Trump's Domestic Counterterror Cuts Budget Plan, Crocodile Tears for better Vetting via Media


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
Come on people..When this guy shows outrage, you need to research what the ass is hiding ..

First off he has done nothing but use Vetting, and division for his own agenda while people are grieving , or in shock over a terrorist attack..Just like he did after the Paris attack while he was running for president.

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts

"President Trump, instead of politicizing and dividing America, which he always seems to do at times of national tragedy, should be focusing on the real solution - anti-terrorism funding - which he proposed cutting in his most recent budget," Schumer said in a statement. "I'm calling on the President to immediately rescind his proposed cuts to this vital anti-terrorism funding."

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts - CNNPolitics


17 billion or so to spy on us? Holy shit.
Cut it
U.S. spends over $16 billion annually on counter-terrorism
In fiscal year 2012, the United States spent $17.25 billion on counter-terrorism

In terms of money spent, monitoring and disrupting violent extremists and suspected terrorist groups is the intelligence community’s second-biggest mission objective, after warning U.S. leaders about economic instability, societal unrest and other critical events around the world (which takes about $20 billion). Other priorities include preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction, protecting U.S. computer networks and defending against foreign espionage.
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump
Come on people..When this guy shows outrage, you need to research what the ass is hiding ..

First off he has done nothing but use Vetting, and division for his own agenda while people are grieving , or in shock over a terrorist attack..Just like he did after the Paris attack while he was running for president.

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts

"President Trump, instead of politicizing and dividing America, which he always seems to do at times of national tragedy, should be focusing on the real solution - anti-terrorism funding - which he proposed cutting in his most recent budget," Schumer said in a statement. "I'm calling on the President to immediately rescind his proposed cuts to this vital anti-terrorism funding."

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts - CNNPolitics

View attachment 158130

Even when Jamie Gorelick put the wall up so the CIA and FBI couldn't talk to each other, and NYC had 3000 people butchered by Mooslims on 9-11, King George Bush decided to create the Department of Homeland Security(40 billion dollar program a year) to enable those 2 entities to talk to each other and prevent such attacks from ever happening again.

Fort Hood.
Tennessee recruiting station.
San Bernardino.
NYC again.
and many more.

Yep, time to get rid of the DOH and let the FBI and CIA talk to each other. Save US 40 billion dollars that can be used for something that works..
The stock market is in record territory almost every day, the President worked out a deal with China about N.K., unemployment is way down, two natural disasters were handled well by FEMA and all this in about ten months while agents of the left were trying to murder conservatives and threatening arson, assault and even murder on the President. All in all I'd say President Trump has done a pretty good job and in less than a year.
17 billion or so to spy on us? Holy shit.
Cut it
U.S. spends over $16 billion annually on counter-terrorism
In fiscal year 2012, the United States spent $17.25 billion on counter-terrorism

In terms of money spent, monitoring and disrupting violent extremists and suspected terrorist groups is the intelligence community’s second-biggest mission objective, after warning U.S. leaders about economic instability, societal unrest and other critical events around the world (which takes about $20 billion). Other priorities include preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction, protecting U.S. computer networks and defending against foreign espionage.

These cuts are not ok Harley, Biological threats are a big deal, again Trump cries about Assad killing his people with biological weapons yet cuts our homeland biological warfare study system.. ..

.BTW did you know that you are spied on basically everywhere you go via satellites , cop cameras , store monitors for stealing and to watch how you shop for better understanding how to make you buy more?

WASHINGTON — The Department of Homeland Security plans to close a New York-based laboratory that has helped the city’s Police and Fire Departments develop systems to detect nuclear and biological threats, a move that some local officials fear could hamper efforts to prevent and respond to terrorist attacks.

“The lab has provided an invaluable amount of information to us over the years, including helping us understand biological and nuclear threats when nobody understood that stuff,” said Gerard McCarty, the director of emergency management at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. “And they continue to provide critical support to us in researching and testing technologies.

The GOP budget resolution would savagely cut the safety net — and no one seems to care
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

17 billion or so to spy on us? Holy shit.
Cut it
U.S. spends over $16 billion annually on counter-terrorism
In fiscal year 2012, the United States spent $17.25 billion on counter-terrorism

In terms of money spent, monitoring and disrupting violent extremists and suspected terrorist groups is the intelligence community’s second-biggest mission objective, after warning U.S. leaders about economic instability, societal unrest and other critical events around the world (which takes about $20 billion). Other priorities include preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction, protecting U.S. computer networks and defending against foreign espionage.

These cuts are not ok Harley, Biological threats are a big deal, again Trump cries about Assad killing his people with biological weapons yet cuts our homeland biological warfare study system.. ..

.BTW did you know that you are spied on basically everywhere you go via satellites , cop cameras , store monitors for stealing and to watch how you shop for better understanding how to make you buy more?

WASHINGTON — The Department of Homeland Security plans to close a New York-based laboratory that has helped the city’s Police and Fire Departments develop systems to detect nuclear and biological threats, a move that some local officials fear could hamper efforts to prevent and respond to terrorist attacks.

“The lab has provided an invaluable amount of information to us over the years, including helping us understand biological and nuclear threats when nobody understood that stuff,” said Gerard McCarty, the director of emergency management at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. “And they continue to provide critical support to us in researching and testing technologies.

The GOP budget resolution would savagely cut the safety net — and no one seems to care
The Department of Homeland Security plans to close a New York-based laboratory that has helped the city’s Police and Fire Departments develop systems to detect nuclear and biological threats, a move that some local officials fear could hamper efforts to prevent and respond to terrorist attacks.
Maybe that lab should of been in Boston?
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people
Blah, blah, blah
Obamacare To Slash Hundreds Of Billions From Medicare Advantage Over Next 10 Years
Obamacare To Slash Hundreds Of Billions From Medicare Advantage Over Next 10 Years
Come on people..When this guy shows outrage, you need to research what the ass is hiding ..

First off he has done nothing but use Vetting, and division for his own agenda while people are grieving , or in shock over a terrorist attack..Just like he did after the Paris attack while he was running for president.

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts

"President Trump, instead of politicizing and dividing America, which he always seems to do at times of national tragedy, should be focusing on the real solution - anti-terrorism funding - which he proposed cutting in his most recent budget," Schumer said in a statement. "I'm calling on the President to immediately rescind his proposed cuts to this vital anti-terrorism funding."

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts - CNNPolitics

View attachment 158130

Even when Jamie Gorelick put the wall up so the CIA and FBI couldn't talk to each other, and NYC had 3000 people butchered by Mooslims on 9-11, King George Bush decided to create the Department of Homeland Security(40 billion dollar program a year) to enable those 2 entities to talk to each other and prevent such attacks from ever happening again.

Fort Hood.
Tennessee recruiting station.
San Bernardino.
NYC again.
and many more.

Yep, time to get rid of the DOH and let the FBI and CIA talk to each other. Save US 40 billion dollars that can be used for something that works..

And have you looked into the statistics for how many terrorists attacks Homeland security stopped..

Come on people..When this guy shows outrage, you need to research what the ass is hiding ..

First off he has done nothing but use Vetting, and division for his own agenda while people are grieving , or in shock over a terrorist attack..Just like he did after the Paris attack while he was running for president.

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts

"President Trump, instead of politicizing and dividing America, which he always seems to do at times of national tragedy, should be focusing on the real solution - anti-terrorism funding - which he proposed cutting in his most recent budget," Schumer said in a statement. "I'm calling on the President to immediately rescind his proposed cuts to this vital anti-terrorism funding."

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts - CNNPolitics

View attachment 158130

Even when Jamie Gorelick put the wall up so the CIA and FBI couldn't talk to each other, and NYC had 3000 people butchered by Mooslims on 9-11, King George Bush decided to create the Department of Homeland Security(40 billion dollar program a year) to enable those 2 entities to talk to each other and prevent such attacks from ever happening again.

Fort Hood.
Tennessee recruiting station.
San Bernardino.
NYC again.
and many more.

Yep, time to get rid of the DOH and let the FBI and CIA talk to each other. Save US 40 billion dollars that can be used for something that works..

And have you looked into the statistics for how many terrorists attacks Homeland security stopped..

Tell that to the San Bernardino Christmas party victims. Tell that to the soldiers at Fort Hood. Or the Gays in Orlando. How about those bicyclers in NYC?
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people
Blah, blah, blah
Obamacare To Slash Hundreds Of Billions From Medicare Advantage Over Next 10 Years
Obamacare To Slash Hundreds Of Billions From Medicare Advantage Over Next 10 Years

Come on people..When this guy shows outrage, you need to research what the ass is hiding ..

First off he has done nothing but use Vetting, and division for his own agenda while people are grieving , or in shock over a terrorist attack..Just like he did after the Paris attack while he was running for president.

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts

"President Trump, instead of politicizing and dividing America, which he always seems to do at times of national tragedy, should be focusing on the real solution - anti-terrorism funding - which he proposed cutting in his most recent budget," Schumer said in a statement. "I'm calling on the President to immediately rescind his proposed cuts to this vital anti-terrorism funding."

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts - CNNPolitics

View attachment 158130

Even when Jamie Gorelick put the wall up so the CIA and FBI couldn't talk to each other, and NYC had 3000 people butchered by Mooslims on 9-11, King George Bush decided to create the Department of Homeland Security(40 billion dollar program a year) to enable those 2 entities to talk to each other and prevent such attacks from ever happening again.

Fort Hood.
Tennessee recruiting station.
San Bernardino.
NYC again.
and many more.

Yep, time to get rid of the DOH and let the FBI and CIA talk to each other. Save US 40 billion dollars that can be used for something that works..

And have you looked into the statistics for how many terrorists attacks Homeland security stopped..

Tell that to the San Bernardino Christmas party victims. Tell that to the soldiers at Fort Hood. Or the Gays in Orlando. How about those bicyclers in NYC?

Dude ... for instance government spending on drunk driving since the 1960s has stopped many drunks from driving...Yet there are those who still drive drunk and kill people.

How many people would have died if they didn't raise the funds to get the drunks off the road.

Same kind of theory with terrorist prevention..

Come on people..When this guy shows outrage, you need to research what the ass is hiding ..

First off he has done nothing but use Vetting, and division for his own agenda while people are grieving , or in shock over a terrorist attack..Just like he did after the Paris attack while he was running for president.

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts

"President Trump, instead of politicizing and dividing America, which he always seems to do at times of national tragedy, should be focusing on the real solution - anti-terrorism funding - which he proposed cutting in his most recent budget," Schumer said in a statement. "I'm calling on the President to immediately rescind his proposed cuts to this vital anti-terrorism funding."

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts - CNNPolitics

View attachment 158130

Even when Jamie Gorelick put the wall up so the CIA and FBI couldn't talk to each other, and NYC had 3000 people butchered by Mooslims on 9-11, King George Bush decided to create the Department of Homeland Security(40 billion dollar program a year) to enable those 2 entities to talk to each other and prevent such attacks from ever happening again.

Fort Hood.
Tennessee recruiting station.
San Bernardino.
NYC again.
and many more.

Yep, time to get rid of the DOH and let the FBI and CIA talk to each other. Save US 40 billion dollars that can be used for something that works..

And have you looked into the statistics for how many terrorists attacks Homeland security stopped..

Tell that to the San Bernardino Christmas party victims. Tell that to the soldiers at Fort Hood. Or the Gays in Orlando. How about those bicyclers in NYC?

Dude ... for instance government spending on drunk driving since the 1960s has stopped many drunks from driving...Yet there are those who still drive drunk and kill people.

How many people would have died if they didn't raise the funds to get the drunks off the road.

Same kind of theory with terrorist prevention..

If you want to have people stop driving drunk, then put the 1st degree murder charges for anyone who is drunk and kills someone.. They know their risks, and should be punished for those risks..
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink
Come on people..When this guy shows outrage, you need to research what the ass is hiding ..

First off he has done nothing but use Vetting, and division for his own agenda while people are grieving , or in shock over a terrorist attack..Just like he did after the Paris attack while he was running for president.

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts

"President Trump, instead of politicizing and dividing America, which he always seems to do at times of national tragedy, should be focusing on the real solution - anti-terrorism funding - which he proposed cutting in his most recent budget," Schumer said in a statement. "I'm calling on the President to immediately rescind his proposed cuts to this vital anti-terrorism funding."

Trump administration has sought domestic counterterror cuts - CNNPolitics

View attachment 158130

Even when Jamie Gorelick put the wall up so the CIA and FBI couldn't talk to each other, and NYC had 3000 people butchered by Mooslims on 9-11, King George Bush decided to create the Department of Homeland Security(40 billion dollar program a year) to enable those 2 entities to talk to each other and prevent such attacks from ever happening again.

Fort Hood.
Tennessee recruiting station.
San Bernardino.
NYC again.
and many more.

Yep, time to get rid of the DOH and let the FBI and CIA talk to each other. Save US 40 billion dollars that can be used for something that works..

And have you looked into the statistics for how many terrorists attacks Homeland security stopped..

Tell that to the San Bernardino Christmas party victims. Tell that to the soldiers at Fort Hood. Or the Gays in Orlando. How about those bicyclers in NYC?

Dude ... for instance government spending on drunk driving since the 1960s has stopped many drunks from driving...Yet there are those who still drive drunk and kill people.

How many people would have died if they didn't raise the funds to get the drunks off the road.

Same kind of theory with terrorist prevention..

If you want to have people stop driving drunk, then put the 1st degree murder charges for anyone who is drunk and kills someone.. They know their risks, and should be punished for those risks..

True, so then you agree, cutting back on those who are out there catching the drunks or first on the scene would make it so more drunks are on the road..

Agree or Disagree ?

You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink
How is giving money back to the people Deficit? Shouldn't more people control more of their OWN money?

Why the fuck should I have to pay for other peoples kids lunches when I paid for 3 of my own kids?

Do you think that if Bernie Sanders would of won, and taken the US totally socialist, that you would get to keep your business?
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Another thing guys:

Trump gets in front of the cameras fighting against the Opioid and drug addiction , yet cuts away at the only way that these people can get help for detox and rehab..

Come on, it was just a big show for Trump to lie yet actions are the complete opposite.

Even when Jamie Gorelick put the wall up so the CIA and FBI couldn't talk to each other, and NYC had 3000 people butchered by Mooslims on 9-11, King George Bush decided to create the Department of Homeland Security(40 billion dollar program a year) to enable those 2 entities to talk to each other and prevent such attacks from ever happening again.

Fort Hood.
Tennessee recruiting station.
San Bernardino.
NYC again.
and many more.

Yep, time to get rid of the DOH and let the FBI and CIA talk to each other. Save US 40 billion dollars that can be used for something that works..

And have you looked into the statistics for how many terrorists attacks Homeland security stopped..

Tell that to the San Bernardino Christmas party victims. Tell that to the soldiers at Fort Hood. Or the Gays in Orlando. How about those bicyclers in NYC?

Dude ... for instance government spending on drunk driving since the 1960s has stopped many drunks from driving...Yet there are those who still drive drunk and kill people.

How many people would have died if they didn't raise the funds to get the drunks off the road.

Same kind of theory with terrorist prevention..

If you want to have people stop driving drunk, then put the 1st degree murder charges for anyone who is drunk and kills someone.. They know their risks, and should be punished for those risks..

True, so then you agree, cutting back on those who are out there catching the drunks or first on the scene would make it so more drunks are on the road..

Agree or Disagree ?

IF the rules for Drunk Driving were the same as a murderer of the 1st degree, then drunk driving would all but stop. As long as liberal consider drunk driving as an accident, driving drunk will continue.

Ted Kennedy: The Senator of Sleaze who was a drunk sexual bully... and left a young woman to die | Daily Mail Online
A drunk Ted had been driving back from a party to the family 'compound' on Martha's Vineyard when he veered off a bridge and into a deep tidal dyke.

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