Trump's first war? All options are on the table as the U.S. and North Korea prepare for the 2nd WW

(Reported By Michael Snyder) This may be the closest that we have been to war with North Korea since the original Korean War ended in 1953. The North Koreans are feverishly working to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles that could strike the U.S. mainland, and meanwhile Donald Trump has not moved from his position that North Korea will simply not be allowed to have ICBMs. If North Korea does not blink, it means that we are literally counting down the days until we go to war. Unfortunately, North

Trump’s First War? ‘All Options Are On The Table’ As The U.S. And North Korea Prepare For The Second Korean War

More war games on Korea ................What will little chubs do maybe his dementia is getting worse. causing him to act like a fruit cake as he plays a dangerous game.

It won't be North Korea.

Firstly because China WILL get involved. Rule one of understanding North Korea. China does NOT want the US on their border. It's that simple. China will NOT allow the US to invade China. The US cannot hope to win a war against China in North Korea. In the 1950s against massively weak Chinese troops the US didn't win. China has changed a lot since then.
China would never get directly involved in a conflict between the US and NK. If the US brought its entire might against the Chinese we would crush them. China hasn't fought a real war in decades while the US has been in constant warfare for awhile now.
Don't under estimate the Chinese. While our kids are growing up playing stupid video games and sitting on their asses in mommie's basement, their kids are still in school learning. The worst thing that can happen is China warring with the USA. We are weak now, thanks to Obama. We need to build up our military before taking them on, which I hope never happens. It will be a disaster...for them...and for us.

Weak because of Obama.... what?
Readiness and man power took some big hits under his administration.
(Reported By Michael Snyder) This may be the closest that we have been to war with North Korea since the original Korean War ended in 1953. The North Koreans are feverishly working to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles that could strike the U.S. mainland, and meanwhile Donald Trump has not moved from his position that North Korea will simply not be allowed to have ICBMs. If North Korea does not blink, it means that we are literally counting down the days until we go to war. Unfortunately, North

Trump’s First War? ‘All Options Are On The Table’ As The U.S. And North Korea Prepare For The Second Korean War

More war games on Korea ................What will little chubs do maybe his dementia is getting worse. causing him to act like a fruit cake as he plays a dangerous game.
You voted for it, asshole
(Reported By Michael Snyder) This may be the closest that we have been to war with North Korea since the original Korean War ended in 1953. The North Koreans are feverishly working to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles that could strike the U.S. mainland, and meanwhile Donald Trump has not moved from his position that North Korea will simply not be allowed to have ICBMs. If North Korea does not blink, it means that we are literally counting down the days until we go to war. Unfortunately, North

Trump’s First War? ‘All Options Are On The Table’ As The U.S. And North Korea Prepare For The Second Korean War

More war games on Korea ................What will little chubs do maybe his dementia is getting worse. causing him to act like a fruit cake as he plays a dangerous game.

It won't be North Korea.

Firstly because China WILL get involved. Rule one of understanding North Korea. China does NOT want the US on their border. It's that simple. China will NOT allow the US to invade China. The US cannot hope to win a war against China in North Korea. In the 1950s against massively weak Chinese troops the US didn't win. China has changed a lot since then.
China would never get directly involved in a conflict between the US and NK. If the US brought its entire might against the Chinese we would crush them. China hasn't fought a real war in decades while the US has been in constant warfare for awhile now.

Firstly China would put so much pressure on it not to happen. The US would try and get justification in the UN, but China would block everything. Would the US then go to war without this justification? Probably not. China would also probably threaten the US and say it would go to war on North Korea's side. Would the US public go for that?

No, it won't happen for that reason.
If NK becomes an eminent threat to our allies in SK and Japan I would be pissed if the our Government worries about what the worthless UN thinks. Not to mention we have over 75,000 Troops in both countries their lives are at stake as well.

But then would they worry about what a nuclear power like China thinks? Sure they would. And that's the point here. China has a permanent veto at UN.

But have you read the Powell doctrine? You'll see what the US thinks has to happen before war.

  1. Is a vital national security interest threatened?
  2. Do we have a clear attainable objective?
  3. Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
  4. Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
  5. Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?
  6. Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?
  7. Is the action supported by the American people?
  8. Do we have genuine broad international support?

1) Would taking out North Korea be in the National Security interest? Well only if the US feels that NK would use their nukes. That's a hard one. Having nukes doesn't mean you'll lose them.
2) Clear objective? That's hard too. Because with China there, what would the US's objective be? Reunification would not be allowed to happen. Taking out a leader and replacing them with a democratic leader? Well China would object.
3) Costs. How much would it cost? You'd have the post war reconstruction effort, and I doubt that South Korea or China would allow it to happen if the US wasn't willing to reconstruct much better than they did in Iraq, and without a plan of action before.
4) Well, have all non-violent means been fully exhausted? Well this is only if there's a big threat of nukes and only that.
5) Exit strategy? Again, a hard one seeing the reconstruction effort. If China threatens to get involved then the potential for getting out quickly is lost.
6) Have the consequences been fully considered? Well Iraq wasn't so chances are any other attack wouldn't be either.
7) this is the big one. Yes the media already demonize North Korea, but if China were to get on board, it would make a lot of people reconsider.
8) International support? No, China and Russia will NOT be supporting this.
(Reported By Michael Snyder) This may be the closest that we have been to war with North Korea since the original Korean War ended in 1953. The North Koreans are feverishly working to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles that could strike the U.S. mainland, and meanwhile Donald Trump has not moved from his position that North Korea will simply not be allowed to have ICBMs. If North Korea does not blink, it means that we are literally counting down the days until we go to war. Unfortunately, North

Trump’s First War? ‘All Options Are On The Table’ As The U.S. And North Korea Prepare For The Second Korean War

More war games on Korea ................What will little chubs do maybe his dementia is getting worse. causing him to act like a fruit cake as he plays a dangerous game.

It won't be North Korea.

Firstly because China WILL get involved. Rule one of understanding North Korea. China does NOT want the US on their border. It's that simple. China will NOT allow the US to invade China. The US cannot hope to win a war against China in North Korea. In the 1950s against massively weak Chinese troops the US didn't win. China has changed a lot since then.
China would never get directly involved in a conflict between the US and NK. If the US brought its entire might against the Chinese we would crush them. China hasn't fought a real war in decades while the US has been in constant warfare for awhile now.
Don't under estimate the Chinese. While our kids are growing up playing stupid video games and sitting on their asses in mommie's basement, their kids are still in school learning. The worst thing that can happen is China warring with the USA. We are weak now, thanks to Obama. We need to build up our military before taking them on, which I hope never happens. It will be a disaster...for them...and for us.

Weak because of Obama.... what?
Readiness and man power took some big hits under his administration.

Well, hardly surprising after what Bush did. But still military spending is massively high compared to any other country.
It won't be North Korea.

Firstly because China WILL get involved. Rule one of understanding North Korea. China does NOT want the US on their border. It's that simple. China will NOT allow the US to invade China. The US cannot hope to win a war against China in North Korea. In the 1950s against massively weak Chinese troops the US didn't win. China has changed a lot since then.
China would never get directly involved in a conflict between the US and NK. If the US brought its entire might against the Chinese we would crush them. China hasn't fought a real war in decades while the US has been in constant warfare for awhile now.
Don't under estimate the Chinese. While our kids are growing up playing stupid video games and sitting on their asses in mommie's basement, their kids are still in school learning. The worst thing that can happen is China warring with the USA. We are weak now, thanks to Obama. We need to build up our military before taking them on, which I hope never happens. It will be a disaster...for them...and for us.

Weak because of Obama.... what?
Readiness and man power took some big hits under his administration.

Well, hardly surprising after what Bush did. But still military spending is massively high compared to any other country.
What ? Bush did not order drawdowns.
Since their missiles can hit our west coast, fuck it!
Let 'em nuke California. Then we have the excuse to nuke them into oblivion in response and then we've killed two birds with one stone.

Their missiles can hit the US, but they can't get nukes onto those missiles.

Also, there's a trend among enemies of the US to try and get nukes to stop things like Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan happening to them. The US doesn't want countries it can invade to get nukes, because it'll be scared of invading them....
Would you just prefer North Korea to pepper Honolulu with ICBMs?

Get back to us when North Korea is capable of firing a nuclear armed ICBM to accurately hit a small island 7500 km away. Because even if they could, it would pale in comparison to the millions that would die in a large scale artillery barrage on Seoul, as well as fighting along the DMZ and eventually Pyongyang.
That's what they are trying to develop. Go back and read.

Maybec Iran will help them.
The little pervert is getting all the nuclear technology from Iran.
NK is in fact Iran's nuclear bomb testing ground.

One MOAB dropped from 60K feet right on top of the little pervert's head and NK's military will literally stand at attention and starve to death in a week.
NO ONE, including the thousands of NK 'Generals' takes a leak without the personal OK from the Pervert.
These Generals won't DARE make ANY decisions for fear the Pervert is really still alive and just testing their loyalty.
That's how fucking mentally ill these 'Rev. Jim Jones' zombies are.

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