TRUMP WINNING: More Stock Market Records!...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Dang son, you killin it President Trump. Nice job. :thup:

The Dow Jones industrial average rose to an all-time high on Thursday as investors bet economic growth would pick up steam.

The index rose 150 points to a record high, led by Boeing, General Electric and Caterpillar. These names stand to benefit the most if economic growth ratches up.

The Nasdaq composite also hit a record high, as shares of Apple gained 0.6 percent. The S&P 500 gained 0.5 percent and reached an all-time high, with energy and industrials as the best-performing sectors...

In corporate news, Walmart said it will raise its starting wage to $11 per hour and will give some employees bonuses following the tax-bill passage...

Dow jumps 150 points to record, led by Boeing and other big economic growth plays

Dang son, you killin it President Trump. Nice job. :thup:

The Dow Jones industrial average rose to an all-time high on Thursday as investors bet economic growth would pick up steam.

The index rose 150 points to a record high, led by Boeing, General Electric and Caterpillar. These names stand to benefit the most if economic growth ratches up.

The Nasdaq composite also hit a record high, as shares of Apple gained 0.6 percent. The S&P 500 gained 0.5 percent and reached an all-time high, with energy and industrials as the best-performing sectors...

In corporate news, Walmart said it will raise its starting wage to $11 per hour and will give some employees bonuses following the tax-bill passage...

Dow jumps 150 points to record, led by Boeing and other big economic growth plays
I have a few shares of Boeing since that company merged with McDonnell Doulas. At the time my shares cost $65 per, now they are over $300. Thank you President Trump for Making America Great Again..
Were you a President Hoover fan too? Remember all his Stock Market Winning? Until it turned to losing.
Dang son, you killin it President Trump. Nice job. :thup:

The Dow Jones industrial average rose to an all-time high on Thursday as investors bet economic growth would pick up steam.

The index rose 150 points to a record high, led by Boeing, General Electric and Caterpillar. These names stand to benefit the most if economic growth ratches up.

The Nasdaq composite also hit a record high, as shares of Apple gained 0.6 percent. The S&P 500 gained 0.5 percent and reached an all-time high, with energy and industrials as the best-performing sectors...

In corporate news, Walmart said it will raise its starting wage to $11 per hour and will give some employees bonuses following the tax-bill passage...

Dow jumps 150 points to record, led by Boeing and other big economic growth plays

Ah man! I just lost a bet! I just bet a guy 100 dollars that Trump couldn't win anymore! Damn Rat Bastard! When will Trump learn to settle down and start acting "presidential." He is really putting pressure on Washington politicians now that he has shown taxpayers that you really CAN fix problems, and get it done without taking 30 years and 800 billion dollars.
You know the left will try to tank the economy in late summer before the midterms...count on it.
GOP policy will do that by itself, just like last time.
Last time it was Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chris Dodd that tanked the economy that Obama inherited, but hey, I have never known any Socialist that hasn't ruined a country yet..
You know the left will try to tank the economy in late summer before the midterms...count on it.

Oh yeah, they're talking down the Economy daily. It's only about 'Party before Country' for them. They suck.
Were you a President Hoover fan too? Remember all his Stock Market Winning? Until it turned to losing.
When Herbert Hoover(establishment Republican/Progressive) raised taxes to stem the fun of the roaring twenties the result was typical, economy tanked, just like in 1993 when Clinton raised taxes on Reagans economy, 6 years later Enron, MCI/World Com and the Dot Com bubble burst and Bush 43 inherited a recession from Clinton.. When you raise taxes it eventually ruins an economy, always has, always will...
Dang son, you killin it President Trump. Nice job. :thup:

The Dow Jones industrial average rose to an all-time high on Thursday as investors bet economic growth would pick up steam.

The index rose 150 points to a record high, led by Boeing, General Electric and Caterpillar. These names stand to benefit the most if economic growth ratches up.

The Nasdaq composite also hit a record high, as shares of Apple gained 0.6 percent. The S&P 500 gained 0.5 percent and reached an all-time high, with energy and industrials as the best-performing sectors...

In corporate news, Walmart said it will raise its starting wage to $11 per hour and will give some employees bonuses following the tax-bill passage...

Dow jumps 150 points to record, led by Boeing and other big economic growth plays

Ah man! I just lost a bet! I just bet a guy 100 dollars that Trump couldn't win anymore! Damn Rat Bastard! When will Trump learn to settle down and start acting "presidential." He is really putting pressure on Washington politicians now that he has shown taxpayers that you really CAN fix problems, and get it done without taking 30 years and 800 billion dollars.

See that --- you should have bet that you'd be incapable of posting in a normal non-obnoxious non-fullayerself font.
You woulda cleaned up.
Obama will be along any minute to claim credit for it.

Wait for it. Obama-Bot hissy-fits in 5 4 3 2 1...

When you add that to the job numbers, the economic growth, the increase in home buying and building, and the money and jobs flowing back into the country, We're headed for some some prosperous times.


Yup, exactly what Democrats don't want. The last thing the Democratic Party wants is an independent prosperous Citizenry. They see no profit in that. They need more angry impoverished folks. They see them as a permanent voter-base. They're desperately hoping the sky falls. They're not good people.
Dang son, you killin it President Trump. Nice job. :thup:

The Dow Jones industrial average rose to an all-time high on Thursday as investors bet economic growth would pick up steam.

The index rose 150 points to a record high...

You sent me to the live DJIA chart --- migod, the Dow is up over 25,500. I hope we're not getting frothy. We're in the market, too, and have been right along, and this is quite a rise --- I read yesterday that skeptics by the thousand are going out of cash and into the market, finally. Leftist investors, presumably, losing a lot of money that was just sitting on the table.
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You know the left will try to tank the economy in late summer before the midterms...count on it.
GOP policy will do that by itself, just like last time.

Except "last time" it was Willy Jeff's CRA that blackmailed the banks into lending to deadbeats and ghetto rats protected by Maxine Waters and Barney Frank and Dodd. The banks tossed that crap paper into bundles and fucked the entire world with them. Know your history if you're going to post here, dumbass.
You know the left will try to tank the economy in late summer before the midterms...count on it.

I don't know how they would DO that, though: suggestions?

They have plenty of institutional investors like big unions and professional associations who could pull their funds, create a panic and watch the lemmings jump off the cliff.
Last time it was Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chris Dodd that tanked the economy that Obama inherited, but hey, I have never known any Socialist that hasn't ruined a country yet..

Yeah, it's generally understood now that it was the Bush administration allowing the Dems to get away with promoting home ownership to minorities: NINJA people --- that stands for "no income, no jobs" and they got "liar loans" by simply lying and nobody had to research them for ability to pay. So we had the Great Recession because of Democrats. I don't think the Trump administration is full of such fools as the Bush administration unfortunately turned out to be.

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