Trump watches cable news 5-8 hours a day, JUST LIKE I SAID BEFORE.

Trump puts in longer days as President than anyone in memory. He's up early and he works late. You think because the "New York Times" says he spends all day watching TV all day that it's the truth? Have you not grasped the fact that the New York Times is as biased against Donald Trump as it's humanly possible to be? Get a clue, embarrass yourself with strings like this one!

The next thing you'll be wasting board space on will be an "expose" that CNN thinks Trump is a bad President! Duh?

Sorry but when his tweets coincide precisely with what is being said on the telly, we know what he's doing. Gets up early and works late? LoL - he's the laziest POTUS in history.

Yeah, because as we all build business empires like the one Trump built by sitting around on your ass watching TV all day! You're one of the clueless people that thinks being a CEO of a major corporation means not working hard...aren't you, Doc? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

BINGO!!! The nutters are really coming unglued. Now, they are interested in how much TV the President watches, what a bunch of control freaks.
:rolleyes: Ahhh yes, you are one of those fools Trump relies on to eat his shit and ask for seconds.

Newsflash! Business can be conducted JUST FINE at the White House, just ask Turmp the candidate:


For a minute I thought the 38 in your meme referred to his waste size. That's more like a 48 :D
38 is his IQ.
Trump puts in longer days as President than anyone in memory. He's up early and he works late.

...watching TV and playing golf is not working.

What I find amusing, Anton is how you on the left can't tell the difference between actually "playing" golf and conducting the nation's business at one of the several golf resorts that Trump has homes at. It's no different than going to Camp David but you can't seem to grasp that concept! Every time Trump steps foot on a golf buffoons have him teeing off!

:rolleyes: Ahhh yes, you are one of those fools Trump relies on to eat his shit and ask for seconds.

Newsflash! Business can be conducted JUST FINE at the White House, just ask Turmp the candidate:


Newsflash! Donald Trump has always spent most of his time at his Florida home at Mar a Lago when it's the height of winter! You probably think he doesn't know how to conduct business from there now for some unknown reason? Note how the Washington Post phrased that! Not that Trump spent 25% of his first month in office playing golf...but that he spent 25% of his time at a golf resort! That's called deceptive journalism...and it's what Trump has been the victim of ever since he was named the GOP nominee!

Ok dumbass, I'm going to quote to you Trump himself, one more time, talking about the necessity of golf to conduct this country's business:

"I'm going to be working for you, I'm not going to have time to play golf" - Trump, Aug 2016.

So clearly, candidate Trump considered golf a LEISURE not only not required for business, but also directly contradictory to doing work.
Last edited:
The NYT confirms what I have said here on this board: Trump watches TV all day and then Tweets intermittently in tandem with what he's watching.

I posted about this and GrandpaMurky said something about that only taking 46 minutes to Tweet 12-15 times a day. That was a lame justification. Trump spends 45 minute +/- between Tweets for gathering his material.

Inside Trump’s Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation

"WASHINGTON — Around 5:30 each morning, President Trump wakes and tunes into the television in the White House’s master bedroom. He flips to CNN for news, moves to “Fox & Friends” for comfort and messaging ideas, and sometimes watches MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” because, friends suspect, it fires him up for the day."

""Mr. Kelly is trying, quietly and respectfully, to reduce the amount of free time the president has for fiery tweets by accelerating the start of his workday. Mr. Priebus also tried, with only modest success, to encourage Mr. Trump to arrive by 9 or 9:30 a.m."""

WOW, but doesn't all that TV watching interfere with his golfing outings???....LOL

Our ingenious Trump may have ordered a TV set to follow him around during his golfing sprees......Here's a picture of Trump trying to find the displaced remote.....

The nutters are really coming unglued. Now, they are interested in how much TV the President watches, what a bunch of control freaks.
Just like pseudocons obsessed over how many games of golf Obama played.

It must completely suck to have your own benchmarks snap back and bitch slap you in the face.

Trump puts in longer days as President than anyone in memory. He's up early and he works late.

...watching TV and playing golf is not working.

What I find amusing, Anton is how you on the left can't tell the difference between actually "playing" golf and conducting the nation's business at one of the several golf resorts that Trump has homes at. It's no different than going to Camp David but you can't seem to grasp that concept! Every time Trump steps foot on a golf buffoons have him teeing off!

:rolleyes: Ahhh yes, you are one of those fools Trump relies on to eat his shit and ask for seconds.

Newsflash! Business can be conducted JUST FINE at the White House, just ask Turmp the candidate:


Newsflash! Donald Trump has always spent most of his time at his Florida home at Mar a Lago when it's the height of winter! You probably think he doesn't know how to conduct business from there now for some unknown reason? Note how the Washington Post phrased that! Not that Trump spent 25% of his first month in office playing golf...but that he spent 25% of his time at a golf resort! That's called deceptive journalism...and it's what Trump has been the victim of ever since he was named the GOP nominee!

Ok dumbass, I'm going to quote to you Trump himself, one more time, talking about the necessity of golf to conduct this country's business:

"I'm going to be working for you, I'm not going to have time to play golf" - Trump, Aug 2016.

So clearly, candidate Trump considered golf a LEISURE not only not required for business, but also directly contradictory to doing work.

So tell me who the REAL "dumbass" is, for understanding that political candidates promise a whole lot from the stump that they don't deliver on...or you for thinking that's suddenly NEWSWORTHY!!!
Our Presidents obsession with watching TV seems to have more to do with finding out what is being said about him than for entertainment

He has his Twitter link at the ready
...watching TV and playing golf is not working.

What I find amusing, Anton is how you on the left can't tell the difference between actually "playing" golf and conducting the nation's business at one of the several golf resorts that Trump has homes at. It's no different than going to Camp David but you can't seem to grasp that concept! Every time Trump steps foot on a golf buffoons have him teeing off!

:rolleyes: Ahhh yes, you are one of those fools Trump relies on to eat his shit and ask for seconds.

Newsflash! Business can be conducted JUST FINE at the White House, just ask Turmp the candidate:


Newsflash! Donald Trump has always spent most of his time at his Florida home at Mar a Lago when it's the height of winter! You probably think he doesn't know how to conduct business from there now for some unknown reason? Note how the Washington Post phrased that! Not that Trump spent 25% of his first month in office playing golf...but that he spent 25% of his time at a golf resort! That's called deceptive journalism...and it's what Trump has been the victim of ever since he was named the GOP nominee!

Ok dumbass, I'm going to quote to you Trump himself, one more time, talking about the necessity of golf to conduct this country's business:

"I'm going to be working for you, I'm not going to have time to play golf" - Trump, Aug 2016.

So clearly, candidate Trump considered golf a LEISURE not only not required for business, but also directly contradictory to doing work.

So tell me who the REAL "dumbass" is, for understanding that political candidates promise a whole lot from the stump that they don't deliver on...or you for thinking that's suddenly NEWSWORTHY!!!

It goes beyond campaign promises to attacking another President for acts that you continue to do

The nutters are really coming unglued. Now, they are interested in how much TV the President watches, what a bunch of control freaks.
Just like pseudocons obsessed over how many games of golf Obama played.

It must completely suck to have your own benchmarks snap back and bitch slap you in the face.


Gee, I didn't care how much Obama played golf and I don't care how much Trump plays golf. I am not as partisan and petty as you and others seem to be. Your crying over BS is amusing to me. Keep up the good work!
So tell me who the REAL "dumbass" is, for understanding that political candidates promise a whole lot from the stump that they don't deliver on...or you for thinking that's suddenly NEWSWORTHY!!!

This may be way too much for right wing morons to understand....but hope springs eternal.....

There IS a difference in fulfilling promises, between a republican Trump elected with a huge majority of his party in the House and a majority in the Senate.......


an Obama who dealt with a devastating recession and a congress who collectively stated this.....

38 is his IQ.
6 is his shoe size: little hands, little feet. ;)[/QUOTE]

Trump's behavior is best explained by SPS - Small Penis Syndrome :eusa_dance:

ZURICH (Rooters): Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s efforts to refute allegations about the size of his penis received a blow yesterday when a prominent Swiss sex researcher made public a scientific report indicating that Mr. Trump suffers from Small Penis Syndrome (SPS). Professor Herman Schwanzkopf, the report’s author, warns that — if Trump becomes President — his efforts to over-compensate for having a “micro-penis” might pose a macro-threat to world peace.

But Schwanzkopf concludes his report by proposing a medical solution to this quandary. “Mr. Trump should get treatment for his SPS ASAP — hopefully before his inauguration,” the Professor recommends. “And that’s entirely possible. Thanks to recent breakthroughs, penis enlargement is no big deal.”​

Expert Warns That Trump's Small Penis Could Trigger World War III | HuffPost
What I find amusing, Anton is how you on the left can't tell the difference between actually "playing" golf and conducting the nation's business at one of the several golf resorts that Trump has homes at. It's no different than going to Camp David but you can't seem to grasp that concept! Every time Trump steps foot on a golf buffoons have him teeing off!

:rolleyes: Ahhh yes, you are one of those fools Trump relies on to eat his shit and ask for seconds.

Newsflash! Business can be conducted JUST FINE at the White House, just ask Turmp the candidate:


Newsflash! Donald Trump has always spent most of his time at his Florida home at Mar a Lago when it's the height of winter! You probably think he doesn't know how to conduct business from there now for some unknown reason? Note how the Washington Post phrased that! Not that Trump spent 25% of his first month in office playing golf...but that he spent 25% of his time at a golf resort! That's called deceptive journalism...and it's what Trump has been the victim of ever since he was named the GOP nominee!

Ok dumbass, I'm going to quote to you Trump himself, one more time, talking about the necessity of golf to conduct this country's business:

"I'm going to be working for you, I'm not going to have time to play golf" - Trump, Aug 2016.

So clearly, candidate Trump considered golf a LEISURE not only not required for business, but also directly contradictory to doing work.

So tell me who the REAL "dumbass" is, for understanding that political candidates promise a whole lot from the stump that they don't deliver on...or you for thinking that's suddenly NEWSWORTHY!!!

It goes beyond campaign promises to attacking another President for acts that you continue to do


If the worst thing that Donald Trump does as President is play a few more rounds than Barack Obama did...then that simply shows me that you don't have much to criticize him on, Winger! That "act" isn't criminal. It isn't even morally wrong!
The NYT confirms what I have said here on this board: Trump watches TV all day and then Tweets intermittently in tandem with what he's watching.

I posted about this and GrandpaMurky said something about that only taking 46 minutes to Tweet 12-15 times a day. That was a lame justification. Trump spends 45 minute +/- between Tweets for gathering his material.

Inside Trump’s Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation

"WASHINGTON — Around 5:30 each morning, President Trump wakes and tunes into the television in the White House’s master bedroom. He flips to CNN for news, moves to “Fox & Friends” for comfort and messaging ideas, and sometimes watches MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” because, friends suspect, it fires him up for the day."

""Mr. Kelly is trying, quietly and respectfully, to reduce the amount of free time the president has for fiery tweets by accelerating the start of his workday. Mr. Priebus also tried, with only modest success, to encourage Mr. Trump to arrive by 9 or 9:30 a.m."""
Oh, so that's the reason the border wall, the jobs from China, the infastructure bill and ACA is on hold....damn

You are correct. Trump is all mouth. He couldn't negotiate a deal if his daughter's life depended on it. He's a fucking bully who got his way in Manhattan through mob connections (construction) and Putin, whose money he launders. Mueller will prove it.
So tell me who the REAL "dumbass" is, for understanding that political candidates promise a whole lot from the stump that they don't deliver on...or you for thinking that's suddenly NEWSWORTHY!!!

This may be way too much for right wing morons to understand....but hope springs eternal.....

There IS a difference in fulfilling promises, between a republican Trump elected with a huge majority of his party in the House and a majority in the Senate.......


an Obama who dealt with a devastating recession and a congress who collectively stated this.....

Only the truly idiotic don't understand that the goal of EVERY party leader is make the other party's control a one term thing! Why do you on the left still think that MEANS something? It baffles me.

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