Trump worst modern President, Obama moves to top ten

Everyone knew this

Nothing is coming out you didn't read right on this fucking forum

I and many others pointed out a 100 "legal" ways he could carry out a coupe. Culminating in Pence controlling a session that verifies the vote

And no calling AG's and telling them to look for corruption of the election system is not illegal. He never asks them to make anything up. He tells them to go find them. Huge distinction legally.

Yes he did ask them to make things up.

His exact words were "just say the election was corrupt. Leave the rest to R congressmen and me."

Then he admitted he did it. Claiming he was upholding the integrity and honesty of our elections and sanctity of the vote. Which is such a load of garbage.

Yes he did ask them to make things up.

His exact words were "just say the election was corrupt. Leave the rest to R congressmen and me."

Then he admitted he did it. Claiming he was upholding the integrity and honesty of our elections and sanctity of the vote. Which is such a load of garbage.

That is making nothing up. The election was corrupt, and DOJ was corrupt by not investigating the massive fraud that caused 7 states to pick alternative electors. Period.
That is making nothing up. The election was corrupt, and DOJ was corrupt by not investigating the massive fraud that caused 7 states to pick alternative electors. Period.

Without any proof, that's making things up.

He went to court many times.

He lost every single case. Even with judges he appointed.

He didn't present any credible proof or have a credible case so every single judge threw his cases out of court.

Add to that, some of the lawyers who tried pass off lies are now facing possibly losing their law licenses.

rudy has already lost his law license.

And many media outlets are now being sued by Dominion computers for fraud because of all the lies they spread.

Yes he did say to make things up. It's clear from the notes.
Without any proof, that's making things up.

He went to court many times.

He lost every single case. Even with judges he appointed.

He didn't present any credible proof or have a credible case so every single judge threw his cases out of court.

Add to that, some of the lawyers who tried pass off lies are now facing possibly losing their law licenses.

rudy has already lost his law license.

And many media outlets are now being sued by Dominion computers for fraud because of all the lies they spread.

Yes he did say to make things up. It's clear from the notes.
Please do not say these things have been debunked. You cannot debunk them without investigating them, and that did not happen. The election was stolen and there is enough proof that half the country believes it.

In fact probably 90 % believe there was fraud. Some are happy with it because they like criminals running the country. People like you.
Yes he did ask them to make things up.

His exact words were "just say the election was corrupt. Leave the rest to R congressmen and me."

Then he admitted he did it. Claiming he was upholding the integrity and honesty of our elections and sanctity of the vote. Which is such a load of garbage.

Yea talking isn't illegal

Only thing that would be illegal is lying about vote counts and actually directly subverting the election

No different than whining about Russians.

Our elecvtions are all corrupt. They're not designed to be precise down to a signle vote. Not exactly a stretch for any state wide rep to say that. Certainly not one that has a major city.
Yea talking isn't illegal

Only thing that would be illegal is lying about vote counts and actually directly subverting the election

No different than whining about Russians.

Our elecvtions are all corrupt. They're not designed to be precise down to a signle vote. Not exactly a stretch for any state wide rep to say that. Certainly not one that has a major city.

But it is corrupt as hell to ask a Department of Justice official to lie to help Trumpyberra and his Neo-GOP push a false narrative to deceive the populous. Fascist lies in fact.
But it is corrupt as hell to ask a Department of Justice official to lie to help Trumpyberra and his Neo-GOP push a false narrative to deceive the populous. Fascist lies in fact.

Again hillary did the same shit

All that russian nonsense?

Who the fuck do you think was pushing that?

Shut the fuck up

Tried to fucking impeach him over it.
He was impeached by the House, for corruptly using foreign aid as leverage to get an announcement of an investigation into the Democrats and his chief rival among them, Joe Biden. Also for his culpability in the Jan 6th siege on the Capitol building during a Joint session fo the Senate and the House.

57 Senators voted to convict
Most of the Republicans who voted to acquit did so not because they didn’t think he was guilty but because he was no longer President
Again hillary did the same shit
Bull fucking shit.
All that russian nonsense?

Who the fuck do you think was pushing that?
Robert Mueller's report was very clear. The fucker was tickled pink over Russian interference in Hillary's campaign and used as much of the Russians lies as possible.
Tried to fucking impeach him over it.
They didn't just try. The Neo-GOP white washed his corruption, hopelessly corrupting them beyond redemption.
Shut the fuck up
Hahahahahaha. Nah this is still America.
Bull fucking shit.

Robert Mueller's report was very clear. The fucker was tickled pink over Russian interference in Hillary's campaign and used as much of the Russians lies as possible.

They didn't just try. The Neo-GOP white washed his corruption, hopelessly corrupting them beyond redemption.

Hahahahahaha. Nah this is still America.

Bullshit? lol

It was very very obvious

Delusional lefties want to pretend they aren't constantly upset with election results. Insane
Bullshit? lol

It was very very obvious

Delusional lefties want to pretend they aren't constantly upset with election results. Insane

Your equivocation claim was bullshit, you did not claim that a lot of girls cried when Hillary lost, they did. They put on their vagina hat and wailed at the sky. But they didn't try to subvert democracy. They vowed to defeat the GOP at the ballot box in the next election, and they did.
No ignoramus, he was exonerated by the senate . The entire thing was pure Leninist politics

Dumbfuck, that doesn't mean he wasn't impeached. He was.


You're a fucking moron to not know that.

Please do not say these things have been debunked. You cannot debunk them without investigating them, and that did not happen. The election was stolen and there is enough proof that half the country believes it.

In fact probably 90 % believe there was fraud. Some are happy with it because they like criminals running the country. People like you.
Probably 99% think you're fucking insane. :cuckoo:
Less than 30% believe Dirty Don's BIGLIE.
You have seen photograph after photograph and video after video of the current potentate with children and others. Mostly little girls. This has gone on for many years and decades. The media has done nothing about this.
Probably 99% think you're fucking insane. :cuckoo:
99 % of people that agree with you are just as dumb as you are.
57 Senators voted to convict
Most of the Republicans who voted to acquit did so not because they didn’t think he was guilty but because he was no longer President
That means nothing because the criminal nature of our government is to cover their ass and go with the narrative.
You have seen photograph after photograph and video after video of the current potentate with children and others. Mostly little girls. This has gone on for many years and decades. The media has done nothing about this.
Do what about what? Not a single one of those kids, their parents, or their families, whether Democrat, Republican or whatever, has complained he behaved inappropriately.

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