Trump’s Immigration Plan Is Worthy, But Needs Work

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
John Zmirak President Trump’s new immigration plan isn’t perfect. Nothing is, under the sun. Furthermore, since the Democrats have ceased to be a patriotic, mainstream party, the plan is “dead in the water,” legislatively speaking. We are no longer dealing with the likes of Hubert Humphrey, Jimmy Carter, or even George McGovern — all patriots after their fashion.

The Democrats, almost to a man, are ideologues and in a real sense foreign agents. They pursue the interests of another nation entirely. Not this America, which actually exists. Or these Americans, who are in fact their fellow citizens. Both are tainted with a guilt that’s irredeemable. It’s a crime that their forebears ever landed on this continent. Their monuments must be bulldozed, starting with the Confederates and ending with the Founders, and even the explorers. Their peoples must be replaced, as quickly as possible, with “indigenous” immigrants from south of the border. (Never mind that those people’s ancestors never lived this far north either — they look vaguely similar, and that’s good enough for half-educated zealots.)

You can’t make deals with people who want to liquidate your nation and replace it with something radically different. Whatever petty concessions you wring out of them will be dwarfed by the squalor of your surrenders. Your very names will become epithets of contempt. Like “Quisling.”

The French who foolishly chose to negotiate with the Germans in 1940 learned very quickly: You can’t make deals with people who want to liquidate your nation and replace it with something radically different. Whatever petty concessions you wring out of them will be dwarfed by the squalor of your surrenders. Your very names will become epithets of contempt. Like “Quisling,” the name of a Norwegian who thought it pragmatic to work with the conquering Germans. We now use it as a synonym for “traitor.” Back in 2003, I labelled the surrender-happy faction of the GOP the “Vichy-Cons.” They prefer the term “NeverTrump,” however.

So we won’t be making any immigration deal with the Democrats. And President Trump knows it. When when he issues a plan that offers concessions to the left, it’s not because he expects Chuck Schumer to snap it up. It’s because Trump wants to be reasonable, and appeal to the general public. And in its broad outlines, Trump’s new plan is reasonable. It’s also a little vague on crucial points.

I’m not panicked about that. Because this isn’t a final action plan. It’s a first draft of a campaign document. Trump wants a platform on immigration that’s patriotic and sane, orderly and compassionate. He wants it to stand in contrast to the Democrats’ proposed “Give Away the Store and Flood Our Cities with MSM-13 Members (GASFOCMM) Act of 2019.” (I’m not sure if that’s on the House legislative docket yet, but give them time.)
The Stream ^ | 5/17/19 | John Zmirak

Trump is just going on the record with his plan which is wise. He knows it is DOA in Congress!

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