Trump's 100 Days Is Almost Over ....

Thank you for your post, Mr. Ad Hominem. When you are prepared to use facts or reason to debate the issue at hand, you are more than welcome to join us. Until then, please enjoy the crayons at the kids table.

Oh, and it's kinda pitiful that you have to literally steal my line to condemn me. What, got no creativity left in the tank?

It's called "irony," my ad hom spewing fascist friend.

I illustrated that what you accused your opponent of is precisely what you did, as in fact you have again done here.
First 100 days is a milestone of "How am I doing"
Especially with a change in political parties

Trump has stumbled in his first 60 days....he has a lot of work to do
It's a milestone to political junkies. Everyday Americans don't give a fuck about some arbitrary made up deadline.

Get a grip loon
I dated this chick once. She was a serial liar, borderline abusive, kinda stupid, you know the type. She got super jealous and couldn't handle ever being told she was wrong. But I thought, why judge her on what she's actually done? Hell, she could suddenly change 180 degrees and be the girl of my dreams!

Yeah, I'd be pretty stupid to look at how she acted the first few months of our relationship.
My first 6 months in prison I spent most of my time in the hole for attacking guards & prisoners. I was a relentless pos thug.

By the end of my stay in was a model prisoner & today I am a successful business owner.

Point being, you're as dumb as this thread
In all honestly, kudos to you for turning your life around. Seriously, that's awesome. :)

Why did you turn it around? I would guess that the guards had something to do with it, as did that time in the hole. But with Trump, there's no one to put him in his place and get him to become a model president. If he acts like a pos, he has people to tell him his shit doesn't stink. Then he blames others for that shit.
You can't judge a 4 year presidency on the first couple months. Too many variables including a congress in disarray.
Who is judging a whole presidency?
Again, Trump has done some successful things. But I think it's clear from his 100 days that:
  1. His campaign promises were bullshit designed to fool people (just like any politician's lies).
  2. He is making enemies left and right (and not just the "elites" as Tea Party Republicans tanked his & Ryan's healthcare bill).
  3. He doesn't get that a political leader is not the same as a business leader. He doesn't have the same control and power within his "business" and needs to negotiate more.
If you disagree with any of those three, then why not argue against any or all? Because what you're doing is taking my argument to an illogical extreme in order to win. And there's a reason that tactic is called a fallacy.
I dated this chick once. She was a serial liar, borderline abusive, kinda stupid, you know the type.

Yeah, a typical democrat. :thup:

She got super jealous and couldn't handle ever being told she was wrong. But I thought, why judge her on what she's actually done? Hell, she could suddenly change 180 degrees and be the girl of my dreams!

Yeah, I'd be pretty stupid to look at how she acted the first few months of our relationship.

Wait, you just described Hillary Clinton... :eusa_whistle:
OK, normally I would complain about you changing the subject, but both jokes were actually funny. Cheers!
Thank you for your post, Mr. Ad Hominem. When you are prepared to use facts or reason to debate the issue at hand, you are more than welcome to join us. Until then, please enjoy the crayons at the kids table.

Oh, and it's kinda pitiful that you have to literally steal my line to condemn me. What, got no creativity left in the tank?

It's called "irony," my ad hom spewing fascist friend.

I illustrated that what you accused your opponent of is precisely what you did, as in fact you have again done here.
Oh, I didn't know "irony" meant "copying". Did you get that from Conservapedia? But yes, once someone attacks me and ignores the facts, I defend. If the guy whose quote you deleted from this chain had been respectful, I would have been respectful in kind. Don't want none? Don't start none.

Now, back to the matter at hand. Do you have anything constructive to add to the debate over Trump's 100 days, or are you just killing time trolling on the boards?

Of course you "agree," you're reciting the same script from the Soros hate sites as DragonLady..

but I haven't seen any stats supporting loss of imports or bookings. Can you share some links? :)

Since when do you Fascists provide facts to support your slander and libel?
Wow, go after the guy challenging the liberal to provide facts for his claims. You don't even know what side you support anymore, do you?
The question is why the hell lefties think it's important to stretch 68 days into a hundred days to try to make a pathetic political point? What the hell is going on in the angry hysterical left these days? Conservatives weren't exactly overjoyed by the Obama election but nobody expected him to accomplish his objectives in a hundred days much less than four or eight freaking years. How long did it take Hussein to come up with the laughable "cash for clunkers" idea that was supposed to "wean America off fossil fuel"? Nothing worked in the Hussein administration but he always had the liberal media to cover his ass.
Who is judging a whole presidency?

You are flinging shit, like a feral baboon.

If you disagree with any of those three, then why not argue against any or all? Because what you're doing is taking my argument to an illogical extreme in order to win. And there's a reason that tactic is called a fallacy.

You have no valid argument, you are a demagogue smearing a political opponent. End of story.
Allowing miners and oil workers to go to work, finally.

When they are able to work and make money, then the dems find it a little less acceptable to sneer at their economic status and their location in the fly over states. See, dems like the working man to be sidelined. That way, they can take his land and when he objects he is too poor to really fight, and they paint him as an unemployed, marginal, and stupid character who has no business making any decisions.
Like I said, Trump isn't devoid of success. (Although I'm unsure what he did exactly to let miners and oil workers go to work, I can see where you're coming from.)

But given his falsehoods, failures, and struggles in the first 100 days, do you honestly feel like Trump is telling the truth or being successful as a whole?
why don't you want miners to go to work? What do you have against them providing coal to business and homes to use for fuel? So do you think trump did a bad thing allowing them to return to work?
He has done a lot of good shit. However, they are only EOs...
His healthcare ordeal was a big failure on his part. "best healthcare" and he is "a great deal maker" but couldn't get it passed? Come on..
That was the plan was to undo the EOs he ran on that. The healthcare thingy, not his fault. Sorry, I'll disagree with you there.
Very true. But everything he has done, aside from gutting previous EOs, are done with EOs. EOs aren't meant to have legislative powers like presidents use them for. Abuse of power, if you will.
He backed the plan that couldn't even get passed with party approval. He talked ALOT of shit about him being a good deal maker and he has the best healthcare. It is totally on him.
he errored a bit there, me, I would have had them put through the entire package up front and let the dems take it down. He didn't do that. he actually only had those two options unless you got some other path he could have taken.

as for the deal making, he didn't have the necessary leverage on the congress. he just doesn't. He will have to take it to the people as Reagan had to. Congress people feel obligated to their constituents, and now he'll have to have the constituents tell them how to deal with obummerfail.

The Republicans who voted against Trumpcare did so at the behest of their constituents who flat out told them that if they passed this POS legislation, and took their Obamacare away from the millions who now have coverage, they would not be re-elected in 2018.

The Affordable Care Act has already saved thousands of lives, and given affordable coverage to millions who previously didn't qualify because of pre-existing conditions. Trumpcare would have allowed these people to keep their coverage at triple the cost of Obamacare, and no subsidies.
it wasn't complete and there were so many lies about it. no one actually stated why it would take insurance away from folks. Never. Do you have that answer?
dude, one recent article the other two were campaign blogs? And no where did he ever say he would get every coal miner job back. more of the left exaggeration they can't avoid. The fact is he kept and will be adding jobs in the coal miner industry. Period. And that fact you can't challenge.
The fact is he kept and will be adding jobs in the coal miner industry. Period.

Oh yea? How many jobs did he, and will he, add to that lucrative dream-job industry?

What are your assertions based on?
The fact is he kept and will be adding jobs in the coal miner industry. Period.

Oh yea? How many jobs did he, and will he, add to that lucrative dream-job industry?

What are your assertions based on?
Analysis | Did President Trump save 77,000 coal mining jobs?

"“If we had not overturned this rule, we were looking at nearly 70,000 jobs across the country.”
— Unidentified participant in President Trump’s signing of H.J. Resolution 38, eliminating the Stream Protection Rule, Feb. 16, 2017

“I’m really pleased that we repealed a regulation that was going to be very, very damaging to my state. I went to the White House this week to see him sign. The repeal would have cost 77,000 jobs in the coal industry.”"
The question is why the hell lefties think it's important to stretch 68 days into a hundred days to try to make a pathetic political point? What the hell is going on in the angry hysterical left these days? Conservatives weren't exactly overjoyed by the Obama election but nobody expected him to accomplish his objectives in a hundred days much less than four or eight freaking years. How long did it take Hussein to come up with the laughable "cash for clunkers" idea that was supposed to "wean America off fossil fuel"? Nothing worked in the Hussein administration but he always had the liberal media to cover his ass.
And once again, a Trump fan ignores his problems and starts poking around for faults in others. Seriously, WTF does Cash for Clunkers have to do with anything here? If you ever went on Jeopardy and the category was, "US City Nicknames," you'd scream out, "What Is Obama Was A Failure And A Muslim!!!"

Honest question here: Did you not read the OP, or do you know the OP was correct and this is your attempt to change the subject?
Who is judging a whole presidency?

You are flinging shit, like a feral baboon.

If you disagree with any of those three, then why not argue against any or all? Because what you're doing is taking my argument to an illogical extreme in order to win. And there's a reason that tactic is called a fallacy.

You have no valid argument, you are a demagogue smearing a political opponent. End of story.
OK, I understand what kind of extremist nutjob you are. You're a Judge Taney -- you don't bother listening to arguments or reading posts, and you couldn't defeat a 2nd Grader in a debate. That means you have to rely on arbitrary judgments that, to you, sound entirely reasonable and sensible. But they're empty. They have no basis in reality.

Instead of saying something like, "Trump has faced opposition from both parties so it makes sense that his first 100 days are rough" (which would have been entirely rational and clever), you judge and say, "You have no valid argument."

And to you, that's enough. You don't have to pick an argument apart, show inconsistencies, or even present a well-formed counter argument. All you need to do is rule on the case; and your word is final.

I am both utterly fascinated and completely repulsed by Judge Taneys like you. But at least in this thread, I'm done with you. Have fun spitting into the wind, Judge.

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