Trump Wants The EPA gone!!


VIP Member
May 27, 2014
Oh yeah, lmao..good idea. Have you seen the air and water and ground in china? You want that here? Just so the greedy corporations can profit off of ruining our water our land and our air?
Oh yeah, lmao..good idea. Have you seen the air and water and ground in china? You want that here? Just so the greedy corporations can profit off of ruining our water our land and our air?

Oh yeah, lmao..good idea. Have you seen the air and water and ground in china? You want that here? Just so the greedy corporations can profit off of ruining our water our land and our air?
did you know that the epa can tell you what to do on your land?
did you know if you don't bow to their illegal demands they can fine you?
did you know that if you take them to court, win, they can ignore the court order and keep fining you?

epa ignores court order - Google Search
The EPA has 'militarized' and has by-passed Congress to make laws under Obama.... 'kill 'em'. At the very least, politically neuter them while declaring every 'law' they created is void!

Actually, it was your work you neglected to do. Your thread, you post the link. It's not up to the readers to find the information on their own.
Oh yeah, lmao..good idea. Have you seen the air and water and ground in china? You want that here? Just so the greedy corporations can profit off of ruining our water our land and our air?
did you know that the epa can tell you what to do on your land?
did you know if you don't bow to their illegal demands they can fine you?
did you know that if you take them to court, win, they can ignore the court order and keep fining you?

epa ignores court order - Google Search

Yes, I know that and I say, good for the epa. You care more about corporate profits than the air you breath? Do you own a corporation? Do you have a chip in this hand? If not, why are you jumping on the side of big biz. Do you think prices will decrease? No, but corporate profit will increase even more.
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.
Make them submit to Congress or get rid of them. Very simple.
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.

No. Lmao. It is our elected officials that give the corporations whatever they want and this is a dead giveaway to anyone seeking the truth. The EPA is by itself to distance themselves from the corruption that is rampid in our political system.
Currently, the richest 1% hold about 38% of all privately held wealth in the United States. while the bottom 90% held 73% of all debt. According to the New York Times, the "richest 1 percent in the United States now own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent".
  • The 1 percent has 35.6 percent of all private wealth, more than the bottom 95 percent combined.
  • The 400 wealthiest individuals on the Forbes 400 list have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans.
  • In 2010, 25 of the 100 largest U.S. companies paid their CEO more than they paid in U.S. taxes. This is largely because corporations in the global 1 percent use off shore tax havens to dodge their U.S. taxes.
  • Between 1983 and 2009, over 40 percent of all wealth gains flowed to the 1 percent and 82 percent of wealth gains went to the top 5 percent. The bottom 60 percent lost wealth over this same period.
  • The world’s 1 percent, almost entirely billionaires, own $42.7 trillion dollars, more than the bottom 3 billion residents of earth.
  • Between 2001 and 2010, the United States borrowed over $1 trillion to give wealthy taxpayers with incomes over $250,000 substantial tax breaks, including the 2001 Bush era tax cuts.
  • The 99 percent has seen their national share of income decline from 91 percent in 1976 to 79 percent in 2010. The share of wealth owned by the bottom 90 percent declined from 19.1 percent in 1962 to 12.8 percent in 2009.
  • The median net worth of white households in 2009 was $113,149, over 20 times the median net worth of African American households ($5,677) and 18 times that of Hispanic households ($6,325).
  • In 2010, average CEO pay for an S&P 500 company was $10.8 million, a 27 percent increase over 2009. The gap between CEO and average U.S. worker pay is 325 to 1, up from 42 to 1 in 1980.
  • The corporate 1 percent dominates the lobbying for federal and state policies. In the last 30 years, the ranks of official lobbyists have exploded. In 1970, there were 5 registered lobbyists for every one of the 535 members of Congress. Today there are 22 lobbyists for every member.
« back to 99 to 1

You tell me why they need more at the cost of our environment?
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.

No. Lmao. It is our elected officials that give the corporations whatever they want and this is a dead giveaway to anyone seeking the truth. The EPA is by itself to distance themselves from the corruption that is rampid in our political system.

The word is rampant, not rampid, and the EPA has no Constitutional authority to unilaterally be making any laws or regulations on their own, good or bad. That's for Congress.
Currently, the richest 1% hold about 38% of all privately held wealth in the United States. while the bottom 90% held 73% of all debt. According to the New York Times, the "richest 1 percent in the United States now own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent".

That has no bearing on this topic whatsoever and it's also none of your business what other people have. Sounds like you're just another jealous underachiever in life.
It's the only way to gets jobs back into move by Trump.....

I don't know that getting rid of the EPA is such a great idea. Ever hear of the Cuyahoga River fire in Cleveland? That finally woke people up to how polluted our waterways were.

At the very least we should have state agencies monitoring companies and factories to make sure they aren't polluting our land.
It's the only way to gets jobs back into move by Trump.....

I don't know that getting rid of the EPA is such a great idea. Ever hear of the Cuyahoga River fire in Cleveland? That finally woke people up to how polluted our waterways were.

At the very least we should have state agencies monitoring companies and factories to make sure they aren't polluting our land.
I'm fine with the State doing the job. It needs to be closer to the people and that achieves my only goal.

I have heard about the Cayahoga and studied it. It was the best available technology at the time. I engineer wastewater plants now as a mechanical engineer...

The public through litigation and the stock market are far more effective regulatory tools now. The EPA is nothing but the employment prevention agency.....

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