Trump’s gain of the black voting block in several key swing states stuns the CNN broadcasters


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

“Twenty-two percent of black voters behind Trump. That is not seen in the modern era for a Republican frontrunner, right? I mean, wow,” Harlow said.

“It’s startling,” CNN analyst Natasha Alford responded. “I looked at the Democratic response, Kevin Munoz, the spokesman for Biden, and this idea that, you know, we have a year. We can turn things around.”

You can only lie to people about their situation for so long. People know how much money they have and how much things cost.

The economy and the border. Biden completely blew it on these issues.

“Twenty-two percent of black voters behind Trump. That is not seen in the modern era for a Republican frontrunner, right? I mean, wow,” Harlow said.

“It’s startling,” CNN analyst Natasha Alford responded. “I looked at the Democratic response, Kevin Munoz, the spokesman for Biden, and this idea that, you know, we have a year. We can turn things around.”

You can only lie to people about their situation for so long. People know how much money they have and how much things cost.

The economy and the border. Biden completely blew it on these issues.

Plus blacks have respect for a man being unjustly persecuted by the law.
Trump lost 3 million jobs
Biden added over 14 million
Your lies aren’t working on the poor anymore.

13 millions jobs were lost due to COVID shutdowns mandated largely by Dem governors. Those people returning to their jobs is not “creating jobs”.

People needing to work two or more jobs to pay for sky high inflation isn’t a good thing either.

All these people know times were a lot better under President Trump.
It's not going to be just a Trump election, it's going to be across the board.

Yeah, I know how the dimocrap cheat-machine will be running at full speed (as usual) but it's going to affect the Senate and the House in a big, big way.

Twice as many dimocrap scum Senators are facing a hostile re-election bid as Republicans.

I predict we take the Presidency, the house and the Senate. With the possibility of super-majorities in both the House and the Senate.

It's gonna be THAT bad.
Your lies aren’t working on the poor anymore.

13 millions jobs were lost due to COVID shutdowns mandated largely by Dem governors. Those people returning to their jobs is not “creating jobs”.

People needing to work two or more jobs to pay for sky high inflation isn’t a good thing either.

All these people know times were a lot better under President Trump.

Not even debatable
The Democrat scum hated the fact that Trump was the best President of modern times that made America great again and that made Queer Barry and Crooked Hillary look like turds.

The Democrat coup against Trump with that Russia bullshit failed.

The Democrat hate to get Trump impeached twice failed.

The Democrats did manage to steal the 2020 election with fraudulent ballots and now Potatohead, the biggest idiot on the planet, is President.

We will see if their plan to falsely accuse him of crimes works. It probably won't.

If it doesn't they always have the old fallback plan to steal the 2024 election with more fraudulent ballots.

“Twenty-two percent of black voters behind Trump. That is not seen in the modern era for a Republican frontrunner, right? I mean, wow,” Harlow said.

“It’s startling,” CNN analyst Natasha Alford responded. “I looked at the Democratic response, Kevin Munoz, the spokesman for Biden, and this idea that, you know, we have a year. We can turn things around.”

You can only lie to people about their situation for so long. People know how much money they have and how much things cost.

The economy and the border. Biden completely blew it on these issues.
A poll is only a snapshot in time, but what a snapshot it is! Nobody would have believed this a year ago, which proves that the Lefts gaslighting is failing for the 1st time in forever.
Your lies aren’t working on the poor anymore.

13 millions jobs were lost due to COVID shutdowns mandated largely by Dem governors. Those people returning to their jobs is not “creating jobs”.

People needing to work two or more jobs to pay for sky high inflation isn’t a good thing either.

All these people know times were a lot better under President Trump.
not to mention a lot of these jobs are worthless goobermint jobs that cost us in our
Trump lost 3 million jobs
Biden added over 14 million
Manipulating the stats to make yourself feel better doesn’t change what people are experiencing. The family who’s struggling to feed their kids or keep a roof over their head doesn’t give a shit about them.
It's not going to be just a Trump election, it's going to be across the board.

Yeah, I know how the dimocrap cheat-machine will be running at full speed (as usual) but it's going to affect the Senate and the House in a big, big way.

Twice as many dimocrap scum Senators are facing a hostile re-election bid as Republicans.

I predict we take the Presidency, the house and the Senate. With the possibility of super-majorities in both the House and the Senate.

It's gonna be THAT bad.
And when you don't you can simply say "stolen election". Derp derp.

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