Trump's 100 Days Is Almost Over ....

Allowing miners and oil workers to go to work, finally.

When they are able to work and make money, then the dems find it a little less acceptable to sneer at their economic status and their location in the fly over states. See, dems like the working man to be sidelined. That way, they can take his land and when he objects he is too poor to really fight, and they paint him as an unemployed, marginal, and stupid character who has no business making any decisions.
Like I said, Trump isn't devoid of success. (Although I'm unsure what he did exactly to let miners and oil workers go to work, I can see where you're coming from.)

But given his falsehoods, failures, and struggles in the first 100 days, do you honestly feel like Trump is telling the truth or being successful as a whole?
why don't you want miners to go to work? What do you have against them providing coal to business and homes to use for fuel? So do you think trump did a bad thing allowing them to return to work?
Here's a challenge for you. Please comb through previous posts and find where I said "I don't want miners to go to work."

Go ahead. I'll wait.

(Protip: You won't find it. Because I never said that. All I did was admit I was unsure what Trump did for miners. But hey, who cares about facts, right?)
The fact is he kept and will be adding jobs in the coal miner industry. Period.

Oh yea? How many jobs did he, and will he, add to that lucrative dream-job industry?

What are your assertions based on?
Analysis | Did President Trump save 77,000 coal mining jobs?

"“If we had not overturned this rule, we were looking at nearly 70,000 jobs across the country.”
— Unidentified participant in President Trump’s signing of H.J. Resolution 38, eliminating the Stream Protection Rule, Feb. 16, 2017

“I’m really pleased that we repealed a regulation that was going to be very, very damaging to my state. I went to the White House this week to see him sign. The repeal would have cost 77,000 jobs in the coal industry.”"

So ZERO jobs added then.

Dambass there is a notable difference between adding and not losing one.

Coal jobs are down by 40% since 2011 and is expected to keep dwindling without any regulation.

On 77k jobs saved, your source gives your claim THREE FUCKING PINNICIOS. Maybe you should...oh I don't know...READ IT?
Allowing miners and oil workers to go to work, finally.

When they are able to work and make money, then the dems find it a little less acceptable to sneer at their economic status and their location in the fly over states. See, dems like the working man to be sidelined. That way, they can take his land and when he objects he is too poor to really fight, and they paint him as an unemployed, marginal, and stupid character who has no business making any decisions.
Like I said, Trump isn't devoid of success. (Although I'm unsure what he did exactly to let miners and oil workers go to work, I can see where you're coming from.)

But given his falsehoods, failures, and struggles in the first 100 days, do you honestly feel like Trump is telling the truth or being successful as a whole?
why don't you want miners to go to work? What do you have against them providing coal to business and homes to use for fuel? So do you think trump did a bad thing allowing them to return to work?
Here's a challenge for you. Please comb through previous posts and find where I said "I don't want miners to go to work."

Go ahead. I'll wait.

(Protip: You won't find it. Because I never said that. All I did was admit I was unsure what Trump did for miners. But hey, who cares about facts, right?)
The post of yours I replied to was a question, seemed it wasn't a concern for you that their industry had been denigrated by the folks you support. So trump secures 77k of coal miner jobs plus and you don't even recognize that as an accomplishment.

It was my perception. Facts? the fact is you didn't find it as a success.
The fact is he kept and will be adding jobs in the coal miner industry. Period.

Oh yea? How many jobs did he, and will he, add to that lucrative dream-job industry?

What are your assertions based on?
he saved 77k. I posted the link in another post look for it. BTW, how can one add jobs in a day after saving 77k. Let's let it start back up and we'll see. see me in six months.

One other point, he doesn't add jobs, he allows the business to add jobs by implementing his policy. It was just implemented.
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Trump's 100 Days Is Almost Over ....

I suppose if one looks hard enough, one may find a "silver lining" in there somewhere....Oh, yes, it brings us that much closer to the end of his four years.
Who is judging a whole presidency?

You are flinging shit, like a feral baboon.

If you disagree with any of those three, then why not argue against any or all? Because what you're doing is taking my argument to an illogical extreme in order to win. And there's a reason that tactic is called a fallacy.

You have no valid argument, you are a demagogue smearing a political opponent. End of story.
OK, I understand what kind of extremist nutjob you are. You're a Judge Taney -- you don't bother listening to arguments or reading posts, and you couldn't defeat a 2nd Grader in a debate. That means you have to rely on arbitrary judgments that, to you, sound entirely reasonable and sensible. But they're empty. They have no basis in reality.

Instead of saying something like, "Trump has faced opposition from both parties so it makes sense that his first 100 days are rough" (which would have been entirely rational and clever), you judge and say, "You have no valid argument."

And to you, that's enough. You don't have to pick an argument apart, show inconsistencies, or even present a well-formed counter argument. All you need to do is rule on the case; and your word is final.

I am both utterly fascinated and completely repulsed by Judge Taneys like you. But at least in this thread, I'm done with you. Have fun spitting into the wind, Judge.
you morons start with false premises, and expect a logics and serious argument.

When you base your garbage on false premise, you won't get a serious discussion. That's the long and short if it.
The fact is he kept and will be adding jobs in the coal miner industry. Period.

Oh yea? How many jobs did he, and will he, add to that lucrative dream-job industry?

What are your assertions based on?
he saved 77k. I posted the link in another post look for it.

So you conceed that ZERO was added, right?

I'm not trying to play gotcha with you, I just want to make sure we are accurate here.

Trump will not add coal jobs.

Yes he may save SOME (though 77K is highly unlikely), because yes, dumping into river is cheaper than proper disposal. And while he is at it he will just as certainly as he will kill some renewable energy jobs.

So the overall effects on jobs and American economy is far from clear.
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The fact is he kept and will be adding jobs in the coal miner industry. Period.

Oh yea? How many jobs did he, and will he, add to that lucrative dream-job industry?

What are your assertions based on?
he saved 77k. I posted the link in another post look for it.

So you conceed that ZERO was added, right?
as I just added to that previous post, he just saved the 77k. saving 77k of jobs is huge. Let's let the business reestablish and then we'll see. Say six months?
Trump's 100 Days Is Almost Over ....

I suppose if one looks hard enough, one may find a "silver lining" in there somewhere....Oh, yes, it brings us that much closer to the end of his four years.
can you guys even count to 100? too funny he's on like day 64, 36 days from 100. so there is no 100 day completed anything yet. But for you libs accuracy or fact isn't important to you.
Allowing miners and oil workers to go to work, finally.

When they are able to work and make money, then the dems find it a little less acceptable to sneer at their economic status and their location in the fly over states. See, dems like the working man to be sidelined. That way, they can take his land and when he objects he is too poor to really fight, and they paint him as an unemployed, marginal, and stupid character who has no business making any decisions.
Like I said, Trump isn't devoid of success. (Although I'm unsure what he did exactly to let miners and oil workers go to work, I can see where you're coming from.)

But given his falsehoods, failures, and struggles in the first 100 days, do you honestly feel like Trump is telling the truth or being successful as a whole?
why don't you want miners to go to work? What do you have against them providing coal to business and homes to use for fuel? So do you think trump did a bad thing allowing them to return to work?
Here's a challenge for you. Please comb through previous posts and find where I said "I don't want miners to go to work."

Go ahead. I'll wait.

(Protip: You won't find it. Because I never said that. All I did was admit I was unsure what Trump did for miners. But hey, who cares about facts, right?)
The post of yours I replied to was a question, seemed it wasn't a concern for you that their industry had been denigrated by the folks you support. So trump secures 77k of coal miner jobs plus and you don't even recognize that as an accomplishment.

It was my perception. Facts? the fact is you didn't find it as a success.
"The post of yours I replied to was a question ...." Yep, and here's that question:
Do you honestly feel like Trump is telling the truth or being successful as a whole?
Please note the utter lack of words relating to coal, miners, jobs, or coal miner jobs. Sorry, but you did NOT reply to the question. You made up one. (You also conveniently dropped the oil workers claim you initially made as well.)

"... seemed it wasn't a concern for you ...." Here, you kinda admit to reading into my comment. And given how I only asked about Trump's lies of late, there is no "seems." You completely made that shit up.

"So trump secures 77k of coal miner jobs plus and you don't even recognize that as an accomplishment." I also didn't recognize Reagan's success against air traffic controllers. Does that mean I don't recognize that as an accomplishment?

"Facts? the fact is you didn't find it as a success." Nope. You couldn't quote me saying that, which proves you wrong. The most you can say is that I did not list this when I mentioned other successes of Trump (and yes, I did name at least three.)

Since it appears you cannot read clearly, let me be more forthright: If Trump saved 77K coal mining jobs, I cheer for our President and thank him for a job well done.

Of course, that number is purely speculation. And if you have any evidence to back up Trump saving 77K coal jobs, please link that here so we can discuss something factual — instead of your repeated and lame attempts to attack me for things I never said.
Trump's 100 Days Is Almost Over ....

I suppose if one looks hard enough, one may find a "silver lining" in there somewhere....Oh, yes, it brings us that much closer to the end of his four years.
can you guys even count to 100? too funny he's on like day 64, 36 days from 100. so there is no 100 day completed anything yet. But for you libs accuracy or fact isn't important to you.

I can count. Can you read? Scroll up and read the thread title. In it, you'll find the word "almost." In case you haven't noticed, with less than 1/3rd of the way to go, the remaining 30-something days will pass faster than a hot knife through butter.

Besides, the OP didn't mean "almost." He meant "wiretap." Why do you Trumpkins and Trump apologists have to be so literal?
Trump's 100 Days Is Almost Over ....

I suppose if one looks hard enough, one may find a "silver lining" in there somewhere....Oh, yes, it brings us that much closer to the end of his four years.
can you guys even count to 100? too funny he's on like day 64, 36 days from 100. so there is no 100 day completed anything yet. But for you libs accuracy or fact isn't important to you.
You are correct. Trump still has time to right the ship. It's also true that 100 days, although a commonly accepted metric, is rather arbitrary. And I sincerely hope our president gets his act together, because he really is our president.

But you also conveniently ignore the OP's focus. Here's a reminder:
  1. His campaign promises were bullshit designed to fool people (just like any politician's lies).
  2. He is making enemies left and right (and not just the "elites" as Tea Party Republicans tanked his & Ryan's healthcare bill).
  3. He doesn't get that a political leader is not the same as a business leader. He doesn't have the same control and power within his "business" and needs to negotiate more.
None of that relies on 100 days for veracity. Care to argue those points, or do you have more nitpicking to do so you can avoid having to defend Trump? :)
BTW, Trump said he was "over" the idea of investigating Hillary. That said, he may become so desperate for a win of some sort and however irrelevant that he may just do it anyway. After all, he claims to have saved all that money on military contracts...He may as well spend it prosecuting a dead issue.

I think Trump will need that money for his own criminal defense

Well, those monies aren't really his to use for that purpose. That said, I wouldn't past him trying to use it for that as he is no stranger to misusing funds to which he can gain access....He did, after all, use donations to his so-called charitable foundation to buy a six foot tall, $20K portrait of himself.

Trump's 100 Days Is Almost Over ....

I suppose if one looks hard enough, one may find a "silver lining" in there somewhere....Oh, yes, it brings us that much closer to the end of his four years.
can you guys even count to 100? too funny he's on like day 64, 36 days from 100. so there is no 100 day completed anything yet. But for you libs accuracy or fact isn't important to you.
You are correct. Trump still has time to right the ship. It's also true that 100 days, although a commonly accepted metric, is rather arbitrary. And I sincerely hope our president gets his act together, because he really is our president.

But you also conveniently ignore the OP's focus. Here's a reminder:
  1. His campaign promises were bullshit designed to fool people (just like any politician's lies).
  2. He is making enemies left and right (and not just the "elites" as Tea Party Republicans tanked his & Ryan's healthcare bill).
  3. He doesn't get that a political leader is not the same as a business leader. He doesn't have the same control and power within his "business" and needs to negotiate more.
None of that relies on 100 days for veracity. Care to argue those points, or do you have more nitpicking to do so you can avoid having to defend Trump? :)
so what you must be proposing is that he must complete all of his campaign promises in the first 100 days. wow.
Trump's 100 Days Is Almost Over ....

I suppose if one looks hard enough, one may find a "silver lining" in there somewhere....Oh, yes, it brings us that much closer to the end of his four years.
can you guys even count to 100? too funny he's on like day 64, 36 days from 100. so there is no 100 day completed anything yet. But for you libs accuracy or fact isn't important to you.
You are correct. Trump still has time to right the ship. It's also true that 100 days, although a commonly accepted metric, is rather arbitrary. And I sincerely hope our president gets his act together, because he really is our president.

But you also conveniently ignore the OP's focus. Here's a reminder:
  1. His campaign promises were bullshit designed to fool people (just like any politician's lies).
  2. He is making enemies left and right (and not just the "elites" as Tea Party Republicans tanked his & Ryan's healthcare bill).
  3. He doesn't get that a political leader is not the same as a business leader. He doesn't have the same control and power within his "business" and needs to negotiate more.
None of that relies on 100 days for veracity. Care to argue those points, or do you have more nitpicking to do so you can avoid having to defend Trump? :)
so what you must be proposing is that he must complete all of his campaign promises in the first 100 days. wow.
so what you must be proposing is that he must complete all of his campaign promises in the first 100 days. wow.
At this point, the bar, if ever it were as high as you note, has been lowered to his merely having one of the major ones endure past two weeks, before it's "killed" for the foreseeable future, very nearly counting as a win.
Trump's 100 Days Is Almost Over ....

I suppose if one looks hard enough, one may find a "silver lining" in there somewhere....Oh, yes, it brings us that much closer to the end of his four years.
can you guys even count to 100? too funny he's on like day 64, 36 days from 100. so there is no 100 day completed anything yet. But for you libs accuracy or fact isn't important to you.
You are correct. Trump still has time to right the ship. It's also true that 100 days, although a commonly accepted metric, is rather arbitrary. And I sincerely hope our president gets his act together, because he really is our president.

But you also conveniently ignore the OP's focus. Here's a reminder:
  1. His campaign promises were bullshit designed to fool people (just like any politician's lies).
  2. He is making enemies left and right (and not just the "elites" as Tea Party Republicans tanked his & Ryan's healthcare bill).
  3. He doesn't get that a political leader is not the same as a business leader. He doesn't have the same control and power within his "business" and needs to negotiate more.
None of that relies on 100 days for veracity. Care to argue those points, or do you have more nitpicking to do so you can avoid having to defend Trump? :)
so what you must be proposing is that he must complete all of his campaign promises in the first 100 days. wow.
so what you must be proposing is that he must complete all of his campaign promises in the first 100 days. wow.
At this point, the bar, if ever it were as high as you note, has been lowered to his merely having one of the major ones endure past two weeks, before it's "killed" for the foreseeable future, very nearly counting as a win.
complete means he's done. is he? the biggest wins have been through EO's, those canceled and those added. He doesn't need the loser GOP or Dems for those. He is independent to the two parties in congress. they are the problem in the swamp. It's what he was sent to drain. He is but one facet of the government and only so much he can do without the other facets. 2018 will be the first opportunity to drain the swamp. He is setting those up that won't cooperate with his agenda. We all will see in two years.
Trump's 100 Days Is Almost Over ....

I suppose if one looks hard enough, one may find a "silver lining" in there somewhere....Oh, yes, it brings us that much closer to the end of his four years.
can you guys even count to 100? too funny he's on like day 64, 36 days from 100. so there is no 100 day completed anything yet. But for you libs accuracy or fact isn't important to you.
You are correct. Trump still has time to right the ship. It's also true that 100 days, although a commonly accepted metric, is rather arbitrary. And I sincerely hope our president gets his act together, because he really is our president.

But you also conveniently ignore the OP's focus. Here's a reminder:
  1. His campaign promises were bullshit designed to fool people (just like any politician's lies).
  2. He is making enemies left and right (and not just the "elites" as Tea Party Republicans tanked his & Ryan's healthcare bill).
  3. He doesn't get that a political leader is not the same as a business leader. He doesn't have the same control and power within his "business" and needs to negotiate more.
None of that relies on 100 days for veracity. Care to argue those points, or do you have more nitpicking to do so you can avoid having to defend Trump? :)
so what you must be proposing is that he must complete all of his campaign promises in the first 100 days. wow.
Seriously, do you even know how to read?

First, I never said he *must* complete every promise, 100 days or not. But several major promises — Mexico will pay for the wall, Obamacare will be repealed on day one, build Keystone with US steel, do not touch Medicare, defeat ISIS in 30 days, drain the swamp, take only $1 as salary, release his tax returns — are all broken.

Some of his promises, such as term limits, are not his fault. I'm not blaming him for everything under the sun. But when he promises X and does the opposite, he needs to be called on it. After all, he works for us.

Trump ran as an outsider, someone who's virtue is not being a politician. Sadly, he has shown that he lies to win an election just like any politician.
Other than some rounds of golf....What has Trump accomplished?

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