Trump's "character" pre election & post election are quite different

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Meeting with Romney & Cruz and others shows him to be an open minded & driven individual . Makes it obvious he is striving to get the best people or info he can. Being willing to over look the nasty vitriol that was thrown at him by these individuals and say "let's talk" speaks to his character imo. I couldn't do that.
Meeting with Romney & Cruz and others shows him to be an open minded & driven individual . Makes it obvious he is striving to get the best people or info he can. Being willing to over look the nasty vitriol that was thrown at him by these individuals and say "let's talk" speaks to his character imo. I couldn't do that.
Yeah apparently Kelly Ann Conway was able to exercise whatever demon was possessing him during the primaries....... :D

"I cast you out! Unclean spirit!" -- Father Merrin, The Exorcist
One thing no one could argue about is that he isn't a partisan hack
No, he's still just as crooked and corrupt, still manufacturing shit all over the world aka anyplace but the US. He even took his daughter and sil along to meet with Japanese PM.

Conway is truly terrifying. She has worked against basic rights and freedoms for her entire career, including with Todd Akin and she's on record as being against the First Amendment. She's as racist and dishonest as Duh Donuld.

And trump is most certainly a "partisan hack". For him, the party is himself. So far, everyone he's hiring, talking about hiring are DC Dinos, the darlings of K Street. Just look at who he has announced for very high level jobs. He not only is not draining the swamp, he's very busy filling it with cement.

He has a life-long history of filthy criminal actions. He has enormous conflicts of interest, already using his office for personal profit, in bed with Putin, as is Flynn, using an unsecured cell phone to talk to our enemies, already knee deep in lawsuits, even suing DC (twice!) over his taxes. And he has actually bragged about getting away with being a serial sexual predator.

The trump presidency will be the most corrupt of any in our history. He will make Nixon and Reagan look squeaky clean.
Meeting with Romney & Cruz and others shows him to be an open minded & driven individual . Makes it obvious he is striving to get the best people or info he can. Being willing to over look the nasty vitriol that was thrown at him by these individuals and say "let's talk" speaks to his character imo. I couldn't do that.
Yet you supported the nasty, vitriolic version of Trump
No, he's still just as crooked and corrupt, still manufacturing shit all over the world aka anyplace but the US. He even took his daughter and sil along to meet with Japanese PM.

Conway is truly terrifying. She has worked against basic rights and freedoms for her entire career, including with Todd Akin and she's on record as being against the First Amendment. She's as racist and dishonest as Duh Donuld.

And trump is most certainly a "partisan hack". For him, the party is himself. So far, everyone he's hiring, talking about hiring are DC Dinos, the darlings of K Street. Just look at who he has announced for very high level jobs. He not only is not draining the swamp, he's very busy filling it with cement.

He has a life-long history of filthy criminal actions. He has enormous conflicts of interest, already using his office for personal profit, in bed with Putin, as is Flynn, using an unsecured cell phone to talk to our enemies, already knee deep in lawsuits, even suing DC (twice!) over his taxes. And he has actually bragged about getting away with being a serial sexual predator.

The trump presidency will be the most corrupt of any in our history. He will make Nixon and Reagan look squeaky clean.

One thing no one could argue about is that he isn't a partisan hack

Anyone who listened to his acceptance speech figured that out. It was a brilliant speech.

To bad those supporting Clinton weren't as accepting as he is.

Whinny tiddy babies every one.
Meeting with Romney & Cruz and others shows him to be an open minded & driven individual . Makes it obvious he is striving to get the best people or info he can. Being willing to over look the nasty vitriol that was thrown at him by these individuals and say "let's talk" speaks to his character imo. I couldn't do that.
Yet you supported the nasty, vitriolic version of Trump
... and you supported that nasty, career criminal that was so awful that she got beat by that "nasty, vitriolic version of Trump".

"People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"
No, he's still just as crooked and corrupt, still manufacturing shit all over the world aka anyplace but the US. He even took his daughter and sil along to meet with Japanese PM.

Conway is truly terrifying. She has worked against basic rights and freedoms for her entire career, including with Todd Akin and she's on record as being against the First Amendment. She's as racist and dishonest as Duh Donuld.

And trump is most certainly a "partisan hack". For him, the party is himself. So far, everyone he's hiring, talking about hiring are DC Dinos, the darlings of K Street. Just look at who he has announced for very high level jobs. He not only is not draining the swamp, he's very busy filling it with cement.

He has a life-long history of filthy criminal actions. He has enormous conflicts of interest, already using his office for personal profit, in bed with Putin, as is Flynn, using an unsecured cell phone to talk to our enemies, already knee deep in lawsuits, even suing DC (twice!) over his taxes. And he has actually bragged about getting away with being a serial sexual predator.

The trump presidency will be the most corrupt of any in our history. He will make Nixon and Reagan look squeaky clean.
Fear....lies....desperation....cowardice....pant shitting...fear....llo!
I, as a woman, will be very happy if he bases his selections on QUALIFICATIONS and not whether he selects someone based on gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religious affiliation.
The whole diversity canard has got to go!!
Meeting with Romney & Cruz and others shows him to be an open minded & driven individual . Makes it obvious he is striving to get the best people or info he can. Being willing to over look the nasty vitriol that was thrown at him by these individuals and say "let's talk" speaks to his character imo. I couldn't do that.
Yet you supported the nasty, vitriolic version of Trump
Typical leftist. Speaking out of your ass. I never supported Trump and the only ones who don't know that are retards and leftists who live in bubbles
Meeting with Romney & Cruz and others shows him to be an open minded & driven individual . Makes it obvious he is striving to get the best people or info he can. Being willing to over look the nasty vitriol that was thrown at him by these individuals and say "let's talk" speaks to his character imo. I couldn't do that.
Yet you supported the nasty, vitriolic version of Trump

Yet you won't support the open minded & driven Trump.

I spy with my little eye... A DOUBLE STANDARD!
Meeting with Romney & Cruz and others shows him to be an open minded & driven individual . Makes it obvious he is striving to get the best people or info he can. Being willing to over look the nasty vitriol that was thrown at him by these individuals and say "let's talk" speaks to his character imo. I couldn't do that.
Yet you supported the nasty, vitriolic version of Trump
Typical leftist. Speaking out of your ass. I never supported Trump and the only ones who don't know that are retards and leftists who live in bubbles
Okay gramps :rolleyes:
No, he's still just as crooked and corrupt, still manufacturing shit all over the world aka anyplace but the US. He even took his daughter and sil along to meet with Japanese PM.

Conway is truly terrifying. She has worked against basic rights and freedoms for her entire career, including with Todd Akin and she's on record as being against the First Amendment. She's as racist and dishonest as Duh Donuld.

And trump is most certainly a "partisan hack". For him, the party is himself. So far, everyone he's hiring, talking about hiring are DC Dinos, the darlings of K Street. Just look at who he has announced for very high level jobs. He not only is not draining the swamp, he's very busy filling it with cement.

He has a life-long history of filthy criminal actions. He has enormous conflicts of interest, already using his office for personal profit, in bed with Putin, as is Flynn, using an unsecured cell phone to talk to our enemies, already knee deep in lawsuits, even suing DC (twice!) over his taxes. And he has actually bragged about getting away with being a serial sexual predator.

The trump presidency will be the most corrupt of any in our history. He will make Nixon and Reagan look squeaky clean.

The hillary already made nixon look like he could walk on water.
Meeting with Romney & Cruz and others shows him to be an open minded & driven individual . Makes it obvious he is striving to get the best people or info he can. Being willing to over look the nasty vitriol that was thrown at him by these individuals and say "let's talk" speaks to his character imo. I couldn't do that.
Yet you supported the nasty, vitriolic version of Trump

Yet you won't support the open minded & driven Trump.

I spy with my little eye... A DOUBLE STANDARD!
If he proves that all the disgusting things he said were just blatant lies to get you rubes to vote for him, I'll consider supporting him. It'll be hard to support such a liar though.
Trump's "character" pre election & post election are quite different

Politics is all about saying the right words, pushing the right buttons, and finding out and doing what it takes to motivate people, to get them to fall in line to support you. Once in office, you don't have to carry on the charade.

I am not saying 'Campaign Donald' was a charade - we will have to see.

The same thing applies to getting bills passed and pushing agendas. Look a the ACA, for example:
- It won't cost a dime
- It will pay for itself
- It will lower the cost of premiums
- If you like you doc/plan you can keep them.

We all know now that these were HUGE lies, but Barry t0old the American people what he had to in order to get them behind the ACA....once it was passed, as Pelosi declared to the people, THEN they could actually find out what was in it.

People need to wake up and realize they are lied to and manipulated all the time - they have been their whole lives. Advertising, for example, has told them their whole lives what sneakers to buy, what cereal to eat, what cars to drive, etc... It's manipulation....not a whole lot different from politics if you think about it.
Trump is a smart and classy man who's following the wisdom that one should : "Be magnanimous in Victory and Gracious in defeat."

These are ideals and values that LWNJ's have never understood or followed.

They are petty when they win, and whining little bitches when they lose.

Watch and learn LWNJ' and learn......

Meeting with Romney & Cruz and others shows him to be an open minded & driven individual . Makes it obvious he is striving to get the best people or info he can. Being willing to over look the nasty vitriol that was thrown at him by these individuals and say "let's talk" speaks to his character imo. I couldn't do that.

As much as the left hates the notion, Trump is highly intelligent and capable. He wore one hat to win an election, and he won against ALL odds.

Now he's wearing another to achieve another goal, and that goal is to win as POUS, and to win as a nation.

Trump said he's a winner. At this point I'd be a moron to suggest he's not. If you're not impressed, then continue celebrating Hillary's loss.

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