Trump's coronavirus reopening plan has big holes, health experts say

We're all retards and you'll have to live with our leader for another 4 years... will be retards forever.
Trump derangement Syndrome got you down? you'll always be deranged
And your crowd will always be a bunch of wackos. Or did I mean to say Branch Davidian wacos? Doesn't matter. Same thing.
"China did everything right" - BWK

Seek mental help.
We're all retards and you'll have to live with our leader for another 4 years... will be retards forever.
Trump derangement Syndrome got you down? you'll always be deranged
And your crowd will always be a bunch of wackos. Or did I mean to say Branch Davidian wacos? Doesn't matter. Same thing.
"China did everything right" - BWK

Seek mental help.
“China did everything right” —-BWK

Who needs the mental help? You do, fatty.
‘Trump, a Republican who is running for re-election in November, touted the guidelines as a blueprint for a reawakening of the economy, saying growth would soar like a “rocket ship” after the restart.

But the guidelines, and the ways in which experts say they fall short, suggest that revving activity back up to pre-pandemic levels will be anything but smooth or speedy.’

The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.
The biggest flaw is the lack of available testing.
Birx said today that antibody testing is flawed and it will take as long as it takes to get vaccine to get such a test and even if we had testing we would have to do it daily. Key is to have sufficient treatments in hospitals because most will get it and 99% will recover.
The key is tracing contacts. That relies on testing. We need millions of tests a day.

Yes we do. Where do we get them and how do we administer them?
That's the *administration's* job.

That's why they get the big bucks.

Please detail exactly how Trump is supposed to magically come up with all of these test kits.

Details please.
Ask dick head yourself. He said that if anyone wants a test they can get one. We'll, he's a damn liar.

So you admit you have no answers and just bitch because you hate Trump.

Got it.
Ya' know, sometimes I wonder if all tRumplings are retarded or just the ones here.
Let's play...
We're all retards and you'll have to live with our leader for another 4 years...
Eat shit!
After this disaster of a response Scooby Doo could beat him.
It figures Scooby Doo is a D.
We're all retards and you'll have to live with our leader for another 4 years... will be retards forever.
Trump derangement Syndrome got you down? you'll always be deranged
And your crowd will always be a bunch of wackos. Or did I mean to say Branch Davidian wacos? Doesn't matter. Same thing.
your crowd? is that something like you people?
Dumb ass it's the Trump supporters that want to go back to work
It's you people who want to lay on your lazy worthless ass getting free shit from the government
You worthless piece of shit.
They are not going to let these small moms and pops' stores to reopen while they are making a killing from off of this pandemic.


Trump's guidelines have been a collective cocktail of hoaxes, miracles, blame games, election pitches, lies, blunders, and massive stupidity in this whole Coronavirus response.
I'm unsure whether ignorance or stupidity best defines Trump's cognitive limitations, but there's no doubt about his need for the "Big Lie" as when he tells his gullible base no one ever anticipated a global pandemic:

Rolling Stone Timeline: Coronavirus in America


"President George W. Bush delivers a speech to the National Institutes of Health: 'A pandemic is a lot like a forest fire. If caught early, it might be extinguished with limited damage. If allowed to smolder, undetected, it can grow to an inferno that can spread quickly beyond our ability to control it…. If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare. And one day many lives could be needlessly lost because we failed to act today.'”


"Bush-era Centers for Disease Control publishes pandemic response plan."
Trump's guidelines have been a collective cocktail of hoaxes, miracles, blame games, election pitches, lies, blunders, and massive stupidity in this whole Coronavirus response.
I'm unsure whether ignorance or stupidity best defines Trump's cognitive limitations, but there's no doubt about his need for the "Big Lie" as when he tells his gullible base no one ever anticipated a global pandemic:

Rolling Stone Timeline: Coronavirus in America


"President George W. Bush delivers a speech to the National Institutes of Health: 'A pandemic is a lot like a forest fire. If caught early, it might be extinguished with limited damage. If allowed to smolder, undetected, it can grow to an inferno that can spread quickly beyond our ability to control it…. If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare. And one day many lives could be needlessly lost because we failed to act today.'”


"Bush-era Centers for Disease Control publishes pandemic response plan."
Progs if they lose will infiltrate the other side. They will purposely spread this virus to others in areas opened.
Not much of a problem with the virus in Idaho, why can't we get the people back to work?
Oh yeah, my's an election year and the Russia probe didn't pan out, the Ukraine thingy didn't get any traction,
the impeachment was exposed as a hoax, so....what we have is to stretch the Chinese virus out past the election.
got it
We'll, Trump can be indicted for Russia on obstruction and campaign finance crimes when he leaves office. And he was impeached because of his cheating conspiracy with Ukraine. And he did the worst job with the Coronavirus response of any natural disaster in US history. I'd say that is an awful lot of traction.
:auiqs.jpg: What a blooming idiot on display. You keep telling yourself your lies, someday you might even believe them.
Nobody in the real world does.
Trump's guidelines have been a collective cocktail of hoaxes, miracles, blame games, election pitches, lies, blunders, and massive stupidity in this whole Coronavirus response.
I'm unsure whether ignorance or stupidity best defines Trump's cognitive limitations, but there's no doubt about his need for the "Big Lie" as when he tells his gullible base no one ever anticipated a global pandemic:

Rolling Stone Timeline: Coronavirus in America


"President George W. Bush delivers a speech to the National Institutes of Health: 'A pandemic is a lot like a forest fire. If caught early, it might be extinguished with limited damage. If allowed to smolder, undetected, it can grow to an inferno that can spread quickly beyond our ability to control it…. If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare. And one day many lives could be needlessly lost because we failed to act today.'”


"Bush-era Centers for Disease Control publishes pandemic response plan."
but in 2009 N1H1 pandemic how many Americans died? oh that's right Obama was President those deaths don't count.
Sequestration and other budget reductions in Fiscal Year 2013 On March 1, 2013, as required by statute, President Obama signed an order initiating sequestration. The sequestration requires CDC to cut 5 percent or more than $285 million of its fiscal year (FY) 2013 budget. CDC applied the cut evenly across all programs, projects, and activities (PPAs), which are primarily CDC national centers, offices and centers. This means every area of CDC was affected. In addition, the Prevention and Public Health Fund allocation in FY 2013 was almost $350 million below FY 2012. In total, CDC’s program level, including the Vaccines for Children mandatory program and other external sources, was almost $1 billion (or 10%) below FY 2012. The reductions to CDC’s funding accounts are as follows:  Immunization = $100 million  HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STI and TB Prevention = $62 million  Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases = $13 million  Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion = $195 million  Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities = $7 million  Environmental Health = $17 million  Injury Prevention and Control = $7 million  Public Health Scientific Services = $19 million  Occupational Safety and Health = $9 million  Global Health = $18 million  Public Health Preparedness and Response = $98 million  Cross-cutting Activities and Program Support = $35 million
‘Trump, a Republican who is running for re-election in November, touted the guidelines as a blueprint for a reawakening of the economy, saying growth would soar like a “rocket ship” after the restart.

But the guidelines, and the ways in which experts say they fall short, suggest that revving activity back up to pre-pandemic levels will be anything but smooth or speedy.’

The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.

The "Do Nothing" Democrats found an "expert" to disagree with the President's plan? Shocking, just shocking. LOL
but in 2009 N1H1 pandemic how many Americans died?
At the time Obama declared a national emergency for h1n1, there were about 1000 h1n1 deaths in the united states. This was 6 months after the first confirmed case.

3 months after the first confirmed case, 40,000 have died in the united states from covid 19.
but in 2009 N1H1 pandemic how many Americans died? oh that's right Obama was President those deaths don't count.
You think the "Fiscal Cliff" makes Trump look good?

United States budget sequestration in 2013 - Wikipedia

"On August 2, 2011, President Obama signed the Budget Control Act of 2011 as part of an agreement with Congress to resolve the debt-ceiling crisis.

"The Act provided for a Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (the 'super committee') to produce legislation by late November that would decrease the deficit by $1.2 trillion over ten years.

"When the super committee failed to act,[9] another part of the BCA went into effect. This directed automatic across-the-board cuts (known as 'sequestrations') to be split evenly between defense and domestic spending, beginning on January 2, 2013."

Rolling Stone Timeline: Coronavirus in America

"January 21

"CDC confirms first U.S. patient — the Seattle area man.

"January 22

Asked if administration has “a plan to contain the coronavirus in the U.S.,' Trump replies: 'We do have a plan, and we think it’s going to be handled very well. We’ve already handled it very well. CDC has been terrific. Very great professionals. And we’re in very good shape.'"

Was he lying?:doubt:
but in 2009 N1H1 pandemic how many Americans died?
At the time Obama declared a national emergency for h1n1, there were about 1000 h1n1 deaths in the united states. This was 6 months after the first confirmed case.

3 months after the first confirmed case, 40,000 have died in the united states from covid 19.
Dude Trump restricted travel from China on Jan 31, 2020, before the first U.S. death from COVID 19 you're failing. The first U.S. recorded death was February 29, 2020
‘Trump, a Republican who is running for re-election in November, touted the guidelines as a blueprint for a reawakening of the economy, saying growth would soar like a “rocket ship” after the restart.

But the guidelines, and the ways in which experts say they fall short, suggest that revving activity back up to pre-pandemic levels will be anything but smooth or speedy.’

The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.
At this point, NO ONE has a perfect plan.

Just working under trial and error is how this so called pandemic has been taken by ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD.

If Pelosi or Biden or a group of doctors tell you "they have a better plan" then those suckers are pulling your legs.
but in 2009 N1H1 pandemic how many Americans died? oh that's right Obama was President those deaths don't count.
You think the "Fiscal Cliff" makes Trump look good?

United States budget sequestration in 2013 - Wikipedia

"On August 2, 2011, President Obama signed the Budget Control Act of 2011 as part of an agreement with Congress to resolve the debt-ceiling crisis.

"The Act provided for a Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (the 'super committee') to produce legislation by late November that would decrease the deficit by $1.2 trillion over ten years.

"When the super committee failed to act,[9] another part of the BCA went into effect. This directed automatic across-the-board cuts (known as 'sequestrations') to be split evenly between defense and domestic spending, beginning on January 2, 2013."

Rolling Stone Timeline: Coronavirus in America

"January 21

"CDC confirms first U.S. patient — the Seattle area man.

"January 22

Asked if administration has “a plan to contain the coronavirus in the U.S.,' Trump replies: 'We do have a plan, and we think it’s going to be handled very well. We’ve already handled it very well. CDC has been terrific. Very great professionals. And we’re in very good shape.'"

Was he lying?:doubt:
Nancy Pelosi come to China town we have it under control
Was she lying?
Now was Trump lying? Ask WHO why they gave false information
At least the President tried to contain it by implementing travel restrictions from China and the democrats fought him over that.
According to the CDC website the first recorded U.S. death was in February 29, 2020
Nancy Pelosi come to China town we have it under control
Was she lying?
Now was Trump lying? Ask WHO why they gave false information
At least the President tried to contain it by implementing travel
Pelosi and Trump are knee-jerk capitalists who instinctively side with markets over people.

She claimed to be fighting discrimination last February when she encourage locals to shop in Chinatown. She also said the city had taken "precautions" but it's doubtful there was much social distancing on display.

Personally, I wouldn't waste a vote on either capitalist.

Rolling Stone Timeline: Coronavirus in America

"February 24

"Trump insists virus 'very much under control,' touts stocks..."

"February 24

"Association of Public Health Laboratories warns FDA that the U.S. is 'now many weeks into the response with still no diagnostic or surveillance test available outside of C.D.C. for the vast majority of our member laboratories.'"
Why would trump want to see more testing to help reopen the country?

More Testing means More Cases. More Cases means more criticism of Incompetent trump. Opening the Country is all about trump's re-election....

So What? A couple thousand more people die....? As long as trump can get re-elected....

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