Trump's 18%


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Both The Donald and the MSM are positively giddy about his "lead" in current polling. Good God, could he actually get the Republican nomination?!!!

Let's analyze that 18%.

Trump has absolute 100% name and face recognition in the U.S., in large part due to the countless millions and millions of dollars of what has, in effect, been "free political advertising" over the past several years. And not only does everybody know his name and face, they pretty much know HIM, since his personality, intelligence, and competence (or the lack thereof) have been demonstrated endlessly in his various TV programs and appearances.

So the American public "knows" Donald Trump, probably better than any other candidate or quasi-candidate who has ever run for national office.

And the result is: Among Democrats, 95% want nothing to do with him, and among Republicans 82% reject him.

And on the other hand, we have a virtual cornucopia of EXCELLENT Republicans who have announced for President (the best of whom, John Kasich, just announced today), which divides the Republicans who care enough to care at this early date into 18 or so camps, each supporting a worthy candidate. So none of them is getting a relatively high number of nods, but any one of whom could beat Trump among Republican primary voters - one on one - once they are well known to the people voting.

And don't forget, a large percentage of that "18%" is supporting him for one single reason: he is articulating what the American public wants to hear on the subject of "immigration," and especially, "illegal immigration."

So the bottom line is this: With 100% name and personal recognition, his actual political support, in the one party where his views are marginally acceptable, is in single digits.

To pretend that he is "winning" at this point is more empty deception than Trump's hair.
Both The Donald and the MSM are positively giddy about his "lead" in current polling. Good God, could he actually get the Republican nomination?!!!

Let's analyze that 18%.

Trump has absolute 100% name and face recognition in the U.S., in large part due to the countless millions and millions of dollars of what has, in effect, been "free political advertising" over the past several years. And not only does everybody know his name and face, they pretty much know HIM, since his personality, intelligence, and competence (or the lack thereof) have been demonstrated endlessly in his various TV programs and appearances.

So the American public "knows" Donald Trump, probably better than any other candidate or quasi-candidate who has ever run for national office.

And the result is: Among Democrats, 95% want nothing to do with him, and among Republicans 82% reject him.

And on the other hand, we have a virtual cornucopia of EXCELLENT Republicans who have announced for President (the best of whom, John Kasich, just announced today), which divides the Republicans who care enough to care at this early date into 18 or so camps, each supporting a worthy candidate. So none of them is getting a relatively high number of nods, but any one of whom could beat Trump among Republican primary voters - one on one - once they are well known to the people voting.

And don't forget, a large percentage of that "18%" is supporting him for one single reason: he is articulating what the American public wants to hear on the subject of "immigration," and especially, "illegal immigration."

So the bottom line is this: With 100% name and personal recognition, his actual political support, in the one party where his views are marginally acceptable, is in single digits.

To pretend that he is "winning" at this point is more empty deception than Trump's hair.
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Well Donald did have a reality TV program.

That alone should bring in about 40% of votes in the US.

About 40% will automatically vote against him because he is a rich capitalist.

That leaves only 20% to dick around with to try and sway a vote.
LMAO It s probably because those polled like what he has to say.

He's not one of the mouth breather professional politicians from DC.

Could he win the nom? Don't know.

Would I vote for him? Don't know that either but it sounds like fun. LOL
Trump will not be the GOP nominee. That said he might do pretty well.

The reason he does well is that he says what he means, means what he says, cannot be intimidated, and will not back down. These are traits that are sorely lacking in the GOP and traits that people recognise as the only way to save this country.

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