Trumpland: A Fascism Parody!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a cheeky propaganda-sarcasm TrumpUSA 'alternate-universe reality' tale I cooked up to make myself feel more light-hearted about the numerous anti-federalism pedestrian protests which so far has really qualified the presidency of Donald Trump!

I don't want to call myself a TrumpUSA 'cynic,' since our president has not (yet) cooked up a Reaganomics-esque approach to 'pro-civilization political consciousness.'

Let's see how long my harmless stand-up comedic routine lasts...


An army of devotees lined up in support of TrumpUSA and all its 'feathers' (e.g., Wall Street, NATO, Starbucks, etc., etc.). President Trump was busy negotiating BP-OPEC deals between Syria and Iran (two Muslim nations differing greatly because of Sunni-Shia 'troubles'). Women marched in the streets dressed in black, and men carried gray dolls of centurions, while the Trump Administration sanctioned all Starbucks coffee-shop logos be turned gray-colored (to signify an unbiased attitude towards commerce).

An anti-federalism army of terrorist calling itself Cobra formed in Afghanistan to destabilize this new American movement. Cobra agents all dressed in blue and red and beheaded American tourists travelling in the Middle East for any reason whatsoever. It was a terrible 'initiative,' and the head of Cobra sent a message to the White House, "If Americans trumpet the painter Van Gogh who cut off his ear so merchants could sell his works on eBay, then Cobra will behead American tourists befouling the sanctity of Muslim mosques with their veiled sense of 'worldliness and culture-contact'!"

Meanwhile, President Trump ordered his special troop of democracy-crusaders known as G.I. Joes to fortify key areas of commerce in Jerusalem, Tehran, and Cairo so the entire region could be controlled by the forces of commerce seeking to use free-trade as a new age political platform for 'globalization etiquette.' NATO had become the standardized banner, becoming more influential in political consciousness in this capitalism-geared 'New World' than even the UN. Hollywood stopped making silly horror-films for teens and began making pro-consumerism films (for the masses) such as Ridley Scott's Island of Toys, Woody Allen's The Dollar Church, and Steven Spielberg's The Beautiful Databank. Trump remarked, "How far we've come since the days of pedestrian protest which marked the early period of my commerce and media-focused presidency!"




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