Trump's fake dossier people accused of being ‘Highly Paid Smear Experts,’ by Human Rights Activist


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Well this should come as no surprise. No wonder Fusion GPS is pleading the 5th up and coming. This gentleman is going to testify to the damage they did to him by spreading false rumors.

For him it wasn't golden showers. Just made him out to be a pedophile and a drug addict. I hope these Dem operatives go down in flames.

"A prominent human rights activist is providing the Senate Judiciary Committee with new information on Wednesday about Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm behind the dossier of anti-Trump research compiled last year by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Thor Halvorrsen, the founder of the Human Rights Foundation, says in a letter to the committee that Fusion GPS targeted him and several other people because of their criticism of Derwick Associates, a Venezuelan energy company reportedly under investigation for an alleged multi-billion dollar kickback scheme.

Fusion GPS are “highly paid smear experts,” Halvorrsen says in the testimony, a copy of which was obtained by The Daily Caller.

Halvorrsen alleges that Fusion GPS — which was founded by a group of ex-Wall Street Journal reporters — was working for Derwick Associates WHEN IT SPREAD FALSE RUMORS IN THE MEDIA THAT HE IS A PEDOPHILE AND DRUG ADDICT.

Halvorrsen also details what he says was told to him by Jose de Cordoba, a Wall Street Journal reporter who worked on an investigative piece about Derwick Associates in July 2014."

Waaaaaaaaaaay more at link:

Trump Dossier Firm Are ‘Highly Paid Smear Experts,’ Human Rights Activist Will Tell Senate
For him it wasn't golden showers. Just made him out to be a pedophile and a drug addict.

SO what do you call it when a bunch of rich powerful guys go to a party where teenage girls are employed to give blowjobs? :dunno:
i should qualify the question... make that creepy old rich guys and 15 year old girls.
Obama's Director of the FBI was paying a foreign agent for 'political dirt' that was being generated by a go-between source for the Russian Govt.

Funny, I must have missed that in the FBI's job description, duties, and responsibilities....
The only people talking about "Trump's dossier" are the Trumpflakes. It's one of the many deflections they have in their dossier of deflections. Nobody else cares about it.

Fusion GPS, of course, was initially funded by ... Republicans. Oops. Republicans always leave that part out.

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