Trump's Domestic Counterterror Cuts Budget Plan, Crocodile Tears for better Vetting via Media

You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink
How is giving money back to the people Deficit? Shouldn't more people control more of their OWN money?

Why the fuck should I have to pay for other peoples kids lunches when I paid for 3 of my own kids?

Do you think that if Bernie Sanders would of won, and taken the US totally socialist, that you would get to keep your business?

I felt Bernie went far too left, and so is California..

Although being that I support pro-life I don't mind buying a kid a lunch which may be his only meal.

Now show me how is this new deficit giving back to the people..? And why aren't you upset that your kids will be paying that bill while their future education is basically going to cost thousands to get a degree.

You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Another thing guys:

Trump gets in front of the cameras fighting against the Opioid and drug addiction , yet cuts away at the only way that these people can get help for detox and rehab..

Come on, it was just a big show for Trump to lie yet actions are the complete opposite.

Umm, you do know that there are the liberals on this boards that say President Trump should legalize all drugs. I for one agree, that if a liberal wants to self suicide by drugs, I don't give a shit. That is my libertarian side speaking...
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink
How is giving money back to the people Deficit? Shouldn't more people control more of their OWN money?

Why the fuck should I have to pay for other peoples kids lunches when I paid for 3 of my own kids?

Do you think that if Bernie Sanders would of won, and taken the US totally socialist, that you would get to keep your business?

I felt Bernie went far too left, and so is California..

Although being that I support pro-life I don't mind buying a kid a lunch which may be his only meal.

Now show me how is this new deficit giving back to the people..? And why aren't you upset that your kids will be paying that bill while their future education is basically going to cost thousands to get a degree.

1 kid maybe, but 100,000,000 is just a little too much for me... Especially when those Anchors were dropped here illegally.
And have you looked into the statistics for how many terrorists attacks Homeland security stopped..

Tell that to the San Bernardino Christmas party victims. Tell that to the soldiers at Fort Hood. Or the Gays in Orlando. How about those bicyclers in NYC?

Dude ... for instance government spending on drunk driving since the 1960s has stopped many drunks from driving...Yet there are those who still drive drunk and kill people.

How many people would have died if they didn't raise the funds to get the drunks off the road.

Same kind of theory with terrorist prevention..

If you want to have people stop driving drunk, then put the 1st degree murder charges for anyone who is drunk and kills someone.. They know their risks, and should be punished for those risks..

True, so then you agree, cutting back on those who are out there catching the drunks or first on the scene would make it so more drunks are on the road..

Agree or Disagree ?

IF the rules for Drunk Driving were the same as a murderer of the 1st degree, then drunk driving would all but stop. As long as liberal consider drunk driving as an accident, driving drunk will continue.

Ted Kennedy: The Senator of Sleaze who was a drunk sexual bully... and left a young woman to die | Daily Mail Online
A drunk Ted had been driving back from a party to the family 'compound' on Martha's Vineyard when he veered off a bridge and into a deep tidal dyke.

Yes, that was sleazy of Ted Kennedy.. The laws are really strict at least in California since then. They don't make it easy to get your license back and they make you pay out of pocket thousands now..

Attorney fee's
Mandatory classes
and Community Service

If law enforcement was cut back , who would get these drunk people?

You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Another thing guys:

Trump gets in front of the cameras fighting against the Opioid and drug addiction , yet cuts away at the only way that these people can get help for detox and rehab..

Come on, it was just a big show for Trump to lie yet actions are the complete opposite.

Umm, you do know that there are the liberals on this boards that say President Trump should legalize all drugs. I for one agree, that if a liberal wants to self suicide by drugs, I don't give a shit. That is my libertarian side speaking...

Pot is actually finding out to be a cancer fighter, it gets rid of inflammation , many good benefits.

I take the CBDs without the THC that makes you high..I don't like a pot high but want the benefits..

And as far as the suicide drug , yes I agree...But did you know that as soon as this suicide law became legal , insurance companies found a loophole to deny coverage but offer the suicide pill instead?

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink
The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Another thing guys:

Trump gets in front of the cameras fighting against the Opioid and drug addiction , yet cuts away at the only way that these people can get help for detox and rehab..

Come on, it was just a big show for Trump to lie yet actions are the complete opposite.

Umm, you do know that there are the liberals on this boards that say President Trump should legalize all drugs. I for one agree, that if a liberal wants to self suicide by drugs, I don't give a shit. That is my libertarian side speaking...

Pot is actually finding out to be a cancer fighter, it gets rid of inflammation , many good benefits.

I take the CBDs without the THC that makes you high..I don't like a pot high but want the benefits..

And as far as the suicide drug , yes I agree...But did you know that as soon as this suicide law became legal , insurance companies found a loophole to deny coverage but offer the suicide pill instead?

No it doesn't. When you burn Marijuana, you burn all the good stuff CBD' and only have the THC effect which turns a person mind to mush. CBD, from hemp, is the medicinal element that makes people feel better, not high..
But once again liberals want all drugs to be legal, that is heroine and other opioids , and again, if you want to destroy your temple, go for it...
They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink
They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Another thing guys:

Trump gets in front of the cameras fighting against the Opioid and drug addiction , yet cuts away at the only way that these people can get help for detox and rehab..

Come on, it was just a big show for Trump to lie yet actions are the complete opposite.

Umm, you do know that there are the liberals on this boards that say President Trump should legalize all drugs. I for one agree, that if a liberal wants to self suicide by drugs, I don't give a shit. That is my libertarian side speaking...

Pot is actually finding out to be a cancer fighter, it gets rid of inflammation , many good benefits.

I take the CBDs without the THC that makes you high..I don't like a pot high but want the benefits..

And as far as the suicide drug , yes I agree...But did you know that as soon as this suicide law became legal , insurance companies found a loophole to deny coverage but offer the suicide pill instead?

No it doesn't. When you burn Marijuana, you burn all the good stuff CBD' and only have the THC effect which turns a person mind to mush. CBD, from hemp, is the medicinal element that makes people feel better, not high..
But once again liberals want all drugs to be legal, that is heroine and other opioids , and again, if you want to destroy your temple, go for it...

CBDs are separated from the THC and are legal now...but the pot that has THC is illegal in most states.

I don't get high at all.

Here, you may benefit as well..

You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink
I support it because it is not the government's responsibility to cater to my business.
Cut spending. Period.
You're right Eagle, he should have cut welfare & other domestic budgets instead!

Our government is bloated and needs desperately to cut spending. You have to start somewhere.

Good on Trump

The plan is to cut the programs that you mentioned including medicare for the old people ..Seriously McConnell and Ryan don't care about anyone expect for their rich buddies who line their pockets and campaigns..
Don't you know that by now.. We seriously need to look into this.

They should all be cut. Our budget should NEVER exceed our tax receipts except in times of emergency.

Being a small business owner like I am, why would you support this plan , cutting everyone but the super rich?
Including our homeland security which is needed just as much as funding for the military.?

Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink

Central to the GOP plan are tax cuts that slash the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and cap the rate for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities at 25%. Individual tax rates would be set at 35%, 25% and 12%, but the income limits for those brackets have not been determined. Some deductions would be eliminated and the standard deduction would be doubled, in hopes of simplifying the code and broadening the base of taxpayers.

Senate Republicans acknowledge the tax cuts could add a net of up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the projected deficit, which they plan to make up for largely through economic growth. They have inserted a provision in their budget that waives the requirement for a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis of the tax bill before it’s voted on.
'Deficit' no longer a dirty word for the GOP: Trump's tax plan adds more than $2 trillion in red ink
I support it because it is not the government's responsibility to cater to my business.
Cut spending. Period.

Well I wish that the Top 1% and lowest 3% felt the same as you.


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