Trump's Ice Director says Families separated in Deportation can 'Voluntarily' reunify by Leaving US!

I am seeing poor homeless Americans living in conditions that make ICE detention camps look like bloody club med.
Why all the phony concern for wet backs? They had a choice to immigrate legally. They aren't entitled to immigrate here without following immigration laws.Our poor homeless don't get a choice. Being THAT THIS IS still a democracy, nobody actually got to vote for giving sanctuary to illegal aliens. Seems downright unconstitutional if not downright illegal. Seems like foreign collusion, even.
The US homeless population and undocumented migrants are victims of the same economic forces. In my neighborhood, rents have exploded by 300% over the past twenty-five years at the same time NAFTA destroyed millions of family farms in Mexico. Who gets rich from that?

"'My Whole Town Practically Lived There' One Worker Says
A new investigation by the Washington Post has found that President Donald Trump’s prized golf course employed a literal village of undocumented immigrants from Costa Rica."
Trump’s Prized NJ Golf Course Employed Enough Undocumented Immigrants to Literally Fill an Entire Town
let me ask you a question open border Liberals

lets say you have a neighbor knock at your door and ask if they can live with you the living conditions at their house they just cant stand it any longer
so you show them pity invite them in and say they can stay
then they complain about the bed you provide them to sleep on the food you provide for them to eat
would you stand for it would continue to allow them to stay?

Dude you won't get a straight answer from those morons.
let me ask you a question open border Liberals

lets say you have a neighbor knock at your door and ask if they can live with you the living conditions at their house they just cant stand it any longer
so you show them pity invite them in and say they can stay
then they complain about the bed you provide them to sleep on the food you provide for them to eat
would you stand for it would continue to allow them to stay?

Dude you won't get a straight answer from those morons.

The liberals are the "grateful" guests of the example.
How many productive workers can you deport without crashing the US economy?

Here’s What’ll Happen to the Economy if We Deport Undocumented Immigrants

"With the U.S. Census Bureau estimating the population to be close to 319 million people, the issue focuses on a very small segment, 3.5%, of the entire U.S. population.

"According to a 2017 Pew Research Center study, there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States in 2014 and 71%, or 8 million of those 11.3 million, participating in the U.S. labor force.

"This is a significantly higher percentage than the U.S. population participation rate of 49% in 2014, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates."
I will tell you what would happen if we deport all that cheap labor
wages would increase companies would be required to raise wages to attract citizens to do those jobs that cheap illegal labor once performed
yes some prices will increase but aren't you willing to pay slightly more so American citizens can earn a living wage
I will tell you what would happen if we deport all that cheap labor
wages would increase companies would be required to raise wages to attract citizens to do those jobs that cheap illegal labor once performed
yes some prices will increase but aren't you willing to pay slightly more so American citizens can earn a living wage
Have you ever done farm labor?
I have, and I find it almost inconceivable US citizens would toil 12-16 hours a day, six days a week (or more) often for less than minimum wage and no overtime pay. There's also a loss from local spending revenue stemming from displaced immigrants.

"If non-working American citizens or legal immigrants fill the jobs void at the current wage rate, prices in these industries would remain relatively constant, and the switch from undocumented immigrants to legal taxpayers could boost U.S. tax revenues.

"However, even as those new workers help to spur the economy, the U.S. would lose the spending revenue generated by those undocumented immigrants who had been deported, since the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are working and spending their incomes."

Here’s What’ll Happen to the Economy if We Deport Undocumented Immigrants

Your personal THEORY is plugs right into your false narrative...but the facts are getting in the way. (see below)
Further, don’t we want shit jobs reserved for our own shit citizens...such as blood sucking negroes, legal beaners and white trash?
How many productive workers can you deport without crashing the US economy?

Here’s What’ll Happen to the Economy if We Deport Undocumented Immigrants

"With the U.S. Census Bureau estimating the population to be close to 319 million people, the issue focuses on a very small segment, 3.5%, of the entire U.S. population.

"According to a 2017 Pew Research Center study, there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States in 2014 and 71%, or 8 million of those 11.3 million, participating in the U.S. labor force.

"This is a significantly higher percentage than the U.S. population participation rate of 49% in 2014, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates."
I will tell you what would happen if we deport all that cheap labor
wages would increase companies would be required to raise wages to attract citizens to do those jobs that cheap illegal labor once performed
yes some prices will increase but aren't you willing to pay slightly more so American citizens can earn a living wage
I will tell you what would happen if we deport all that cheap labor
wages would increase companies would be required to raise wages to attract citizens to do those jobs that cheap illegal labor once performed
yes some prices will increase but aren't you willing to pay slightly more so American citizens can earn a living wage
Have you ever done farm labor?
I have, and I find it almost inconceivable US citizens would toil 12-16 hours a day, six days a week (or more) often for less than minimum wage and no overtime pay. There's also a loss from local spending revenue stemming from displaced immigrants.

"If non-working American citizens or legal immigrants fill the jobs void at the current wage rate, prices in these industries would remain relatively constant, and the switch from undocumented immigrants to legal taxpayers could boost U.S. tax revenues.

"However, even as those new workers help to spur the economy, the U.S. would lose the spending revenue generated by those undocumented immigrants who had been deported, since the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are working and spending their incomes."

Here’s What’ll Happen to the Economy if We Deport Undocumented Immigrants

What would ask?
Higher wages
Improved public education
Improved healthcare
Shorter wait times in ER’s
Faster response times from first responders
Fewer incarcerated
Fewer on welfare
Less traffic
Fewer drunk drivers on our roadways
Less rape and murder
Less spent on infrastructure
Less trash lining our roadways
Fewer shitty diapers in Walmart parking lots
Less pit bulls being abused
Etc etc
Fuck, that all sounds terrible doesn’t it?
Are you degenerates suddenly all about money and GDP?
How many productive workers can you deport without crashing the US economy?

Here’s What’ll Happen to the Economy if We Deport Undocumented Immigrants

"With the U.S. Census Bureau estimating the population to be close to 319 million people, the issue focuses on a very small segment, 3.5%, of the entire U.S. population.

"According to a 2017 Pew Research Center study, there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States in 2014 and 71%, or 8 million of those 11.3 million, participating in the U.S. labor force.

"This is a significantly higher percentage than the U.S. population participation rate of 49% in 2014, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates."
I will tell you what would happen if we deport all that cheap labor
wages would increase companies would be required to raise wages to attract citizens to do those jobs those illegal labor once performed
yes some prices will increase but aren't you willing to pay slightly more so American citizens can earn a living wage
George is one of those folks who think people being dependent of government is a good thing.
George is one of those folks who think people being dependent of government is a good thing
daveman imagines we are all still living on the American frontier.

How does a society advance from the innermost (wild-wild west) ppf to where we live today WITHOUT government? Specifically, who guarantees the "integrity" of the currency?
I am seeing poor homeless Americans living in conditions that make ICE detention camps look like bloody club med.
Why all the phony concern for wet backs? They had a choice to immigrate legally. They aren't entitled to immigrate here without following immigration laws.Our poor homeless don't get a choice. Being THAT THIS IS still a democracy, nobody actually got to vote for giving sanctuary to illegal aliens. Seems downright unconstitutional if not downright illegal. Seems like foreign collusion, even.
The US homeless population and undocumented migrants are victims of the same economic forces. In my neighborhood, rents have exploded by 300% over the past twenty-five years at the same time NAFTA destroyed millions of family farms in Mexico. Who gets rich from that?

"'My Whole Town Practically Lived There' One Worker Says
A new investigation by the Washington Post has found that President Donald Trump’s prized golf course employed a literal village of undocumented immigrants from Costa Rica."
Trump’s Prized NJ Golf Course Employed Enough Undocumented Immigrants to Literally Fill an Entire Town
I don't know what we OWE to people that immigrate illegally here anything. Let alone give THEM sanctuary cities without say-so of the local populace. The fact nobody actually voted for sanctuary cities in itself speaks of inequalities and unconstitutional nature of this situation. My great grandparents immigrated legally, so can all Latinos. They didn't get a free pass. Nope. My grand parents fled pogroms and persecutions and they never got this level of special treatment. Just Latinos. How do they rate?
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How many productive workers can you deport without crashing the US economy?

Here’s What’ll Happen to the Economy if We Deport Undocumented Immigrants

"With the U.S. Census Bureau estimating the population to be close to 319 million people, the issue focuses on a very small segment, 3.5%, of the entire U.S. population.

"According to a 2017 Pew Research Center study, there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States in 2014 and 71%, or 8 million of those 11.3 million, participating in the U.S. labor force.

"This is a significantly higher percentage than the U.S. population participation rate of 49% in 2014, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates."
I will tell you what would happen if we deport all that cheap labor
wages would increase companies would be required to raise wages to attract citizens to do those jobs that cheap illegal labor once performed
yes some prices will increase but aren't you willing to pay slightly more so American citizens can earn a living wage
I will tell you what would happen if we deport all that cheap labor
wages would increase companies would be required to raise wages to attract citizens to do those jobs that cheap illegal labor once performed
yes some prices will increase but aren't you willing to pay slightly more so American citizens can earn a living wage
Have you ever done farm labor?
I have, and I find it almost inconceivable US citizens would toil 12-16 hours a day, six days a week (or more) often for less than minimum wage and no overtime pay. There's also a loss from local spending revenue stemming from displaced immigrants.

"If non-working American citizens or legal immigrants fill the jobs void at the current wage rate, prices in these industries would remain relatively constant, and the switch from undocumented immigrants to legal taxpayers could boost U.S. tax revenues.

"However, even as those new workers help to spur the economy, the U.S. would lose the spending revenue generated by those undocumented immigrants who had been deported, since the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are working and spending their incomes."

Here’s What’ll Happen to the Economy if We Deport Undocumented Immigrants

Your personal THEORY is plugs right into your false narrative...but the facts are getting in the way. (see below)
Further, don’t we want shit jobs reserved for our own shit citizens...such as blood sucking negroes, legal beaners and white trash?
Further, don’t we want shit jobs reserved for our own shit citizens...such as blood sucking negroes, legal beaners and white trash?

Trump’s Prized NJ Golf Course Employed Enough Undocumented Immigrants to Literally Fill an Entire Town
Latinos are above immigration law? They don't have to follow the laws? And, like the golden children they are, they get special status and sanctuary from laws that everyone else that ever immigrated here before.. Well, let me guess; since we outlawed slavery, it's OK to exploit people, than legitimize exploiting them because (cynically laugh) its "Humanitarian"? And then ignore and dehumanize American jobless poor living in the streets because...they are crap?...this is what liberals do. Reminds me of the old Monty python skit. Contrarians to the end.

Voluntarily' Leave Us


ICE aint coming to get you -

I support ICE. Enforcing fair and reasonable immigration laws that generations past followed. Latinos aren't above the law. And they aren't entitled to violate immigration law. Just because they are the slave worker class the rich white elitists want to exploit, doesn't make them above immigration law. Anybody remember democratic principals? Anybody remember when WE voted to make their city a sanctuary for illegal aliens? Anybody? Did that ever happen?
I am seeing poor homeless Americans living in conditions that make ICE detention camps look like bloody club med.
Why all the phony concern for wet backs? They had a choice to immigrate legally. They aren't entitled to immigrate here without following immigration laws.Our poor homeless don't get a choice. Being THAT THIS IS still a democracy, nobody actually got to vote for giving sanctuary to illegal aliens. Seems downright unconstitutional if not downright illegal. Seems like foreign collusion, even.
The US homeless population and undocumented migrants are victims of the same economic forces. In my neighborhood, rents have exploded by 300% over the past twenty-five years at the same time NAFTA destroyed millions of family farms in Mexico. Who gets rich from that?

"'My Whole Town Practically Lived There' One Worker Says
A new investigation by the Washington Post has found that President Donald Trump’s prized golf course employed a literal village of undocumented immigrants from Costa Rica."
Trump’s Prized NJ Golf Course Employed Enough Undocumented Immigrants to Literally Fill an Entire Town
I don't know what we OWE to people that immigrate illegally here anything. Let alone give THEM sanctuary cities without say-so of the local populace. The fact nobody actually voted for sanctuary cities in itself speaks of inequalities and unconstitutional nature of this situation. My great grandparents immigrated legally, so can all Latinos. They didn't get a free pass. Nope. My grand parents fled pogroms and persecutions and they never got this level of special treatment. Just Latinos. How do they rate?
My great grandparents immigrated legally, so can all Latinos. They didn't get a free pass. Nope. My grand parents fled pogroms and persecutions and they never got this level of special treatment. Just Latinos. How do they rate?
If your ancestors had white skins, they would have found immigration to the US a much easier task than those with darker complexions. White supremacy has been the driving force in this country since it was founded, and Trump has tapped into that like no POTUS before him.
How many productive workers can you deport without crashing the US economy?

Here’s What’ll Happen to the Economy if We Deport Undocumented Immigrants

"With the U.S. Census Bureau estimating the population to be close to 319 million people, the issue focuses on a very small segment, 3.5%, of the entire U.S. population.

"According to a 2017 Pew Research Center study, there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States in 2014 and 71%, or 8 million of those 11.3 million, participating in the U.S. labor force.

"This is a significantly higher percentage than the U.S. population participation rate of 49% in 2014, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates."
All of them

Especially if we get rid of welfare
migrants are victims of the same economic forces. In my neighborhood, rents have exploded by 300% over the past twenty-five years at the same time NAFTA destroyed millions of family farms in Mexico. Who gets rich from that?
"'My Whole Town Practically Lived There' One Worker Says
A new investigation by the Washington Post has found that President Donald Trump’s prized golf course employed a literal village of undocumented immigrants from Costa Rica."
Trump’s Prized NJ Golf Course Employed Enough Undocumented Immigrants to Literally Fill an Entire Town

I don't know what we OWE to people that immigrate illegally here anything. Let alone give THEM sanctuary cities without say-so of the local populace. The fact nobody actually voted for sanctuary cities in itself speaks of inequalities and unconstitutional nature of this situation. My great grandparents immigrated legally, so can all Latinos. They didn't get a free pass. Nope. My grand parents fled pogroms and persecutions and they never got this level of special treatment. Just Latinos. How do they rate?[/QUOTE]
My great grandparents immigrated legally, so can all Latinos. They didn't get a free pass. Nope. My grand parents fled pogroms and persecutions and they never got this level of special treatment. Just Latinos. How do they rate?
If your ancestors had white skins, they would have found immigration to the US a much easier task than those with darker complexions. White supremacy has been the driving force in this country since it was founded, and Trump has tapped into that like no POTUS before him.[/QUOTE]
Immigration status doesn't have anything to do with your melanin level. My Yiddish sorta eastern European great grand parents of undesirable linage fled pogroms and oppression. Surprisingly they did so, legally . They didn't get sanctuary. 80 years or so in the past. Nope. Didn't ask for special treatment, it never happened. So why are Hispanics so darned special? I may have missing something.
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My take on this illegal immigration issue.


The last line in the speech at the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty, October 28, 1886
Only a racist would advocate open borders but not allow their invited guests to share their tables and beds.
Immigrants are to illegal aliens as to what truth is to a lie. What beauty is to excrement. My great grand parents immigrated legally. And they learned English, and we moved on. They deserved sanctuary, but they never demanded it and they never got it. Nope, they just applied for and received immigration status. But Mexican illegals skirting immigration laws? Not in a bazillion years the same thing. And THEY get sanctuary from federal immigration laws despite the fact it's not on any referendum, they have become the special children and get special status NOBODY got to vote for. Apparently, this is how democracy works now.
How many productive workers can you deport without crashing the US economy?

Here’s What’ll Happen to the Economy if We Deport Undocumented Immigrants

"With the U.S. Census Bureau estimating the population to be close to 319 million people, the issue focuses on a very small segment, 3.5%, of the entire U.S. population.

"According to a 2017 Pew Research Center study, there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States in 2014 and 71%, or 8 million of those 11.3 million, participating in the U.S. labor force.

"This is a significantly higher percentage than the U.S. population participation rate of 49% in 2014, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates."
All of them

Especially if we get rid of welfare
All of them

Especially if we get rid of welfare
Starting with welfare for rich Wall Street banks.

Trump offers socialism for the rich, capitalism for everyone else | Robert Reich

"In the conservative mind, socialism means getting something for doing nothing.

"That pretty much describes the $21bn saved by the nation’s largest banks last year thanks to Trump’s tax cuts, some of which went into massive bonuses for bank executives.

"On the other hand, more than 4,000 lower-level bank employees got a big dose of harsh capitalism.

"They lost their jobs.

"Banks that are too big to fail – courtesy of the 2008 bank bailout – enjoy a hidden subsidy of some $83bn a year, because creditors facing less risk accept lower interest on deposits and loans.

"Last year, Wall Street’s bonus pool was $31.4bn.

"Take away the hidden subsidy and the bonus pool disappears."

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