Cuba, Cambodia, etc. You are NOT morally superior, Communist
Not to mention Leftists were slave owners....
I sure you missed the fact that I was alluding to Trump. But we have already established you aren't the sharpest pencil in the drawer.
I didn't miss the fact that you are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
More amazing is how fools like you are helping to destroy this country and don't even know it.
Interesting choice of words.
Your post sounds an awful lot like Trump's own people.

"The events of the last couple weeks have caused me to do deep soul-searching," Milley wrote, "and I can no longer faithfully support and execute your orders as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is my belief that you were doing great and irreparable harm to my country. I believe that you have made a concerted effort over time to politicize the United States military. I thought that I could change that. I’ve come to the realization that I cannot, and I need to step aside and let someone else try to do that."

Interesting choice of words.
Your post sounds an awful lot like Trump's own people.

"The events of the last couple weeks have caused me to do deep soul-searching," Milley wrote, "and I can no longer faithfully support and execute your orders as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is my belief that you were doing great and irreparable harm to my country. I believe that you have made a concerted effort over time to politicize the United States military. I thought that I could change that. I’ve come to the realization that I cannot, and I need to step aside and let someone else try to do that."

That isn't the same General Milley who was complicit in claims of the readiness status of the Afghan Army, which did their own impersonation of the domino theory?
I voted for Trump in 2016. I could give you my reasons. You probably wouldn’t believe me.

But as I watched him through his tenure I saw much that troubled me. A lot of I’m the greatest and little solid to back it.

Let’s get serious. Let’s take the lies the FBI and DOJ told the court to get the FISA warrant. It wasn’t just Trump that was the victim of it. The Inspector General looked into it and every single one of the FISA applications that they reviewed had similar lies and misinformation. Every single one. And it wasn’t just the Washington DC office, it was every single office.

So did Trump do the rational thing? Did he do the reasonable thing? Did he do the smart thing? No. Because anyone with a modicum of intelligence would have used that report to go to Congress and get the FISA system abolished. Anyone with a modicum of integrity would have held a press conference to explain the abuses the American Public was enduring.

Trump wanted that power, and he wanted to use it to get his enemies. He didn’t want to drain the swamp, he wanted to control it. So he didn’t do the rational, intelligent, or even reasonable thing. He didn’t act for us, he acted for himself.

I can give more examples if you like. I can include links. You will denounce the links, you will accuse me of TDS. But question, how can I have TDS responding to a thread about how awesome Trump would be for President because of his demonstrated and historical record? The Author of the article says that because Trump will continue doing what he did before, he’s a great choice.

Instead of highlighting the failures of the FBI, and the Cops across the nation, Trump wanted to encourage it. But for his purposes, not theirs.

So no, Trump is not a good choice for President. I didn’t vote in 2020. I’ve said the same thing constantly, I didn’t want to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in some way superior to the other steaming pile of shit. I honestly don’t know if I’ll vote this year. But Trump would get me out to vote against him. His bullying bullshit is exactly what we don’t need in the White House, and I’ll take feeble incompetence over fascist fanatical idiocy.
Fantastic post. It is indicative of, first, why Trump lost. Yes, Trump made some inroads within some demographics. The Latino community, the Afro-American community. But he lost ground with larger populated demographics for the reasons you mentioned. Over 65, he split that group pretty much 50/50 with Biden, a group he had to take a majority to even hope for a victory. Suburban women, hell, he couldn't have more alienated that demographic if he tried, and shoot, maybe he did. And the turd he laid before leaving office, more commonly known as his SCOTUS nominations, as only deepened that divide.

But it was young people, many who were too young to vote when Trump won in 2016 that overwhelmingly voted against him. And those young people that did vote for him in 2016, perhaps their first presidential election, sure as shit didn't vote for him in 2020.

The reality is that Republicans will take the House, or at least they should, in 2022. But mark my words, if Trump announces his presidential candidacy before the mid-terms, and that self-absorbed asshole just might despite it being a stupid ass move. Well, Republicans lose seats in the Senate. One third of the Senate will be predominately Democrat, and not a damn one of them will ever have to run in a race where Trump is the top of the ticket, even if he wins in 2024. If he does pull that stunt that should forever disqualify him for leading a cubscout pack, let alone a major political party.
Fantastic post. It is indicative of, first, why Trump lost. Yes, Trump made some inroads within some demographics. The Latino community, the Afro-American community. But he lost ground with larger populated demographics for the reasons you mentioned. Over 65, he split that group pretty much 50/50 with Biden, a group he had to take a majority to even hope for a victory. Suburban women, hell, he couldn't have more alienated that demographic if he tried, and shoot, maybe he did. And the turd he laid before leaving office, more commonly known as his SCOTUS nominations, as only deepened that divide.

But it was young people, many who were too young to vote when Trump won in 2016 that overwhelmingly voted against him. And those young people that did vote for him in 2016, perhaps their first presidential election, sure as shit didn't vote for him in 2020.

The reality is that Republicans will take the House, or at least they should, in 2022. But mark my words, if Trump announces his presidential candidacy before the mid-terms, and that self-absorbed asshole just might despite it being a stupid ass move. Well, Republicans lose seats in the Senate. One third of the Senate will be predominately Democrat, and not a damn one of them will ever have to run in a race where Trump is the top of the ticket, even if he wins in 2024. If he does pull that stunt that should forever disqualify him for leading a cubscout pack, let alone a major political party.

No chance the media continual attacks for four years had anything to do with that?
I didn't miss the fact that you are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
"I've been a liberal Democrat all my life, I frankly find Democrats a better, more sympathetic crowd.... I'll continue to believe that Democrats have a greater regard for the common man than Republicans do".

Hey dumbass, you know who said that?
"I've been a liberal Democrat all my life, I frankly find Democrats a better, more sympathetic crowd.... I'll continue to believe that Democrats have a greater regard for the common man than Republicans do".

Hey dumbass, you know who said that?
Not me.
Establishment Ds suck just as much as Establishment Ds.
Ds were better before they suck.
Fantastic post. It is indicative of, first, why Trump lost. Yes, Trump made some inroads within some demographics. The Latino community, the Afro-American community. But he lost ground with larger populated demographics for the reasons you mentioned. Over 65, he split that group pretty much 50/50 with Biden, a group he had to take a majority to even hope for a victory. Suburban women, hell, he couldn't have more alienated that demographic if he tried, and shoot, maybe he did. And the turd he laid before leaving office, more commonly known as his SCOTUS nominations, as only deepened that divide.

But it was young people, many who were too young to vote when Trump won in 2016 that overwhelmingly voted against him. And those young people that did vote for him in 2016, perhaps their first presidential election, sure as shit didn't vote for him in 2020.

The reality is that Republicans will take the House, or at least they should, in 2022. But mark my words, if Trump announces his presidential candidacy before the mid-terms, and that self-absorbed asshole just might despite it being a stupid ass move. Well, Republicans lose seats in the Senate. One third of the Senate will be predominately Democrat, and not a damn one of them will ever have to run in a race where Trump is the top of the ticket, even if he wins in 2024. If he does pull that stunt that should forever disqualify him for leading a cubscout pack, let alone a major political party.

I’m sorry if you got the wrong impression. My first vote was in 1986.
how are Dems gonna run against Trump? their message is Trump is bad, we are not Trump. the rest of the message is race, gender, LGBT, abortion...good luck!
No chance the media continual attacks for four years had anything to do with that?
There was no media "attack" for 4 years.
The press just reported on him; honestly and objectively.
Trump's problem is not that he is a "victim" of the press.
His problem is reality itself.
See, in reality he is a terrible, terrible person in addition to being supremely incompetent and unqualified for any kind of public office.
He was (and is) a danger to this country. We are LUCKY American voters kicked his sorry ass to the curb after just one failed term.
Hell, he's not even a very good businessman in spite of all his self-aggrandizing bullshit.....and let's face it, even as a reality TV "star" he was, at best, mediocre.
What he IS good at is lying and cheating and swindling.
The press picked up on all of this early....
that's all.

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