Trump Wins fight over Hospital Price Transparency


Platinum Member
May 13, 2012
The Trump administration took action in 2019 to force hospitals to provide details and transparency regarding the prices hospitals charge patients. Hospitals argued in part that they should not be forced to disclose their internal pricing policies and that it would place an unfair burden on them and that requiring transparency amounts to coercion:

"But the American Hospital Association, which sued to block the Trump administration regulation and was on the losing side, announced it would appeal. The industry argues that forcing the disclosure of prices negotiated between hospitals and insurers amounts to coercion."

Hard to believe that hospitals are against price transparency. (sarcasm)

These hospitals are all too quick to get their Medicade/Medicare payments (handouts) but they want to be secretive about how they rip off the American tax payer? Fuck no, bitches. You play that game, you will disclose!!!

This is one step closer to fixing the problem deliberately caused by communists trying to overwhelm the "system" and destroy it.
Oh boy this is going to piss the swamp off...they get lots of campaign cash from hospitals to keep things just as they are.....see that is why Trump is so despised...he is draining not only the swamp but the swamps cash cow too.....and both sides hate him for it....and so does the corporate owned media....look how many hospital ads are on the Trump.....he is our only hope of returning America to the people....
If I hadn't already committed my vote the The Donald, this certainly would have ... I want to know how much a hospital charges to perform a Pap's Smear on a man, and then look for the best bargain ...
Oh boy this is going to piss the swamp off...they get lots of campaign cash from hospitals to keep things just as they are.....see that is why Trump is so despised...he is draining not only the swamp but the swamps cash cow too.....and both sides hate him for it....and so does the corporate owned media....look how many hospital ads are on the Trump.....he is our only hope of returning America to the people....

But....but....biden and the democrat party want to help the little guy........if they just happen to be huge medical conglomerates who pay protection to the democrat party......
I never did need a price quote since I d
If I hadn't already committed my vote the The Donald, this certainly would have ... I want to know how much a hospital charges to perform a Pap Smear on a man, and then look for the best bargain ...
Why would you do it at a hospital?

The female Pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer, which is a sexually induced cancer caused by the human papillomavirus. The human papillomavirus is also easily transmitted to the anus in men who have sex with men. Anal Pap smears screen for abnormal anal cells that may lead to anal cancer.
They should be happy I'm not running the show because if I were it would be a dark day in medical land indeed. I'd kill off medical insurance as th rip off and con game it is and I'd shoot the Medicare cow right in the head and thus end ALL government involvement in healthcare.
In short I'd put healthcare right back to were it was before the government and insurance companies broke it.
All of a sudden people would pay for their own medical expenses, and just as suddenly the healthcare industry would become responsible to their patients again, the quality of healthcare would improve dramatically and the ridiculous sky high prices would come crashing down to earth again. And it hasn't been so long ago that it was just that way. I has all transpired in my own lifetime. Less actually because I can remember it well.
The hospital industry went so far as to argue that price transparency would be a violation of their 1st Amendment rights. They are desperate to keep price transparency from happening.

to force hospitals to provide details and transparency regarding the prices hospitals charge patients
That's not enough. I want corporal punishment for bad doctors. Those oath-breaking doctors need to tortured out of their medical malpractice, punished into providing better care for their patients, locked up in barracks at night for morality's sake, and harshly disciplined into compliance with every rule and regulation applicable to the practice of medicine.

Doctors who do their own billing, or have access to any money or property of their own must be aggressively prosecuted for their complicity and participation in organized schemes of fraud, bribery, kickbacks, and other financial crimes.

It's time for Shari`a, the Law of Moses, the Code of Hammurabi to crack down on those overeducated bloody bastards after they have been stripped of their hospital privileges, educational degrees, and medical licenses.
The hospital industry went so far as to argue that price transparency would be a violation of their 1st Amendment rights. They are desperate to keep price transparency from happening.


An industry doesn't have any fucking rights! Only people do
The hospital industry went so far as to argue that price transparency would be a violation of their 1st Amendment rights. They are desperate to keep price transparency from happening.


I thought I should add a couple of links to the 1st Amendment desperation move by the hospitals:

Can't get much lower than this.

Trump just tweeted:

"Obamacare is a joke! Deductible is far too high and the overall cost is ridiculous. My Administration has gone out of its way to manage OC much better than previous, but it is still no good. I will ALWAYS PROTECT PEOPLE WITH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS,ALWAYS!!!"

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