Trump watches cable news 5-8 hours a day, JUST LIKE I SAID BEFORE.

Trump hasn't worked hard at restoring coal mining jobs? Really?

Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule

Idiot........Trump can sign all the fuck he wants....DEMAND for coal does NOT exist.

It's embarrassing on the international stage.
Did you see the segment on Jerry Brown on "60 Minutes" last night, when they showed the clips from the United Nations' Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany?
Brown and Michael Bloomberg went on their own to promote their own programs for solar and wind power.
Trump sent a handful of people to represent coal. COAL.
Progs should be happy...imagine how much he would have done to UNRAVEL OBAMA'S AGENDA if he didn't watch any TV.
Ok dumbass, I'm going to quote to you Trump himself, one more time, talking about the necessity of golf to conduct this country's business:

"I'm going to be working for you, I'm not going to have time to play golf" - Trump, Aug 2016.

So clearly, candidate Trump considered golf a LEISURE not only not required for business, but also directly contradictory to doing work.

So tell me who the REAL "dumbass" is, for understanding that political candidates promise a whole lot from the stump that they don't deliver on...or you for thinking that's suddenly NEWSWORTHY!!!

It goes beyond campaign promises to attacking another President for acts that you continue to do


If the worst thing that Donald Trump does as President is play a few more rounds than Barack Obama did...then that simply shows me that you don't have much to criticize him on, Winger! That "act" isn't criminal. It isn't even morally wrong!

It shows a distinct lack of personal integrity from our President

Or else a contempt for the voters playing more rounds of golf is worse than say lying to the American people about being able to keep their doctor if they liked them...keep their insurance plan if they liked it...or that they'd be seeing a $2,500 a year reduction in their healthcare costs? Is that the "integrity" that you're referring to?

I kept my doctor, so did over 90% of Americans

Trump has not kept his promises
Trump hasn't worked hard at restoring coal mining jobs? Really?

Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule

Idiot........Trump can sign all the fuck he wants....DEMAND for coal does NOT exist. now claim that there's no "demand" for coal?


That article is 4 years old. Things are changing. From 2017:
China Cancels 103 Coal Plants, Mindful of Smog and Wasted Capacity

Did you even read the article? China canceled those plants because they already have so many coal fired plants that they're only running them at 50%! You continue to amuse...
So tell me who the REAL "dumbass" is, for understanding that political candidates promise a whole lot from the stump that they don't deliver on...or you for thinking that's suddenly NEWSWORTHY!!!

It goes beyond campaign promises to attacking another President for acts that you continue to do


If the worst thing that Donald Trump does as President is play a few more rounds than Barack Obama did...then that simply shows me that you don't have much to criticize him on, Winger! That "act" isn't criminal. It isn't even morally wrong!

It shows a distinct lack of personal integrity from our President

Or else a contempt for the voters playing more rounds of golf is worse than say lying to the American people about being able to keep their doctor if they liked them...keep their insurance plan if they liked it...or that they'd be seeing a $2,500 a year reduction in their healthcare costs? Is that the "integrity" that you're referring to?

I kept my doctor, so did over 90% of Americans

Trump has not kept his promises

Gee, I must be unlucky...I lost my doctor! I'm also waiting for my $2,500 a year savings! My insurance premiums went up...not down!
The NYT confirms what I have said here on this board: Trump watches TV all day and then Tweets intermittently in tandem with what he's watching.

I posted about this and GrandpaMurky said something about that only taking 46 minutes to Tweet 12-15 times a day. That was a lame justification. Trump spends 45 minute +/- between Tweets for gathering his material.

Inside Trump’s Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation

"WASHINGTON — Around 5:30 each morning, President Trump wakes and tunes into the television in the White House’s master bedroom. He flips to CNN for news, moves to “Fox & Friends” for comfort and messaging ideas, and sometimes watches MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” because, friends suspect, it fires him up for the day."

""Mr. Kelly is trying, quietly and respectfully, to reduce the amount of free time the president has for fiery tweets by accelerating the start of his workday. Mr. Priebus also tried, with only modest success, to encourage Mr. Trump to arrive by 9 or 9:30 a.m."""

isn't that just horrifying? he may as well be everyone's bigot uncle on thanksgiving.
Trump puts in longer days as President than anyone in memory. He's up early and he works late. You think because the "New York Times" says he spends all day watching TV all day that it's the truth? Have you not grasped the fact that the New York Times is as biased against Donald Trump as it's humanly possible to be? Get a clue, embarrass yourself with strings like this one!

The next thing you'll be wasting board space on will be an "expose" that CNN thinks Trump is a bad President! Duh?

Sorry but when his tweets coincide precisely with what is being said on the telly, we know what he's doing. Gets up early and works late? LoL - he's the laziest POTUS in history.

Yeah, because as we all build business empires like the one Trump built by sitting around on your ass watching TV all day! You're one of the clueless people that thinks being a CEO of a major corporation means not working hard...aren't you, Doc? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
He built his business on the backs of those he screwed , in bankruptcy in non payment of salaries How many law suits you think he has against him ? 3 digits ? Four? Born on 3rd base and thought he hit a rriple
The NY Times well it must be true then

And if it wasn't then Trump would have some lawsuits filed on them, now wouldn't he?

Wow, that's your "defense" of the Times? That they haven't been sued yet?

actually the defense of the Times is easier.... unlike trumptard sources of information, they factchceck and they issue corrections when necessary.

you let me know when breitbart, fauxnews and infowars do that.
Trump hasn't worked hard at restoring coal mining jobs? Really?

Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule

Idiot........Trump can sign all the fuck he wants....DEMAND for coal does NOT exist. now claim that there's no "demand" for coal?


That article is 4 years old. Things are changing. From 2017:
China Cancels 103 Coal Plants, Mindful of Smog and Wasted Capacity

Did you even read the article? China canceled those plants because they already have so many coal fired plants that they're only running them at 50%! You continue to amuse...

It's in the first paragraph: "....while moving the country away from one of the dirtiest forms of electricity generation, the government announced in a directive made public this week.""

and: "But despite the vast amount of capacity added in recent years, China’s coal use has been on the decline since 2013.""

That's how old your link is, too, idiot.
Trump puts in longer days as President than anyone in memory. He's up early and he works late. You think because the "New York Times" says he spends all day watching TV all day that it's the truth? Have you not grasped the fact that the New York Times is as biased against Donald Trump as it's humanly possible to be? Get a clue, embarrass yourself with strings like this one!

The next thing you'll be wasting board space on will be an "expose" that CNN thinks Trump is a bad President! Duh?

Sorry but when his tweets coincide precisely with what is being said on the telly, we know what he's doing. Gets up early and works late? LoL - he's the laziest POTUS in history.

Yeah, because as we all build business empires like the one Trump built by sitting around on your ass watching TV all day! You're one of the clueless people that thinks being a CEO of a major corporation means not working hard...aren't you, Doc? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
He built his business on the backs of those he screwed , in bankruptcy in non payment of salaries How many law suits you think he has against him ? 3 digits ? Four? Born on 3rd base and thought he hit a rriple

Donald has been involved in 3,500 law suits.
In between 12 cans of diet coke lol

Now you've got a problem with Diet Coke? Why's that? Because Trump likes Diet Coke? Can you say pathetic, Eddie?
12 cans a day gramps???? That ain't sick??? the worst thing you can come up with to say about Donald Trump's "drinking problem" (which is tough to do since he doesn't drink alcohol!) is to criticize how many Diet Cokes he drinks? Hate to tell you, Eddie...but that's REALLY sad!
You look at him You really think he can last 3 more years eating and drinking that crap that he does?

Then you should be happy, instead you bitch and moan, my you nuts play the victim well.
I'm killing it in the market Pap But imho trump is a lying %^& and I have no problem calling it like it is

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