

Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.
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ObamaCare was enacted on March 23, 2010.

That means this is Day 2,502 for the GOP to come up with a replacement.
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.
Don't worry Ms G...your addadicktome WIIL BE covered.
Trump never said his plan was, "Repeal and replace with nothing", though that has been the GOP plan all along.

In case you think that plan is a good idea, here's a refresher of healthcare costs rising before ObamaCare:


The GOP did manage to slow the increase in health care costs by crashing the economy. I guess that's one way to do it.

But even during the worst years of the financial crisis, costs kept going up.
That's right Trump. You OWN health care now.
And some gop congress critters are a might nervous about needing 60 senate votes for a replacement. GOP lawmakers voice concerns over ObamaCare repeal: report

Although I have to say I'd like an alternative to Obamacare. If a rational one existed. LOL

The "Obamacare" plan was a Heritage Foundation plan which Romney instituted in MA pretty successfully. That was the GOP alternative until the half black guy in essence said "ok, we'll go with your concept" and then it was no good.
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.
Don't worry Ms G...your addadicktome WIIL BE covered.

Hahaha! This is as good as you can do, hmmmm? Attack the messenger since you don't have a solution or answer to the message, COWARD.
That's right Trump. You OWN health care now.
And some gop congress critters are a might nervous about needing 60 senate votes for a replacement. GOP lawmakers voice concerns over ObamaCare repeal: report

Although I have to say I'd like an alternative to Obamacare. If a rational one existed. LOL

The "Obamacare" plan was a Heritage Foundation plan which Romney instituted in MA pretty successfully. That was the GOP alternative until the half black guy in essence said "ok, we'll go with your concept" and then it was no good.
Yes. But Roberts rewrote the mandate provision, and the "fine" was too low to achieve getting everyone to sign up.

The tar baby for the GOP is that to not kick off 20 million Americans from HC, they need the Obamacare funding taxes ... including the mandate. And, while I'm not an Obamacare fan, it had the advantage of controlling price inflation like Medicare does: since they have all the marketshare, they can pretty much tell providers what they get for each procedure. So, just getting rid of it is suicidal for some gop congress critters, and the result would be more deficits than we have now. It's not that Medicare is not efficient: it IS efficient. But there's no personal incentive to self-ration care, and more people are retiring.

PS, have a good weekend. I believe my wife plans for me to scrub off mold from outside molding.
When you ask a pseudocon for a plan to lower health care costs, you get a blank stare.

After a few minutes of staring into space, they finally come up with, "Freedom!"

Yeah, let's put that in a bill. :lol:

The Really Cool Freedom Act To Save Healthcare of 2017.

"Um...Bob? We need some text to go with that."
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

Simple g5000
just take the best draft they have and offer that for Plan B.
And keep the draft that Obama and Pelosi's Congress passed as Plan A.

Then give taxpayers a choice to fund and follow the plan that comes
closest to what they want, and to work with those leaders and members
who support it to reform and develop their plan of choice more fully.

Like a divorce, first step is to separate households and bank accounts first.
Then both parties can figure out how they want to manage their budgets
and terms and conditions from there. Without fighting over who is controlling what.

Separate right to health care mandates and prochoice programs
from right to life and free market choices. That's step one.
The rest, the parties can figure out by themselves
when they aren't interfering with each other's priorities and principles
or competing to control the direction of policy. To each their own!
That's right Trump. You OWN health care now.
And some gop congress critters are a might nervous about needing 60 senate votes for a replacement. GOP lawmakers voice concerns over ObamaCare repeal: report

Although I have to say I'd like an alternative to Obamacare. If a rational one existed. LOL

The "Obamacare" plan was a Heritage Foundation plan which Romney instituted in MA pretty successfully. That was the GOP alternative until the half black guy in essence said "ok, we'll go with your concept" and then it was no good.
Yes. But Roberts rewrote the mandate provision, and the "fine" was too low to achieve getting everyone to sign up.

The tar baby for the GOP is that to not kick off 20 million Americans from HC, they need the Obamacare funding taxes ... including the mandate. And, while I'm not an Obamacare fan, it had the advantage of controlling price inflation like Medicare does: since they have all the marketshare, they can pretty much tell providers what they get for each procedure. So, just getting rid of it is suicidal for some gop congress critters, and the result would be more deficits than we have now. It's not that Medicare is not efficient: it IS efficient. But there's no personal incentive to self-ration care, and more people are retiring.
Oh, there is a LOT more at stake than 20 million people losing their subsidies or Medicaid.

There's the matter of rising health care costs. That's the real issue. That's the issue from which they made a lot of political hay. Remember all those topics every time the costs went up.

It's showtime. Batter up!
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

Simple g5000
just take the best draft they have and offer that for Plan B.
And keep the draft that Obama and Pelosi's Congress passed as Plan A.

Then give taxpayers a choice to fund and follow the plan that comes
closest to what they want, and to work with those leaders and members
who support it to reform and develop their plan of choice more fully.

Like a divorce, first step is to separate households and bank accounts first.
Then both parties can figure out how they want to manage their budgets
and terms and conditions from there. Without fighting over who is controlling what.

Separate right to health care mandates and prochoice programs
from right to life and free market choices. That's step one.
The rest, the parties can figure out by themselves
when they aren't interfering with each other's priorities and principles
or competing to control the direction of policy. To each their own!

They have a draft? You've seen it? Where is it?
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

Simple g5000
just take the best draft they have and offer that for Plan B.
And keep the draft that Obama and Pelosi's Congress passed as Plan A.

Then give taxpayers a choice to fund and follow the plan that comes
closest to what they want, and to work with those leaders and members
who support it to reform and develop their plan of choice more fully.

Like a divorce, first step is to separate households and bank accounts first.
Then both parties can figure out how they want to manage their budgets
and terms and conditions from there. Without fighting over who is controlling what.

Separate right to health care mandates and prochoice programs
from right to life and free market choices. That's step one.
The rest, the parties can figure out by themselves
when they aren't interfering with each other's priorities and principles
or competing to control the direction of policy. To each their own!
This will be about the zillionth time I have given my opinion of what kind of reforms we need. So this will be a mostly copy and paste job from previous posts I have made. :)

1. Raise the Medicare eligibility age to 70, and then index it to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

2. Get government OUT of the healthcare business as much as possible. It is completely wrong that the government is in the healthcare business AND gets to write the rules affecting its private sector competitors.

3. Eliminate the tax exemption for employer-sponsored health insurance. Employer-sponsored health insurance bends the cost of healthcare up, and it should be discouraged as much as possible.

I should be buying my health insurance the same way I buy my auto, home, and life insurance. If I lose my job, I don't automatically lose my auto, home, or life insurance. In fact, the more policies I bundle together, and the longer I am a customer, the bigger discounts I get.

And I have maximum leverage with my auto, home and life insurance because they know I can hang up and call any one of a constellation of competitors. In health insurance, most Americans have no choice except for what their employer offers. They are in a take it or leave it bullshit hostage situation. Plus, the government places geographical limitations around insurance companies.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.
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On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

/---- Libtards complaining Trump isn't shitcanning Obozocare fast enough. Patience Grasshopper.
When Social Security was enacted, the average American lifespan was 61.7 years of age. Social Security was for people who lived beyond the mean.

At that time, when SS was enacted, only 5.4% of the population was over the age of 65.

It was not intended for everyone to collect. If you were a blue collar laborer busting your ass pouring concrete for a federal dam project, you probably were not going to live long enough to collect.

In 1965, when Medicare was added to senior entitlements, the average lifespan was 70 years of age. At that time, 9.2% of the population was over the age of 65.

Today, the average life expectancy is 78.7 years, and the percentage of Americans over 65 is now at...drum roll please...


We are rapidly approaching a tripling of the original senior load.

A greater and greater percentage drawing out, a smaller and smaller percentage putting in.

This is an unsustainable trend. We either have to cut benefits, or increase the eligibility age.

And that is why you consistently hear me say we need to immediately raise the eligibility age for Medicare and SS to 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Looking at the numbers for 1965, you can see where I get the 9 percent figure.

Put simply, we are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

Life expectancy: Life Expectancy at Birth by Race and Sex, 1930–2010

Percent of population over 65 in 1930 and 1960 (see page 9): ttps://

Percent of population over 65 in 2015: Population estimates, July 1, 2016, (V2016)
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The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.
You must be kidding. Republicans in congress have feared this day. They never actually wanted to repeal Obamacare - they wanted it as a talking point to bash the democrats with over and over and over again. Repealing it leaves the ball in their court and they would have to actually do something. That is the last thing a politician wants - something that they are accountable for.

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