Trumpcare has Arrived

It does appear that Trump is making HC insurance more expensive both by cutting subsidies and making it easier to charge more for older and sicker, and he's aiming that directly at republicans in congress.

I'm not sure if he and Bannon are expecting this to help primary republicans or whether there is no strategy beyond being pissed off.

The ONLY strategy for Trump is to fire-up his base of cultists....trump does NOT care if the 2018 midterms slaughter republicans....his only care is accolades from his moronic following.
I agree that Trump's need to satisfy his base determines every action he takes or avoids. Maybe that's not unusual except for the fact that his base thinks everything gummit does beyond paying them money is useless, but I think his 35% base already blamed McConnell and to a lesser extent Ryan for the failure to repeal and replace. Trump promised his base that repeal and replace would begin on "day one," and you can't replace a law regulating HC in one day. Congress has things like committees, ranking members and hearings.

It's obvious Trump is making HC more expensive for millions to "punish" the gop because in the same week he and Bannon announce they'll primary republicans, and immediately after the EO's he tell the dems to "call me" to fix it. I'm sort of amazed at both the Turtle and Ryan's willingness to expect any good faith from this guy, but I was really surprised when Schumer and Pelosi thought they could do a deal on Daca.

I suspect Trump is just blowing more hot air on cutting a deal, and as Daca showed even if thought about a deal, he will have to renege as soon as his base gets wind of it.
35% is trump's job approval. His base is waaay smaller.
When there were umpteen Republican candidates, Trump never got above 35 percent of the primary vote.

If everyone else has a less than 35 percent approval, Trump wins. Trump might suck, but if his opponent(s) suck more, Trump wins.

I think the Democrats are forgetting this.

I think the math sort of goes like this. Trump won primaries with 35-40plus of the gop vote (some open and some closed primaries). But in the general, very few gopers crossed over to Hillary, and "not enough" stayed home or voted for the pot smoker dude. He got 48% of the vote in the general.

He wouldn't get 48% now.


As usual, Trump is just sucking the actual merits or lack of merits on an issue into a vacuum. As you noted, cutting the subsidies doesn't do anything to make HC better or more affordable. He's pissed at the gop congress because he wanted to crow about "ending Obamacare," and he wants to punish his enemies. So now he can crow about ending Obamacare, and when people lose coverage and costs increase they'll blame the gop congress. IT REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE.. It has nothing to do with expanding coverage or containing costs .... but Trump IT NEVER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THAT.
He wouldn't get 48% now.
Against Bernie Sanders he would. He might get 48% even now against Hillary.

It's just like I told the pseudocons about Obama. How much does your party have to suck to lose TWICE to an inexperienced, incompetent guy like Obama?

Now the circle closes. How much do the Dems have to suck to lose to one of their own? A pro-choice, cut-and-run, socialized medicine, pro-AWB, Democrat huckster from New York.

Trump fucking sucks. The Democrats fucking suck more.
Guess liberals just wanted Obamacare to fail on its own.. Trump is trying to save what he can because Obamacare was going to fail. Even liberals knew it was going to fail way before Trump was running for President..
It does appear that Trump is making HC insurance more expensive both by cutting subsidies and making it easier to charge more for older and sicker, and he's aiming that directly at republicans in congress.

I'm not sure if he and Bannon are expecting this to help primary republicans or whether there is no strategy beyond being pissed off.

The ONLY strategy for Trump is to fire-up his base of cultists....trump does NOT care if the 2018 midterms slaughter republicans....his only care is accolades from his moronic following.
I agree that Trump's need to satisfy his base determines every action he takes or avoids. Maybe that's not unusual except for the fact that his base thinks everything gummit does beyond paying them money is useless, but I think his 35% base already blamed McConnell and to a lesser extent Ryan for the failure to repeal and replace. Trump promised his base that repeal and replace would begin on "day one," and you can't replace a law regulating HC in one day. Congress has things like committees, ranking members and hearings.

It's obvious Trump is making HC more expensive for millions to "punish" the gop because in the same week he and Bannon announce they'll primary republicans, and immediately after the EO's he tell the dems to "call me" to fix it. I'm sort of amazed at both the Turtle and Ryan's willingness to expect any good faith from this guy, but I was really surprised when Schumer and Pelosi thought they could do a deal on Daca.

I suspect Trump is just blowing more hot air on cutting a deal, and as Daca showed even if thought about a deal, he will have to renege as soon as his base gets wind of it.
35% is trump's job approval. His base is waaay smaller.
When there were umpteen Republican candidates, Trump never got above 35 percent of the primary vote.

If everyone else has a less than 35 percent approval, Trump wins. Trump might suck, but if his opponent(s) suck more, Trump wins.

I think the Democrats are forgetting this.
He would win the republican nomination, true. Where Democrats erred was thinking the American people would take two minorities in a row, a two term black dude followed by a woman. Hillary would have been president in 2009 if she had beaten Obama. I think we have learned our lesson and will go white male next time.
Guess liberals just wanted Obamacare to fail on its own.. Trump is trying to save what he can because Obamacare was going to fail. Even liberals knew it was going to fail way before Trump was running for President..
Trump is making it fail even more catastrophically. He is pure evil since he didn't have a plan to replace it.

He lied to you, and you sit there and take it.
He wouldn't get 48% now.
Against Bernie Sanders he would. He might get 48% even now against Hillary.

It's just like I told the pseudocons about Obama. How much does your party have to suck to lose TWICE to an inexperienced, incompetent guy like Obama?

Now the circle closes. How much do the Dems have to suck to lose to one of their own? A pro-choice, cut-and-run, socialized medicine, pro-AWB, Democrat huckster from New York.

Trump fucking sucks. The Democrats fucking suck more.
In hindsight, Bernie would have beaten trump. He is white male.
He wouldn't get 48% now.
Against Bernie Sanders he would. He might get 48% even now against Hillary.

It's just like I told the pseudocons about Obama. How much does your party have to suck to lose TWICE to an inexperienced, incompetent guy like Obama?

Now the circle closes. How much do the Dems have to suck to lose to one of their own? A pro-choice, cut-and-run, socialized medicine, pro-AWB, Democrat huckster from New York.

Trump fucking sucks. The Democrats fucking suck more.
In hindsight, Bernie would have beaten trump. He is white male.
Blame Hillary why he was not running against Trump. She stole the election from him
He wouldn't get 48% now.
Against Bernie Sanders he would. He might get 48% even now against Hillary.

It's just like I told the pseudocons about Obama. How much does your party have to suck to lose TWICE to an inexperienced, incompetent guy like Obama?

Now the circle closes. How much do the Dems have to suck to lose to one of their own? A pro-choice, cut-and-run, socialized medicine, pro-AWB, Democrat huckster from New York.

Trump fucking sucks. The Democrats fucking suck more.
In hindsight, Bernie would have beaten trump. He is white male.
Nope. Bernie's a socialist. No way he would have beaten Trump.
He wouldn't get 48% now.
Against Bernie Sanders he would. He might get 48% even now against Hillary.

It's just like I told the pseudocons about Obama. How much does your party have to suck to lose TWICE to an inexperienced, incompetent guy like Obama?

Now the circle closes. How much do the Dems have to suck to lose to one of their own? A pro-choice, cut-and-run, socialized medicine, pro-AWB, Democrat huckster from New York.

Trump fucking sucks. The Democrats fucking suck more.
In hindsight, Bernie would have beaten trump. He is white male.
Nope. Bernie's a socialist. No way he would have beaten Trump.
LOL, you all called Hillary a socialist also (along with every other name in the book). Bernie was against trade deals, neutering trump. He also did not have Hillary's baggage.


Bernie beat Hillary in the rust states that cost her the election.
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I think some of the 48% really did think he'd make congress do a debt deal and make HC better. Some people did have insurance they couldn't afford to use - although I wonder if that's really that big an issue. I've had the same plan for 20 years. My routine preventative has always been covered at least partially without deduct/co-pay. I've met the deductible four times - 2 sports injuries with my kid and cancer scares for both me and Mrs. Dog. Nobody meets a deductible unless there's absolutely no choice. There may be some out there thinking "but insurance should pay for this....." Obamacare did improve my prevenative care and the price for a doc box visit went down 50%. I get more Mobic an indothemiacin. Whoopee! LOL
He wouldn't get 48% now.
Against Bernie Sanders he would. He might get 48% even now against Hillary.

It's just like I told the pseudocons about Obama. How much does your party have to suck to lose TWICE to an inexperienced, incompetent guy like Obama?

Now the circle closes. How much do the Dems have to suck to lose to one of their own? A pro-choice, cut-and-run, socialized medicine, pro-AWB, Democrat huckster from New York.

Trump fucking sucks. The Democrats fucking suck more.
In hindsight, Bernie would have beaten trump. He is white male.
Nope. Bernie's a socialist. No way he would have beaten Trump.
LOL, you all called Hillary a socialist also (along with every other name in the book). Bernie was against trade deals, neutering trump. He also did not have Hillary's baggage.
Socialism is the only baggage needed to defeat Sanders.
He wouldn't get 48% now.
Against Bernie Sanders he would. He might get 48% even now against Hillary.

It's just like I told the pseudocons about Obama. How much does your party have to suck to lose TWICE to an inexperienced, incompetent guy like Obama?

Now the circle closes. How much do the Dems have to suck to lose to one of their own? A pro-choice, cut-and-run, socialized medicine, pro-AWB, Democrat huckster from New York.

Trump fucking sucks. The Democrats fucking suck more.
In hindsight, Bernie would have beaten trump. He is white male.

I don't know that is necessarily true. I think when people started realizing just how much his proposed policies were going to cost them he would have crashed and burned.
Due to his inability to pass healthcare reform to repeal and replace Obamacare Trump has decided to instead kill payments to insurers essentially guaranteeing that rates will go up across the board for everyone in this country.

"Two months ago, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that individual health plan premiums would be 20 percent higher than originally projected if the payments ceased. It also projected that premiums would be 25 percent higher than they otherwise would be by 2020, and that the federal deficit would be increased by almost $200 billion if the subsidies ended."

The Affordable Care Act can no longer be blamed for rising premium costs. This administration has failed and refused to run the ACA in the manner in which it was designed.

You can't take the wheels off a car and wonder why it doesn't drive.

What we have now is Trumpcare. Hope all of you that voted for him are happy now.

Obamacare bombshell: Trump kills key payments to health insurers
Can we cut the premiums will increase bullshit? They aren't increasing. You just don't have someone else paying part of it for you. Now people can get the full effect of obiecare.
Due to his inability to pass healthcare reform to repeal and replace Obamacare Trump has decided to instead kill payments to insurers essentially guaranteeing that rates will go up across the board for everyone in this country.

"Two months ago, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that individual health plan premiums would be 20 percent higher than originally projected if the payments ceased. It also projected that premiums would be 25 percent higher than they otherwise would be by 2020, and that the federal deficit would be increased by almost $200 billion if the subsidies ended."

The Affordable Care Act can no longer be blamed for rising premium costs. This administration has failed and refused to run the ACA in the manner in which it was designed.

You can't take the wheels off a car and wonder why it doesn't drive.

What we have now is Trumpcare. Hope all of you that voted for him are happy now.

Obamacare bombshell: Trump kills key payments to health insurers
Can we cut the premiums will increase bullshit? They aren't increasing.
They will.

Stay tuned.

We are now rapidly returning to the days before Obamacare, when insurance and health care costs were rising even faster than they did with Obamacare.

Trump has just put Congress in a corner. They have to come up with real health care reform that will stop health care costs from returning to the skyrocketing days of old which brought Obamacare into being in the first place.

Good luck with that, rubes!
The Affordable Care Act can no longer be blamed for rising premium costs.

It can and it will. It's the entire reason premiums have been shooting through the roof. Where is the average $2500 in savings we were promised?

coming from the subsidies Trump just canceled.

Oh, really? So why is it for the last seven years nobody saw those savings?

they have, why do you think Trump killed them ?

RW dopes report on premium increases and magically forget to include subsidies that offset the increase, and ignore/deny if anyone else does.

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