Trump's foreign policy makes Obama look like an amateur

Here is the Democrat party Foreign policy. Because Castro DEMANDED it... the (child)refugee that Billy Clinton and Janet the thug Reno ripped from the arms of their relatives after he survived his mother dying on the way over. How anyone supports the liar and hypocrites in that Democrat party

but then beat the rest of you over the head if you don't (take all them poor fighting aged men and their Families so called, Refugees) now invading other country's Including OURS because of that party's FOREIGN POLICIES.
Pelosi giving away the people house for stacking the deck from their( FOREIGN POLICIES) against us LEGAL citizens for: , $$$$$$, cheap labor, takes JOBS away from the 94million out of work NOW and VOTES. selling out the rest of us in the country
I thought you were for undocumented child immigrants being sent back to their parents.

Trump doesn't have a foreign policy.

Here is the Democrat party Foreign policy. Because Castro DEMANDED it... the (child)refugee that Billy Clinton and Janet the thug Reno ripped from the arms of their relatives after he survived his mother dying on the way over. How anyone supports the liar and hypocrites in that Democrat party

but then beat the rest of you over the head if you don't (take all them poor fighting aged men and their Families so called, Refugees) now invading other country's Including OURS because of that party's FOREIGN POLICIES.
Pelosi giving away the people house for stacking the deck from their( FOREIGN POLICIES) against us LEGAL citizens for: , $$$$$$, cheap labor, takes JOBS away from the 94million out of work NOW and VOTES. selling out the rest of us in the country
I thought you were for undocumented child immigrants being sent back to their parents.

Trump doesn't have a foreign policy.


Actually, he seems to have many different foreign policies on any issue that can possibly arise. LOL I think he does so to prevent anyone from pointing out his policy de jour is stupid.

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