Trump Was Fighting COVID-19 While The Democrats Were Spending Millions Trying To Destroy Him..Yet They Claim He Did Nothing

Chinese is not a race, and there needs to be race for there to be racism. China is a place, not a race. He made no reference to any race.
The Chinese are part of the YELLOW RACE :asshole:
Thanks for your insight, edtheKKKnic.
Sure, there is the white race, the black race, the yellow race, and the red race.
Nothing KKK about that. NostralKKK.
Can you link us up the US Census form that lists those 'races" ?
Chinese is not a race, and there needs to be race for there to be racism. China is a place, not a race. He made no reference to any race.
The Chinese are part of the YELLOW RACE :asshole:
Calling the Chinese the yellow race is bigotry. Stick to the 5 races recognized by the US Census, and you won't have any problem.
Asian race is one of those 5, are you now claiming the Chinese are not Asian??? :asshole:
I don't see how you have come to this question. Chinese people can be any of the five races recognized by the US Census.
Chinese is not a race, and there needs to be race for there to be racism. China is a place, not a race. He made no reference to any race.
The Chinese are part of the YELLOW RACE :asshole:
Thanks for your insight, edtheKKKnic.
Sure, there is the white race, the black race, the yellow race, and the red race.
Nothing KKK about that. NostralKKK.
Can you link us up the US Census form that lists those 'races" ?

The U.S. Census Bureau must adhere to the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards on race and ethnicity which guide the Census Bureau in classifying written responses to the race question:

White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

Black or African American – A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.

American Indian or Alaska Native – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.

Asian – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
Chinese is not a race, and there needs to be race for there to be racism. China is a place, not a race. He made no reference to any race.
The Chinese are part of the YELLOW RACE :asshole:
Thanks for your insight, edtheKKKnic.
Sure, there is the white race, the black race, the yellow race, and the red race.
Nothing KKK about that. NostralKKK.
Can you link us up the US Census form that lists those 'races" ?
Fuck the US census!
Chinese is not a race, and there needs to be race for there to be racism. China is a place, not a race. He made no reference to any race.
The Chinese are part of the YELLOW RACE :asshole:
Thanks for your insight, edtheKKKnic.
Sure, there is the white race, the black race, the yellow race, and the red race.
Nothing KKK about that. NostralKKK.
Can you link us up the US Census form that lists those 'races" ?

The U.S. Census Bureau must adhere to the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards on race and ethnicity which guide the Census Bureau in classifying written responses to the race question:
So the Office of Management and Budget decides what a race is. What exactly does race have to do with budgets????
Fuck the OMB and the US Census Bureau!
Democrats aren't pro-active at getting tough jobs done when we are faced with dire obstacles. Look at all the illegal immigration. Dems stand on the side of the road and say to these invaders, "Go ahead and attack us, we'll just watch and jump ship when it starts to sink. Do your worst." A Democrats world is a world without locks on the doors or borders between countries.

They are quick to start smear campaigns and endlessly bitch about how the current Republican is getting something done. Its a sad reality and many of them are our family, brothers and sisters, cousins. They want to waste away and take us down with them. They're into self destruction and degeneration. They party very hard and know how to have a good time.
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You need to quit reading Huffpost. You're already on the wrong side of history. You should move to China.

He damn sure did stop travel. Where the fuck you been? And yes your chief idiot Bidum did call Trump a racist for shutting down travel.
Did Trump stop travel from ITALY? No?
Did he allow people from infected cruise ships to disembark and go on their merry way?



As far as quotes and links or admit you're full of shit. I have issued that challenge numerous times and gotten ZERO response
Trump did ban travel to and from Italy.
Unfortunately Trump doesn't have total control of our government. There are still people who are running things that won't listen to his they made sure that the Wuhan virus was spread all over the place in CA, WA, and in NYC. The first thing they did was bring a bunch of Americans living in Wuhan to the US about 3 weeks ago and this helped spread the virus like wildfire.
But the truth is Chinese have been spreading the virus for at least 6 months....possibly a year. No telling how many of them were infected and found their way to the US before it became a problem.
Deeeeng Dude where did you get all that pile of cow dung? Top to bottom of your post is so messed up.

From your post...... people running things that won’t listen to his directives..... Trump is the boss is that mean he is not in control? Is that why we are so screwed up?
As soon as the 1st case hit the US he instituted the travel ban.
Not strictly true. The first case in the US was on Jan 20, which was a US citizen who had returned from the area. The travel ban was not instituted for 12 days later. Calling it a ban is also not strictly true. The ban never applied to US citizens who were free to travel to and from China unrestricted. As we can see, the first case being in a US citizen, the utility of this “ban” is limited.

Even Fauci and Birx said he followed the right protocol. They the experts didn't realize how contagious it was as China did not report it truthfully. I listened to them NOT Trump and they said the US has followed the right procedure. Only real hot spots now are NY and NJ.
Oh Lordy!
1. What protocol? We’ll use the January 30, 2020 as the time line. Trump reactions after that date downplayed every thing even during his rally February 20, 2020. It’s a Democrat hoax, go to Hannity for reinforcement hoax hoax hoax.
Feb. 5 meetings with senators downplayed there was no urgency.

2. Why are you blaming China of Trump incompetence? We know what is going on. Trump didn’t do shit till 1/30/20. Didn’t do anything after that till everything is too late.

Oh China didn’t tell us of the virus? Does this make sense?
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He was called a racist for using the term “Chinese virus” for days while Americans of Asian descent were being harassed by morons.
Chinese is not a race, and there needs to be race for there to be racism. China is a place, not a race. He made no reference to any race.

Yes he did. His rhetoric calling it the Chinese virus has triggered a number of attacks aqainst Asian-Americans. Those attacks include physical attacks.
Please substantiate your claim that Trump referenced a particular race with a quote. I don't need to see quotes of him referring to any nationality, just provide a quote of him referencing one of the five races recognized by the US Census.

You are right. He didn’t specify a race. He’s absolutely innocent. The asshole who gave my Japanese wife the finger and told her to go back to China with her virus is just an outlier.

My bad.
The asshole who you claim gave your wife the finger was probably a lefty, since lefties are more likely to do low class shit like that. Trump most certainly did not do that, nor did he speak out against ANY nationality, race, or people. All he did was identify the Chinese virus by where it came from. Lefties want SO badly to be victims of Trump, but they cannot squeeze victimhood out of Trump identifying something by where it came from that is not even a person.

Just so you and every other lefty here have this straight, NO LEFTY on this board has EVER been able to post a shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. All any lefty on this board has ever been able to post are NON EVIDENCE items such as allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, propaganda, or false claims to have already posted the evidence.

Fiero425 IM2 Superbadbrutha can't post evidence either.

What difference does it make? Trump lies all the time you wouldn’t even know the difference. Any thing that he say wrong or wrong lies or lies. That is correct that’s cool mr. president.

Using Chinese Virus you don’t even know it offended American Asians. Its acceptable to to idiots like you but to others it is very offensive. Why is that acceptable to you?

Asian Americans are being harassed and attacked both verbal and physical. Trump is a big part of that.

Trump was proven over and over that Trump is a racist piece of shit.

Since late last year the Democrats were trying to tear this country apart with their fake impeachment mess. But even while they were spinning their lies about a phone call...Trump was busy trying to stop the spread of the virus....and they were trying to stop him at every turn:

"What the Democrat party has become is a tragedy for America. We need to be a two-party nation, with each seeking adherence to the Constitution. But over the eight years of the Obama administration and his commitment to transforming America, the Democrat party was indeed transformed. It is now fully socialist and authoritarian, anti-First Amendment, anti-Second Amendment, anti-freedom and anti-Constitutional. The left has no tolerance for persons who are pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-capitalism, pro-liberty. The economic system that has brought untold millions out of poverty is their enemy. They want and lobby for the dependency of the masses who they believe will be certified democrat voters. Our left has been transformed into a vicious mob of anti-American fascists. Elect or re-elect any of them to office and we will get what we deserve, a nightmare of unimaginable proportions. Pelosi and her ilk are not only certifiably insane, they are well and truly evil. Their intentions for the wealth and sanctity of this nation as founded are malicious. She and her fellow elitists could not care less for the citizens they were elected to represent. This is why they are unable to grasp why so many of us love this president; he does care about all the folks they disregard – all those people who are bringing food to our markets, stocking the shelves, still picking up our trash, taking care of those who are sick across the nation. This pandemic crisis has demonstrated for all to see that the American left is as much an enemy of America as China.

How do sentient people watch her on any of the many cable news programs on which she appears listen to her blather and lies? She accuses the president of “fiddling while people are dying.” What nonsense. He was on the case while she was obsessed with impeaching him! He banned flights from China in January, created a task force to address the virus but the left-media did not notice. She was encouraging the people of San Francisco to join the crowd in Chinatown to celebrate Chinese New Year in late February! She and Schiff et al were so were obsessed with impeaching him they ignored the Wuhan virus completely. It was as though they actually thought they could remove him from office! That is how deluded they are. Pelosi still is. She shows up all over cable TV with her surgically-modified, botoxed face, her red lipstick reminiscent of the RuPaul’s drag queen show and expects that Americans will pay attention to anything she has to say. She has become a joke, a punchline. "

Nancy Pelosi: Cancer on the body politic

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The timeline that shows the CDC offering help as of January 6th does not support your little nonsense picture.
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I'm sure the corrupt media knows everything that the Army puts in Top Secret Intel briefs.
If they do then that explains why Trump fired 70 people in the NSC in Feb.
So Trump lies to the American people about this pandemic costing the lives of thousands & fuckwad Trumpettes worry about who leaked the proof.

China lies to the world and you only care about punishing Trump...

Funny isn't it?

Oh, before you proclaim the U.S. Government did not do anything just remember the U.S. offered to send members of the CDC as of January 6th 2020 and was working with the WHO to get China to come clean but let not let get facts get in your way of blaming one person for China failure...

Oh, also Mayor de Blasio as of late January and early February was complaining that those like you were not doing your part to support the Chinese community and just going on with your life...

Now your turn to proclaim what I wrote to be a lie and then I will provide the links to sink your fake outrage you partisan hack!

Totally BULLSHIT. You are ignoring something or you are just playing dumb. I’ll make it very easy for you making sure you understand facts.

Why are you blaming China of Trump ineptness?

CDC try to send members to China January 6, 2020. True ..... by that time..... WE US ALREADY KNEW WHAT IS GOING ON CHINA EVEN BY DECEMBER.
Then this dude issued his travel ban January 30, 2020. After that dates Trump is so busy downplaying, finger pointing, tweeting, blaming, go to Hannity that helped him downplayed the crisis hoax hoax. Even traveled to Delhi in February 25, 2020.

Then on January 2020 US sent 17+ tons of medical supplies including mask and respirators to China.

China refused CDC. Do you blamed them? Trump purposely fucked up the country with his Trade War..... .. oh! BTW can I come and help you?
This is like you purposely messed up my livelihood. Hey bud can I help you? Fuck you. Does this make sense to you? Chinese government and the people hate Trump.

No matter how much you twist this crisis Trump fucked this up all the way. He owns it.

Even today he blamed Obama of empty shelves 3 years after he is the president.
Then went ballistic having a hard time explaining what Kushner mean of OUR. is that own by federal or state?
As soon as the 1st case hit the US he instituted the travel ban.
Not strictly true. The first case in the US was on Jan 20, which was a US citizen who had returned from the area. The travel ban was not instituted for 12 days later. Calling it a ban is also not strictly true. The ban never applied to US citizens who were free to travel to and from China unrestricted. As we can see, the first case being in a US citizen, the utility of this “ban” is limited.

Even Fauci and Birx said he followed the right protocol. They the experts didn't realize how contagious it was as China did not report it truthfully. I listened to them NOT Trump and they said the US has followed the right procedure. Only real hot spots now are NY and NJ.
Oh Lordy!
1. What protocol? We’ll use the January 30, 2020 as the time line. Trump reactions after that date downplayed every thing even during his rally February 20, 2020. It’s a Democrat hoax, go to Hannity for reinforcement hoax hoax hoax.
Feb. 5 meetings with senators downplayed there was no urgency.

2. Why are you blaming China of Trump incompetence? We know what is going on. Trump didn’t do shit till 1/30/20. Didn’t do anything after that till everything is too late.

Oh China didn’t tell us of the virus? Does this make sense?

On Feb 3 the head of the WHO said it was not a threat to the US. Blame him you leftist loon.
Even Fauci and Birx said he followed the right protocol. They the experts didn't realize how contagious it was as China did not report it truthfully. I listened to them NOT Trump and they said the US has followed the right procedure.

That is PRECISELY what they inferred! Birx specifically.
Notice when caught lying "SAID" suddenly changes to "INFERRED."
Seriously? We are playing word games now. The head of the WHO on Feb 3 SAID there was no immediate threat to the US. Ed the Leftist.
Even Fauci and Birx said he followed the right protocol. They the experts didn't realize how contagious it was as China did not report it truthfully. I listened to them NOT Trump and they said the US has followed the right procedure.

That is PRECISELY what they inferred! Birx specifically.
Notice when caught lying "SAID" suddenly changes to "INFERRED."
Seriously? We are playing word games now. The head of the WHO on Feb 3 SAID there was no immediate threat to the US. Ed the Leftist.
Again when caught lying Fauci and Birx suddenly become the WHO.
Even Fauci and Birx said he followed the right protocol. They the experts didn't realize how contagious it was as China did not report it truthfully. I listened to them NOT Trump and they said the US has followed the right procedure.

That is PRECISELY what they inferred! Birx specifically.
Notice when caught lying "SAID" suddenly changes to "INFERRED."
Seriously? We are playing word games now. The head of the WHO on Feb 3 SAID there was no immediate threat to the US. Ed the Leftist.
Again when caught lying Fauci and Birx suddenly become the WHO.
No one is “lying” you’re nitpicking and you know it, Ed the Leftist.
Chinese is not a race, and there needs to be race for there to be racism. China is a place, not a race. He made no reference to any race.
The Chinese are part of the YELLOW RACE :asshole:
Thanks for your insight, edtheKKKnic.
Sure, there is the white race, the black race, the yellow race, and the red race.
Nothing KKK about that. NostralKKK.
Can you link us up the US Census form that lists those 'races" ?

The U.S. Census Bureau must adhere to the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards on race and ethnicity which guide the Census Bureau in classifying written responses to the race question:

White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

Black or African American – A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.

American Indian or Alaska Native – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.

Asian – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

I don't see "yellow" or "red" race listed. Must be a racist thing.
Chinese is not a race, and there needs to be race for there to be racism. China is a place, not a race. He made no reference to any race.
The Chinese are part of the YELLOW RACE :asshole:
Thanks for your insight, edtheKKKnic.
Sure, there is the white race, the black race, the yellow race, and the red race.
Nothing KKK about that. NostralKKK.
Can you link us up the US Census form that lists those 'races" ?
Fuck the US census!
Not a big fan of things proving you are a racist, huh?
Even Fauci and Birx said he followed the right protocol. They the experts didn't realize how contagious it was as China did not report it truthfully. I listened to them NOT Trump and they said the US has followed the right procedure.

That is PRECISELY what they inferred! Birx specifically.
Notice when caught lying "SAID" suddenly changes to "INFERRED."
Seriously? We are playing word games now. The head of the WHO on Feb 3 SAID there was no immediate threat to the US. Ed the Leftist.
Again when caught lying Fauci and Birx suddenly become the WHO.

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