Trump Won't Allow Other Countries and Organizations to Aid Puerto Rico...

I guess what this just boils down to is that you left wing wankers think the US agencies are fucking up in PR and the Virgin Islands. I'd like to know how you come to that conclusion.

Uh no? It's about the fact that Maria is the greatest natural disaster in Puerto Rico history and even right now a third to a half of the island is without CLEAN DRINKING WATER, let alone power, food, suitable shelter, and communications.

So again, why the fuck should the U.S. turn down help from other countries when people are dealing with those types of conditions?
What part of territory VS state do liberals not understand? The rules are different.
I guess what this just boils down to is that you left wing wankers think the US agencies are fucking up in PR and the Virgin Islands. I'd like to know how you come to that conclusion.

Uh no? It's about the fact that Maria is the greatest natural disaster in Puerto Rico history and even right now a third to a half of the island is without CLEAN DRINKING WATER, let alone power, food, suitable shelter, and communications.

So again, why the fuck should the U.S. turn down help from other countries when people are dealing with those types of conditions?
She's a coward. She'll never answer that question.
The OP is lying, foreign entities can send aid on their own ships, so long as it comes from a foreign port.
The OP is lying, foreign entities can send aid on their own ships, so long as it comes from a foreign port.

I'm lying?


I didn't write the article... and can you please explain why Trump waived the Jones Act for Houston and Florida?

The OP is lying, foreign entities can send aid on their own ships, so long as it comes from a foreign port.
Foreign ports can't go to Puerto Rico because the U.S. won't let them. It's part of what led to their bankruptcy.

You dumb fucking idiot.
Here's the thing. Trump is doing a great job on these hurricanes, and the liberals are still lying and saying he isn't.

But you're not fooling the voters, Trump's numbers are going up.
The OP is lying, foreign entities can send aid on their own ships, so long as it comes from a foreign port.

I'm lying?


I didn't write the article... and can you please explain why Trump waived the Jones Act for Houston and Florida?

Puerto Rico can't purchase goods and have them delivered from foreign ports. The moron doesn't know that.
Here's the thing. Trump is doing a great job on these hurricanes, and the liberals are still lying and saying he isn't.

But you're not fooling the voters, Trump's numbers are going up.
Yeah, with a little luck he'll stay above 35% :rolleyes:
The OP is lying, foreign entities can send aid on their own ships, so long as it comes from a foreign port.

I'm lying?


I didn't write the article... and can you please explain why Trump waived the Jones Act for Houston and Florida?


He said it himself. Was it yesterday or today, on his way to play golf or eat ice cream, he talked about "shipping interests".

Blackrook - Why did trump waive the Jones Act for Houston and florida but is letting people die rather than do the same for Americans in the Caribbean? Thanks.
Here's the thing. Trump is doing a great job on these hurricanes, and the liberals are still lying and saying he isn't.

But you're not fooling the voters, Trump's numbers are going up.

Here's the thing.

No he's not.

He simply is not.
Note that the act was lifted in response to Houston and Florida being hit by Harvey and Irma. Why not for Puerto Rico? Trump: "a lot of people that work in the shipping industry…don’t want the Jones Act lifted."

Business over the lives of people... As many have said on different news networks, does Trump understand that the people of Puerto Rico are American citizens???

Piss off with that shit. Trump has been on this before Maria even hit.
WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.

The aid is being delivered successfully. The rescue operations are in full gear. Go to the fucking FEMA website for your updates like I do. The effort is fabulously coordinated.

What's your fucking issue?

Just the need to bash Trump? Fucking try decaff and go to the FEMA website. Oh and one more time, I'm dual. :)

WHY WON'T TRUMP LIFT THE JONES ACT? Stop fleeing from the question, Canadian. Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from in 4 days? Do you have family in PR you haven't heard from PERIOD, Canadian??? Tell me that "business interests" are sufficent reason to limit what can be done to help Puerto Rico. Do it, own it, so I can tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time with your bitchass.
Still waiting, Canadian. tinydancer
If you've never seen a worthless human being, just view Trump's photo.

Puerto Rico is Trump's Katrina only this time he is intentionally creating it. "Maybe the second amendment people can do something, I don't know." What a bitch it must be for the orange-turd to have to watch billions go to help all these people while his fake wall is not funded. One would assume that now every single US territory that is not part of the continental states understands they can expect nothing from the US for their territory.

I have to hand it to you Trump supporters, you squatted over the White House and shat out an orange doozy.
If you've never seen a worthless human being, just view Trump's photo.

Puerto Rico is Trump's Katrina only this time he is intentionally creating it. "Maybe the second amendment people can do something, I don't know." What a bitch it must be for the orange-turd to have to watch billions go to help all these people while his fake wall is not funded. One would assume that now every single US territory that is not part of the continental states understands they can expect nothing from the US for their territory.

I have to hand it to you Trump supporters, you squatted over the White House and shat out an orange doozy.

And the worst part of all this is, just a couple of days ago he mentioned that Puerto Rico was going to be tougher to help because they are an ISLAND, yet he waived the Jones Act for Houston and Florida that aren't ISLANDS. He's literally making it worse for the people there intentionally.
If you've never seen a worthless human being, just view Trump's photo.

Puerto Rico is Trump's Katrina only this time he is intentionally creating it. "Maybe the second amendment people can do something, I don't know." What a bitch it must be for the orange-turd to have to watch billions go to help all these people while his fake wall is not funded. One would assume that now every single US territory that is not part of the continental states understands they can expect nothing from the US for their territory.

I have to hand it to you Trump supporters, you squatted over the White House and shat out an orange doozy.

And the worst part of all this is, just a couple of days ago he mentioned that Puerto Rico was going to be tougher to help because they are an ISLAND, yet he waived the Jones Act for Houston and Florida that aren't ISLANDS. He's literally making it worse for the people there intentionally.

Can you believe he'd be so stupid. "It's a lot harder to help them because they are, you know, an island. But we can wave the Jones Act for Texas and Florida, those people usually vote for me."

Scumbaggery at it's worst.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Despite the fact that the United States is CONSTANTLY sending aid and helping other countries when disaster strikes, Trump will not allow other countries and outside agencies to send aid to Puerto Rico... all because an act from 1920 that is all about business and NOT disaster relief. So a guy that points to money for all his decisions, is refusing to allow other countries to reciprocate aid for Americans in need... over a nearly century old law. All while it is being reported that between a third to a half of the residents of the island have no clean drinking water.

"Also called the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, the Jones Act requires all goods shipped between American ports to be on ships built, owned and operated in the United States."

Trump refuses to send more aid to Puerto Rico, citing business interests
The last I checked, the governor of Puerto Rico, thanked Trump and said that he was doing a good job of sending help. FEMA, the Coast Guard and the military are all assisting for the relief effort.

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