Trump would be correct to assert a national emergency in order to build the wall

We both know that she is a criminal. So, the Rule of Law is not in question.


Nah, you’re just another rightwing but who can’t quit Hillary.

I'm not the one that brought her up. So, try to be less bat shit crazy.
You’re the one who can’t accept she didn’t commit a crime.

Considering the way the FBI found that she had committed a crime,and then gave her a pass,

yes, I cannot accept that. It is a massive injustice that she walks, when average citizens have done time for what she did.
Oh? What citizen went to jail for sending classified material from their own private email server?

Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
There is no emergency on the border. Hence there is no need to declare a national emergency.

Although, one of the charges that were going to be brought against Nixon in his impeachment hearings was abuse of power. History repeating itself perhaps?

The real reason why the Democratic Party refuses to protect our border crossings is because they regard Anglo Voters to be their opposition.
The Democratic Party is filled with racist cretins.
There is no emergency on the border. Hence there is no need to declare a national emergency.

Although, one of the charges that were going to be brought against Nixon in his impeachment hearings was abuse of power. History repeating itself perhaps?

The real reason why the Democratic Party refuses to protect our border crossings is because they regard Anglo Voters to be their opposition.
The Democratic Party is filled with racist cretins.

As the white nationalists continue to target democrats as we saw yesterday in Maryland
There is no emergency on the border. Hence there is no need to declare a national emergency.

Although, one of the charges that were going to be brought against Nixon in his impeachment hearings was abuse of power. History repeating itself perhaps?

The real reason why the Democratic Party refuses to protect our border crossings is because they regard Anglo Voters to be their opposition.
The Democratic Party is filled with racist cretins.

As the white nationalists continue to target democrats as we saw yesterday in Maryland

Yea, there is a yoog problem with Left Wingers calling people racist just for wanting to control our border crossings and immigration just like the other 195 countries on are planet are allowed to do.
The real racist are the Aztlan Nationalist who do not accept that America is a sovereign country.
Trump prevails as Mexican officials stop caravan at Texas border and ship migrants to other cities
Last week, a caravan of 1,800 Central American migrants arrived in this isolated Mexican border city, where police ushered them into a makeshift government shelter at a shuttered factory surrounded by chain-link fence.

As conditions at the shelter deteriorated, riots erupted last Wednesday. Migrants broke through security barriers and struggled with guards. Some threw pipes, tables, chairs and parts of a tent at Mexican officers. Migrant advocates and reporters were barred from the facility, which was surrounded by dozens of federal police in riot gear.
It would cost the city $260,000 to operate the shelter for a month, including food, staff and utilities, he said. He’s been working 12-hour days.

Trump prevails as Mexican officials stop caravan at Texas border and ship migrants to other cities

Even it is a national emergency for Mexico. WTF is needed for the DumbCrats to see that there is a national emergency at the border. These people are not anyone I would want for a neighbor. YES, MAGA and don't let them in and deport those who are here committing crimes. I have been a diehard liberal but NEVER will I vote democratic again. I am not a racist or a bigot and I have family and friends from south of the border. I am just understanding what MAGA really means and it is often used to be racist but it is not racist to me.
There is no emergency on the border. Hence there is no need to declare a national emergency.

Although, one of the charges that were going to be brought against Nixon in his impeachment hearings was abuse of power. History repeating itself perhaps?

The real reason why the Democratic Party refuses to protect our border crossings is because they regard Anglo Voters to be their opposition.
The Democratic Party is filled with racist cretins.

As the white nationalists continue to target democrats as we saw yesterday in Maryland
People will use any excuse to spew their hate against others. They use the Bible, the flag and MAGA which mean make American safe again by securing the border.
"I write to invite all Members of Congress to cosponsor Congressman Joaquin Castro's privileged resolution ... to terminate this emergency declaration using the termination mechanism within the National Emergencies Act," the California Democrat wrote in a letter to her colleagues."All Members take an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution," Pelosi added. "The President's decision to go outside the bounds of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constitutional legislative process violates the Constitution and must be terminated. We have a solemn responsibility to uphold the Constitution, and defend our system of checks and balances against the President's assault."
Trump would not be doing his job if he did not do everything possible to secure the border to Make America Safe Again. Even gun violence is connected to Mexico. 1800 more migrant caravan has just arrived at the border rioting.
By attacks on you, you mean calling you a liar when you lie. Like your lie that other posters think America has fewer rights than every other country when no one else but you has said that.

Every nation in the world has the right to decide who enters and becomes a part of them.

Yet, these anti-American assholes are outraged that America would try to control who enters and becomes part of US.

That is not a lie I am telling.

My question stands.

what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
Nope, you’re still a hyperventilating liar. No one is suggesting America has fewer rights thab every other nation in the world.

Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
show me the immigration clause. our Founding Fathers did a better job that the right can ever do.

Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
We have a naturalization clause, a commerce clause, and welfare clause general.

Entry into the Union is a federal not State obligation.

And, we have no express immigration clause.

We should have no costly illegal problem. We should be generating revenue.

We control citizenship. Not tourism.
There is no emergency on the border. Hence there is no need to declare a national emergency.

Although, one of the charges that were going to be brought against Nixon in his impeachment hearings was abuse of power. History repeating itself perhaps?

The real reason why the Democratic Party refuses to protect our border crossings is because they regard Anglo Voters to be their opposition.
The Democratic Party is filled with racist cretins.
The right wing needs to learn how to read; there is no express Immigration clause in our supreme law of the land.
Trump prevails as Mexican officials stop caravan at Texas border and ship migrants to other cities
Last week, a caravan of 1,800 Central American migrants arrived in this isolated Mexican border city, where police ushered them into a makeshift government shelter at a shuttered factory surrounded by chain-link fence.

As conditions at the shelter deteriorated, riots erupted last Wednesday. Migrants broke through security barriers and struggled with guards. Some threw pipes, tables, chairs and parts of a tent at Mexican officers. Migrant advocates and reporters were barred from the facility, which was surrounded by dozens of federal police in riot gear.
It would cost the city $260,000 to operate the shelter for a month, including food, staff and utilities, he said. He’s been working 12-hour days.

Trump prevails as Mexican officials stop caravan at Texas border and ship migrants to other cities

Even it is a national emergency for Mexico. WTF is needed for the DumbCrats to see that there is a national emergency at the border. These people are not anyone I would want for a neighbor. YES, MAGA and don't let them in and deport those who are here committing crimes. I have been a diehard liberal but NEVER will I vote democratic again. I am not a racist or a bigot and I have family and friends from south of the border. I am just understanding what MAGA really means and it is often used to be racist but it is not racist to me.
Our drug war is worthless, costly, and only creates our refugee problem. The right wing is the actual problem.
There is no emergency on the border. Hence there is no need to declare a national emergency.

Although, one of the charges that were going to be brought against Nixon in his impeachment hearings was abuse of power. History repeating itself perhaps?

The real reason why the Democratic Party refuses to protect our border crossings is because they regard Anglo Voters to be their opposition.
The Democratic Party is filled with racist cretins.

As the white nationalists continue to target democrats as we saw yesterday in Maryland
People will use any excuse to spew their hate against others. They use the Bible, the flag and MAGA which mean make American safe again by securing the border.
we have a refugee problem on the border not a common defense problem.
There is no emergency on the border. Hence there is no need to declare a national emergency.

Although, one of the charges that were going to be brought against Nixon in his impeachment hearings was abuse of power. History repeating itself perhaps?

The real reason why the Democratic Party refuses to protect our border crossings is because they regard Anglo Voters to be their opposition.
The Democratic Party is filled with racist cretins.

As the white nationalists continue to target democrats as we saw yesterday in Maryland
People will use any excuse to spew their hate against others. They use the Bible, the flag and MAGA which mean make American safe again by securing the border.
we have a refugee problem on the border not a common defense problem.
Obviously, you do not know what the legal definition of a refugee is. Many in the caravan left homes and jobs and not living in poverty but want a better life of freebies we offer. Left domestic and gang violence which does not meet the criteria for a refugee. A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. We have enough gangs, drugs, poverty, and crime in this country and we do not need or neither can afford the domestics problems of other countries. Build the damn wall and Make America Safe Again.
Having lived in New Orleans, which is equivalent to living in a caravel shooting gallery, where there are major parts of the city that one does not even drive through in broad daylight, I feel incredibly safe down here in S. AZ, 35 miles from the border. I have not locked my door in 9 years. As a matter of fact, maybe Trump's casinos went bankrupt in Atlantic City because it was unsafe to leave the casino and walk on the street at night. That certainly had nothing to do with illegal aliens.
There is no emergency on the border. Hence there is no need to declare a national emergency.

Although, one of the charges that were going to be brought against Nixon in his impeachment hearings was abuse of power. History repeating itself perhaps?

The real reason why the Democratic Party refuses to protect our border crossings is because they regard Anglo Voters to be their opposition.
The Democratic Party is filled with racist cretins.

As the white nationalists continue to target democrats as we saw yesterday in Maryland
People will use any excuse to spew their hate against others. They use the Bible, the flag and MAGA which mean make American safe again by securing the border.
we have a refugee problem on the border not a common defense problem.
Obviously, you do not know what the legal definition of a refugee is. Many in the caravan left homes and jobs and not living in poverty but want a better life of freebies we offer. Left domestic and gang violence which does not meet the criteria for a refugee. A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. We have enough gangs, drugs, poverty, and crime in this country and we do not need or neither can afford the domestics problems of other countries. Build the damn wall and Make America Safe Again.
Our drug war qualifies because it destabilizes that region.
I feel incredibly safe down here in S. AZ, 35 miles from the border. I have not locked my door in 9 years.

Illegals that cross the border know it is unwise to remain near the border and head inland.
No Asylum. Period.
The vast majority are coming for economic reasons. That doesn’t fit within the statutory requirement for asylum.

Passing through another country without seeking asylum undercuts any claim made upon arrival at the U.S. border.

Mexico is not only shifting this problem to the U.S., it is encouraging illegal immigration by accommodating these caravans.
No Asylum. Period.

Mexico has offered temporary work permits to migrants who register for asylum, ... Many of the migrants say they plan to seek asylum in the US.
The plan also envisages temporary ID cards, medical care and schooling.
But to qualify, migrants must remain in Mexico's southern Chiapas and Oaxaca states.

The US has warned that about 800 troops may be sent to the US-Mexico border to stop the migrant caravan.
Mexico makes offer to caravan migrants
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Having lived in New Orleans, which is equivalent to living in a caravel shooting gallery, where there are major parts of the city that one does not even drive through in broad daylight, I feel incredibly safe down here in S. AZ, 35 miles from the border. I have not locked my door in 9 years. As a matter of fact, maybe Trump's casinos went bankrupt in Atlantic City because it was unsafe to leave the casino and walk on the street at night. That certainly had nothing to do with illegal aliens.
I beg you differ. According to a 2011 government report, the arrests attached to the criminal alien population included an estimated 25,000 people for homicide, 42,000 for robbery, nearly 70,000 for sex offenses, and nearly 15,000 for kidnapping. In Texas alone, within the last seven years, more than a quarter million criminal aliens have been arrested and charged with over 600,000 criminal offenses. You don’t hear that. The most recent report found that 20 percent of all inmates in federal prison are foreign-born and about 93 percent of them are likely illegal ...
Having lived in New Orleans, which is equivalent to living in a caravel shooting gallery, where there are major parts of the city that one does not even drive through in broad daylight, I feel incredibly safe down here in S. AZ, 35 miles from the border. I have not locked my door in 9 years. As a matter of fact, maybe Trump's casinos went bankrupt in Atlantic City because it was unsafe to leave the casino and walk on the street at night. That certainly had nothing to do with illegal aliens.
I beg you differ. According to a 2011 government report, the arrests attached to the criminal alien population included an estimated 25,000 people for homicide, 42,000 for robbery, nearly 70,000 for sex offenses, and nearly 15,000 for kidnapping. In Texas alone, within the last seven years, more than a quarter million criminal aliens have been arrested and charged with over 600,000 criminal offenses. You don’t hear that. The most recent report found that 20 percent of all inmates in federal prison are foreign-born and about 93 percent of them are likely illegal ...

No Asylum. Period.
The vast majority are coming for economic reasons. That doesn’t fit within the statutory requirement for asylum.

Passing through another country without seeking asylum undercuts any claim made upon arrival at the U.S. border.

Mexico is not only shifting this problem to the U.S., it is encouraging illegal immigration by accommodating these caravans.
No Asylum. Period.

Mexico has offered temporary work permits to migrants who register for asylum, ... Many of the migrants say they plan to seek asylum in the US.
The plan also envisages temporary ID cards, medical care and schooling.
But to qualify, migrants must remain in Mexico's southern Chiapas and Oaxaca states.

The US has warned that about 800 troops may be sent to the US-Mexico border to stop the migrant caravan.
Mexico makes offer to caravan migrants
Venezuela qualifies.

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