Trump Wants Revenge — That’s Why He’s the Man for 2024

I do not see how Trump can be beat. 2 more years of Biden will have this country nearly destroyed. The turnout will prevent another steal by Democrats.

If many of President Trump’s supporters believe he didn’t go far enough during his first term, that critique would likely be assuaged in a second term. If the bad personnel choices and attempts to work as a gentleman with swamp creatures was good for anything, it at least served to teach President Trump (and Americans) two things:

First, it revealed who the true patriots in government are (they’re few and far between) and who the traitors are. Second, it taught us that attempting to get along and play nicely with the establishment doesn’t work — the only way forward is to treat them as ruthlessly as they treat honest constitutionalists.

Given Mark Meadows, and the FBI raid on the Rump Residence today, I'd say that the Revenge-Match is probably going to be cancelled... :itsok:
There was no media "attack" for 4 years.
The press just reported on him; honestly and objectively.
Trump's problem is not that he is a "victim" of the press.
His problem is reality itself.
See, in reality he is a terrible, terrible person in addition to being supremely incompetent and unqualified for any kind of public office.
He was (and is) a danger to this country. We are LUCKY American voters kicked his sorry ass to the curb after just one failed term.
Hell, he's not even a very good businessman in spite of all his self-aggrandizing bullshit.....and let's face it, even as a reality TV "star" he was, at best, mediocre.
What he IS good at is lying and cheating and swindling.
The press picked up on all of this early....
that's all.

I guess you never saw the undercover video for Veritas, with a CNN editior, of how they conflated everything that was said by Trump.....into propaganda reporting.
It’s not a conspiracy theory. The report thoroughly outlines what happened.

I already explained this.
Why was it run for months, with foaming at the mouth reporting then, by most MSM outlets.

Yet it never outlined what didn't happen.
Why was it run for months, with foaming at the mouth reporting then, by most MSM outlets.

Yet it never outlined what didn't happen.
MSM ran with it because it’s a big story when the President is about to be impeached.

This isn’t complicated.
The report ultimately lead to impeachment. Impeachment is kind of a big story. Duh.

Not complicated.
Fact remains:

Trump is far too kind and gentle to do unto The Democrat/Marxist Party that which it has done to America and to your freedom. We need a genuine ruthless brute. Male, Female, LGBT - I don't give a shit. So long as it's big on whips, chains and, most importantly, piano wire.
The report ultimately lead to impeachment. Impeachment is kind of a big story. Duh.

Not complicated.
Not anymore. For Trump anyway. The real issue is what will the Repubs do? They need to be like Progs now. And that is not good either. Progs need to become Democrats again. And come back into the fold.
Interesting choice of words.
Your post sounds an awful lot like Trump's own people.

"The events of the last couple weeks have caused me to do deep soul-searching," Milley wrote, "and I can no longer faithfully support and execute your orders as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is my belief that you were doing great and irreparable harm to my country. I believe that you have made a concerted effort over time to politicize the United States military. I thought that I could change that. I’ve come to the realization that I cannot, and I need to step aside and let someone else try to do that."

Milley is just like all libtards: uses high-falutin-patriotic-integrity-sounding words that mean nothing bc libtards don't have an patriotism or integrity

People who are against a great president like Trump, an America-First president like him are sick

and that's all there is to it. It is no more complicated than that.

Once again, there are several facts regarding this and they are clearly outlined in the report.

This isn’t complicated.
Based on facts now disproven?
Nothing illegal was found relating to Trump or His campaign.
What you want to call it isn’t important. Impeaching the president is kind of a big deal.

I’m not sure why you need me to explain the obvious to you.
Political hit job using 'facts' discredited by several prominent legal scholars, of which were democrats.

So you won't whine when the same is applied to then VP Biden for his quid pro quo in Ukraine?

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