
When Social Security was enacted, the average American lifespan was 61.7 years of age. Social Security was for people who lived beyond the mean.

At that time, when SS was enacted, only 5.4% of the population was over the age of 65.

It was not intended for everyone to collect. If you were a blue collar laborer busting your ass pouring concrete for a federal dam project, you probably were not going to live long enough to collect.

In 1965, when Medicare was added to senior entitlements, the average lifespan was 70 years of age. At that time, 9.2% of the population was over the age of 65.

Today, the average life expectancy is 78.7 years, and the percentage of Americans over 65 is now at...drum roll please...


We are rapidly approaching a tripling of the original senior load.

This is an unsustainable trend. We either have to cut benefits, or increase the eligibility age.

And that is why you consistently hear me say we need to immediately raise the eligibility age for Medicare and SS to 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Looking at the numbers for 1965, you can see where I get the 9 percent figure.

Put simply, we are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

Life expectancy: Life Expectancy at Birth by Race and Sex, 1930–2010

Percent of population over 65 in 1930 and 1960 (see page 9):

Percent of population over 65 in 2015: Population estimates, July 1, 2016, (V2016)
That is the real problem with Medicare and SS - you are not really supposed to collect it.
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

Simple g5000
just take the best draft they have and offer that for Plan B.
And keep the draft that Obama and Pelosi's Congress passed as Plan A.

Then give taxpayers a choice to fund and follow the plan that comes
closest to what they want, and to work with those leaders and members
who support it to reform and develop their plan of choice more fully.

Like a divorce, first step is to separate households and bank accounts first.
Then both parties can figure out how they want to manage their budgets
and terms and conditions from there. Without fighting over who is controlling what.

Separate right to health care mandates and prochoice programs
from right to life and free market choices. That's step one.
The rest, the parties can figure out by themselves
when they aren't interfering with each other's priorities and principles
or competing to control the direction of policy. To each their own!
This will be about the zillionth time I have given my opinion of what kind of reforms we need. So this will be a mostly copy and past job from previous posts I have made. :)

1. Raise the Medicare eligibility age to 70, and then index it to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

2. Get government OUT of the healthcare business as much as possible. It is completely wrong that the government is in the healthcare business AND gets to write the rules affecting its private sector competitors.

3. Eliminate the tax exemption for employer-sponsored health insurance. Employer-sponsored health insurance bends the cost of healthcare up, and it should be discouraged as much as possible.

I should be buying my health insurance the same way I buy my auto, home, and life insurance. If I lose my job, I don't automatically lose my auto, home, or life insurance. In fact, the more policies I bundle together, and the longer I am a customer, the bigger discounts I get.

And I have maximum leverage with my auto, home and life insurance because they know I can hang up and call any one of a constellation of competitors. In health insurance, most Americans have no choice except for what their employer offers. They are in a take it or leave it bullshit hostage situation. Plus, the government places geographical limitations around insurance companies.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.

Nope, this is where I disagree. Autos, homes, commercial and life insurance are CHOICES that a human being does not need to have in order for life to be sustained. Health care is not a choice, it is a necessity and no one should profit off someone's need to stay alive and well.

And I do not want insurance companies letting people die so they can have digs like this. Insurance companies cannot make a profit unless they deny claims. Even Ben Carson knows this.

Hang a marquee on the front and it's a casino, and we know the house always wins.

On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

Simple g5000
just take the best draft they have and offer that for Plan B.
And keep the draft that Obama and Pelosi's Congress passed as Plan A.

Then give taxpayers a choice to fund and follow the plan that comes
closest to what they want, and to work with those leaders and members
who support it to reform and develop their plan of choice more fully.

Like a divorce, first step is to separate households and bank accounts first.
Then both parties can figure out how they want to manage their budgets
and terms and conditions from there. Without fighting over who is controlling what.

Separate right to health care mandates and prochoice programs
from right to life and free market choices. That's step one.
The rest, the parties can figure out by themselves
when they aren't interfering with each other's priorities and principles
or competing to control the direction of policy. To each their own!
This will be about the zillionth time I have given my opinion of what kind of reforms we need. So this will be a mostly copy and past job from previous posts I have made. :)

1. Raise the Medicare eligibility age to 70, and then index it to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

2. Get government OUT of the healthcare business as much as possible. It is completely wrong that the government is in the healthcare business AND gets to write the rules affecting its private sector competitors.

3. Eliminate the tax exemption for employer-sponsored health insurance. Employer-sponsored health insurance bends the cost of healthcare up, and it should be discouraged as much as possible.

I should be buying my health insurance the same way I buy my auto, home, and life insurance. If I lose my job, I don't automatically lose my auto, home, or life insurance. In fact, the more policies I bundle together, and the longer I am a customer, the bigger discounts I get.

And I have maximum leverage with my auto, home and life insurance because they know I can hang up and call any one of a constellation of competitors. In health insurance, most Americans have no choice except for what their employer offers. They are in a take it or leave it bullshit hostage situation. Plus, the government places geographical limitations around insurance companies.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.

Nope, this is where I disagree. Autos, homes, commercial and life insurance are CHOICES that a human being does not need to have in order for life to be sustained. Health care is not a choice, it is a necessity and no one should profit off someone's need to stay alive and well.

And I do not want insurance companies letting people die so they can have digs like this. Insurance companies cannot make a profit unless they deny care. Even Ben Carson knows this.

Hang a marquee on the front and it's a casino, and we know the house always wins.


If you want someone that doesn't have coverage to have it, pay for it with your money. Either that or they can fucking do without.
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

Simple g5000
just take the best draft they have and offer that for Plan B.
And keep the draft that Obama and Pelosi's Congress passed as Plan A.

Then give taxpayers a choice to fund and follow the plan that comes
closest to what they want, and to work with those leaders and members
who support it to reform and develop their plan of choice more fully.

Like a divorce, first step is to separate households and bank accounts first.
Then both parties can figure out how they want to manage their budgets
and terms and conditions from there. Without fighting over who is controlling what.

Separate right to health care mandates and prochoice programs
from right to life and free market choices. That's step one.
The rest, the parties can figure out by themselves
when they aren't interfering with each other's priorities and principles
or competing to control the direction of policy. To each their own!
This will be about the zillionth time I have given my opinion of what kind of reforms we need. So this will be a mostly copy and past job from previous posts I have made. :)

1. Raise the Medicare eligibility age to 70, and then index it to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

2. Get government OUT of the healthcare business as much as possible. It is completely wrong that the government is in the healthcare business AND gets to write the rules affecting its private sector competitors.

3. Eliminate the tax exemption for employer-sponsored health insurance. Employer-sponsored health insurance bends the cost of healthcare up, and it should be discouraged as much as possible.

I should be buying my health insurance the same way I buy my auto, home, and life insurance. If I lose my job, I don't automatically lose my auto, home, or life insurance. In fact, the more policies I bundle together, and the longer I am a customer, the bigger discounts I get.

And I have maximum leverage with my auto, home and life insurance because they know I can hang up and call any one of a constellation of competitors. In health insurance, most Americans have no choice except for what their employer offers. They are in a take it or leave it bullshit hostage situation. Plus, the government places geographical limitations around insurance companies.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.

Nope, this is where I disagree. Autos, homes, commercial and life insurance are CHOICES that a human being does not need to have in order for life to be sustained. Health care is not a choice, it is a necessity and no one should profit off someone's need to stay alive and well.

And I do not want insurance companies letting people die so they can have digs like this. Insurance companies cannot make a profit unless they deny care. Even Ben Carson knows this.

Hang a marquee on the front and it's a casino, and we know the house always wins.


If you want someone that doesn't have coverage to have it, pay for it with your money. Either that or they can fucking do without.

And you're probably "pro-life"/anti-abortion, too, right?
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

Simple g5000
just take the best draft they have and offer that for Plan B.
And keep the draft that Obama and Pelosi's Congress passed as Plan A.

Then give taxpayers a choice to fund and follow the plan that comes
closest to what they want, and to work with those leaders and members
who support it to reform and develop their plan of choice more fully.

Like a divorce, first step is to separate households and bank accounts first.
Then both parties can figure out how they want to manage their budgets
and terms and conditions from there. Without fighting over who is controlling what.

Separate right to health care mandates and prochoice programs
from right to life and free market choices. That's step one.
The rest, the parties can figure out by themselves
when they aren't interfering with each other's priorities and principles
or competing to control the direction of policy. To each their own!
This will be about the zillionth time I have given my opinion of what kind of reforms we need. So this will be a mostly copy and past job from previous posts I have made. :)

1. Raise the Medicare eligibility age to 70, and then index it to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

2. Get government OUT of the healthcare business as much as possible. It is completely wrong that the government is in the healthcare business AND gets to write the rules affecting its private sector competitors.

3. Eliminate the tax exemption for employer-sponsored health insurance. Employer-sponsored health insurance bends the cost of healthcare up, and it should be discouraged as much as possible.

I should be buying my health insurance the same way I buy my auto, home, and life insurance. If I lose my job, I don't automatically lose my auto, home, or life insurance. In fact, the more policies I bundle together, and the longer I am a customer, the bigger discounts I get.

And I have maximum leverage with my auto, home and life insurance because they know I can hang up and call any one of a constellation of competitors. In health insurance, most Americans have no choice except for what their employer offers. They are in a take it or leave it bullshit hostage situation. Plus, the government places geographical limitations around insurance companies.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.

Nope, this is where I disagree. Autos, homes, commercial and life insurance are CHOICES that a human being does not need to have in order for life to be sustained. Health care is not a choice, it is a necessity and no one should profit off someone's need to stay alive and well.

And I do not want insurance companies letting people die so they can have digs like this. Insurance companies cannot make a profit unless they deny claims. Even Ben Carson knows this.

Hang a marquee on the front and it's a casino, and we know the house always wins.

Whoever told you "insurance companies cannot make a profit unless they deny claims" was lying to you.

Insurance companies actually have very small margins between their premiums and their outlays. They actually make their profits from investments.

They also provide you with collective bargaining power when negotiating with healthcare providers.

We've seen what happens as government gets more and more involved in healthcare. The costs keep going up. This is something single payer advocates don't tell you about single payer countries.

And yet insurance for autos keeps going down even as cars get more expensive.

You've been seriously misled.
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

Simple g5000
just take the best draft they have and offer that for Plan B.
And keep the draft that Obama and Pelosi's Congress passed as Plan A.

Then give taxpayers a choice to fund and follow the plan that comes
closest to what they want, and to work with those leaders and members
who support it to reform and develop their plan of choice more fully.

Like a divorce, first step is to separate households and bank accounts first.
Then both parties can figure out how they want to manage their budgets
and terms and conditions from there. Without fighting over who is controlling what.

Separate right to health care mandates and prochoice programs
from right to life and free market choices. That's step one.
The rest, the parties can figure out by themselves
when they aren't interfering with each other's priorities and principles
or competing to control the direction of policy. To each their own!
This will be about the zillionth time I have given my opinion of what kind of reforms we need. So this will be a mostly copy and past job from previous posts I have made. :)

1. Raise the Medicare eligibility age to 70, and then index it to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

2. Get government OUT of the healthcare business as much as possible. It is completely wrong that the government is in the healthcare business AND gets to write the rules affecting its private sector competitors.

3. Eliminate the tax exemption for employer-sponsored health insurance. Employer-sponsored health insurance bends the cost of healthcare up, and it should be discouraged as much as possible.

I should be buying my health insurance the same way I buy my auto, home, and life insurance. If I lose my job, I don't automatically lose my auto, home, or life insurance. In fact, the more policies I bundle together, and the longer I am a customer, the bigger discounts I get.

And I have maximum leverage with my auto, home and life insurance because they know I can hang up and call any one of a constellation of competitors. In health insurance, most Americans have no choice except for what their employer offers. They are in a take it or leave it bullshit hostage situation. Plus, the government places geographical limitations around insurance companies.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.

Nope, this is where I disagree. Autos, homes, commercial and life insurance are CHOICES that a human being does not need to have in order for life to be sustained. Health care is not a choice, it is a necessity and no one should profit off someone's need to stay alive and well.

And I do not want insurance companies letting people die so they can have digs like this. Insurance companies cannot make a profit unless they deny care. Even Ben Carson knows this.

Hang a marquee on the front and it's a casino, and we know the house always wins.


If you want someone that doesn't have coverage to have it, pay for it with your money. Either that or they can fucking do without.

And you're probably "pro-life"/anti-abortion, too, right?

I'm pro personal responsibility. I'm pro if you think someone should have something they don't have you should pay for it with your own money. I'm pro it's not societies responsibility to be forced do for people what they won't do for themselves.

You must be pro abortion.
The plan has not even been seen by anyone and yet the hard leftists here are trashing it. Lovely!

Everyone probably admits that it's going to trash obamacare.
The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.
You must be kidding. Republicans in congress have feared this day. They never actually wanted to repeal Obamacare - they wanted it as a talking point to bash the democrats with over and over and over again. Repealing it leaves the ball in their court and they would have to actually do something. That is the last thing a politician wants - something that they are accountable for.
The proverbial dog catching the car and not knowing what to do now.
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

They've had a lot longer than 7 years to come up with a health plan. Oh, you mean one that's different than the ACA? They can't. The ACA is mostly made up of Republican ideas.
Behind closed doors, Republican lawmakers fret about how to repeal Obamacare

“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created” with repeal, said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.”

As I've been saying since I got here, he was going to get slapped in the face with the reality on the ground. I'd think you'd want your President to try and get it right.
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

Simple g5000
just take the best draft they have and offer that for Plan B.
And keep the draft that Obama and Pelosi's Congress passed as Plan A.

Then give taxpayers a choice to fund and follow the plan that comes
closest to what they want, and to work with those leaders and members
who support it to reform and develop their plan of choice more fully.

Like a divorce, first step is to separate households and bank accounts first.
Then both parties can figure out how they want to manage their budgets
and terms and conditions from there. Without fighting over who is controlling what.

Separate right to health care mandates and prochoice programs
from right to life and free market choices. That's step one.
The rest, the parties can figure out by themselves
when they aren't interfering with each other's priorities and principles
or competing to control the direction of policy. To each their own!

They have a draft? You've seen it? Where is it?

Dear WaitingFor2020
What difference does it make if only THOSE people are going to be under it?
They can take their time to draft whatever they want that only affects them.

Even if there isn't a plan to replace ACA with something similar,
the default used to be free market choice and paying for health care
without individual mandates.

So that would be the alternative plan unless and until people agree to something

So maybe there are THREE plans
A. the current ACA terms conditions and mandates
B. the default free market free choice system BEFORE ACA was passed
so taxpayers can choose to go with individual and charitable choices
C. whatever else the Republicans or others come up with to replace ACA

Then give taxpayers a choice of A B or C.

PS WaitingFor2020 If you agree to the current ACA, you ALREADY HAVE your version of it
So you stay under that one.
As a supporter of that, you are responsible for those terms and mandates
until YOU decide and want something better.

That's how to stop this nonsense.

Hold the people accountable for their own mandates terms and conditions.

And quit treating this like some process of "imposing" on other people without their consent.

NOBODY has the right to dictate a religious/faithbased policy for OTHER people
to be "forced to fund and follow."

But that's what ACA amounts to because health care decisions involve
people's personal and private beliefs, and this is being abused as if it is federal authority to dictate.

If you AGREE to the current ACA, then that's like your religious choice.
So let everyone else have their own equal choice, and quit dictating from
the federal govt which doesn't have that authority UNLESS YOU CONSENT TO IT.

I don't consent, and millions of other Americans don't either.

If you consent, then you agree to be under those mandates.
I don't, and have even asked help to SUE anyone including
Obama and Pelosi who go around teaching and enforcing
it as if they have the right to abuse federal govt to infringe on
and penalize other people like me for our Constitutional beliefs
clearly VIOLATED by the mandates and rulings that directly
contradict our beliefs.

We are just being "courteous" in allowing an opportunity for
the civil process to correct the breach. The laws were violated
by establishing political beliefs outside Constitutional protocol
without passing an Amendment first or allowing votes of states and people,
and we are waiting to see if this can be corrected by the given process.

If not, I would call for a national class action lawsuit and
hold people like YOU responsible for paying for your own
beliefs that were mandated, plus damages, interest, reimbursement
of taxpayer money, and legal and other expenses and costs of correction!

So I am hoping this can be fixed legislatively to
AVOID further costs to the public.

All it takes is SEPARATING the policies.
They don't need to be fully developed.
One group says yes and the other says no we
want to void that and be under FREE MARKET
and that's good enough.
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform

Two promises already broken. ObamaCare has not been repealed, and Trump did not provide a plan. He has no legislation ready.

ObamaCare is still here, despite Trump's theatrical EO for the rubes. High school dropouts are still receiving subsidies. Health care costs are still rising. ObamaCare lives on.

The poor Republicans in Congress. They were so excited. They couldn't wait for Trump to deliver his "beautiful", "terrific", "unbelievable" health care reform back on Day One. They sat and waited for it...and waited for it...and waited for it.

Day One: "Someone make sure our door isn't locked."

Day Two: "I guess it's safe to go to the bathroom."

Day Three: "He's probably at church."

Day Four :"Just checking. We haven't repealed ObamaCare yet, have we? We might need it for a while."

Day Five: "I don't have a fucking plan. I thought he said HE had a fucking plan!"

Day Six: "Thanks for coming to the retreat, Mr. President. I won't be rude and ask you where the FUCK your healthcare plan is."

Day Seven: "While we wait, let's delete from our web sites every time we attacked Obama for rising health care costs."

Day Eight: "I can't believe he's still ranting about his penis crowd size while we wait."

Tomorrow: "He's on the phone with PUTIN!?!?!"

It is slowly dawning on the GOP Congress that Trump never had a plan. And now they are in a panic. They need to come up with one themselves.

But give them a break. They've only had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

Simple g5000
just take the best draft they have and offer that for Plan B.
And keep the draft that Obama and Pelosi's Congress passed as Plan A.

Then give taxpayers a choice to fund and follow the plan that comes
closest to what they want, and to work with those leaders and members
who support it to reform and develop their plan of choice more fully.

Like a divorce, first step is to separate households and bank accounts first.
Then both parties can figure out how they want to manage their budgets
and terms and conditions from there. Without fighting over who is controlling what.

Separate right to health care mandates and prochoice programs
from right to life and free market choices. That's step one.
The rest, the parties can figure out by themselves
when they aren't interfering with each other's priorities and principles
or competing to control the direction of policy. To each their own!
This will be about the zillionth time I have given my opinion of what kind of reforms we need. So this will be a mostly copy and paste job from previous posts I have made. :)

1. Raise the Medicare eligibility age to 70, and then index it to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

2. Get government OUT of the healthcare business as much as possible. It is completely wrong that the government is in the healthcare business AND gets to write the rules affecting its private sector competitors.

3. Eliminate the tax exemption for employer-sponsored health insurance. Employer-sponsored health insurance bends the cost of healthcare up, and it should be discouraged as much as possible.

I should be buying my health insurance the same way I buy my auto, home, and life insurance. If I lose my job, I don't automatically lose my auto, home, or life insurance. In fact, the more policies I bundle together, and the longer I am a customer, the bigger discounts I get.

And I have maximum leverage with my auto, home and life insurance because they know I can hang up and call any one of a constellation of competitors. In health insurance, most Americans have no choice except for what their employer offers. They are in a take it or leave it bullshit hostage situation. Plus, the government places geographical limitations around insurance companies.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.

OK g5000 I nominate YOU to be put in charge of how to reform this.
The DNC is supposed to be selecting a new chair.
I am asking that jobs be created for ALL The candidates for chair
each with a different key position and job responsibility.

For prison and health care reform, I want YOU to be the
Libertarian liaison on that committee whose job is to interface
with representation coming from Libertarians and to make sure
that input is fully included and worked into an option for that crowd.

Not everyone will agree to all the terms that the other groups support.

So that's why I advocate to

Let each party elect their representation, terms and plans
for THEIR MEMBERSHIP and funnel taxes and programs
through THEIR collective LLC on either local, state or national levels.

Not everyone is going to agree on everything
because we come from different BELIEFS.

This is as sensitive as trying to get all the Christian denominations
to agree on one interpretation, instead of letting them each have their own!!!

Very little will be agreed on completely, that will go into the federal level of govt.
The majority will be diverse and reallocated to state and local levels,
so that is why I would call on party representation to organize per district and state.

g5000 are you in connection with any other Libertarian or Tea Party
groups that support the reforms you outline?
How can we get more groups behind it so it can be a collective option
for that pool of the population?

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