Trump worst modern President, Obama moves to top ten

Show an attack on the Capitol and we can talk

I've still yet to see an attack on the capitol

i saw a riot

that was about it.

"we didn't start this"

Yes you did. lol

And god knows we would have seen A LOT of riots if Trump had won.
I've still yet to see an attack on the capitol

i saw a riot

that was about it.

"we didn't start this"

Yes you did. lol

And god knows we would have seen A LOT of riots if Trump had won.
More denial and revisionist history from the right
More denial and revisionist history from the right

I'm an independent

All i saw was them REEing on the capital instead of on the front page of the NYT and calling deep state actors

Hillary's attempt was a lot more effective, i love how the left likes to downplay competency when it suits them

But trump playing 4d chess. With strategies we figured out on this forum.

Nation of 350,000,000 people and you pretend like 10 guys with actual intent showing up at the capitol means something. Zip tie guy and the crew
Your equivocation claim was bullshit, you did not claim that a lot of girls cried when Hillary lost, they did. They put on their vagina hat and wailed at the sky. But they didn't try to subvert democracy. They vowed to defeat the GOP at the ballot box in the next election, and they did.

What the fuck is this? lol

Yea they wailed right into the contacts in DoD and DoS
No you fat dolt - it means zero

Dumbfuck, acquittal doesn't wash away the stain of impeachment. He was still impeached. Twice.

^^^ See that? Even the U.S. government is laughing at you for being such an idiot.

You’re a useful idiot
It was a fake impeachment and 100 percent political nonsense
You’re a giant ignoramus
You’re a useful idiot
It was a fake impeachment and 100 percent political nonsense
You’re a giant ignoramus
So you say, but you're crazy. So there's that.

Regardless of your dementia, Trump was not only impeached -- to date, he's the only president to be impeached twice. He's #1!

2 fake impeachments from a fake House run by a fake Congress

It matters not that morons like you think they were fake. They're still on the record which will last as long as the country lasts ... and ... he was still impeached twice. Your denials will never alter that reality. All your denials of him being impeached does is to expose just how crazy you are.

I can live with that. :abgg2q.jpg:
No you neo Nazi bastard !! It only shows you how corrupt and fascist the Dems are .
Trump did zero and it was crimes that the Dems did
You have the Hitler face as your avatar
What does that say about you ?
Where do you live !
Do you drive around yelling at Jews all day
You have the Hitler face as your avatar
What does that say about you ?
Where do you live !
Do you drive around yelling at Jews all day
It says I think Trump is a Hitler-wannabe, who like Hitler, wants to lead the country who voted him out.
Trump was the anti Hitler and you’re a piece of human filth
Trump is fourth worst in history (tied for third worst) and the worst in 150 years
Historians look at his presidency as a disaster.

The historians rate Trump as the worst president in history on two of 10 qualities, "moral authority" and "administrative skills." His strongest standing is on "public persuasion," on which he was ranked No. 32.
lol USA .. lefest paper ...
Trump was the anti Hitler and you’re a piece of human filth

By anti-Hitler, you mean a Hitler wannabe who even contemplated imposing Martial Law to remain president of the country which didn't want him to lead? Hitler pulled that off, ya know.

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