Trump would be correct to assert a national emergency in order to build the wall

Correll doesn't get out much. He is not aware that Mexicans have ladders, shovels, airplanes, boats, rafts, and visas. Where the wall doesn't work, he is in favor of printing signs reading "no trespassing" to hang on it.

That was the words of a very simple mind.

Too simple to understand how walls work.
Oh, which of those tools can be defeated by a wall...?

Depends on how you define "defeat".

No one claims that the Wall will stop all invaders.

But if the need for a ladder or a tunnel, reduces border crossings by half,

that would be a huge "defeat" for the illegals, and a HUGE win for America.

And I hope for better.

AND, of course the Wall is only PART Of what we are doing.

You know that right?
”But if...”

When I see a rightard say that, that’s when I cut you off and say, “fuck off,” because I have learned from experience, everything that follows is made up rightarded bullshit.

So.... fuck off.

Pointing out that a wall that significantly reduces illegal border crossings by half, would be a huge win for America,

in hardly bullshit.

YOur cowardly excuse for not responding seriously, is noted, and laughed at.
Nope, you can’t prove that; which is why you employed, ”but if”. Which is why I pointed out everting after that is you, making shit up.
One of hardest things to get done in politics is getting a bill passed through the US congress which has any significant impact on the American people. There is nothing easy about being successful in national political office. I think even Donald Trump would agree with this. It's all about relationships, trust, and honesty with your peers. That takes years to develop and most congressmen are never able to do it.
He IS going to sign the bill AND declare a national emergency I'm at a loss for words bad enough to call this POS
He will declare a national emergency if thinks it will play well with his base and he can get it thru the courts, however it will cost him among republicans in congress and it may cost him the election. 64% of the people say he shouldn't call a national emergency and a surprisingly number of republicans agree

After his campaign promise of a big beautiful wall across our southern border paid for by Mexicans, a 55 mile slatted fence paid for by the US taxpayer is not going look very impressive.

A 55 mile wall, won't be enough to control the border, which is why he SHOULD declare an emergency and build the fuckin g wall.

It is insane the controlling the border is a controversial idea. INSANE.
His “emergency” is rebuilding the existing walls and fences. Fuck that.

My point stands.

A 55 mile wall, won't be enough to control the border, which is why he SHOULD declare an emergency and build the fuckin g wall.

It is insane the controlling the border is a controversial idea. INSANE.
Fucking lunatic rightie... that’s 55 miles in addition to the roughly 700 miles of existing walls and fences.

You freaks have been calling for her incarceration for decades now. Oh, that’s not political, is it?


Well, in the sense that we republicans support the rule of law, and you liberals don't, yes it is political.
The rule of law includes a presumption of innocence. Chanting, “lock her up,” when she’s not been convicted of any crimes reveals the right doesn’t give a shit about the rule of law when it involves their political opponents.

We both know that she is a criminal. So, the Rule of Law is not in question.


Nah, you’re just another rightwing but who can’t quit Hillary.

I'm not the one that brought her up. So, try to be less bat shit crazy.
You’re the one who can’t accept she didn’t commit a crime.
Which you are against maintaining.

Because you don't believe that America has the same rights as other nations.

Because you hate America.
Nope, you’re lying again.

The issue is whether to build a Wall or not.

I interpreted your constant attacks on me for wanting a Wall, as opposition to the Wall.

In another post, you have finally revealed that you are for a Wall.

That is fairly insane of you, but ok.

So, what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
By attacks on you, you mean calling you a liar when you lie. Like your lie that other posters think America has fewer rights than every other country when no one else but you has said that.

Every nation in the world has the right to decide who enters and becomes a part of them.

Yet, these anti-American assholes are outraged that America would try to control who enters and becomes part of US.

That is not a lie I am telling.

My question stands.

what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
Nope, you’re still a hyperventilating liar. No one is suggesting America has fewer rights thab every other nation in the world.

Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
That was the words of a very simple mind.

Too simple to understand how walls work.
Oh, which of those tools can be defeated by a wall...?

Depends on how you define "defeat".

No one claims that the Wall will stop all invaders.

But if the need for a ladder or a tunnel, reduces border crossings by half,

that would be a huge "defeat" for the illegals, and a HUGE win for America.

And I hope for better.

AND, of course the Wall is only PART Of what we are doing.

You know that right?
”But if...”

When I see a rightard say that, that’s when I cut you off and say, “fuck off,” because I have learned from experience, everything that follows is made up rightarded bullshit.

So.... fuck off.

Pointing out that a wall that significantly reduces illegal border crossings by half, would be a huge win for America,

in hardly bullshit.

YOur cowardly excuse for not responding seriously, is noted, and laughed at.
Nope, you can’t prove that; which is why you employed, ”but if”. Which is why I pointed out everting after that is you, making shit up.

What do you think that I need to prove?
He IS going to sign the bill AND declare a national emergency I'm at a loss for words bad enough to call this POS
He will declare a national emergency if thinks it will play well with his base and he can get it thru the courts, however it will cost him among republicans in congress and it may cost him the election. 64% of the people say he shouldn't call a national emergency and a surprisingly number of republicans agree

After his campaign promise of a big beautiful wall across our southern border paid for by Mexicans, a 55 mile slatted fence paid for by the US taxpayer is not going look very impressive.

A 55 mile wall, won't be enough to control the border, which is why he SHOULD declare an emergency and build the fuckin g wall.

It is insane the controlling the border is a controversial idea. INSANE.
His “emergency” is rebuilding the existing walls and fences. Fuck that.

My point stands.

A 55 mile wall, won't be enough to control the border, which is why he SHOULD declare an emergency and build the fuckin g wall.

It is insane the controlling the border is a controversial idea. INSANE.
Fucking lunatic rightie... that’s 55 miles in addition to the roughly 700 miles of existing walls and fences.

So, is your position that an additional 55 miles of Wall will be enough to secure the border?
Well, in the sense that we republicans support the rule of law, and you liberals don't, yes it is political.
The rule of law includes a presumption of innocence. Chanting, “lock her up,” when she’s not been convicted of any crimes reveals the right doesn’t give a shit about the rule of law when it involves their political opponents.

We both know that she is a criminal. So, the Rule of Law is not in question.


Nah, you’re just another rightwing but who can’t quit Hillary.

I'm not the one that brought her up. So, try to be less bat shit crazy.
You’re the one who can’t accept she didn’t commit a crime.

Considering the way the FBI found that she had committed a crime,and then gave her a pass,

yes, I cannot accept that. It is a massive injustice that she walks, when average citizens have done time for what she did.
Nope, you’re lying again.

The issue is whether to build a Wall or not.

I interpreted your constant attacks on me for wanting a Wall, as opposition to the Wall.

In another post, you have finally revealed that you are for a Wall.

That is fairly insane of you, but ok.

So, what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
By attacks on you, you mean calling you a liar when you lie. Like your lie that other posters think America has fewer rights than every other country when no one else but you has said that.

Every nation in the world has the right to decide who enters and becomes a part of them.

Yet, these anti-American assholes are outraged that America would try to control who enters and becomes part of US.

That is not a lie I am telling.

My question stands.

what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
Nope, you’re still a hyperventilating liar. No one is suggesting America has fewer rights thab every other nation in the world.

Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
show me the immigration clause. our Founding Fathers did a better job that the right can ever do.
The issue is whether to build a Wall or not.

I interpreted your constant attacks on me for wanting a Wall, as opposition to the Wall.

In another post, you have finally revealed that you are for a Wall.

That is fairly insane of you, but ok.

So, what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
By attacks on you, you mean calling you a liar when you lie. Like your lie that other posters think America has fewer rights than every other country when no one else but you has said that.

Every nation in the world has the right to decide who enters and becomes a part of them.

Yet, these anti-American assholes are outraged that America would try to control who enters and becomes part of US.

That is not a lie I am telling.

My question stands.

what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
Nope, you’re still a hyperventilating liar. No one is suggesting America has fewer rights thab every other nation in the world.

Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
show me the immigration clause. our Founding Fathers did a better job that the right can ever do.

Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
Nope, you’re lying again.

The issue is whether to build a Wall or not.

I interpreted your constant attacks on me for wanting a Wall, as opposition to the Wall.

In another post, you have finally revealed that you are for a Wall.

That is fairly insane of you, but ok.

So, what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
By attacks on you, you mean calling you a liar when you lie. Like your lie that other posters think America has fewer rights than every other country when no one else but you has said that.

Every nation in the world has the right to decide who enters and becomes a part of them.

Yet, these anti-American assholes are outraged that America would try to control who enters and becomes part of US.

That is not a lie I am telling.

My question stands.

what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
Nope, you’re still a hyperventilating liar. No one is suggesting America has fewer rights thab every other nation in the world.

Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
I don’t know the laws of every single country on Earth and I suspect you don’t either. Regardless, the US also has the right to decide who can and cannot enter. Even if we didn’t, that would be just one right. That still doesn’t mean we have fewer rights than every other country on the planet. And again, no one here suggested that we do.

You’re an imbecile AND a liar.
Oh, which of those tools can be defeated by a wall...?

Depends on how you define "defeat".

No one claims that the Wall will stop all invaders.

But if the need for a ladder or a tunnel, reduces border crossings by half,

that would be a huge "defeat" for the illegals, and a HUGE win for America.

And I hope for better.

AND, of course the Wall is only PART Of what we are doing.

You know that right?
”But if...”

When I see a rightard say that, that’s when I cut you off and say, “fuck off,” because I have learned from experience, everything that follows is made up rightarded bullshit.

So.... fuck off.

Pointing out that a wall that significantly reduces illegal border crossings by half, would be a huge win for America,

in hardly bullshit.

YOur cowardly excuse for not responding seriously, is noted, and laughed at.
Nope, you can’t prove that; which is why you employed, ”but if”. Which is why I pointed out everting after that is you, making shit up.

What do you think that I need to prove?
You don’t have to prove anything. Everyone here saw you make that bullshit up.

How did the biggest drug kingpin defeat the wall?

He didn't. The wall never bothered him because he never went near it.

How would the wall have stopped those drugs? It didn't and it never will.

I would feel sorry for Republicans if they weren't so dangerous. The ineptness is what makes them dangerous. That and their hate. Their hate makes them very dangerous.

He will declare a national emergency if thinks it will play well with his base and he can get it thru the courts, however it will cost him among republicans in congress and it may cost him the election. 64% of the people say he shouldn't call a national emergency and a surprisingly number of republicans agree

After his campaign promise of a big beautiful wall across our southern border paid for by Mexicans, a 55 mile slatted fence paid for by the US taxpayer is not going look very impressive.

A 55 mile wall, won't be enough to control the border, which is why he SHOULD declare an emergency and build the fuckin g wall.

It is insane the controlling the border is a controversial idea. INSANE.
His “emergency” is rebuilding the existing walls and fences. Fuck that.

My point stands.

A 55 mile wall, won't be enough to control the border, which is why he SHOULD declare an emergency and build the fuckin g wall.

It is insane the controlling the border is a controversial idea. INSANE.
Fucking lunatic rightie... that’s 55 miles in addition to the roughly 700 miles of existing walls and fences.
So, is your position that an additional 55 miles of Wall will be enough to secure the border?
Well that’s not what I said. What I actually said in response to your nuttiness that a 55 mile barrier is insufficient to control the border, was it’s actually about 755 miles of barriers, not 55 miles, as you ridiculously portrayed.

As far as whether or not 755 miles is sufficient to control the border, that’s substantially more than trump wants....

“That's a big stretch, because we're talking about 500 to 550 miles [Inaudible]. It's a 2,000 mile border, but much of it has mountains, and region where you can't get across. So we're. Looking at between 500 and 550. So we gave out 115 yesterday, and we gave it out at a great price. So, we're gonna have a great wall there, and we have other sections to give out.”

You may not believe me, but you b’lieve trump, don’tcha?

The rule of law includes a presumption of innocence. Chanting, “lock her up,” when she’s not been convicted of any crimes reveals the right doesn’t give a shit about the rule of law when it involves their political opponents.

We both know that she is a criminal. So, the Rule of Law is not in question.


Nah, you’re just another rightwing but who can’t quit Hillary.

I'm not the one that brought her up. So, try to be less bat shit crazy.
You’re the one who can’t accept she didn’t commit a crime.

Considering the way the FBI found that she had committed a crime,and then gave her a pass,

yes, I cannot accept that. It is a massive injustice that she walks, when average citizens have done time for what she did.
Oh? What citizen went to jail for sending classified material from their own private email server?

I guess he had to use all those other methods because the wall stopped him.

Or maybe he didn't care about the wall? After all, no wall affected his drug business. He just flew over it.
We both know that she is a criminal. So, the Rule of Law is not in question.


Nah, you’re just another rightwing but who can’t quit Hillary.

I'm not the one that brought her up. So, try to be less bat shit crazy.
You’re the one who can’t accept she didn’t commit a crime.

Considering the way the FBI found that she had committed a crime,and then gave her a pass,

yes, I cannot accept that. It is a massive injustice that she walks, when average citizens have done time for what she did.
Oh? What citizen went to jail for sending classified material from their own private email server?
Or classified material was sent to her.

I never heard she sent out classified material. Only that some was on her computer.

I don't know why Republicans care. Trump gives it away. I wonder if the Russians even bothered to ask? Maybe Trump just said here take this. Give it to Vladimir. Ask him if there is anything else he might want. Just ask.

The issue is whether to build a Wall or not.

I interpreted your constant attacks on me for wanting a Wall, as opposition to the Wall.

In another post, you have finally revealed that you are for a Wall.

That is fairly insane of you, but ok.

So, what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
By attacks on you, you mean calling you a liar when you lie. Like your lie that other posters think America has fewer rights than every other country when no one else but you has said that.

Every nation in the world has the right to decide who enters and becomes a part of them.

Yet, these anti-American assholes are outraged that America would try to control who enters and becomes part of US.

That is not a lie I am telling.

My question stands.

what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
Nope, you’re still a hyperventilating liar. No one is suggesting America has fewer rights thab every other nation in the world.

Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
I don’t know the laws of every single country on Earth and I suspect you don’t either. Regardless, the US also has the right to decide who can and cannot enter. Even if we didn’t, that would be just one right. That still doesn’t mean we have fewer rights than every other country on the planet. And again, no one here suggested that we do.

You’re an imbecile AND a liar.

When you refer to the laws of those other nations, you are stating that they DO have the right to control who enters their nation.

We have those kind of laws too. But the Left in this country has decided that it is morally "wrong" to try to enforce them.

Everyone who is pushing the idea that it is wrong to try to enforce those laws, is thus arguing that the US, for some reason, does not have the same rights as ever other nation.
Depends on how you define "defeat".

No one claims that the Wall will stop all invaders.

But if the need for a ladder or a tunnel, reduces border crossings by half,

that would be a huge "defeat" for the illegals, and a HUGE win for America.

And I hope for better.

AND, of course the Wall is only PART Of what we are doing.

You know that right?
”But if...”

When I see a rightard say that, that’s when I cut you off and say, “fuck off,” because I have learned from experience, everything that follows is made up rightarded bullshit.

So.... fuck off.

Pointing out that a wall that significantly reduces illegal border crossings by half, would be a huge win for America,

in hardly bullshit.

YOur cowardly excuse for not responding seriously, is noted, and laughed at.
Nope, you can’t prove that; which is why you employed, ”but if”. Which is why I pointed out everting after that is you, making shit up.

What do you think that I need to prove?
You don’t have to prove anything. Everyone here saw you make that bullshit up.

I made a point, your attack on it was that I had not proved something.

I asked you what do you think I have to prove, from my point, and your response is that

"you don't have to prove anything"

BUT, then you also claim that something I said was bullshit.

A 55 mile wall, won't be enough to control the border, which is why he SHOULD declare an emergency and build the fuckin g wall.

It is insane the controlling the border is a controversial idea. INSANE.
His “emergency” is rebuilding the existing walls and fences. Fuck that.

My point stands.

A 55 mile wall, won't be enough to control the border, which is why he SHOULD declare an emergency and build the fuckin g wall.

It is insane the controlling the border is a controversial idea. INSANE.
Fucking lunatic rightie... that’s 55 miles in addition to the roughly 700 miles of existing walls and fences.
So, is your position that an additional 55 miles of Wall will be enough to secure the border?
Well that’s not what I said. What I actually said in response to your nuttiness that a 55 mile barrier is insufficient to control the border, was it’s actually about 755 miles of barriers, not 55 miles, as you ridiculously portrayed.

As far as whether or not 755 miles is sufficient to control the border, that’s substantially more than trump wants....

“That's a big stretch, because we're talking about 500 to 550 miles [Inaudible]. It's a 2,000 mile border, but much of it has mountains, and region where you can't get across. So we're. Looking at between 500 and 550. So we gave out 115 yesterday, and we gave it out at a great price. So, we're gonna have a great wall there, and we have other sections to give out.”

You may not believe me, but you b’lieve trump, don’tcha?


So, Mr. "I do support the wall", what are you even bitching about?

Do you think that the border is effectively controlled right now?

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