Trump would be correct to assert a national emergency in order to build the wall

There is no emergency on the border. Hence there is no need to declare a national emergency.

Although, one of the charges that were going to be brought against Nixon in his impeachment hearings was abuse of power. History repeating itself perhaps?

The real reason why the Democratic Party refuses to protect our border crossings is because they regard Anglo Voters to be their opposition.
The Democratic Party is filled with racist cretins.

As the white nationalists continue to target democrats as we saw yesterday in Maryland

Are you conflating all "anglo voters" with "white nationalists, and violent ones at that?
American citizens are being victimized by millions of illegals and it is clear that the U.S. Congress is unwilling to protect their American constituents.

However, I'm not confident that the SCOTUS is willing to defend the American people and it's possible that they would ultimately rule that Trump cannot protect the people.

The World Health Organization estimates that 4.6 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution.

National emergency

Firearms were used to kill 13,286 people in the U.S. in 2015, excluding suicide. Approximately 1.4 million people have died from firearms in the U.S. between 1968 and 2011. This number includes all deaths resulting from a firearm, including suicides, homicides, and accidents.

National emergency
By attacks on you, you mean calling you a liar when you lie. Like your lie that other posters think America has fewer rights than every other country when no one else but you has said that.

Every nation in the world has the right to decide who enters and becomes a part of them.

Yet, these anti-American assholes are outraged that America would try to control who enters and becomes part of US.

That is not a lie I am telling.

My question stands.

what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
Nope, you’re still a hyperventilating liar. No one is suggesting America has fewer rights thab every other nation in the world.

Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
I don’t know the laws of every single country on Earth and I suspect you don’t either. Regardless, the US also has the right to decide who can and cannot enter. Even if we didn’t, that would be just one right. That still doesn’t mean we have fewer rights than every other country on the planet. And again, no one here suggested that we do.

You’re an imbecile AND a liar.

When you refer to the laws of those other nations, you are stating that they DO have the right to control who enters their nation.

We have those kind of laws too. But the Left in this country has decided that it is morally "wrong" to try to enforce them.

Everyone who is pushing the idea that it is wrong to try to enforce those laws, is thus arguing that the US, for some reason, does not have the same rights as ever other nation.
Again, what you actually asserted is that posters here believe we have fewer rights than every other country in the world. That’s not merely limited to border security; that statement includes all rights and all countries.

No one said anything like that at all except for you.

You are an imbecile AND a liar.
”But if...”

When I see a rightard say that, that’s when I cut you off and say, “fuck off,” because I have learned from experience, everything that follows is made up rightarded bullshit.

So.... fuck off.

Pointing out that a wall that significantly reduces illegal border crossings by half, would be a huge win for America,

in hardly bullshit.

YOur cowardly excuse for not responding seriously, is noted, and laughed at.
Nope, you can’t prove that; which is why you employed, ”but if”. Which is why I pointed out everting after that is you, making shit up.

What do you think that I need to prove?
You don’t have to prove anything. Everyone here saw you make that bullshit up.

I made a point, your attack on it was that I had not proved something.

I asked you what do you think I have to prove, from my point, and your response is that

"you don't have to prove anything"

BUT, then you also claim that something I said was bullshit.

Your point was built on the foundation of made up bullshit. That’s what I’m talking about, ya raving lunatic. :cuckoo:
His “emergency” is rebuilding the existing walls and fences. Fuck that.

My point stands.

A 55 mile wall, won't be enough to control the border, which is why he SHOULD declare an emergency and build the fuckin g wall.

It is insane the controlling the border is a controversial idea. INSANE.
Fucking lunatic rightie... that’s 55 miles in addition to the roughly 700 miles of existing walls and fences.
So, is your position that an additional 55 miles of Wall will be enough to secure the border?
Well that’s not what I said. What I actually said in response to your nuttiness that a 55 mile barrier is insufficient to control the border, was it’s actually about 755 miles of barriers, not 55 miles, as you ridiculously portrayed.

As far as whether or not 755 miles is sufficient to control the border, that’s substantially more than trump wants....

“That's a big stretch, because we're talking about 500 to 550 miles [Inaudible]. It's a 2,000 mile border, but much of it has mountains, and region where you can't get across. So we're. Looking at between 500 and 550. So we gave out 115 yesterday, and we gave it out at a great price. So, we're gonna have a great wall there, and we have other sections to give out.”

You may not believe me, but you b’lieve trump, don’tcha?


So, Mr. "I do support the wall", what are you even bitching about?

Do you think that the border is effectively controlled right now?

Sadly, it seems I have to repeat myself so hopefully saying this again will sink in for you.... I don’t support rebuilding existing barriers.


Nah, you’re just another rightwing but who can’t quit Hillary.

I'm not the one that brought her up. So, try to be less bat shit crazy.
You’re the one who can’t accept she didn’t commit a crime.

Considering the way the FBI found that she had committed a crime,and then gave her a pass,

yes, I cannot accept that. It is a massive injustice that she walks, when average citizens have done time for what she did.
Oh? What citizen went to jail for sending classified material from their own private email server?

Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
I see, so you lied when you said others have gone to jail for doing what Hillary did since Hillary wasn’t taking pictures on a sub.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
Every nation in the world has the right to decide who enters and becomes a part of them.

Yet, these anti-American assholes are outraged that America would try to control who enters and becomes part of US.

That is not a lie I am telling.

My question stands.

what do you think of the asshole fucktards who think that America has fewer rights than ever other nation in the World?
Nope, you’re still a hyperventilating liar. No one is suggesting America has fewer rights thab every other nation in the world.

Do you deny that ever other nation has the right to decide who and what enters it's community, and becomes a part of it?
I don’t know the laws of every single country on Earth and I suspect you don’t either. Regardless, the US also has the right to decide who can and cannot enter. Even if we didn’t, that would be just one right. That still doesn’t mean we have fewer rights than every other country on the planet. And again, no one here suggested that we do.

You’re an imbecile AND a liar.

When you refer to the laws of those other nations, you are stating that they DO have the right to control who enters their nation.

We have those kind of laws too. But the Left in this country has decided that it is morally "wrong" to try to enforce them.

Everyone who is pushing the idea that it is wrong to try to enforce those laws, is thus arguing that the US, for some reason, does not have the same rights as ever other nation.
Again, what you actually asserted is that posters here believe we have fewer rights than every other country in the world. That’s not merely limited to border security; that statement includes all rights and all countries.

No one said anything like that at all except for you.

You are an imbecile AND a liar.

I made an analysis of what the actions of the anti-wall people reveals about their thinking.

And I explained how I reached that conclusion. Repeatedly.

You have asserted that you disagree with my conclusion, but without any explanation as to how you reached that conclusion.

Yes, no one openly and clearly stated what their actions reveal about their beliefs.

But that does not mean that my analysis is wrong.

If you think it is wrong, this is where you point out what you think is wrong about it.

Just stating that it is wrong, because no one clearly and openly stated it, is, ironically,

the actions of an imbecile and a liar.
Pointing out that a wall that significantly reduces illegal border crossings by half, would be a huge win for America,

in hardly bullshit.

YOur cowardly excuse for not responding seriously, is noted, and laughed at.
Nope, you can’t prove that; which is why you employed, ”but if”. Which is why I pointed out everting after that is you, making shit up.

What do you think that I need to prove?
You don’t have to prove anything. Everyone here saw you make that bullshit up.

I made a point, your attack on it was that I had not proved something.

I asked you what do you think I have to prove, from my point, and your response is that

"you don't have to prove anything"

BUT, then you also claim that something I said was bullshit.

Your point was built on the foundation of made up bullshit. That’s what I’m talking about, ya raving lunatic. :cuckoo:

Well, that was a waste of time. Got it. YOu were just spewing shit, that you can't back up.

The millions and millions of illegals we have living here, shows that the border is a fucking disaster and needs to be controlled.

Whatever has to be done to do that, FUCKING DO IT AND FAST.
My point stands.

A 55 mile wall, won't be enough to control the border, which is why he SHOULD declare an emergency and build the fuckin g wall.

It is insane the controlling the border is a controversial idea. INSANE.
Fucking lunatic rightie... that’s 55 miles in addition to the roughly 700 miles of existing walls and fences.
So, is your position that an additional 55 miles of Wall will be enough to secure the border?
Well that’s not what I said. What I actually said in response to your nuttiness that a 55 mile barrier is insufficient to control the border, was it’s actually about 755 miles of barriers, not 55 miles, as you ridiculously portrayed.

As far as whether or not 755 miles is sufficient to control the border, that’s substantially more than trump wants....

“That's a big stretch, because we're talking about 500 to 550 miles [Inaudible]. It's a 2,000 mile border, but much of it has mountains, and region where you can't get across. So we're. Looking at between 500 and 550. So we gave out 115 yesterday, and we gave it out at a great price. So, we're gonna have a great wall there, and we have other sections to give out.”

You may not believe me, but you b’lieve trump, don’tcha?


So, Mr. "I do support the wall", what are you even bitching about?

Do you think that the border is effectively controlled right now?

Sadly, it seems I have to repeat myself so hopefully saying this again will sink in for you.... I don’t support rebuilding existing barriers.


Nope. You seem to be all over the place, just spewing out shit.

Do you think that the border is effectively controlled right now?
I'm not the one that brought her up. So, try to be less bat shit crazy.
You’re the one who can’t accept she didn’t commit a crime.

Considering the way the FBI found that she had committed a crime,and then gave her a pass,

yes, I cannot accept that. It is a massive injustice that she walks, when average citizens have done time for what she did.
Oh? What citizen went to jail for sending classified material from their own private email server?

Ah, so you know about that average citizen who was jailed for the crime of being ""grossly negligent" with classified material?

Yeah, he took photos of his work place on a sub, because he was so proud of his service to his country.

And he did time for that, while HIllary who was just as ""grossly negligent", as stated in the FBI report before Peter Strzok changed it,

got a pass.

It is good to be elite, in a Liberal's America.
I see, so you lied when you said others have gone to jail for doing what Hillary did since Hillary wasn’t taking pictures on a sub.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.

Hillary was grossly negligent with classified information. That is what that poor sailor, who is not a member of the Liberal Elite, went to jail for.

Different rules for different folks. That is the way of America, thanks to liberals.
Just today, 3 differ.ent sectors on the border-

CBP El Centro Retweeted


This morning, another truck concealing 22 illegal aliens breached the aging border barrier in east #SanDiego. When #USBP agents responded, the driver rammed a USBP vehicle in attempt to flee. The driver then exited on foot and escaped south. All 22 passengers were arrested. #CBP


(1/2) This morning a #CBPElCentro agent from the #Indio #USBP Station was attempting to take a subject into custody for suspected alien smuggling @ Hwy. 111 immigration checkpoint near #Niland CA. The suspect resisted arrest attempting to abscond via vehicle dragging our agent a

(2/2) short distance, putting the agent’s life in grave danger. The agent fortunately became free of the vehicle & sustained no major injuries. Agents ultimately arrested the fleeing subject. Further investigation is underway. Updates to follow as more info becomes available.

#YumaSector SOD agents arrest three suspected human smugglers with loaded firearm while other agents were busy with a group of 25 Central Americans. #SouthwestBorder #NationalSecurity: (link:

No Asylum. Period.
The vast majority are coming for economic reasons. That doesn’t fit within the statutory requirement for asylum.

Passing through another country without seeking asylum undercuts any claim made upon arrival at the U.S. border.

Mexico is not only shifting this problem to the U.S., it is encouraging illegal immigration by accommodating these caravans.
No Asylum. Period.

Mexico has offered temporary work permits to migrants who register for asylum, ... Many of the migrants say they plan to seek asylum in the US.
The plan also envisages temporary ID cards, medical care and schooling.
But to qualify, migrants must remain in Mexico's southern Chiapas and Oaxaca states.

The US has warned that about 800 troops may be sent to the US-Mexico border to stop the migrant caravan.
Mexico makes offer to caravan migrants
Venezuela qualifies.
Venezuelans do not want to come here. Plus the president has closed the border and no one can get out or in if they wanted to. Venezuelans unlike most of south and central America are not wimpy. They love their country as I love mine and willing to fight for change. Those who want to come have to apply for asylum in Venezuela.

CBP Retweeted


#USBP agents in Tucson arrest a previously deported, admitted MS-13 gang member who had at least 10 previous illegal entries into the U.S.
is protecting America #SouthwestBorder. Details: (link:



Tucson Sector #USBP works with
on #OperationStonegarden to arrest illegal aliens from Guatemala who entered the country illegally
is #BorderSecurity Details: (link:

#YumaSector agents recover 2nd firearm amongst human smugglers in less than 48 hours. #NationalSecurity #SouthwestBorder ; (link:




#BorderPatrol agents in #RGV continue to sieze narcotics at immigration checkpoints and between ports of entry. Yesterday, agents seized $1.4M worth of methamphetamine and nearly $600K in marijuana.
#BorderSecurity #USBP #SouthwestBorder #HonorFirst (link:




Feb 20

#RGV Rio Grande Valley #BorderPatrol agents seize over 1,000 pounds of marijuana in a 24 hour period.
#BorderSecurity #SouthwestBorder #AlwaysVigilant #HonorFirst #USBP (link:




Feb 20

#RGV Rio Grande Valley #BorderPatrol agents rescue abandoned group abandoned by their smugglers in the vast and unforving ranchlands near Falfurrias, Texas.
#SavingLives #SouthwestBorder #BorderSecurity #HonorFirst #USBP #AlwaysVigilant (link:



Feb 20

#BorderPatrol agents in #RGV Rio Grande Valley disrupted six narcotic smuggling attempts resulting in seizure of over 1,200 pounds of marijuana in separate incidents over several days.
#BorderSecurity #SouthwestBorder #AlwaysVigilant #USBP #HonorFirst (link:[/URL]
I will bet that the hombre who was carrying the 1,200 pounds of marijuana across the unfenced border on his back was pretty damned tired walking it across 120 miles of desert!

Thousands flee violence and hunger in Venezuela, seeking asylum in the United States

No Asylum. Period.
The vast majority are coming for economic reasons. That doesn’t fit within the statutory requirement for asylum.

Passing through another country without seeking asylum undercuts any claim made upon arrival at the U.S. border.

Mexico is not only shifting this problem to the U.S., it is encouraging illegal immigration by accommodating these caravans.
No Asylum. Period.

Mexico has offered temporary work permits to migrants who register for asylum, ... Many of the migrants say they plan to seek asylum in the US.
The plan also envisages temporary ID cards, medical care and schooling.
But to qualify, migrants must remain in Mexico's southern Chiapas and Oaxaca states.

The US has warned that about 800 troops may be sent to the US-Mexico border to stop the migrant caravan.
Mexico makes offer to caravan migrants
Venezuela qualifies.
Venezuelans do not want to come here. Plus the president has closed the border and no one can get out or in if they wanted to. Venezuelans unlike most of south and central America are not wimpy. They love their country as I love mine and willing to fight for change. Those who want to come have to apply for asylum in Venezuela.
I will bet that the hombre who was carrying the 1,200 pounds of marijuana across the unfenced border on his back was pretty damned tired walking it across 120 miles of desert!
From the story link-

On Thursday, Rio Grande City agents working near Los Barreras, Texas, observed multiple subjects load bundles of marijuana into a vehicle just north of the Rio Grande. As agents responded, the driver abandoned the vehicle and fled the area. A search of the vehicle revealed 12 bundles of marijuana weighing nearly 560 pounds worth an estimated $448K.
I will bet that the hombre who was carrying the 1,200 pounds of marijuana across the unfenced border on his back was pretty damned tired walking it across 120 miles of desert!
From the story link-

On Thursday, Rio Grande City agents working near Los Barreras, Texas, observed multiple subjects load bundles of marijuana into a vehicle just north of the Rio Grande. As agents responded, the driver abandoned the vehicle and fled the area. A search of the vehicle revealed 12 bundles of marijuana weighing nearly 560 pounds worth an estimated $448K.

Wow~! That would NEVER have happened if they had been required to pass it between steel bars of a wall!
It would have been a deterrent. They can’t run thru it like they do the billion dollar fences put in previously.

I will bet that the hombre who was carrying the 1,200 pounds of marijuana across the unfenced border on his back was pretty damned tired walking it across 120 miles of desert!
From the story link-

On Thursday, Rio Grande City agents working near Los Barreras, Texas, observed multiple subjects load bundles of marijuana into a vehicle just north of the Rio Grande. As agents responded, the driver abandoned the vehicle and fled the area. A search of the vehicle revealed 12 bundles of marijuana weighing nearly 560 pounds worth an estimated $448K.

Wow~! That would NEVER have happened if they had been required to pass it between steel bars of a wall!
Last edited:
Trump prevails as Mexican officials stop caravan at Texas border and ship migrants to other cities
Last week, a caravan of 1,800 Central American migrants arrived in this isolated Mexican border city, where police ushered them into a makeshift government shelter at a shuttered factory surrounded by chain-link fence.

As conditions at the shelter deteriorated, riots erupted last Wednesday. Migrants broke through security barriers and struggled with guards. Some threw pipes, tables, chairs and parts of a tent at Mexican officers. Migrant advocates and reporters were barred from the facility, which was surrounded by dozens of federal police in riot gear.
It would cost the city $260,000 to operate the shelter for a month, including food, staff and utilities, he said. He’s been working 12-hour days.

Trump prevails as Mexican officials stop caravan at Texas border and ship migrants to other cities

Even it is a national emergency for Mexico. WTF is needed for the DumbCrats to see that there is a national emergency at the border. These people are not anyone I would want for a neighbor. YES, MAGA and don't let them in and deport those who are here committing crimes. I have been a diehard liberal but NEVER will I vote democratic again. I am not a racist or a bigot and I have family and friends from south of the border. I am just understanding what MAGA really means and it is often used to be racist but it is not racist to me.
Mexico doesn't have sufficient facilities for them. It has nothing to do with Trump.

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