Trump Won't Allow Other Countries and Organizations to Aid Puerto Rico...

What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Despite the fact that the United States is CONSTANTLY sending aid and helping other countries when disaster strikes, Trump will not allow other countries and outside agencies to send aid to Puerto Rico... all because an act from 1920 that is all about business and NOT disaster relief. So a guy that points to money for all his decisions, is refusing to allow other countries to reciprocate aid for Americans in need... over a nearly century old law. All while it is being reported that between a third to a half of the residents of the island have no clean drinking water.

"Also called the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, the Jones Act requires all goods shipped between American ports to be on ships built, owned and operated in the United States."

Trump refuses to send more aid to Puerto Rico, citing business interests

What's the problem? All the US agencies are in high gear and are successfully delivering aid to Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Oh I know the problem. You have to slag Trump.

What's the problem? Why are you against other countries chipping in to help people in need... that Trump has already said is more difficult than Houston or Florida because it is an island?

The US agencies have been completely effective in their co ordination from rescue to delivering aid. What's the problem?

Really explain what they have done for PR so far.
The OP is lying, foreign entities can send aid on their own ships, so long as it comes from a foreign port.

However, Puerto Rico has a long and troubled history of suffering from the conditions of the Jones Act. An op-ed published in The New York Times yesterday highlighted its impact on the island, arguing that the nearly-century old law has caused inflated prices for Puerto Rican consumers for decades. Here’s an excerpt:

A 2012 report by two University of Puerto Rico economists found that the Jones Act caused a $17 billion loss to the island’s economy from 1990 through 2010. Other studies have estimated the Jones Act’s damage to Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Alaska to be $2.8 billion to $9.8 billion per year. According to all these reports, if the Jones Act did not exist, then neither would the public debt of Puerto Rico.

Three American territories are exempt from the Jones Act, including the United States Virgin Islands. Outright repeal of the law has already been backed by the Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute, Manhattan Institute and several major publications. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that the Jones Act hurts the Puerto Rican economy, and two Republicans, Senator John McCain of Arizona and Representative Gary Palmer of Alabama, have submitted bills to repeal or suspend the law. (The shipbuilding industry supports the law.)

and this

What is the Jones Act, and why does Puerto Rico want it gone?

Has to come from an American ship.
Note that the act was lifted in response to Houston and Florida being hit by Harvey and Irma. Why not for Puerto Rico? Trump: "a lot of people that work in the shipping industry…don’t want the Jones Act lifted."

Business over the lives of people... As many have said on different news networks, does Trump understand that the people of Puerto Rico are American citizens???

Piss off with that shit. Trump has been on this before Maria even hit.

He has? Funny... I've seen him getting more attention for his attack on the NFL and NBA, and how the people of Puerto Rico are wondering why he isn't paying more attention to them.

Give me a freaking break. The people of Puerto Rico can't even get a newspaper to find out what Trump has been doing day to day. Don't hand me that shit.

Here's when Trump moved on PR and the Virgin Islands. Note the date. Before the freaking hurricane hit.

"The president approved an emergency declaration for both the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico earlier this week, unlocking federal resources to the islands. Trump continues to direct federal resources to both the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria, as well as to Florida and Texas, which were impacted by Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, respectively."

Trump monitoring Hurricane Maria after it hits US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico
by Melissa Quinn | Sep 20, 2017, 4:25 PM

"He and the First Lady send their thoughts and prayers to all those in harm's way," the White House press secretary's office said."

Trump monitoring Hurricane Maria after it hits US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico

Give you a fucking break? What the fuck is wrong with your critical thinking skills? Are you THAT partisan? WHY TURN DOWN AID FOR PEOPLE IN NEED? You haven't given a single good reason for it... other than to say that Trump and the government has got it handled. No, they don't, and having more aid coming in isn't going to hurt the situation. In fact it would be nice to finally have other countries helping the U.S., as the U.S. sure the fuck helps other countries in need more than enough.
MORON! President Trump has set aside the Jones Act.
Well that is pretty much the state of US citizens, either blue collar or white collar crime. The rich and the poor.
Trump haters just gotta hate, even if they have to lie to do it. They don't even care if it makes them look stupid.
Note that the act was lifted in response to Houston and Florida being hit by Harvey and Irma. Why not for Puerto Rico? Trump: "a lot of people that work in the shipping industry…don’t want the Jones Act lifted."

Business over the lives of people... As many have said on different news networks, does Trump understand that the people of Puerto Rico are American citizens???

Piss off with that shit. Trump has been on this before Maria even hit.
WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.

The aid is being delivered successfully. The rescue operations are in full gear. Go to the fucking FEMA website for your updates like I do. The effort is fabulously coordinated.

What's your fucking issue?

Just the need to bash Trump? Fucking try decaff and go to the FEMA website. Oh and one more time, I'm dual. :)

WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.

Looks like President Trump just lifted it.

Trump authorizes waiver to loosen shipping regulations for Puerto Rico - CNNPolitics

Will you guys still be outraged?
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He finally lifted it more than a week after the hurricane.

But does it matter? Trump has made enemies of everyone in the world (except Russia of course). Who wants to help the former leader of the Free World who now only wants to "go it alone"?
Business over the lives of people... As many have said on different news networks, does Trump understand that the people of Puerto Rico are American citizens???

Piss off with that shit. Trump has been on this before Maria even hit.
WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.

The aid is being delivered successfully. The rescue operations are in full gear. Go to the fucking FEMA website for your updates like I do. The effort is fabulously coordinated.

What's your fucking issue?

Just the need to bash Trump? Fucking try decaff and go to the FEMA website. Oh and one more time, I'm dual. :)

WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.

Up until now there is no need to waive the Jones Act. It's there for a reason, and there isn't any problem getting supplies to the ports. They have the supplies to help people, the problem is getting the supplies to the people inland. Most of the roads are blocked. Lifting the Jones Act isn't going to magically fix blocked roads.

Carry on with your phony outrage since you're so desperate to make President Trump look like a bad guy.

Trump is only about himself, his family, and his rich buds.
Business over the lives of people... As many have said on different news networks, does Trump understand that the people of Puerto Rico are American citizens???

Piss off with that shit. Trump has been on this before Maria even hit.
WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.

The aid is being delivered successfully. The rescue operations are in full gear. Go to the fucking FEMA website for your updates like I do. The effort is fabulously coordinated.

What's your fucking issue?

Just the need to bash Trump? Fucking try decaff and go to the FEMA website. Oh and one more time, I'm dual. :)

WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.

Looks like President Trump just lifted it.

Will you guys still be outraged?
Like I said: Does it matter? Trump has made enemies of everyone in the world (except Russia of course). Who wants to help the former leader of the Free World who now only wants to "go it alone"?

Would you want to help a country whose leader disrespected you in front of the entire world?
What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Despite the fact that the United States is CONSTANTLY sending aid and helping other countries when disaster strikes, Trump will not allow other countries and outside agencies to send aid to Puerto Rico... all because an act from 1920 that is all about business and NOT disaster relief. So a guy that points to money for all his decisions, is refusing to allow other countries to reciprocate aid for Americans in need... over a nearly century old law. All while it is being reported that between a third to a half of the residents of the island have no clean drinking water.

"Also called the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, the Jones Act requires all goods shipped between American ports to be on ships built, owned and operated in the United States."

Trump refuses to send more aid to Puerto Rico, citing business interests
I think you should stop believing everything you read.

Notice the attempt in the story to prop up that lying despicable backstabbing asshole John McCain. A dead giveaway.
This is government red tape already in place before Trump took office. Oh, Trump waived the Jones Act last Thursday.

Puerto Rico is going to get the help it needs.
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Piss off with that shit. Trump has been on this before Maria even hit.
WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.

The aid is being delivered successfully. The rescue operations are in full gear. Go to the fucking FEMA website for your updates like I do. The effort is fabulously coordinated.

What's your fucking issue?

Just the need to bash Trump? Fucking try decaff and go to the FEMA website. Oh and one more time, I'm dual. :)

WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.

Looks like President Trump just lifted it.

Will you guys still be outraged?
Like I said: Does it matter? Trump has made enemies of everyone in the world (except Russia of course). Who wants to help the former leader of the Free World who now only wants to "go it alone"?

Would you want to help a country whose leader disrespected you in front of the entire world?

You're a lunatic. If countries hate the US, they always have.

Thanks for answering my question though, you guys will still be outraged no matter what President Trump does.
Note that the act was lifted in response to Houston and Florida being hit by Harvey and Irma. Why not for Puerto Rico? Trump: "a lot of people that work in the shipping industry…don’t want the Jones Act lifted."

Business over the lives of people... As many have said on different news networks, does Trump understand that the people of Puerto Rico are American citizens???

Piss off with that shit. Trump has been on this before Maria even hit.
WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.

The aid is being delivered successfully. The rescue operations are in full gear. Go to the fucking FEMA website for your updates like I do. The effort is fabulously coordinated.

What's your fucking issue?

Just the need to bash Trviousmp? Fucking try decaff and go to the FEMA website. Oh and one more time, I'm dual. :)

Their issue is that President Trump responded better to Harvey and Irma and Maria better than any previous president responded to any previous disasters.

This just burns their liberal progressive arses.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Despite the fact that the United States is CONSTANTLY sending aid and helping other countries when disaster strikes, Trump will not allow other countries and outside agencies to send aid to Puerto Rico... all because an act from 1920 that is all about business and NOT disaster relief. So a guy that points to money for all his decisions, is refusing to allow other countries to reciprocate aid for Americans in need... over a nearly century old law. All while it is being reported that between a third to a half of the residents of the island have no clean drinking water.

"Also called the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, the Jones Act requires all goods shipped between American ports to be on ships built, owned and operated in the United States."

Trump refuses to send more aid to Puerto Rico, citing business interests
I think you should stop believing everything you read.

Notice the attempt in the story to prop up that lying despicable backstabbing asshole John McCain. A dead giveaway.
This is government red tape already in place before Trump took office.

Puerto Rico is going to get the help it needs.
Yea, after how many die?

What is going on there will make "good job Brownie" actually look like a "good job".

And the GOP won't be able to blame it on Obama. But they'll try.

Clinton pressed Trump to deploy hospital ship Comfort to Puerto Rico. Now it’s preparing to go.
Note that the act was lifted in response to Houston and Florida being hit by Harvey and Irma. Why not for Puerto Rico? Trump: "a lot of people that work in the shipping industry…don’t want the Jones Act lifted."

Business over the lives of people... As many have said on different news networks, does Trump understand that the people of Puerto Rico are American citizens???

Piss off with that shit. Trump has been on this before Maria even hit.
WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.

The aid is being delivered successfully. The rescue operations are in full gear. Go to the fucking FEMA website for your updates like I do. The effort is fabulously coordinated.

What's your fucking issue?

Just the need to bash Trviousmp? Fucking try decaff and go to the FEMA website. Oh and one more time, I'm dual. :)

Their issue is that President Trump responded better to Harvey and Irma and Maria better than any previous president responded to any previous disasters.

This just burns their liberal progressive arses.
More bull$hit? Thank God Obama left him a fully staffed FEMA. Under Trump, we don't even have ambassadors to South Korea and India to name a few.

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