Trump Was Right All Along...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
As Others See It: Crimes of the Deep State

As detailed in this article, the entire Mueller-collusion-Russia thing has been a "trumped-up" conspiracy to first, destroy his candidacy, and later, to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

And with the Media totally on board with the Soft Coup, Republican politicians have been too timid to even start the investigations to uncover the criminality and prosecute Comey and the other perpetrators.

As a wise man once said, "Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that no one is out to get you." Never truer than today.
More Deep Satism then?

The right foists some deep state conspiracy on us every other day, but never really reveal who or what they are....

Well it all started after 9/11 , HS, NSA, along with a cornucopia of alphabet departments looking to crawl up our collective azzes

The left screamed blue bloody murder over it , the right appaulded what is now the American Gestapo

Jackbooted fools wanted friggin' hoo when it doesn't work in your favor

As Others See It: Crimes of the Deep State

As detailed in this article, the entire Mueller-collusion-Russia thing has been a "trumped-up" conspiracy to first, destroy his candidacy, and later, to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

And with the Media totally on board with the Soft Coup, Republican politicians have been too timid to even start the investigations to uncover the criminality and prosecute Comey and the other perpetrators.

As a wise man once said, "Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that no one is out to get you." Never truer than today.
Lets see over 25 years of trying to convict the Clinton's and you bitch because a repub gets investigated for two years, vindictive much?
These videos outline Trump's case. IMHO its compelling. Just because Mueller and his dem stooges use perjury traps and old crimes to create a false case against Trump, doesn't undo the fact that the Mueller witch hunt against Trump was illegal.

Judicial Watch 15-minutes
Dan Bongino 28-minutes
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Does the Deep State have a responsibility to cover for Trump?
Does the Deep State have a responsibility to cover for Trump?

No. If Trump committed a serious crime he's gone, Pence is in and names his VP. Its all about the Mueller report findings. If he had anything serious it should have come out by now. Just remember, there is no double standard. Hillary got off on her "intent", so that excuse is still out there. Shouldn't be hard to prove that Trump doesn't know the law.
NOBODY is stating that if Trump committed crimes he should get a pass. But under the U.S. system of jurisprudence, NONE OF THIS SHIT starts until there is evidence of a crime. There was none.
They are trying to make an example of Trump as a WARNING to future citizens who would dare challenge the Washington establishment and corrupt party control of the White House.
Does the Deep State have a responsibility to cover for Trump?

No. If Trump committed a serious crime he's gone, Pence is in and names his VP. Its all about the Mueller report findings. If he had anything serious it should have come out by now. Just remember, there is no double standard. Hillary got off on her "intent", so that excuse is still out there. Shouldn't be hard to prove that Trump doesn't know the law.

Yeah , proving Donny's ignorance isn't going to be a steep climb for anybody, especially given his nearly continuous public demonstrations of it.
If Trump did anything criminal, the FBI sure didn't find it in the 5 months they were investigating him as soon as he won the nomination. They damn sure would have leaked it if they had.
Has Trump ever told you about the time he caught that fish? :04:

I guess some people never had that uncle that tells the fish stories. (As his best friend who was there, is next to him rolling his eyes) :dunno:
As Others See It: Crimes of the Deep State

As detailed in this article, the entire Mueller-collusion-Russia thing has been a "trumped-up" conspiracy to first, destroy his candidacy, and later, to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

And with the Media totally on board with the Soft Coup, Republican politicians have been too timid to even start the investigations to uncover the criminality and prosecute Comey and the other perpetrators.

As a wise man once said, "Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that no one is out to get you." Never truer than today.
Did the deep state instruct Cohen to lie about moscow tower?
As a wise man once said, "Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that no one is out to get you." Never truer than today.

Thats just what paranoids tell themselves to rationalize their nutty impulses.
the entire Mueller-collusion-Russia thing has been a "trumped-up" conspiracy to first, destroy his candidacy

Hey dummy, Mueller was appointed well after Trump became president, and right after he fired the FBI director.

Anyone home at all?
I didn't think much of Bill Barr until the confirmation hearings but now I see him as the man for the job...that job being putting an end to Mueller and opening fire on the stinking rat communists trying to bring Trump down. If I were Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, especially Obama and the rest of that treasonous cabal, I'd be packing a go-bag and looking for a country without an extradition treaty with the US

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