Trump’s "Contradictions" Are Really Just Priorities


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Some people, especially Republicans, and even some diehard Trump supporters, are getting nervous about Trump’s performance as president. They’re seeing what seem to be contradictions between his campaign talk and his current actions.

One such alleged contradiction is his trip to Saudi Arabia, First Trump speaks condemningly (justifiably) about Islam, and next, he’s in the Muslim capitol, dancing with Saudi leaders.

Trump supporters – sit down, relax, take a deep breath. The job of POTUS isn’t like tapping a keyboard, doing data entry. To say it is complicated, is an understatement. Trump knows that his # 1 responsibility if to PROTECT the American people. His vision seems to be to address America’s most serious threat, and neutralize them. Right now that threat is probably ISIS.

Anyone is free to debate me, but I see ISIS as America’s # 1 danger. I see them as a force that could annihilate the USA, and have us cease to exist. I see this threat as a nuclear one primarily, but also biological terrorism as well. I’ll deal with the details in the posts.

I see Iran as a similar top threat, and also of a nuclear level. So Trump, seeing Saudi Arabia et al Muslim countries, as useful allies to stop both of these enemies, is just doing what he sees (for now) as expediently best fitting the scenario. And once ISIS and terrorist Iran are diminished to non0threat level, then we n=may see an evolution of foreign policy, that will be a lot less polite to Saudi Arabia’s stealth jihadist activity.

As a side benefit,, it doesn’t hurt that business deals are going down with the Saudis, that will create millions of new jobs in America.

Often, we can’t get what we want without making some concessions. This is true at the top of national and international politics as much as anywhere. If this was 1945, you could just ask FDR or Winston Churchill about that (who partnered temporarily with Josef Stalin).

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