Trump's 1st economic report card: Slowest growth in 3 years

Trump mocked Obama for not having GDP over 3%....he promised 4% growth or higher

And he comes in at 0.7% ?????

Damn rightwinger, you sound pissed about this anemic growth in The big orange clowns first quarter of POTUS. How pissed were you in 2009, BO's first year? Remember the recession, shrinking GDP. Oh wait, that was still Bush's economy, right. I get it, the orange clown owns this year if it's bad, but Bush owned BO's first year since it was a recession. SIMPLETON!

In 2009, the GDP growth rate was -2.8%. In other words, the economy contracted 2.8%. This measures the changes in real GDP from quarter to quarter.
In 2009, the GDP growth rate was -2.8%. In other words, the economy contracted 2.8%. This measures the changes in real GDP from quarter to quarter.

Obama got stuck with the economy he was given
Trump is stuck with what he was given

Obama was given five quarters of negative GDP
Trump was given 30 straight quarters in the 2-3% range

Wrong again rightwinger!
The economy grew 1.6 percent for all of 2016, its worst performance since 2011, after expanding 2.6 percent in 2015. Hmm, downward trend.

You do know how to google search, don't you?
Trump mocked Obama for not having GDP over 3%....he promised 4% growth or higher

And he comes in at 0.7% ?????

Damn rightwinger, you sound pissed about this anemic growth in The big orange clowns first quarter of POTUS. How pissed were you in 2009, BO's first year? Remember the recession, shrinking GDP. Oh wait, that was still Bush's economy, right. I get it, the orange clown owns this year if it's bad, but Bush owned BO's first year since it was a recession. SIMPLETON!

In 2009, the GDP growth rate was -2.8%. In other words, the economy contracted 2.8%. This measures the changes in real GDP from quarter to quarter.
In 2009, the GDP growth rate was -2.8%. In other words, the economy contracted 2.8%. This measures the changes in real GDP from quarter to quarter.

Obama got stuck with the economy he was given
Trump is stuck with what he was given

Obama was given five quarters of negative GDP
Trump was given 30 straight quarters in the 2-3% range

Wrong again rightwinger!
The economy grew 1.6 percent for all of 2016, its worst performance since 2011, after expanding 2.6 percent in 2015. Hmm, downward trend.

You do know how to google search, don't you?

Community Organizer still gave us double what Trump has given us
Trump mocked Obama for not having GDP over 3%....he promised 4% growth or higher

And he comes in at 0.7% ?????

Damn rightwinger, you sound pissed about this anemic growth in The big orange clowns first quarter of POTUS. How pissed were you in 2009, BO's first year? Remember the recession, shrinking GDP. Oh wait, that was still Bush's economy, right. I get it, the orange clown owns this year if it's bad, but Bush owned BO's first year since it was a recession. SIMPLETON!

In 2009, the GDP growth rate was -2.8%. In other words, the economy contracted 2.8%. This measures the changes in real GDP from quarter to quarter.
In 2009, the GDP growth rate was -2.8%. In other words, the economy contracted 2.8%. This measures the changes in real GDP from quarter to quarter.

Obama got stuck with the economy he was given
Trump is stuck with what he was given

Obama was given five quarters of negative GDP
Trump was given 30 straight quarters in the 2-3% range

Wrong again rightwinger!
The economy grew 1.6 percent for all of 2016, its worst performance since 2011, after expanding 2.6 percent in 2015. Hmm, downward trend.

You do know how to google search, don't you?

Community Organizer still gave us double what Trump has given us

Ok, if you are going to skip down that path, Orange Clown first quarter was 3.5% bigger than BO's first quarter. You can't have it both ways. You can't blame The clown for his first quarter, and in the same breath blame Bush for BO's first quarter. At least try to be consistent, so you don't look like a mindless sheep.
Trump mocked Obama for not having GDP over 3%....he promised 4% growth or higher

And he comes in at 0.7% ?????

Damn rightwinger, you sound pissed about this anemic growth in The big orange clowns first quarter of POTUS. How pissed were you in 2009, BO's first year? Remember the recession, shrinking GDP. Oh wait, that was still Bush's economy, right. I get it, the orange clown owns this year if it's bad, but Bush owned BO's first year since it was a recession. SIMPLETON!

In 2009, the GDP growth rate was -2.8%. In other words, the economy contracted 2.8%. This measures the changes in real GDP from quarter to quarter.
In 2009, the GDP growth rate was -2.8%. In other words, the economy contracted 2.8%. This measures the changes in real GDP from quarter to quarter.

Obama got stuck with the economy he was given
Trump is stuck with what he was given

Obama was given five quarters of negative GDP
Trump was given 30 straight quarters in the 2-3% range

Wrong again rightwinger!
The economy grew 1.6 percent for all of 2016, its worst performance since 2011, after expanding 2.6 percent in 2015. Hmm, downward trend.

You do know how to google search, don't you?

Community Organizer still gave us double what Trump has given us

Ok, if you are going to skip down that path, Orange Clown first quarter was 3.5% bigger than BO's first quarter. You can't have it both ways. You can't blame The clown for his first quarter, and in the same breath blame Bush for BO's first quarter. At least try to be consistent, so you don't look like a mindless sheep.

Of course it would be..

Obama gave Trump a solid economy
Bush gave Obama a recession

Obama promised to turn around the economy....he did
Trump promised GDP over 4%....he failed
Damn rightwinger, you sound pissed about this anemic growth in The big orange clowns first quarter of POTUS. How pissed were you in 2009, BO's first year? Remember the recession, shrinking GDP. Oh wait, that was still Bush's economy, right. I get it, the orange clown owns this year if it's bad, but Bush owned BO's first year since it was a recession. SIMPLETON!

In 2009, the GDP growth rate was -2.8%. In other words, the economy contracted 2.8%. This measures the changes in real GDP from quarter to quarter.
In 2009, the GDP growth rate was -2.8%. In other words, the economy contracted 2.8%. This measures the changes in real GDP from quarter to quarter.

Obama got stuck with the economy he was given
Trump is stuck with what he was given

Obama was given five quarters of negative GDP
Trump was given 30 straight quarters in the 2-3% range

Wrong again rightwinger!
The economy grew 1.6 percent for all of 2016, its worst performance since 2011, after expanding 2.6 percent in 2015. Hmm, downward trend.

You do know how to google search, don't you?

Community Organizer still gave us double what Trump has given us

Ok, if you are going to skip down that path, Orange Clown first quarter was 3.5% bigger than BO's first quarter. You can't have it both ways. You can't blame The clown for his first quarter, and in the same breath blame Bush for BO's first quarter. At least try to be consistent, so you don't look like a mindless sheep.

Of course it would be..

Obama gave Trump a solid economy
Bush gave Obama a recession

Obama promised to turn around the economy....he did
Trump promised GDP over 4%....he failed

In other words, you're an idiot left wing apologist who thinks that a Republican president should affect the economy in 70 days, but a democrat president shouldn't have to do it for 365 days. It's very clear how you 'think' now.
Obama got stuck with the economy he was given
Trump is stuck with what he was given

Obama was given five quarters of negative GDP
Trump was given 30 straight quarters in the 2-3% range

Wrong again rightwinger!
The economy grew 1.6 percent for all of 2016, its worst performance since 2011, after expanding 2.6 percent in 2015. Hmm, downward trend.

You do know how to google search, don't you?

Community Organizer still gave us double what Trump has given us

Ok, if you are going to skip down that path, Orange Clown first quarter was 3.5% bigger than BO's first quarter. You can't have it both ways. You can't blame The clown for his first quarter, and in the same breath blame Bush for BO's first quarter. At least try to be consistent, so you don't look like a mindless sheep.

Of course it would be..

Obama gave Trump a solid economy
Bush gave Obama a recession

Obama promised to turn around the economy....he did
Trump promised GDP over 4%....he failed

In other words, you're an idiot left wing apologist who thinks that a Republican president should affect the economy in 70 days, but a democrat president shouldn't have to do it for 365 days. It's very clear how you 'think' now.

Obama stopped a depression in his first 100 days and he is only a community organizer

Why can't Trump get anything done?
He is the Great Deal Maker

Obama got stuck with the economy he was given
Trump is stuck with what he was given

Obama was given five quarters of negative GDP
Trump was given 30 straight quarters in the 2-3% range

Wrong again rightwinger!
The economy grew 1.6 percent for all of 2016, its worst performance since 2011, after expanding 2.6 percent in 2015. Hmm, downward trend.

You do know how to google search, don't you?

Community Organizer still gave us double what Trump has given us

Ok, if you are going to skip down that path, Orange Clown first quarter was 3.5% bigger than BO's first quarter. You can't have it both ways. You can't blame The clown for his first quarter, and in the same breath blame Bush for BO's first quarter. At least try to be consistent, so you don't look like a mindless sheep.

Of course it would be..

Obama gave Trump a solid economy
Bush gave Obama a recession

Obama promised to turn around the economy....he did
Trump promised GDP over 4%....he failed

In other words, you're an idiot left wing apologist who thinks that a Republican president should affect the economy in 70 days, but a democrat president shouldn't have to do it for 365 days. It's very clear how you 'think' now.

Actually, if you were to look at what is now famously called the "bikini graph", you would see that we were losing jobs under Jr., and when Obama took over, the jobs started to come back, even as early as Feb. and March, which was within the first 100 days of Obama's presidency.

If you need to see a copy of the graph, see Rightwinger's post 47, the one above this.
Wrong again rightwinger!
The economy grew 1.6 percent for all of 2016, its worst performance since 2011, after expanding 2.6 percent in 2015. Hmm, downward trend.

You do know how to google search, don't you?

Community Organizer still gave us double what Trump has given us

Ok, if you are going to skip down that path, Orange Clown first quarter was 3.5% bigger than BO's first quarter. You can't have it both ways. You can't blame The clown for his first quarter, and in the same breath blame Bush for BO's first quarter. At least try to be consistent, so you don't look like a mindless sheep.

Of course it would be..

Obama gave Trump a solid economy
Bush gave Obama a recession

Obama promised to turn around the economy....he did
Trump promised GDP over 4%....he failed

In other words, you're an idiot left wing apologist who thinks that a Republican president should affect the economy in 70 days, but a democrat president shouldn't have to do it for 365 days. It's very clear how you 'think' now.

Actually, if you were to look at what is now famously called the "bikini graph", you would see that we were losing jobs under Jr., and when Obama took over, the jobs started to come back, even as early as Feb. and March, which was within the first 100 days of Obama's presidency.

If you need to see a copy of the graph, see Rightwinger's post 47, the one above this.

Wholly shit, you people are insufferable. The point is, it's virtually impossible for a president to affect the first quarter GDP of his presidency. He was in office 70 days, he works on his cabinet, and gets a lay of the land. Policies have not even been inacted. I don't blame BO for the recession for his entire first year, anymore than I blame the Orange clown for an anemic first quarter. As a side note however, I will point out that BO is the first president in history to not have a single year of 3% growth over his 8 year presidency. Now, do you blame Bush or the Republicans in congress for that?

Barack Obama Is Now The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth | Zero Hedge
Following today's extremely disappointing US GDP growth data, we have the final nail in the coffin of President Obama's economic reign. Not only is the average annual growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949, he has just become the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

Community Organizer still gave us double what Trump has given us

Ok, if you are going to skip down that path, Orange Clown first quarter was 3.5% bigger than BO's first quarter. You can't have it both ways. You can't blame The clown for his first quarter, and in the same breath blame Bush for BO's first quarter. At least try to be consistent, so you don't look like a mindless sheep.

Of course it would be..

Obama gave Trump a solid economy
Bush gave Obama a recession

Obama promised to turn around the economy....he did
Trump promised GDP over 4%....he failed

In other words, you're an idiot left wing apologist who thinks that a Republican president should affect the economy in 70 days, but a democrat president shouldn't have to do it for 365 days. It's very clear how you 'think' now.

Actually, if you were to look at what is now famously called the "bikini graph", you would see that we were losing jobs under Jr., and when Obama took over, the jobs started to come back, even as early as Feb. and March, which was within the first 100 days of Obama's presidency.

If you need to see a copy of the graph, see Rightwinger's post 47, the one above this.

Wholly shit, you people are insufferable. The point is, it's virtually impossible for a president to affect the first quarter GDP of his presidency. He was in office 70 days, he works on his cabinet, and gets a lay of the land. Policies have not even been inacted. I don't blame BO for the recession for his entire first year, anymore than I blame the Orange clown for an anemic first quarter. As a side note however, I will point out that BO is the first president in history to not have a single year of 3% growth over his 8 year presidency. Now, do you blame Bush or the Republicans in congress for that?

Barack Obama Is Now The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth | Zero Hedge
Following today's extremely disappointing US GDP growth data, we have the final nail in the coffin of President Obama's economic reign. Not only is the average annual growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949, he has just become the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.
3% ????

Trump can't even break 1%

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