Trump would be correct to assert a national emergency in order to build the wall

Nope, you’re still a hyperventilating liar. No one is suggesting America has fewer rights thab every other nation in the world.

Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
I don’t know the laws of every single country on Earth and I suspect you don’t either. Regardless, the US also has the right to decide who can and cannot enter. Even if we didn’t, that would be just one right. That still doesn’t mean we have fewer rights than every other country on the planet. And again, no one here suggested that we do.

You’re an imbecile AND a liar.

When you refer to the laws of those other nations, you are stating that they DO have the right to control who enters their nation.

We have those kind of laws too. But the Left in this country has decided that it is morally "wrong" to try to enforce them.

Everyone who is pushing the idea that it is wrong to try to enforce those laws, is thus arguing that the US, for some reason, does not have the same rights as ever other nation.
Again, what you actually asserted is that posters here believe we have fewer rights than every other country in the world. That’s not merely limited to border security; that statement includes all rights and all countries.

No one said anything like that at all except for you.

You are an imbecile AND a liar.

I made an analysis of what the actions of the anti-wall people reveals about their thinking.

And I explained how I reached that conclusion. Repeatedly.

You have asserted that you disagree with my conclusion, but without any explanation as to how you reached that conclusion.

Yes, no one openly and clearly stated what their actions reveal about their beliefs.

But that does not mean that my analysis is wrong.

If you think it is wrong, this is where you point out what you think is wrong about it.

Just stating that it is wrong, because no one clearly and openly stated it, is, ironically,

the actions of an imbecile and a liar.

These two statements...

”Yes, no one openly and clearly stated what their actions reveal about their beliefs.”

... and ...

”But that does not mean that my analysis is wrong.”

... demonstrate beautifully how you make shit up. Dumbfuck, no one has to prove you wrong when you can’t even prove yourself right.

Nope, you can’t prove that; which is why you employed, ”but if”. Which is why I pointed out everting after that is you, making shit up.

What do you think that I need to prove?
You don’t have to prove anything. Everyone here saw you make that bullshit up.

I made a point, your attack on it was that I had not proved something.

I asked you what do you think I have to prove, from my point, and your response is that

"you don't have to prove anything"

BUT, then you also claim that something I said was bullshit.

Your point was built on the foundation of made up bullshit. That’s what I’m talking about, ya raving lunatic. :cuckoo:

Well, that was a waste of time. Got it. YOu were just spewing shit, that you can't back up.

The millions and millions of illegals we have living here, shows that the border is a fucking disaster and needs to be controlled.

Whatever has to be done to do that, FUCKING DO IT AND FAST.
Fucking moron, millions of them have been living here from before we had walls up. We have walls. Add new ones, fine. Fix broken ones, fine. But we’re not replacing 500-700 miles of existing barriers.
Trump prevails as Mexican officials stop caravan at Texas border and ship migrants to other cities
Last week, a caravan of 1,800 Central American migrants arrived in this isolated Mexican border city, where police ushered them into a makeshift government shelter at a shuttered factory surrounded by chain-link fence.

As conditions at the shelter deteriorated, riots erupted last Wednesday. Migrants broke through security barriers and struggled with guards. Some threw pipes, tables, chairs and parts of a tent at Mexican officers. Migrant advocates and reporters were barred from the facility, which was surrounded by dozens of federal police in riot gear.
It would cost the city $260,000 to operate the shelter for a month, including food, staff and utilities, he said. He’s been working 12-hour days.

Trump prevails as Mexican officials stop caravan at Texas border and ship migrants to other cities

Even it is a national emergency for Mexico. WTF is needed for the DumbCrats to see that there is a national emergency at the border. These people are not anyone I would want for a neighbor. YES, MAGA and don't let them in and deport those who are here committing crimes. I have been a diehard liberal but NEVER will I vote democratic again. I am not a racist or a bigot and I have family and friends from south of the border. I am just understanding what MAGA really means and it is often used to be racist but it is not racist to me.
Mexico doesn't have sufficient facilities for them. It has nothing to do with Trump.
I did not say Trump had anything to do with Mexico's decisions to house them or not. We do not have facilities to hold them until a decision is made concerning the asylum. Trump is making them stay in Mexico until their asylum is processed and no more catch and release date.
You’re the one who can’t accept she didn’t commit a crime.

Considering the way the FBI found that she had committed a crime,and then gave her a pass,

yes, I cannot accept that. It is a massive injustice that she walks, when average citizens have done time for what she did.
Oh? What citizen went to jail for sending classified material from their own private email server?

Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
I see, so you lied when you said others have gone to jail for doing what Hillary did since Hillary wasn’t taking pictures on a sub.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

Hillary was grossly negligent with classified information. That is what that poor sailor, who is not a member of the Liberal Elite, went to jail for.

Different rules for different folks. That is the way of America, thanks to liberals.

Dumbfuck, it's not different rules for different folks. You said others have been jailed for doing what she did. You lied and got caught. The guy you referenced didn't go to jail for sending classified material from a private server. Hillary didn't avoid prison for taking photos of a sub.

And for your edification ... a sub is not an email server. :eusa_doh:
Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
I don’t know the laws of every single country on Earth and I suspect you don’t either. Regardless, the US also has the right to decide who can and cannot enter. Even if we didn’t, that would be just one right. That still doesn’t mean we have fewer rights than every other country on the planet. And again, no one here suggested that we do.

You’re an imbecile AND a liar.

When you refer to the laws of those other nations, you are stating that they DO have the right to control who enters their nation.

We have those kind of laws too. But the Left in this country has decided that it is morally "wrong" to try to enforce them.

Everyone who is pushing the idea that it is wrong to try to enforce those laws, is thus arguing that the US, for some reason, does not have the same rights as ever other nation.
Again, what you actually asserted is that posters here believe we have fewer rights than every other country in the world. That’s not merely limited to border security; that statement includes all rights and all countries.

No one said anything like that at all except for you.

You are an imbecile AND a liar.

I made an analysis of what the actions of the anti-wall people reveals about their thinking.

And I explained how I reached that conclusion. Repeatedly.

You have asserted that you disagree with my conclusion, but without any explanation as to how you reached that conclusion.

Yes, no one openly and clearly stated what their actions reveal about their beliefs.

But that does not mean that my analysis is wrong.

If you think it is wrong, this is where you point out what you think is wrong about it.

Just stating that it is wrong, because no one clearly and openly stated it, is, ironically,

the actions of an imbecile and a liar.

These two statements...

”Yes, no one openly and clearly stated what their actions reveal about their beliefs.”

... and ...

”But that does not mean that my analysis is wrong.”

... demonstrate beautifully how you make shit up. Dumbfuck, no one has to prove you wrong when you can’t even prove yourself right.


So, the idea of looking at a person's actions and drawing conclusions about what they really think from that,

you consider that idea, by itself, to be proof of being wrong?

Dude. Your ideological rigidity has made you utterly blind and stupid.
What do you think that I need to prove?
You don’t have to prove anything. Everyone here saw you make that bullshit up.

I made a point, your attack on it was that I had not proved something.

I asked you what do you think I have to prove, from my point, and your response is that

"you don't have to prove anything"

BUT, then you also claim that something I said was bullshit.

Your point was built on the foundation of made up bullshit. That’s what I’m talking about, ya raving lunatic. :cuckoo:

Well, that was a waste of time. Got it. YOu were just spewing shit, that you can't back up.

The millions and millions of illegals we have living here, shows that the border is a fucking disaster and needs to be controlled.

Whatever has to be done to do that, FUCKING DO IT AND FAST.
Fucking moron, millions of them have been living here from before we had walls up. We have walls. Add new ones, fine. Fix broken ones, fine. But we’re not replacing 500-700 miles of existing barriers.

CBP San Diego on Twitter

CBP San Diego on Twitter
Considering the way the FBI found that she had committed a crime,and then gave her a pass,

yes, I cannot accept that. It is a massive injustice that she walks, when average citizens have done time for what she did.
Oh? What citizen went to jail for sending classified material from their own private email server?

Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
I see, so you lied when you said others have gone to jail for doing what Hillary did since Hillary wasn’t taking pictures on a sub.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

Hillary was grossly negligent with classified information. That is what that poor sailor, who is not a member of the Liberal Elite, went to jail for.

Different rules for different folks. That is the way of America, thanks to liberals.

Dumbfuck, it's not different rules for different folks. You said others have been jailed for doing what she did. You lied and got caught. The guy you referenced didn't go to jail for sending classified material from a private server. Hillary didn't avoid prison for taking photos of a sub.

And for your edification ... a sub is not an email server. :eusa_doh:

THe crime in question is being "grossly negligent" with classified information.

Both did that. The average guy got sent to jail. Hillary gets a pass.

Your denial of the double standard, just shows you to be a partisan hack.
Remember David Patraeus? He was found guilty, given. 2 years probation, and fined $100,000

Marine Sgt. Rickie L. Roller went to jail for 10 months, forfeited $14,400 in pay, was reduced in rank and was dishonorably discharged after he tossed classified documents into a gym bag when he cleaned out his office at Marine Corps headquarters in Washington to prepare for relocation to a new post in 1989. Roller was prosecuted in a military court for gross negligence in handling classified information, and his conviction was upheld on appeal even though the documents never fell into the hands of a third party.

Air Force Staff Sgt. Arthur E. Gonzalez was charged with gross negligence in handling classified information after he inadvertently took two top-secret messages on a military trip to Alaska in 1979. He testified that he realized his error and put the documents in a drawer for safekeeping, then forgot about them when he returned to Elmendorf Air Force Base. He was sentenced by a military court to a bad-conduct discharge and five months in prison.

Navy Chief Petty Officer James F. McGuiness was found in 1989 to have accumulated more than 300 classified documents at his home during his 16 years as an intelligence operations specialist. At his trial, he said he had used the documents as reference material when he worked at night. Although there was no evidence that any secrets had been lost or stolen, McGuiness was sentenced to two years in prison.

And this guy-
On appeal, the issue was whether that statute, which reads the same as it does today, requires that a third-party get a hold of the classified material in order for there to be criminal liability. The U.S. Navy-Marine Corps court of Military Review answered that question in the negative, but of interest is the fact that it called Roller’s inadvertent taking of the classified information “his own gross negligence.” Roller, 37 M.J. at 1096. There was no dispute that his mistake of scooping up the classified material with his personal belongings qualified as gross negligence.

As the Court of Military Appeals (the predecessor to the modern-day Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces) later explained in its decision affirming Roller’s conviction, “[t]he purpose of the federal espionage statute is to protect classified documents from any unauthorized procedures such as ‘removal from its proper place of custody’ . . .” United States v. Roller, 42 M.J. 264 (C.M.A. 1995). In other words, the crime—as the name suggests—occurs when classified information is “mishandled.”

For this reason, a subjective belief that the lost information will be of actual harm to the United States—and indeed any intent to cause actual harm—is irrelevant to the commission of this crime.

Just ask Sergeant Roller. His mishandling of classified information landed him in the brig for 2 years. in the 1995 case of United States v. Roller
Military Appellate Courts address “gross negligence” in the handling of classified materials in the 1995 case of United States v. Roller | Law Office of Samuel C. Moore, PLLC
2 years
Considering the way the FBI found that she had committed a crime,and then gave her a pass,

yes, I cannot accept that. It is a massive injustice that she walks, when average citizens have done time for what she did.
Oh? What citizen went to jail for sending classified material from their own private email server?

Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
I see, so you lied when you said others have gone to jail for doing what Hillary did since Hillary wasn’t taking pictures on a sub.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

Hillary was grossly negligent with classified information. That is what that poor sailor, who is not a member of the Liberal Elite, went to jail for.

Different rules for different folks. That is the way of America, thanks to liberals.

Dumbfuck, it's not different rules for different folks. You said others have been jailed for doing what she did. You lied and got caught. The guy you referenced didn't go to jail for sending classified material from a private server. Hillary didn't avoid prison for taking photos of a sub.

And for your edification ... a sub is not an email server. :eusa_doh:
Last edited:
I don’t know the laws of every single country on Earth and I suspect you don’t either. Regardless, the US also has the right to decide who can and cannot enter. Even if we didn’t, that would be just one right. That still doesn’t mean we have fewer rights than every other country on the planet. And again, no one here suggested that we do.

You’re an imbecile AND a liar.

When you refer to the laws of those other nations, you are stating that they DO have the right to control who enters their nation.

We have those kind of laws too. But the Left in this country has decided that it is morally "wrong" to try to enforce them.

Everyone who is pushing the idea that it is wrong to try to enforce those laws, is thus arguing that the US, for some reason, does not have the same rights as ever other nation.
Again, what you actually asserted is that posters here believe we have fewer rights than every other country in the world. That’s not merely limited to border security; that statement includes all rights and all countries.

No one said anything like that at all except for you.

You are an imbecile AND a liar.

I made an analysis of what the actions of the anti-wall people reveals about their thinking.

And I explained how I reached that conclusion. Repeatedly.

You have asserted that you disagree with my conclusion, but without any explanation as to how you reached that conclusion.

Yes, no one openly and clearly stated what their actions reveal about their beliefs.

But that does not mean that my analysis is wrong.

If you think it is wrong, this is where you point out what you think is wrong about it.

Just stating that it is wrong, because no one clearly and openly stated it, is, ironically,

the actions of an imbecile and a liar.

These two statements...

”Yes, no one openly and clearly stated what their actions reveal about their beliefs.”

... and ...

”But that does not mean that my analysis is wrong.”

... demonstrate beautifully how you make shit up. Dumbfuck, no one has to prove you wrong when you can’t even prove yourself right.


So, the idea of looking at a person's actions and drawing conclusions about what they really think from that,

you consider that idea, by itself, to be proof of being wrong?

Dude. Your ideological rigidity has made you utterly blind and stupid.
You proved your impressions of others stem from your own prejudices and not from reality. Thanks for revealing that. It goes a long way in explaining some of the shit you post.
There is no emergency on the border. Hence there is no need to declare a national emergency.

Although, one of the charges that were going to be brought against Nixon in his impeachment hearings was abuse of power. History repeating itself perhaps?

So in your world a liberal abuses his powers = good

A conservative abuses his powers = bad?

Oh? What citizen went to jail for sending classified material from their own private email server?

Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
I see, so you lied when you said others have gone to jail for doing what Hillary did since Hillary wasn’t taking pictures on a sub.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

Hillary was grossly negligent with classified information. That is what that poor sailor, who is not a member of the Liberal Elite, went to jail for.

Different rules for different folks. That is the way of America, thanks to liberals.

Dumbfuck, it's not different rules for different folks. You said others have been jailed for doing what she did. You lied and got caught. The guy you referenced didn't go to jail for sending classified material from a private server. Hillary didn't avoid prison for taking photos of a sub.

And for your edification ... a sub is not an email server. :eusa_doh:

THe crime in question is being "grossly negligent" with classified information.

Both did that. The average guy got sent to jail. Hillary gets a pass.

Your denial of the double standard, just shows you to be a partisan hack.
Idiotboi, he was convicted of “unauthorized retention of defense information. Hillary was not accused of anything like that. You’re a fucking retard. She had authorization to retain classified material. That’s why Saucier’s defense that Hillary did it too, failed him miserably. Because they’re not the same circumstances.
Last edited:
Remember David Patraeus? He was found guilty, given. 2 years probation, and fined $100,000

Marine Sgt. Rickie L. Roller went to jail for 10 months, forfeited $14,400 in pay, was reduced in rank and was dishonorably discharged after he tossed classified documents into a gym bag when he cleaned out his office at Marine Corps headquarters in Washington to prepare for relocation to a new post in 1989. Roller was prosecuted in a military court for gross negligence in handling classified information, and his conviction was upheld on appeal even though the documents never fell into the hands of a third party.

Air Force Staff Sgt. Arthur E. Gonzalez was charged with gross negligence in handling classified information after he inadvertently took two top-secret messages on a military trip to Alaska in 1979. He testified that he realized his error and put the documents in a drawer for safekeeping, then forgot about them when he returned to Elmendorf Air Force Base. He was sentenced by a military court to a bad-conduct discharge and five months in prison.

Navy Chief Petty Officer James F. McGuiness was found in 1989 to have accumulated more than 300 classified documents at his home during his 16 years as an intelligence operations specialist. At his trial, he said he had used the documents as reference material when he worked at night. Although there was no evidence that any secrets had been lost or stolen, McGuiness was sentenced to two years in prison.

And this guy-
On appeal, the issue was whether that statute, which reads the same as it does today, requires that a third-party get a hold of the classified material in order for there to be criminal liability. The U.S. Navy-Marine Corps court of Military Review answered that question in the negative, but of interest is the fact that it called Roller’s inadvertent taking of the classified information “his own gross negligence.” Roller, 37 M.J. at 1096. There was no dispute that his mistake of scooping up the classified material with his personal belongings qualified as gross negligence.

As the Court of Military Appeals (the predecessor to the modern-day Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces) later explained in its decision affirming Roller’s conviction, “[t]he purpose of the federal espionage statute is to protect classified documents from any unauthorized procedures such as ‘removal from its proper place of custody’ . . .” United States v. Roller, 42 M.J. 264 (C.M.A. 1995). In other words, the crime—as the name suggests—occurs when classified information is “mishandled.”

For this reason, a subjective belief that the lost information will be of actual harm to the United States—and indeed any intent to cause actual harm—is irrelevant to the commission of this crime.

Just ask Sergeant Roller. His mishandling of classified information landed him in the brig for 2 years.

Military Appellate Courts address “gross negligence” in the handling of classified materials in the 1995 case of United States v. Roller | Law Office of Samuel C. Moore, PLLC
2 years
Oh? What citizen went to jail for sending classified material from their own private email server?

Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
I see, so you lied when you said others have gone to jail for doing what Hillary did since Hillary wasn’t taking pictures on a sub.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

Hillary was grossly negligent with classified information. That is what that poor sailor, who is not a member of the Liberal Elite, went to jail for.

Different rules for different folks. That is the way of America, thanks to liberals.

Dumbfuck, it's not different rules for different folks. You said others have been jailed for doing what she did. You lied and got caught. The guy you referenced didn't go to jail for sending classified material from a private server. Hillary didn't avoid prison for taking photos of a sub.

And for your edification ... a sub is not an email server. :eusa_doh:

THe rules are different if you are a liberal.
She did not have authorization to keep it on her own server, allow her housekeeper to move it, etc .

Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
I see, so you lied when you said others have gone to jail for doing what Hillary did since Hillary wasn’t taking pictures on a sub.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

Hillary was grossly negligent with classified information. That is what that poor sailor, who is not a member of the Liberal Elite, went to jail for.

Different rules for different folks. That is the way of America, thanks to liberals.

Dumbfuck, it's not different rules for different folks. You said others have been jailed for doing what she did. You lied and got caught. The guy you referenced didn't go to jail for sending classified material from a private server. Hillary didn't avoid prison for taking photos of a sub.

And for your edification ... a sub is not an email server. :eusa_doh:

THe crime in question is being "grossly negligent" with classified information.

Both did that. The average guy got sent to jail. Hillary gets a pass.

Your denial of the double standard, just shows you to be a partisan hack.
Idiotboi, he was convicted of “unauthorized retention of defense information. Hillary was not accused of anything like that. You’re a fucking retard. She had authorization to retain classified material. That’s why Saucier’s defense that Hillary did it too, failed him miserably. Because they’re not the same circumstances.
Of course they are. That is obvious. Look at what happened with Sandy Berger for just one example.

Chinese nuclear espionageEdit

Sandy Berger with President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
In 1999, Berger was criticized for failing to promptly inform President Clinton of his knowledge that the People's Republic of China had managed to acquire the designs of a number of U.S. nuclear warheads. Berger was originally briefed of the espionage by the Department of Energy (DOE) in April 1996, but did not inform the president until July 1997.[15][16]

And a slap on the wrist-

On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the United States Department of Justicewas investigating Berger for unauthorized removal of classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission. The documents were five classified copies of a single report commissioned from Richard Clarke covering internal assessments of the Clinton Administration's handling of the unsuccessful 2000 millennium attack plots. An associate of Berger said Berger took one copy in September 2003 and four copies in October 2003, allegedly by stuffing the documents into his socks and pants.[20][21] Berger subsequently lied to investigators when questioned about the removal of the documents.[22]

In April 2005, Berger pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.[23]

Berger was fined $50,000,[24] sentenced to serve two years of probation and 100 hours of community service, and stripped of his security clearance for three years.[22][25] The Justice Department initially said Berger only stole copies of classified documents and not originals,[26] but the House Government Reform Committee later revealed that an unsupervised Berger had been given access to classified files of original, uncopied, uninventoried documents on terrorism. During the House Government Reform Committee hearings, Nancy Kegan Smith — who was the director of the presidential documents staff at the National Archives and Records Administration — acknowledged that she had granted Berger access to original materials in her office.[27]

On December 20, 2006, Inspector General Paul Brachfeld reported that Berger took a break to go outside without an escort. "In total, during this visit, he removed four documents ... Mr. Berger said he placed the documents under a trailer in an accessible construction area outside Archives 1 (the main Archives building)". Berger acknowledged having later retrieved the documents from the construction area and returned with them to his office.[28][29]

He only had to give up his security clearance for 3 years, no time served, etc, etc.

Another one which happened under the Clinton administration-

A Defense Department contractor was investigated by the FBI for keeping classified papers at his home in the mid-1990s. After the contractor voluntarily handed over some of the material, a search discovered that he still had classified documents dating back almost 30 years, including notes of White House meetings on classified subjects, according to an official familiar with the case. Despite pressure from the FBI, the Justice Department decided not to prosecute and supported reinstating the contractor's security clearance.

Remember David Patraeus? He was found guilty, given. 2 years probation, and fined $100,000

Marine Sgt. Rickie L. Roller went to jail for 10 months, forfeited $14,400 in pay, was reduced in rank and was dishonorably discharged after he tossed classified documents into a gym bag when he cleaned out his office at Marine Corps headquarters in Washington to prepare for relocation to a new post in 1989. Roller was prosecuted in a military court for gross negligence in handling classified information, and his conviction was upheld on appeal even though the documents never fell into the hands of a third party.

Air Force Staff Sgt. Arthur E. Gonzalez was charged with gross negligence in handling classified information after he inadvertently took two top-secret messages on a military trip to Alaska in 1979. He testified that he realized his error and put the documents in a drawer for safekeeping, then forgot about them when he returned to Elmendorf Air Force Base. He was sentenced by a military court to a bad-conduct discharge and five months in prison.

Navy Chief Petty Officer James F. McGuiness was found in 1989 to have accumulated more than 300 classified documents at his home during his 16 years as an intelligence operations specialist. At his trial, he said he had used the documents as reference material when he worked at night. Although there was no evidence that any secrets had been lost or stolen, McGuiness was sentenced to two years in prison.

And this guy-
On appeal, the issue was whether that statute, which reads the same as it does today, requires that a third-party get a hold of the classified material in order for there to be criminal liability. The U.S. Navy-Marine Corps court of Military Review answered that question in the negative, but of interest is the fact that it called Roller’s inadvertent taking of the classified information “his own gross negligence.” Roller, 37 M.J. at 1096. There was no dispute that his mistake of scooping up the classified material with his personal belongings qualified as gross negligence.

As the Court of Military Appeals (the predecessor to the modern-day Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces) later explained in its decision affirming Roller’s conviction, “[t]he purpose of the federal espionage statute is to protect classified documents from any unauthorized procedures such as ‘removal from its proper place of custody’ . . .” United States v. Roller, 42 M.J. 264 (C.M.A. 1995). In other words, the crime—as the name suggests—occurs when classified information is “mishandled.”

For this reason, a subjective belief that the lost information will be of actual harm to the United States—and indeed any intent to cause actual harm—is irrelevant to the commission of this crime.

Just ask Sergeant Roller. His mishandling of classified information landed him in the brig for 2 years.

Military Appellate Courts address “gross negligence” in the handling of classified materials in the 1995 case of United States v. Roller | Law Office of Samuel C. Moore, PLLC
2 years
Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
I see, so you lied when you said others have gone to jail for doing what Hillary did since Hillary wasn’t taking pictures on a sub.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

Hillary was grossly negligent with classified information. That is what that poor sailor, who is not a member of the Liberal Elite, went to jail for.

Different rules for different folks. That is the way of America, thanks to liberals.

Dumbfuck, it's not different rules for different folks. You said others have been jailed for doing what she did. You lied and got caught. The guy you referenced didn't go to jail for sending classified material from a private server. Hillary didn't avoid prison for taking photos of a sub.

And for your edification ... a sub is not an email server. :eusa_doh:

THe rules are different if you are a liberal.
When you refer to the laws of those other nations, you are stating that they DO have the right to control who enters their nation.

We have those kind of laws too. But the Left in this country has decided that it is morally "wrong" to try to enforce them.

Everyone who is pushing the idea that it is wrong to try to enforce those laws, is thus arguing that the US, for some reason, does not have the same rights as ever other nation.
Again, what you actually asserted is that posters here believe we have fewer rights than every other country in the world. That’s not merely limited to border security; that statement includes all rights and all countries.

No one said anything like that at all except for you.

You are an imbecile AND a liar.

I made an analysis of what the actions of the anti-wall people reveals about their thinking.

And I explained how I reached that conclusion. Repeatedly.

You have asserted that you disagree with my conclusion, but without any explanation as to how you reached that conclusion.

Yes, no one openly and clearly stated what their actions reveal about their beliefs.

But that does not mean that my analysis is wrong.

If you think it is wrong, this is where you point out what you think is wrong about it.

Just stating that it is wrong, because no one clearly and openly stated it, is, ironically,

the actions of an imbecile and a liar.

These two statements...

”Yes, no one openly and clearly stated what their actions reveal about their beliefs.”

... and ...

”But that does not mean that my analysis is wrong.”

... demonstrate beautifully how you make shit up. Dumbfuck, no one has to prove you wrong when you can’t even prove yourself right.


So, the idea of looking at a person's actions and drawing conclusions about what they really think from that,

you consider that idea, by itself, to be proof of being wrong?

Dude. Your ideological rigidity has made you utterly blind and stupid.
You proved your impressions of others stem from your own prejudices and not from reality. Thanks for revealing that. It goes a long way in explaining some of the shit you post.

I note that you did not even try to support your stupid assertion.

Because you know that you cannot.

My points all stand, as you knew that you could not even attempt to address them.
Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
I see, so you lied when you said others have gone to jail for doing what Hillary did since Hillary wasn’t taking pictures on a sub.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

Hillary was grossly negligent with classified information. That is what that poor sailor, who is not a member of the Liberal Elite, went to jail for.

Different rules for different folks. That is the way of America, thanks to liberals.

Dumbfuck, it's not different rules for different folks. You said others have been jailed for doing what she did. You lied and got caught. The guy you referenced didn't go to jail for sending classified material from a private server. Hillary didn't avoid prison for taking photos of a sub.

And for your edification ... a sub is not an email server. :eusa_doh:

THe crime in question is being "grossly negligent" with classified information.

Both did that. The average guy got sent to jail. Hillary gets a pass.

Your denial of the double standard, just shows you to be a partisan hack.
Idiotboi, he was convicted of “unauthorized retention of defense information. Hillary was not accused of anything like that. You’re a fucking retard. She had authorization to retain classified material. That’s why Saucier’s defense that Hillary did it too, failed him miserably. Because they’re not the same circumstances.

Your desperate nitpicking is funny.
Another reason for it to be an emergency-

Napa County Sheriff's Office - Sheriff John Robertson
According to police, Morales had a history of criminal activity, including weapons violations, a DUI, and an assault. He had been booked into Napa County jail five times since 2015.
Police release bodycam footage from fatal shooting between sheriff deputy and armed suspect
Illegal immigrant who fired on deputy had four different ICE detainers, criminal history (graphic video)
ABC 7 reports that Morales, a Mexican national, had a criminal history including weapons violations, a DUI, and an assault on a peace officer. He was also wanted by ICE.

ICE issued #Napa County 4 different detainers for Napa shooting suspect Javier Hernandez-Morales in 2014, 2015 & 2016. Says none were honored. Suspect released. Morales fired on a Napa deputy Sunday night. She killed suspect as seen in video released yesterday . #abc7now#ICE

— Wayne Freedman (@WayneFreedman) February 21, 2019
Remember David Patraeus? He was found guilty, given. 2 years probation, and fined $100,000

Marine Sgt. Rickie L. Roller went to jail for 10 months, forfeited $14,400 in pay, was reduced in rank and was dishonorably discharged after he tossed classified documents into a gym bag when he cleaned out his office at Marine Corps headquarters in Washington to prepare for relocation to a new post in 1989. Roller was prosecuted in a military court for gross negligence in handling classified information, and his conviction was upheld on appeal even though the documents never fell into the hands of a third party.

Air Force Staff Sgt. Arthur E. Gonzalez was charged with gross negligence in handling classified information after he inadvertently took two top-secret messages on a military trip to Alaska in 1979. He testified that he realized his error and put the documents in a drawer for safekeeping, then forgot about them when he returned to Elmendorf Air Force Base. He was sentenced by a military court to a bad-conduct discharge and five months in prison.

Navy Chief Petty Officer James F. McGuiness was found in 1989 to have accumulated more than 300 classified documents at his home during his 16 years as an intelligence operations specialist. At his trial, he said he had used the documents as reference material when he worked at night. Although there was no evidence that any secrets had been lost or stolen, McGuiness was sentenced to two years in prison.

And this guy-
On appeal, the issue was whether that statute, which reads the same as it does today, requires that a third-party get a hold of the classified material in order for there to be criminal liability. The U.S. Navy-Marine Corps court of Military Review answered that question in the negative, but of interest is the fact that it called Roller’s inadvertent taking of the classified information “his own gross negligence.” Roller, 37 M.J. at 1096. There was no dispute that his mistake of scooping up the classified material with his personal belongings qualified as gross negligence.

As the Court of Military Appeals (the predecessor to the modern-day Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces) later explained in its decision affirming Roller’s conviction, “[t]he purpose of the federal espionage statute is to protect classified documents from any unauthorized procedures such as ‘removal from its proper place of custody’ . . .” United States v. Roller, 42 M.J. 264 (C.M.A. 1995). In other words, the crime—as the name suggests—occurs when classified information is “mishandled.”

For this reason, a subjective belief that the lost information will be of actual harm to the United States—and indeed any intent to cause actual harm—is irrelevant to the commission of this crime.

Just ask Sergeant Roller. His mishandling of classified information landed him in the brig for 2 years.

Military Appellate Courts address “gross negligence” in the handling of classified materials in the 1995 case of United States v. Roller | Law Office of Samuel C. Moore, PLLC
2 years
Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
I see, so you lied when you said others have gone to jail for doing what Hillary did since Hillary wasn’t taking pictures on a sub.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

Hillary was grossly negligent with classified information. That is what that poor sailor, who is not a member of the Liberal Elite, went to jail for.

Different rules for different folks. That is the way of America, thanks to liberals.

Dumbfuck, it's not different rules for different folks. You said others have been jailed for doing what she did. You lied and got caught. The guy you referenced didn't go to jail for sending classified material from a private server. Hillary didn't avoid prison for taking photos of a sub.

And for your edification ... a sub is not an email server. :eusa_doh:

THe rules are different if you are a liberal.
What do you think that I need to prove?
You don’t have to prove anything. Everyone here saw you make that bullshit up.

I made a point, your attack on it was that I had not proved something.

I asked you what do you think I have to prove, from my point, and your response is that

"you don't have to prove anything"

BUT, then you also claim that something I said was bullshit.

Your point was built on the foundation of made up bullshit. That’s what I’m talking about, ya raving lunatic. :cuckoo:

Well, that was a waste of time. Got it. YOu were just spewing shit, that you can't back up.

The millions and millions of illegals we have living here, shows that the border is a fucking disaster and needs to be controlled.

Whatever has to be done to do that, FUCKING DO IT AND FAST.
Fucking moron, millions of them have been living here from before we had walls up. We have walls. Add new ones, fine. Fix broken ones, fine. But we’re not replacing 500-700 miles of existing barriers.

THE FACTS: Tremendous portions of the wall have not been built. Yes, some barrier renovation has happened, but little wall construction has been completed under Trump.

Congress allocated roughly $1.4 billion in the spring — a bit more than 5 percent of what Trump wanted — for border security and specified that the money was not to be used for construction of the prototype wall sections that stand near San Diego. Instead, the money is to strengthen or replace existing fencing with more secure fencing.
Is there really a border emergency?

More than 2,000 people were turned away or arrested at the border each day during November 2018. Supporters of Mr. Trump's plans for a wall have said the numbers constitute an emergency.
Asylum seekers are having to wait in Mexico for the asylum claim to be processed and that could take many months or years. That is a national emergency. WE do not have enough detentions centers to hold them and neither the money.
Trump prevails as Mexican officials stop caravan at Texas border and ship migrants to other cities
Last week, a caravan of 1,800 Central American migrants arrived in this isolated Mexican border city, where police ushered them into a makeshift government shelter at a shuttered factory surrounded by chain-link fence.

As conditions at the shelter deteriorated, riots erupted last Wednesday. Migrants broke through security barriers and struggled with guards. Some threw pipes, tables, chairs and parts of a tent at Mexican officers. Migrant advocates and reporters were barred from the facility, which was surrounded by dozens of federal police in riot gear.
It would cost the city $260,000 to operate the shelter for a month, including food, staff and utilities, he said. He’s been working 12-hour days.

Trump prevails as Mexican officials stop caravan at Texas border and ship migrants to other cities

Even it is a national emergency for Mexico. WTF is needed for the DumbCrats to see that there is a national emergency at the border. These people are not anyone I would want for a neighbor. YES, MAGA and don't let them in and deport those who are here committing crimes. I have been a diehard liberal but NEVER will I vote democratic again. I am not a racist or a bigot and I have family and friends from south of the border. I am just understanding what MAGA really means and it is often used to be racist but it is not racist to me.
Mexico doesn't have sufficient facilities for them. It has nothing to do with Trump.
I did not say Trump had anything to do with Mexico's decisions to house them or not. We do not have facilities to hold them until a decision is made concerning the asylum. Trump is making them stay in Mexico until their asylum is processed and no more catch and release date.
What decision on asylum? Now that Trump has emergency powers is he abolishing asylum?

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